// URLToTraceProfile constructs a URL to a trace's JSON profile. func (r *Router) URLToTraceProfile(trace appdash.ID) (*url.URL, error) { return r.r.Get(TraceProfileRoute).URL("Trace", trace.String()) }
// URLToTraceSpanProfile constructs a URL to a sub-span's JSON profile in a // trace. func (r *Router) URLToTraceSpanProfile(trace, span appdash.ID) (*url.URL, error) { return r.r.Get(TraceSpanProfileRoute).URL("Trace", trace.String(), "Span", span.String()) }
// URLToTrace constructs a URL to a given trace by ID. func (r *Router) URLToTrace(id appdash.ID) (*url.URL, error) { return r.r.Get(TraceRoute).URL("Trace", id.String()) }