Example #1
File: obj6.go Project: rsc/tmp
func nacladdr(ctxt *obj.Link, p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr) {
	if p.As == ALEAL || p.As == ALEAQ {

	if a.Reg == REG_BP {
		ctxt.Diag("invalid address: %v", p)

	if a.Reg == REG_TLS {
		a.Reg = REG_BP
	if a.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM && a.Name == obj.NAME_NONE {
		switch a.Reg {
		// all ok
		case REG_BP, REG_SP, REG_R15:

			if a.Index != REG_NONE {
				ctxt.Diag("invalid address %v", p)
			a.Index = a.Reg
			if a.Index != REG_NONE {
				a.Scale = 1
			a.Reg = REG_R15
Example #2
File: obj.go Project: rsc/tmp
func datagostring(sval string, a *obj.Addr) {
	sym := stringsym(sval)
	a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
	a.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
	a.Sym = Linksym(sym)
	a.Node = sym.Def
	a.Offset = 0 // header
	a.Etype = TSTRING
Example #3
File: obj.go Project: rsc/tmp
func Datastring(s string, a *obj.Addr) {
	sym := stringsym(s)
	a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
	a.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
	a.Sym = Linksym(sym)
	a.Node = sym.Def
	a.Offset = int64(Widthptr) + int64(Widthint) // skip header
	a.Etype = Simtype[TINT]
Example #4
File: peep.go Project: rsc/tmp
 * substitute s for v in a
 * return failure to substitute
func copysub(a *obj.Addr, v *obj.Addr, s *obj.Addr, f int) int {
	if copyas(a, v) {
		reg := int(int(s.Reg))
		if reg >= x86.REG_AX && reg <= x86.REG_R15 || reg >= x86.REG_X0 && reg <= x86.REG_X0+15 {
			if f != 0 {
				a.Reg = int16(reg)

		return 0

	if regtyp(v) {
		reg := int(int(v.Reg))
		if a.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM && int(a.Reg) == reg {
			if (s.Reg == x86.REG_BP || s.Reg == x86.REG_R13) && a.Index != x86.REG_NONE {
				return 1 /* can't use BP-base with index */
			if f != 0 {
				a.Reg = s.Reg

		//			return 0;
		if int(a.Index) == reg {
			if f != 0 {
				a.Index = s.Reg
			return 0

		return 0

	return 0
Example #5
File: reg.go Project: rsc/tmp
func addreg(a *obj.Addr, rn int) {
	a.Sym = nil
	a.Node = nil
	a.Offset = 0
	a.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
	a.Reg = int16(rn)
	a.Name = 0

Example #6
File: reg.go Project: rsc/tmp
func mkvar(f *Flow, a *obj.Addr) Bits {
	 * mark registers used
	if a.Type == obj.TYPE_NONE {
		return zbits

	r := f.Data.(*Reg)
	r.use1.b[0] |= Thearch.Doregbits(int(a.Index)) // TODO: Use RtoB

	var n int
	switch a.Type {
		regu := Thearch.Doregbits(int(a.Reg)) | Thearch.RtoB(int(a.Reg)) // TODO: Use RtoB
		if regu == 0 {
			return zbits
		bit := zbits
		bit.b[0] = regu
		return bit

		// TODO(rsc): Remove special case here.
	case obj.TYPE_ADDR:
		var bit Bits
		if Thearch.Thechar == '5' || Thearch.Thechar == '7' || Thearch.Thechar == '9' {
			goto memcase
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		bit = mkvar(f, a)
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
		return zbits


	case obj.TYPE_MEM:
		if r != nil {
			r.use1.b[0] |= Thearch.RtoB(int(a.Reg))

		/* NOTE: 5g did
		if(r->f.prog->scond & (C_PBIT|C_WBIT))
			r->set.b[0] |= RtoB(a->reg);
		switch a.Name {
			// Note: This case handles NAME_EXTERN and NAME_STATIC.
			// We treat these as requiring eager writes to memory, due to
			// the possibility of a fault handler looking at them, so there is
			// not much point in registerizing the loads.
			// If we later choose the set of candidate variables from a
			// larger list, these cases could be deprioritized instead of
			// removed entirely.
			return zbits

		case obj.NAME_PARAM,
			n = int(a.Name)

	node, _ := a.Node.(*Node)
	if node == nil || node.Op != ONAME || node.Orig == nil {
		return zbits
	node = node.Orig
	if node.Orig != node {
		Fatal("%v: bad node", Ctxt.Dconv(a))
	if node.Sym == nil || node.Sym.Name[0] == '.' {
		return zbits
	et := int(a.Etype)
	o := a.Offset
	w := a.Width
	if w < 0 {
		Fatal("bad width %d for %v", w, Ctxt.Dconv(a))

	flag := 0
	var v *Var
	for i := 0; i < nvar; i++ {
		v = &vars[i]
		if v.node == node && int(v.name) == n {
			if v.offset == o {
				if int(v.etype) == et {
					if int64(v.width) == w {
						// TODO(rsc): Remove special case for arm here.
						if flag == 0 || Thearch.Thechar != '5' {
							return blsh(uint(i))

			// if they overlap, disable both
			if overlap_reg(v.offset, v.width, o, int(w)) {
				//				print("disable overlap %s %d %d %d %d, %E != %E\n", s->name, v->offset, v->width, o, w, v->etype, et);
				v.addr = 1

				flag = 1

	switch et {
	case 0, TFUNC:
		return zbits

	if nvar >= NVAR {
		if Debug['w'] > 1 && node != nil {
			Fatal("variable not optimized: %v", Nconv(node, obj.FmtSharp))
		if Debug['v'] > 0 {
			Warn("variable not optimized: %v", Nconv(node, obj.FmtSharp))

		// If we're not tracking a word in a variable, mark the rest as
		// having its address taken, so that we keep the whole thing
		// live at all calls. otherwise we might optimize away part of
		// a variable but not all of it.
		var v *Var
		for i := 0; i < nvar; i++ {
			v = &vars[i]
			if v.node == node {
				v.addr = 1

		return zbits

	i := nvar
	v = &vars[i]
	v.id = i
	v.offset = o
	v.name = int8(n)
	v.etype = int8(et)
	v.width = int(w)
	v.addr = int8(flag) // funny punning
	v.node = node

	// node->opt is the head of a linked list
	// of Vars within the given Node, so that
	// we can start at a Var and find all the other
	// Vars in the same Go variable.
	v.nextinnode, _ = node.Opt.(*Var)

	node.Opt = v

	bit := blsh(uint(i))
	if n == obj.NAME_EXTERN || n == obj.NAME_STATIC {
		for z := 0; z < BITS; z++ {
			externs.b[z] |= bit.b[z]
	if n == obj.NAME_PARAM {
		for z := 0; z < BITS; z++ {
			params.b[z] |= bit.b[z]

	if node.Class == PPARAM {
		for z := 0; z < BITS; z++ {
			ivar.b[z] |= bit.b[z]
	if node.Class == PPARAMOUT {
		for z := 0; z < BITS; z++ {
			ovar.b[z] |= bit.b[z]

	// Treat values with their address taken as live at calls,
	// because the garbage collector's liveness analysis in ../gc/plive.c does.
	// These must be consistent or else we will elide stores and the garbage
	// collector will see uninitialized data.
	// The typical case where our own analysis is out of sync is when the
	// node appears to have its address taken but that code doesn't actually
	// get generated and therefore doesn't show up as an address being
	// taken when we analyze the instruction stream.
	// One instance of this case is when a closure uses the same name as
	// an outer variable for one of its own variables declared with :=.
	// The parser flags the outer variable as possibly shared, and therefore
	// sets addrtaken, even though it ends up not being actually shared.
	// If we were better about _ elision, _ = &x would suffice too.
	// The broader := in a closure problem is mentioned in a comment in
	// closure.c:/^typecheckclosure and dcl.c:/^oldname.
	if node.Addrtaken {
		v.addr = 1

	// Disable registerization for globals, because:
	// (1) we might panic at any time and we want the recovery code
	// to see the latest values (issue 1304).
	// (2) we don't know what pointers might point at them and we want
	// loads via those pointers to see updated values and vice versa (issue 7995).
	// Disable registerization for results if using defer, because the deferred func
	// might recover and return, causing the current values to be used.
	if node.Class == PEXTERN || (Hasdefer != 0 && node.Class == PPARAMOUT) {
		v.addr = 1

	if Debug['R'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("bit=%2d et=%v w=%d+%d %v %v flag=%d\n", i, Econv(int(et), 0), o, w, Nconv(node, obj.FmtSharp), Ctxt.Dconv(a), v.addr)

	return bit
Example #7
File: gsubr.go Project: rsc/tmp
// Naddr rewrites a to refer to n.
// It assumes that a is zeroed on entry.
func Naddr(a *obj.Addr, n *Node) {
	if n == nil {

	if n.Type != nil && n.Type.Etype != TIDEAL {
		// TODO(rsc): This is undone by the selective clearing of width below,
		// to match architectures that were not as aggressive in setting width
		// during naddr. Those widths must be cleared to avoid triggering
		// failures in gins when it detects real but heretofore latent (and one
		// hopes innocuous) type mismatches.
		// The type mismatches should be fixed and the clearing below removed.

		a.Width = n.Type.Width

	switch n.Op {
		a := a // copy to let escape into Ctxt.Dconv
		Debug['h'] = 1
		Dump("naddr", n)
		Fatal("naddr: bad %v %v", Oconv(int(n.Op), 0), Ctxt.Dconv(a))

		a.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
		a.Reg = n.Reg
		a.Sym = nil
		if Thearch.Thechar == '8' { // TODO(rsc): Never clear a->width.
			a.Width = 0

	case OINDREG:
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		a.Reg = n.Reg
		a.Sym = Linksym(n.Sym)
		a.Offset = n.Xoffset
		if a.Offset != int64(int32(a.Offset)) {
			Yyerror("offset %d too large for OINDREG", a.Offset)
		if Thearch.Thechar == '8' { // TODO(rsc): Never clear a->width.
			a.Width = 0

		// n->left is PHEAP ONAME for stack parameter.
	// compute address of actual parameter on stack.
	case OPARAM:
		a.Etype = Simtype[n.Left.Type.Etype]

		a.Width = n.Left.Type.Width
		a.Offset = n.Xoffset
		a.Sym = Linksym(n.Left.Sym)
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		a.Name = obj.NAME_PARAM
		a.Node = n.Left.Orig

		if !Curfn.Func.Needctxt {
			Fatal("closurevar without needctxt")
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		a.Reg = int16(Thearch.REGCTXT)
		a.Sym = nil
		a.Offset = n.Xoffset

	case OCFUNC:
		Naddr(a, n.Left)
		a.Sym = Linksym(n.Left.Sym)

	case ONAME:
		a.Etype = 0
		if n.Type != nil {
			a.Etype = Simtype[n.Type.Etype]
		a.Offset = n.Xoffset
		s := n.Sym
		a.Node = n.Orig

		//if(a->node >= (Node*)&n)
		//	fatal("stack node");
		if s == nil {
			s = Lookup(".noname")
		if n.Method {
			if n.Type != nil {
				if n.Type.Sym != nil {
					if n.Type.Sym.Pkg != nil {
						s = Pkglookup(s.Name, n.Type.Sym.Pkg)

		a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		switch n.Class {
			Fatal("naddr: ONAME class %v %d\n", n.Sym, n.Class)

		case PEXTERN:
			a.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN

		case PAUTO:
			a.Name = obj.NAME_AUTO

			a.Name = obj.NAME_PARAM

		case PFUNC:
			a.Name = obj.NAME_EXTERN
			a.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
			a.Width = int64(Widthptr)
			s = funcsym(s)

		a.Sym = Linksym(s)

		if Thearch.Thechar == '8' {
			a.Width = 0
		switch n.Val.Ctype {
			Fatal("naddr: const %v", Tconv(n.Type, obj.FmtLong))

		case CTFLT:
			a.Type = obj.TYPE_FCONST
			a.Val = mpgetflt(n.Val.U.Fval)

			a.Sym = nil
			a.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
			a.Offset = Mpgetfix(n.Val.U.Xval)

		case CTSTR:
			datagostring(n.Val.U.Sval, a)

		case CTBOOL:
			a.Sym = nil
			a.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
			a.Offset = int64(obj.Bool2int(n.Val.U.Bval))

		case CTNIL:
			a.Sym = nil
			a.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
			a.Offset = 0

	case OADDR:
		Naddr(a, n.Left)
		a.Etype = uint8(Tptr)
		if Thearch.Thechar != '5' && Thearch.Thechar != '7' && Thearch.Thechar != '9' { // TODO(rsc): Do this even for arm, ppc64.
			a.Width = int64(Widthptr)
		if a.Type != obj.TYPE_MEM {
			a := a // copy to let escape into Ctxt.Dconv
			Fatal("naddr: OADDR %v (from %v)", Ctxt.Dconv(a), Oconv(int(n.Left.Op), 0))
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR

		// itable of interface value
	case OITAB:
		Naddr(a, n.Left)

		if a.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST && a.Offset == 0 {
			break // itab(nil)
		a.Etype = uint8(Tptr)
		a.Width = int64(Widthptr)

		// pointer in a string or slice
	case OSPTR:
		Naddr(a, n.Left)

		if a.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST && a.Offset == 0 {
			break // ptr(nil)
		a.Etype = Simtype[Tptr]
		a.Offset += int64(Array_array)
		a.Width = int64(Widthptr)

		// len of string or slice
	case OLEN:
		Naddr(a, n.Left)

		if a.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST && a.Offset == 0 {
			break // len(nil)
		a.Etype = Simtype[TUINT]
		a.Offset += int64(Array_nel)
		if Thearch.Thechar != '5' { // TODO(rsc): Do this even on arm.
			a.Width = int64(Widthint)

		// cap of string or slice
	case OCAP:
		Naddr(a, n.Left)

		if a.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST && a.Offset == 0 {
			break // cap(nil)
		a.Etype = Simtype[TUINT]
		a.Offset += int64(Array_cap)
		if Thearch.Thechar != '5' { // TODO(rsc): Do this even on arm.
			a.Width = int64(Widthint)
Example #8
File: gsubr.go Project: rsc/tmp
func Afunclit(a *obj.Addr, n *Node) {
	if a.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR && a.Name == obj.NAME_EXTERN {
		a.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		a.Sym = Linksym(n.Sym)
Example #9
File: gsubr.go Project: rsc/tmp
 * generate code to compute address of n,
 * a reference to a (perhaps nested) field inside
 * an array or struct.
 * return 0 on failure, 1 on success.
 * on success, leaves usable address in a.
 * caller is responsible for calling sudoclean
 * after successful sudoaddable,
 * to release the register used for a.
func sudoaddable(as int, n *gc.Node, a *obj.Addr) bool {
	if n.Type == nil {
		return false

	*a = obj.Addr{}

	switch n.Op {
	case gc.OLITERAL:
		if !gc.Isconst(n, gc.CTINT) {
		v := gc.Mpgetfix(n.Val.U.Xval)
		if v >= 32000 || v <= -32000 {
		switch as {
			return false

		case x86.AADDB,

		cleani += 2
		reg := &clean[cleani-1]
		reg1 := &clean[cleani-2]
		reg.Op = gc.OEMPTY
		reg1.Op = gc.OEMPTY
		gc.Naddr(a, n)
		return true

	case gc.ODOT,
		cleani += 2
		reg := &clean[cleani-1]
		reg1 := &clean[cleani-2]
		reg.Op = gc.OEMPTY
		reg1.Op = gc.OEMPTY
		var nn *gc.Node
		var oary [10]int64
		o := gc.Dotoffset(n, oary[:], &nn)
		if nn == nil {
			return false

		if nn.Addable && o == 1 && oary[0] >= 0 {
			// directly addressable set of DOTs
			n1 := *nn

			n1.Type = n.Type
			n1.Xoffset += oary[0]
			gc.Naddr(a, &n1)
			return true

		gc.Regalloc(reg, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)
		n1 := *reg
		n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
		if oary[0] >= 0 {
			gc.Agen(nn, reg)
			n1.Xoffset = oary[0]
		} else {
			gc.Cgen(nn, reg)
			n1.Xoffset = -(oary[0] + 1)

		for i := 1; i < o; i++ {
			if oary[i] >= 0 {
				gc.Fatal("can't happen")
			gins(movptr, &n1, reg)
			n1.Xoffset = -(oary[i] + 1)

		a.Type = obj.TYPE_NONE
		a.Index = obj.TYPE_NONE
		gc.Naddr(a, &n1)
		return true

	case gc.OINDEX:
		return false

	return false