Example #1
/* Emit a signal with the given parameters */
func Emit(signal Signal, params ...Object) {
	signalID := signal.id

	if registeredSlot[signalID] == nil {
		registeredSlot[signalID] = []SlotVal{}

	slots := registeredSlot[signalID]

	for _, slot := range slots {
		slottype := reflect.Value(slot).Type()
		paramlist := []reflect.Value{}
		/* Try to match number of parameters */
		if slottype.IsVariadic() {
			for _, param := range params {
				paramlist = append(paramlist, reflect.ValueOf(param))
		} else {
			for i := 0; i < slottype.NumIn(); i++ {
				paramlist = append(paramlist, reflect.ValueOf(params[i]))
		go func(slot SlotVal, paramlist []reflect.Value) {
			defer crashHandler("Fatal: Cannot call slot/function")
		}(slot, paramlist)
Example #2
// create one client instance
func (zt *ZooThrift) createClientFactory() (interface{}, error) {
	transportFactory := thrift.NewTFramedTransportFactory(thrift.NewTTransportFactory())
	protocolFactory := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
	address := zt.provider.Selector()
	if address != "" {
		transport, err := thrift.NewTSocket(address)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		useTransport := transportFactory.GetTransport(transport)
		client := reflect.ValueOf(zt.Service)
		mutable := client.Elem()
		if err := transport.Open(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return zt.Service, nil
	} else {
		return nil, ErrSerAddress
Example #3
func TypeOf(expr Sexp) SexpStr {
	v := ""
	switch e := expr.(type) {
	case SexpRaw:
		v = "raw"
	case *SexpArray:
		v = "array"
	case *SexpInt:
		v = "int64"
	case SexpStr:
		v = "string"
	case SexpChar:
		v = "char"
	case SexpFloat:
		v = "float64"
	case *SexpHash:
		v = e.TypeName
	case SexpPair:
		v = "list"
	case SexpSymbol:
		v = "symbol"
	case *SexpFunction:
		v = "func"
	case SexpSentinel:
		v = "nil"
	case SexpTime:
		v = "time.Time"
	case *RegisteredType:
		v = "regtype"
	case *SexpPointer:
		v = e.MyType.RegisteredName
	case SexpReflect:
		rt := expr.Type()
		if rt != nil {
			return SexpStr{S: rt.RegisteredName}
		//v = reflect.Value(e).Type().Name()
		//if v == "Ptr" {
		//	v = reflect.Value(e).Type().Elem().Kind().String()
		kind := reflect.Value(e).Type().Kind()
		if kind == reflect.Ptr {
			v = reflect.Value(e).Elem().Type().Name()
		} else {
			P("kind = %v", kind)
			v = "reflect.Value"
		fmt.Printf("\n error: unknown type: %T in '%#v'\n", e, e)
	return SexpStr{S: v}
Example #4
// Returns a printable interface{} which replaces constant expressions with their constants
func simplifyBinaryChildExpr(parent *BinaryExpr, expr, other Expr) interface{} {
	op := parent.Op()
	if expr.IsConst() {
		// This mess is due to automatic type conversions in binary expressions.
		// It will disappear once the AST is retyped as a first step
		v := expr.Const()
		eT := expr.KnownType()[0]

		oT := other.KnownType()
		if len(oT) == 1 {
			ct, eok := eT.(ConstType)
			if eok {
				// Separate case for shifts
				if op == token.SHL || op == token.SHR {
					// Don't touch the shifted operand
					if parent.X == expr {
						return expr
					} else if isUnsignedInt(eT) {
						c, _ := promoteConstToTyped(ct, constValue(expr.Const()), uintType, expr)
						return reflect.Value(c).Interface()
				} else if _, ook := oT[0].(ConstType); !ook {
					if eT == ConstNil {
						return "nil"
					c, _ := promoteConstToTyped(ct, constValue(expr.Const()), oT[0], expr)
					if reflect.Value(c).IsValid() {
						eT = oT[0]
						v = reflect.Value(c)
					} else if _, ok := eT.(ConstRuneType); ok {
						// For mismatched type errors
						eT = RuneType
		return sprintConstValue(eT, v, false)
	expr = skipSuperfluousParens(expr)
	if p, ok := expr.(*ParenExpr); ok {
		// Remove parens all together from 1 + (2 * 3)
		if b, ok := p.X.(*BinaryExpr); ok {
			op := b.Op()
			if op.Precedence() > op.Precedence() {
				return p.X
	return expr
Example #5
func checkArrayIndex(expr ast.Expr, env Env) (aexpr Expr, i int, ok bool, checkErrs []error) {
	aexpr, checkErrs = CheckExpr(expr, env)
	if !aexpr.IsConst() {
		return aexpr, 0, false, checkErrs
	t := aexpr.KnownType()[0]
	var ii int64
	if ct, ok := t.(ConstType); ok {
		c, moreErrs := promoteConstToTyped(ct, constValue(aexpr.Const()), intType, aexpr)
		if moreErrs != nil {
			checkErrs = append(checkErrs, moreErrs...)
		v := reflect.Value(c)
		if v.IsValid() {
			ii = v.Int()
		} else {
			return aexpr, 0, false, checkErrs
	} else {
		switch t.Kind() {
		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
			ii = aexpr.Const().Int()
		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
			ii = int64(aexpr.Const().Uint())
			return aexpr, 0, false, checkErrs
	// The limit of 2^31-1 is derived from the gc implementation,
	// which seems to use this definition whilst type checking.
	// The actual definition is the "largest value representable by an int"
	return aexpr, int(ii), 0 <= ii && ii <= 0x7fffffff, checkErrs
Example #6
// Eval a node and cast it to an int. expr must be a *ConstNumber or integral type
func evalInteger(expr Expr, env Env) (int, error) {
	if expr.IsConst() {
		x := expr.Const()
		if ct, ok := expr.KnownType()[0].(ConstType); ok {
			cx, _ := promoteConstToTyped(ct, constValue(x), intType, expr)
			return int(reflect.Value(cx).Int()), nil
		} else {
			panic(dytc("const bool or string evaluated as int"))
	} else {
		xs, err := EvalExpr(expr, env)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		x := xs[0]
		switch x.Type().Kind() {
		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
			return int(x.Int()), nil
		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
			return int(x.Uint()), nil
			panic(dytc("non-integral type evaluated as int"))
Example #7
func (s intSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
	v := reflect.Value(s)
	ii := v.Index(i).Uint()
	jj := v.Index(j).Uint()
Example #8
func parseInteger(v reflect.Value, b []byte) error {
	switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
		return &TypeError{TagInteger, v.Kind()}

	if len(b) > 8 {
		return errors.New("value does not fit in a int64")

	var n int64
	for i, v := range b {
		shift := uint((len(b) - i - 1) * 8)
		if i == 0 {
			if v&0x80 != 0 {
				n -= 0x80 << shift
				v &= 0x7f
		n += int64(v) << shift

	return nil
Example #9
func checkCompositeLitMap(ctx *Ctx, lit *CompositeLit, t reflect.Type, env *Env) (*CompositeLit, []error) {
	var errs, moreErrs []error

	kT := t.Key()

	// Don't check for duplicate interface{} keys. This is a gc bug
	// http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=7214
	var seen map[interface{}]bool
	if kT.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
		seen = make(map[interface{}]bool, len(lit.Elts))
	eltT := t.Elem()

	for i := range lit.Elts {
		if kv, ok := lit.Elts[i].(*ast.KeyValueExpr); !ok {
			lit.Elts[i], moreErrs = CheckExpr(ctx, lit.Elts[i], env)
			if moreErrs != nil {
				errs = append(errs, moreErrs...)
			errs = append(errs, ErrMissingMapKey{at(ctx, lit.Elts[i])})
		} else {
			lit.Elts[i] = &KeyValueExpr{KeyValueExpr: kv}
			k, ok, moreErrs := checkExprAssignableTo(ctx, kv.Key, kT, env)
			if !ok {
				if len(k.KnownType()) != 0 {
					kF := fakeCheckExpr(kv.Key, env)
					errs = append(errs, ErrBadMapKey{at(ctx, kF), kT})
			} else {
				errs = append(errs, moreErrs...)
			kv.Key = k

			if seen != nil && k.IsConst() {
				var constKey interface{}
				if k.KnownType()[0] == ConstNil {
					constKey = nil
				} else if cT, ok := k.KnownType()[0].(ConstType); ok {
					c, _ := promoteConstToTyped(ctx, cT, constValue(k.Const()),
						cT.DefaultPromotion(), k)
					constKey = reflect.Value(c).Interface()
				} else {
					constKey = k.Const().Interface()
				if seen[constKey] {
					errs = append(errs, ErrDuplicateMapKey{at(ctx, kv.Key)})
				seen[constKey] = true
			v, moreErrs := checkMapValue(ctx, kv.Value, eltT, env)
			if moreErrs != nil {
				errs = append(errs, moreErrs...)
			kv.Value = v
	return lit, errs
Example #10
func evalConstTypedBinaryExpr(binary *BinaryExpr, xexpr, yexpr Expr) (constValue, []error) {

	// These are known not to be ConstTypes
	xt := xexpr.KnownType()[0]
	yt := yexpr.KnownType()[0]
	op := binary.Op()

	// Check that the types are compatible, handling the special alias type for runes
	// For the sake of error messages, for expressions involving int32 and rune, the
	// resulting type is that of the left operand
	var zt reflect.Type
	if xt == yt {
		zt = xt
	} else if xt == RuneType && yt == RuneType.Type || xt == ByteType && yt == ByteType.Type {
		zt = RuneType
	} else if yt == RuneType && xt == RuneType.Type || yt == ByteType && yt == ByteType.Type {
		zt = xt
	} else {
		return constValue{}, []error{ErrInvalidBinaryOperation{binary}}

	x, xok := convertTypedToConstNumber(xexpr.Const())
	y, yok := convertTypedToConstNumber(yexpr.Const())

	if xok && yok {
		z, errs := evalConstBinaryNumericExpr(binary, x, y)
		if isBooleanOp(op) {
			return constValue(z), errs
		if errs != nil {
			if _, ok := errs[0].(ErrInvalidBinaryOperation); ok {
				// This happens if the operator is not defined on x and y
				return constValue(z), errs
		from := reflect.Value(z).Interface().(*ConstNumber).Type
		r, moreErrs := promoteConstToTyped(from, z, zt, binary)
		return constValue(r), append(errs, moreErrs...)
	} else if !xok && !yok {
		switch zt.Kind() {
		case reflect.String:
			xstring := xexpr.Const().String()
			ystring := yexpr.Const().String()
			z, errs := evalConstBinaryStringExpr(binary, xstring, ystring)
			if isBooleanOp(op) {
				return constValue(z), errs
			r, moreErrs := promoteConstToTyped(ConstString, z, zt, binary)
			return constValue(r), append(errs, moreErrs...)

		case reflect.Bool:
			xbool := xexpr.Const().Bool()
			ybool := yexpr.Const().Bool()
			z, errs := evalConstBinaryBoolExpr(binary, xbool, ybool)
			return constValue(z), errs
	panic("go-interactive: impossible")
Example #11
// TODO: document me
func GetByteArrayLen(v reflect.Value) (len int, ok bool) {
	switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
		aosv := reflect.Value(v)
		return aosv.Len(), true
Example #12
func (a structAdaptor) tagOf(key string) reflect.StructTag {
	v := reflect.Value(a)
	field, ok := v.Type().FieldByName(key)
	if ok {
		return field.Tag
	return ""
Example #13
func (r *SexpReflect) SexpString(ps *PrintState) string {
	Q("in SexpReflect.SexpString(indent); top; type = %T", r)
	if reflect.Value(r.Val).Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		iface := reflect.Value(r.Val).Interface()
		switch iface.(type) {
		case *string:
			return fmt.Sprintf("`%v`", reflect.Value(r.Val).Elem().Interface())
			return fmt.Sprintf("%v", reflect.Value(r.Val).Elem().Interface())
	iface := reflect.Value(r.Val).Interface()
	Q("in SexpReflect.SexpString(indent); type = %T", iface)
	switch iface.(type) {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface)
Example #14
func (a structAdaptor) keys() []string {
	v := reflect.Value(a)
	t := v.Type()
	keys := make([]string, t.NumField())
	for i := range keys {
		keys[i] = t.Field(i).Name
	return keys
Example #15
// For display purposes only, display untyped const nodes as they would be
// displayed as a typed const node.
func sprintUntypedConstAsTyped(expr Expr) string {
	if !expr.IsConst() {
		return expr.String()
	switch expr.KnownType()[0].(type) {
	case ConstRuneType:
		return sprintConstValue(RuneType, reflect.Value(expr.Const()), false)
		return expr.String()
Example #16
File: mod.go Project: Laller/chill
func (me Method) Call(ret_reciever interface{}, params ...interface{}) error {
	subj_in := []reflect.Value{}
	for _, v := range params {
		subj_in = append(subj_in, reflect.ValueOf(v))
	subj_out := reflect.Value(me).Call(subj_in)
	if ret_reciever != nil {
	return nil
Example #17
func (r *SexpReflect) Type() *RegisteredType {
	k := reflectName(reflect.Value(r.Val))
	Q("SexpReflect.Type() looking up type named '%s'", k)
	ty, ok := GoStructRegistry.Registry[k]
	if !ok {
		Q("SexpReflect.Type(): type named '%s' not found", k)
		return nil
	Q("SexpReflect.Type(): type named '%s' found as regtype '%v'", k, ty.SexpString(nil))
	return ty
Example #18
// TODO: document me
func GetByteArray(v reflect.Value) (arr []byte, ok bool) {
	switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
		aosv := reflect.Value(v)
		arr = make([]byte, aosv.Len())
		for i := 0; i < aosv.Len(); i++ {
			arr[i] = uint8(aosv.Index(i).Uint())
		return arr, true
Example #19
func (a arrayValue) String() string {
	v := reflect.Value(a.reflectValue)
	str := "["
	for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
		if i > 0 {
			str += ", "
		str1 := quoteString(refToVal(v.Index(i)))
		str += str1
	str += "]"
	return str
Example #20
File: mod.go Project: Laller/chill
func (i Instance) MethodNames() []string {
	t := reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value(i).Interface())
	names := []string{}
	num := t.NumMethod()
	for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
		mname := t.Method(i).Name
		r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(mname)
		if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
			names = append(names, mname)
	return names
Example #21
func NewPairSlice(I interface{}) PairSlice {
	V := reflect.ValueOf(I)
	keys := V.MapKeys()
	ps := PairSlice{}
	for _, k := range keys {
		m := MapPair{
			Key:   reflect.Value(k),
			Value: V.MapIndex(k),
		ps = append(ps, m)
	return ps
Example #22
func (a stringMapAdaptor) keys() []string {
	v := reflect.Value(a)
	keys := make([]string, v.Len())
	for i, v := range v.MapKeys() {
		if v.IsNil() {
		switch t := v.Interface().(type) {
		case string:
			keys[i] = t
	return keys
Example #23
func evalConstTypedUnaryExpr(ctx *Ctx, unary *UnaryExpr, x Expr) (constValue, []error) {
	t := x.KnownType()[0]
	if xx, ok := convertTypedToConstNumber(x.Const()); ok {
		zz, errs := evalConstUnaryNumericExpr(ctx, unary, xx)
		if !reflect.Value(zz).IsValid() {
			return constValue{}, errs
		rr, moreErrs := promoteConstToTyped(ctx, xx.Type, zz, t, x)
		return rr, append(errs, moreErrs...)
	} else if t.Kind() == reflect.Bool {
		return evalConstUnaryBoolExpr(ctx, unary, x.Const().Bool())
	return constValue{}, []error{ErrInvalidUnaryOperation{at(ctx, unary)}}
Example #24
// Evals an expression with a known result type. If the node is an
// untyped constant, it is converted to type t. This function assumes
// the input is successfully type checked, and therefore is undefined
// incorrectly typed inputs.
func evalTypedExpr(expr Expr, t knownType, env Env) (xs []reflect.Value, err error) {
	if expr.IsConst() {
		x := expr.Const()
		if ct, ok := expr.KnownType()[0].(ConstType); ok {
			cx, _ := promoteConstToTyped(ct, constValue(x), t[0], expr)
			xs = []reflect.Value{reflect.Value(cx)}
		} else {
			xs = []reflect.Value{x}
	} else {
		xs, err = EvalExpr(expr, env)
	return xs, err
Example #25
func getParams(req *jsonRequest, argTypes []reflect.Type) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
	params := make([]*json.RawMessage, 0)
	err := json.Unmarshal(*req.Params, &params)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(params) != len(argTypes) {
		return nil, errors.New("Incorrect number of parameters.")

	args := make([]reflect.Value, 0, len(argTypes))

	for i, argType := range argTypes {
		argPointerType := argType

		if argPointerType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
			argPointer := reflect.New(argType)
			err := json.Unmarshal(*params[i], argPointer.Interface())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.New("Type mismatch parameter " + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ".")
			args = append(args, reflect.Indirect(argPointer))
		} else {
			var arg reflect.Value
			var v interface{}
			err := json.Unmarshal(*params[i], &v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.New("Type mismatch parameter " + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ".")
			value := reflect.ValueOf(v)
			if value.Type() == argType {
				arg = reflect.ValueOf(v)
			} else if value.Type().Kind() == reflect.Float32 || value.Type().Kind() == reflect.Float64 {
				if argType.Kind() == reflect.Int || argType.Kind() == reflect.Int8 ||
					argType.Kind() == reflect.Int16 || argType.Kind() == reflect.Int32 ||
					argType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 {
					arg = reflect.ValueOf(int(v.(float64)))
				} else {
					return nil, errors.New("Type mismatch parameter " + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ".")
			} else {
				return nil, errors.New("Type mismatch parameter " + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ".")
			args = append(args, reflect.Value(arg))
	return args, nil
Example #26
func compareString(s *SexpStr, expr Sexp) (int, error) {
	switch e := expr.(type) {
	case *SexpStr:
		return bytes.Compare([]byte(s.S), []byte(e.S)), nil
	case *SexpReflect:
		r := reflect.Value(e.Val)
		ifa := r.Interface()
		switch z := ifa.(type) {
		case *string:
			return bytes.Compare([]byte(s.S), []byte(*z)), nil

	errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("err 94: cannot compare %T to %T", s, expr)
	return 0, errors.New(errmsg)
Example #27
// Determine if the result of from expr is assignable to type to. to must be a vanilla reflect.Type.
// from must have a KnownType() of length 1. Const types that raise overflow and truncation
// errors will still return true, but the errors will be reflected in the []error slice.
func exprAssignableTo(from Expr, to reflect.Type) (bool, []error) {
	if len(from.KnownType()) != 1 {
		panic("go-eval: assignableTo called with from.KnownType() != 1")
	fromType := from.KnownType()[0]

	// Check that consts can be converted
	if c, ok := fromType.(ConstType); ok && from.IsConst() {
		// If cv is a valid value, then the types are assignable even if
		// other conversion errors, such as overflows, are present.
		cv, errs := promoteConstToTyped(c, constValue(from.Const()), to, from)
		return reflect.Value(cv).IsValid(), errs

	return typeAssignableTo(fromType, to), nil
Example #28
func (m mapValue) String() string {
	v := reflect.Value(m.reflectValue)
	keys := v.MapKeys()
	str := "{"
	for i, key := range keys {
		if i > 0 {
			str += ", "
		v1 := refToVal(key)
		str1 := quoteString(v1)
		str += str1
		str += ": "
		v1 = refToVal(v.MapIndex(key))
		str1 = quoteString(v1)
		str += str1
	str += "}"
	return str
Example #29
// Type check an integral node. Returns the type checked node, the
// integer value if constant, ok if the node was indeed integral,
// and checkErrs which occur during the type check. It is possible
// that checkErrs will be non-nil yet ok is still true. In this case
// the errors are non-fatal, such as integer truncation.
func checkInteger(expr ast.Expr, env Env) (aexpr Expr, i int, ok bool, checkErrs []error) {
	aexpr, checkErrs = CheckExpr(expr, env)
	if checkErrs != nil && !aexpr.IsConst() {
		return aexpr, 0, false, checkErrs
	t, err := expectSingleType(aexpr)
	if err != nil {
		return aexpr, 0, false, append(checkErrs, err)

	var ii int64
	if ct, ok := t.(ConstType); ok {
		c, moreErrs := promoteConstToTyped(ct, constValue(aexpr.Const()), intType, aexpr)
		if moreErrs != nil {
			checkErrs = append(checkErrs, moreErrs...)
		v := reflect.Value(c)
		if v.IsValid() {
			ii = v.Int()
		} else {
			return aexpr, 0, false, checkErrs
	} else {
		switch t.Kind() {
		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
			if aexpr.IsConst() {
				ii = aexpr.Const().Int()
		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
			if aexpr.IsConst() {
				ii = int64(aexpr.Const().Uint())
			return aexpr, 0, false, checkErrs
	return aexpr, int(ii), true, checkErrs
Example #30
func (f reflectField) Set(value interface{}) error {
	v := reflect.Value(f)
	if f64, ok := value.(float64); ok {
		switch v.Kind() {
		case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:

		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:

		case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:

			return newError(fmt.Sprintf("Can't convert float64 to %s.", v.Type().Name()))

		return nil


	return nil