func showUsage() { info := usage.NewInfo("", "log-file") info.AddOption(ARG_NO_COLOR, "Disable colors in output") info.AddOption(ARG_DATE_FROM, "Time range start", "date") info.AddOption(ARG_DATE_TO, "Time range end", "date") info.AddOption(ARG_HELP, "Show this help message") info.AddOption(ARG_VER, "Show version") info.AddExample("/path/to/file.log", "Read log file") info.AddExample("file.log", "Try to find file.log in mockka logs directory") info.AddExample("file", "Try to find file.log in mockka logs directory") info.AddExample( "-f 2016/01/02 -t 2016/01/05 /path/to/file.log", "Read file and show only records between 2016/01/02 and 2016/01/05", ) info.AddExample( "-f \"2016/01/02 12:00\" /path/to/file.log", "Read file and show only records between 2016/01/02 12:00 and current moment", ) info.Render() }
func showUsage() { info := usage.NewInfo("") info.AddCommand(COMMAND_RUN, "Run mockka server") info.AddCommand(COMMAND_CHECK, "Check rule for problems", "mock-file") info.AddCommand(COMMAND_MAKE, "Create mock file from template", "mock-name") info.AddCommand(COMMAND_LIST, "Show list of exist rules", "service-name") info.AddOption(ARG_CONFIG, "Path to config file", "file") info.AddOption(ARG_PORT, "Overwrite port", fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", MIN_PORT, MAX_PORT)) info.AddOption(ARG_DAEMON, "Run server in daemon mode") info.AddOption(ARG_NO_COLOR, "Disable colors in output") info.AddOption(ARG_HELP, "Show this help message") info.AddOption(ARG_VER, "Show version") info.AddExample( "-c /path/to/mockka.conf run", "Run mockka server and use config /path/to/mockka.conf", ) info.AddExample( "make service1/test1", "Create file test1.mock for service service1.", ) info.AddExample( "check service1/test1", "Check rule file test1.mock for service service1", ) info.AddExample( "check service1/test1", "Check all rules of service service1", ) info.AddExample("list", "List all rules") info.AddExample("list service1", "List service1 rules") info.Render() }