Example #1
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) executeQueryForSeries(database, series string, columns []string, query *parser.Query, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime()), common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetEndTime()))

	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(database, series, columns)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	prefixes := make([][]byte, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	iterators := make([]*levigo.Iterator, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	fieldNames := make([]string, len(fields))

	// start the iterators to go through the series data
	for i, field := range fields {
		fieldNames[i] = field.Name
		prefixes[i] = field.Id
		iterators[i] = self.db.NewIterator(self.readOptions)
		if query.Ascending {
			iterators[i].Seek(append(field.Id, startTimeBytes...))
		} else {
			iterators[i].Seek(append(append(field.Id, endTimeBytes...), MAX_SEQUENCE...))
			if iterators[i].Valid() {

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
	rawColumnValues := make([]*rawColumnValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	isValid := true

	limit := query.Limit
	if limit == 0 {

	resultByteCount := 0

	// TODO: clean up, this is super gnarly
	// optimize for the case where we're pulling back only a single column or aggregate
	for isValid {
		isValid = false
		latestTimeRaw := make([]byte, 8, 8)
		latestSequenceRaw := make([]byte, 8, 8)
		point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)}
		for i, it := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] == nil && it.Valid() {
				k := it.Key()
				if len(k) >= 16 {
					t := k[8:16]
					if bytes.Equal(k[:8], fields[i].Id) && bytes.Compare(t, startTimeBytes) > -1 && bytes.Compare(t, endTimeBytes) < 1 {
						v := it.Value()
						s := k[16:]
						rawColumnValues[i] = &rawColumnValue{time: t, sequence: s, value: v}
						timeCompare := bytes.Compare(t, latestTimeRaw)
						if timeCompare == 1 {
							latestTimeRaw = t
							latestSequenceRaw = s
						} else if timeCompare == 0 {
							if bytes.Compare(s, latestSequenceRaw) == 1 {
								latestSequenceRaw = s

		for i, iterator := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] != nil && bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].time, latestTimeRaw) && bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].sequence, latestSequenceRaw) {
				isValid = true
				if query.Ascending {
				} else {
				fv := &protocol.FieldValue{}
				err := proto.Unmarshal(rawColumnValues[i].value, fv)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				resultByteCount += len(rawColumnValues[i].value)
				point.Values[i] = fv
				var t uint64
				binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].time), binary.BigEndian, &t)
				time := self.convertUintTimestampToInt64(&t)
				var sequence uint64
				binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].sequence), binary.BigEndian, &sequence)
				seq32 := uint32(sequence)
				point.SequenceNumber = &seq32
				rawColumnValues[i] = nil
		if isValid {
			limit -= 1
			result.Points = append(result.Points, point)

			// add byte count for the timestamp and the sequence
			resultByteCount += 16

			// check if we should send the batch along
			if resultByteCount > MAX_SERIES_SIZE {
				filteredResult, _ := Filter(query, result)
				if err := yield(filteredResult); err != nil {
					return err
				resultByteCount = 0
				result = &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
		if limit < 1 {
	filteredResult, _ := Filter(query, result)
	if err := yield(filteredResult); err != nil {
		return err
	emptyResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: nil}
	return yield(emptyResult)
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) executeQueryForSeries(database, series string, columns []string, query *parser.Query, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime()), common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetEndTime()))

	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(database, series, columns)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	fieldNames, iterators := self.getIterators(fields, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, query.Ascending)

	// iterators :=

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
	rawColumnValues := make([]*rawColumnValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)

	limit := query.Limit
	if limit == 0 {

	resultByteCount := 0

	// TODO: clean up, this is super gnarly
	// optimize for the case where we're pulling back only a single column or aggregate
	for {
		isValid := false

		point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)}
		for i, it := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] != nil || !it.Valid() {

			key := it.Key()
			if len(key) < 16 {

			if !isPointInRange(fields[i].Id, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, key) {

			time := key[8:16]
			value := it.Value()
			sequenceNumber := key[16:]

			rawValue := &rawColumnValue{time: time, sequence: sequenceNumber, value: value}
			rawColumnValues[i] = rawValue

		var pointTimeRaw []byte
		var pointSequenceRaw []byte
		// choose the highest (or lowest in case of ascending queries) timestamp
		// and sequence number. that will become the timestamp and sequence of
		// the next point.
		for _, value := range rawColumnValues {
			if value == nil {

			pointTimeRaw, pointSequenceRaw = value.updatePointTimeAndSequence(pointTimeRaw,
				pointSequenceRaw, query.Ascending)

		for i, iterator := range iterators {
			// if the value is nil, or doesn't match the point's timestamp and sequence number
			// then skip it
			if rawColumnValues[i] == nil ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].time, pointTimeRaw) ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].sequence, pointSequenceRaw) {


			// if we emitted at lease one column, then we should keep
			// trying to get more points
			isValid = true

			// advance the iterator to read a new value in the next iteration
			if query.Ascending {
			} else {
			fv := &protocol.FieldValue{}
			err := proto.Unmarshal(rawColumnValues[i].value, fv)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			resultByteCount += len(rawColumnValues[i].value)
			point.Values[i] = fv
			var t uint64
			binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].time), binary.BigEndian, &t)
			time := self.convertUintTimestampToInt64(&t)
			var sequence uint64
			binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].sequence), binary.BigEndian, &sequence)
			seq32 := uint32(sequence)
			point.SequenceNumber = &seq32
			rawColumnValues[i] = nil

		// stop the loop if we ran out of points
		if !isValid {

		limit -= 1
		result.Points = append(result.Points, point)

		// add byte count for the timestamp and the sequence
		resultByteCount += 16

		// check if we should send the batch along
		if resultByteCount > MAX_SERIES_SIZE || limit < 1 {
			dropped, err := self.sendBatch(query, result, yield)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			limit += dropped
			resultByteCount = 0
			result = &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
		if limit < 1 {
	if _, err := self.sendBatch(query, result, yield); err != nil {
		return err
	emptyResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: nil}
	_, err = self.sendBatch(query, emptyResult, yield)
	return err