Example #1
func (c Yearly) PeersOutCallsByMonth(year int) revel.Result {
	revel.TRACE.Printf("[Yearly Peer] Get peers outging calls groupped by month for the given year [%d].\r\n", year)
	results := mongo.GetPeerYearInOutCallsByMonthAndPeer(year, "", "out", c.MongoDatabase)
	revel.TRACE.Printf("[Yearly Peer] Get peers outgoing calls groupped by month response of %d records.\r\n", len(results))
	return c.RenderJson(results)
Example #2
func (c Yearly) PeersInCallsByMonthAndPeer(year int, peer string) revel.Result {
	revel.TRACE.Printf("[Yearly Peer] Get peers incomming calls groupped by month for the given year [%d] and peer[%s].\r\n", year, peer)
	results := mongo.GetPeerYearInOutCallsByMonthAndPeer(year, peer, "in", c.MongoDatabase)
	revel.TRACE.Printf("[Yearly Peer] Get peers incomming calls groupped by month response of %d records.\r\n", len(results))
	return c.RenderJson(results)