Example #1
func (c *Client) authenticateChannel(params []byte, member *MemberData) (response []byte, err error) {
	channelName, socketId, err := parseAuthRequestParams(params)

	if err != nil {

	if err = validateSocketId(&socketId); err != nil {

	stringToSign := strings.Join([]string{socketId, channelName}, ":")

	var jsonUserData string

	if member != nil {
		var _jsonUserData []byte
		_jsonUserData, err = json.Marshal(member)
		if err != nil {

		jsonUserData = string(_jsonUserData)
		stringToSign = strings.Join([]string{stringToSign, jsonUserData}, ":")

	_response := createAuthMap(c.Key, c.Secret, stringToSign)

	if member != nil {
		_response["channel_data"] = jsonUserData

	response, err = json.Marshal(_response)
Example #2
// buildURL builds the URL for the operation.
func (s *IndicesExistsTypeService) buildURL() (string, url.Values, error) {
	// Build URL
	path, err := uritemplates.Expand("/{index}/{type}", map[string]string{
		"index": strings.Join(s.index, ","),
		"type":  strings.Join(s.typ, ","),
	if err != nil {
		return "", url.Values{}, err

	// Add query string parameters
	params := url.Values{}
	if s.pretty {
		params.Set("pretty", "1")
	if s.ignoreUnavailable != nil {
		params.Set("ignore_unavailable", fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s.ignoreUnavailable))
	if s.allowNoIndices != nil {
		params.Set("allow_no_indices", fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s.allowNoIndices))
	if s.expandWildcards != "" {
		params.Set("expand_wildcards", s.expandWildcards)
	if s.local != nil {
		params.Set("local", fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s.local))
	return path, params, nil
Example #3
// buildURL builds the URL for the operation.
func (s *ClusterStateService) buildURL() (string, url.Values, error) {
	// Build URL
	metrics := strings.Join(s.metrics, ",")
	if metrics == "" {
		metrics = "_all"
	indices := strings.Join(s.indices, ",")
	if indices == "" {
		indices = "_all"
	path, err := uritemplates.Expand("/_cluster/state/{metrics}/{indices}", map[string]string{
		"metrics": metrics,
		"indices": indices,
	if err != nil {
		return "", url.Values{}, err

	// Add query string parameters
	params := url.Values{}
	if s.masterTimeout != "" {
		params.Set("master_timeout", s.masterTimeout)
	if s.flatSettings != nil {
		params.Set("flat_settings", fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s.flatSettings))
	if s.local != nil {
		params.Set("local", fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s.local))

	return path, params, nil
Example #4
func (hood *Hood) createTableSql(model *Model) string {
	a := []string{"CREATE TABLE ", model.Table, " ( "}
	for i, field := range model.Fields {
		b := []string{
			hood.Dialect.SqlType(field.Value, field.Size()),
		if field.NotNull() {
			b = append(b, hood.Dialect.KeywordNotNull())
		if x := field.Default(); x != "" {
			b = append(b, hood.Dialect.KeywordDefault(x))
		if field.PrimaryKey() {
			b = append(b, hood.Dialect.KeywordPrimaryKey())
		if incKeyword := hood.Dialect.KeywordAutoIncrement(); field.PrimaryKey() && incKeyword != "" {
			b = append(b, incKeyword)
		a = append(a, strings.Join(b, " "))
		if i < len(model.Fields)-1 {
			a = append(a, ", ")
	a = append(a, " )")

	return strings.Join(a, "")
func verifyCPULimits(expected framework.ContainersCPUSummary, actual framework.NodesCPUSummary) {
	if expected == nil {
	var errList []string
	for nodeName, perNodeSummary := range actual {
		var nodeErrs []string
		for cName, expectedResult := range expected {
			perContainerSummary, ok := perNodeSummary[cName]
			if !ok {
				nodeErrs = append(nodeErrs, fmt.Sprintf("container %q: missing", cName))
			for p, expectedValue := range expectedResult {
				actualValue, ok := perContainerSummary[p]
				if !ok {
					nodeErrs = append(nodeErrs, fmt.Sprintf("container %q: missing percentile %v", cName, p))
				if actualValue > expectedValue {
					nodeErrs = append(nodeErrs, fmt.Sprintf("container %q: expected %.0fth%% usage < %.3f; got %.3f",
						cName, p*100, expectedValue, actualValue))
		if len(nodeErrs) > 0 {
			errList = append(errList, fmt.Sprintf("node %v:\n %s", nodeName, strings.Join(nodeErrs, ", ")))
	if len(errList) > 0 {
		framework.Failf("CPU usage exceeding limits:\n %s", strings.Join(errList, "\n"))
Example #6
// cors responds to incoming requests and adds the appropriate cors headers
// TODO: corylanou: add the ability to configure this in our config
func cors(inner http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if origin := r.Header.Get("Origin"); origin != "" {
			w.Header().Set(`Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, origin)
			w.Header().Set(`Access-Control-Allow-Methods`, strings.Join([]string{
			}, ", "))

			w.Header().Set(`Access-Control-Allow-Headers`, strings.Join([]string{
			}, ", "))

		if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {

		inner.ServeHTTP(w, r)
Example #7
// Adds a hook script.
func Add(name string, repos []string, body io.Reader) error {
	config_param := "git:bare:template"
	if len(repos) > 0 {
		config_param = "git:bare:location"
	path, err := config.GetString(config_param)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s := []string{path, "hooks", name}
	scriptPath := strings.Join(s, "/")
	if len(repos) > 0 {
		for _, repo := range repos {
			repo += ".git"
			s = []string{path, repo, "hooks", name}
			scriptPath = strings.Join(s, "/")
			err := createHookFile(scriptPath, body)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	} else {
		return createHookFile(scriptPath, body)
	return nil
Example #8
func init() {
	//	log.SetFlags(log.Ltime | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile)

	vizList := ""
	vizHelp := "Visualize: all,none,useful"
	for flag := range Viz {
		vizHelp += "," + flag

	flag.StringVar(&runBot, "b", "v8", "Which bot to run\n\t"+strings.Join(BotList(), "\n\t"))
	flag.StringVar(&vizList, "V", "", vizHelp)
	flag.IntVar(&debugLevel, "d", 0, "Debug level")
	flag.StringVar(&mapName, "m", "", "Map file -- Used to validate generated map, hill guessing etc.")
	flag.StringVar(&watchPoints, "w", "", "Watch points \"T1:T2@R,C,N[;T1:T2...]\", \":\" will watch everything")
	flag.IntVar(&maxTurn, "T", 65535, "Max Turn")

	if BotGet(runBot) == nil {
		log.Printf("Unrecognized bot \"%s\", Registered bots:\n\t%s\n", runBot, strings.Join(BotList(), "\n\t"))


	SetViz(vizList, Viz)
Example #9
File: sign.go Project: koofr/goamz
func sign(auth aws.Auth, method, path string, params url.Values, headers http.Header) {
	var host string
	for k, v := range headers {
		k = strings.ToLower(k)
		switch k {
		case "host":
			host = v[0]

	// set up some defaults used for signing the request
	params["AWSAccessKeyId"] = []string{auth.AccessKey}
	params["SignatureVersion"] = []string{"2"}
	params["SignatureMethod"] = []string{"HmacSHA256"}

	// join up all the incoming params
	var sarray []string
	for k, v := range params {
		sarray = append(sarray, aws.Encode(k)+"="+aws.Encode(v[0]))
	joined := strings.Join(sarray, "&")

	// create the payload, sign it and create the signature
	payload := strings.Join([]string{method, host, "/", joined}, "\n")
	hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(auth.SecretKey))
	signature := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(hash.Size()))
	b64.Encode(signature, hash.Sum(nil))

	// add the signature to the outgoing params
	params["Signature"] = []string{string(signature)}
Example #10
func generatePreflightHeaders(c Config) http.Header {
	headers := make(http.Header)
	if c.AllowCredentials {
		headers.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
	if len(c.AllowMethods) > 0 {
		allowMethods := convert(normalize(c.AllowMethods), strings.ToUpper)
		value := strings.Join(allowMethods, ",")
		headers.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", value)
	if len(c.AllowHeaders) > 0 {
		allowHeaders := convert(normalize(c.AllowHeaders), http.CanonicalHeaderKey)
		value := strings.Join(allowHeaders, ",")
		headers.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", value)
	if c.MaxAge > time.Duration(0) {
		value := strconv.FormatInt(int64(c.MaxAge/time.Second), 10)
		headers.Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", value)
	if c.AllowAllOrigins {
		headers.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
	} else {
		// Always set Vary headers
		// see https://github.com/rs/cors/issues/10,
		// https://github.com/rs/cors/commit/dbdca4d95feaa7511a46e6f1efb3b3aa505bc43f#commitcomment-12352001

		headers.Add("Vary", "Origin")
		headers.Add("Vary", "Access-Control-Request-Method")
		headers.Add("Vary", "Access-Control-Request-Headers")
	return headers
Example #11
func runListUnits(args []string) (exit int) {
	if listUnitsFieldsFlag == "" {
		stderr("Must define output format")
		return 1

	cols := strings.Split(listUnitsFieldsFlag, ",")
	for _, s := range cols {
		if _, ok := listUnitsFields[s]; !ok {
			stderr("Invalid key in output format: %q", s)
			return 1

	states, err := cAPI.UnitStates()
	if err != nil {
		stderr("Error retrieving list of units from repository: %v", err)
		return 1

	if !sharedFlags.NoLegend {
		fmt.Fprintln(out, strings.ToUpper(strings.Join(cols, "\t")))

	for _, us := range states {
		var f []string
		for _, c := range cols {
			f = append(f, listUnitsFields[c](us, sharedFlags.Full))
		fmt.Fprintln(out, strings.Join(f, "\t"))

Example #12
func runCommand(name string, args ...string) error {
	glog.Infof("Running command: %v %v", name, strings.Join(args, " "))
	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", strings.Join(append([]string{name}, args...), " "))
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	return cmd.Run()
Example #13
func normalizeRegistry(address string) string {
	logger := util.RootLogger().WithField("Logger", "Docker")
	if address == "" {
		logger.Debugln("No registry address provided, using https://registry.hub.docker.com")
		return "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/"
	parsed, err := url.Parse(address)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorln("Registry address is invalid, this will probably fail:", address)
		return address
	if parsed.Scheme != "https" {
		logger.Warnln("Registry address is expected to begin with 'https://', forcing it to use https")
		parsed.Scheme = "https"
		address = parsed.String()
	if strings.HasSuffix(address, "/") {
		address = address[:len(address)-1]

	parts := strings.Split(address, "/")
	possiblyAPIVersionStr := parts[len(parts)-1]

	// we only support v1, so...
	if possiblyAPIVersionStr == "v2" {
		logger.Warnln("Registry API v2 not supported, using v1")
		newParts := append(parts[:len(parts)-1], "v1")
		address = strings.Join(newParts, "/")
	} else if possiblyAPIVersionStr != "v1" {
		newParts := append(parts, "v1")
		address = strings.Join(newParts, "/")
	return address + "/"
Example #14
func whereEqMap(m map[string]interface{}) (sql string, args []interface{}, err error) {
	var exprs []string
	for key, val := range m {
		expr := ""
		if val == nil {
			expr = fmt.Sprintf("%s IS NULL", key)
		} else {
			valVal := reflect.ValueOf(val)
			if valVal.Kind() == reflect.Array || valVal.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
				placeholders := make([]string, valVal.Len())
				for i := 0; i < valVal.Len(); i++ {
					placeholders[i] = "?"
					args = append(args, valVal.Index(i).Interface())
				placeholdersStr := strings.Join(placeholders, ",")
				expr = fmt.Sprintf("%s IN (%s)", key, placeholdersStr)
			} else {
				expr = fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", key)
				args = append(args, val)
		exprs = append(exprs, expr)
	sql = strings.Join(exprs, " AND ")
Example #15
func (cmd *esxcli) formatTable(res *Response) {
	fields := res.Info.Hints.Fields()

	tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, len(fields), 0, 2, ' ', 0)

	var hr []string
	for _, name := range fields {
		hr = append(hr, strings.Repeat("-", len(name)))

	fmt.Fprintln(tw, strings.Join(fields, "\t"))
	fmt.Fprintln(tw, strings.Join(hr, "\t"))

	for _, vals := range res.Values {
		var row []string

		for _, name := range fields {
			key := strings.Replace(name, " ", "", -1)
			if val, ok := vals[key]; ok {
				row = append(row, strings.Join(val, ", "))
			} else {
				row = append(row, "")

		fmt.Fprintln(tw, strings.Join(row, "\t"))

	_ = tw.Flush()
Example #16
func (options *xml2) AttrString(i *inlineAttr) string {
	if i == nil {
		return ""
	s := ""
	if i.id != "" {
		s = " anchor=\"" + i.id + "\""

	keys := i.SortClasses()
	if len(keys) > 0 {
		s += " class=\"" + strings.Join(keys, " ") + "\""

	keys = i.SortAttributes()
	attr := make([]string, len(keys))
	for j, k := range keys {
		v := i.attr[k]
		attr[j] = k + "=\"" + v + "\""
	if len(keys) > 0 {
		s += " " + strings.Join(attr, " ")
	return s
Example #17
func TestMessage(t *testing.T) {
	i := 0
	sendMail = func(addr string, a smtp.Auth, from string, to []string, msg []byte) error {
		if i > len(expected) {
			t.Fatalf("Only %d mails should be sent", len(expected))
		want := expected[i]
		if addr != want.addr {
			t.Errorf("Invalid address, got %q, want %q", addr, want.addr)
		if from != want.from {
			t.Errorf("Invalid from, got %q, want %q", from, want.from)
		gotTo := strings.Join(to, ", ")
		wantTo := strings.Join(want.to, ", ")
		if gotTo != wantTo {
			t.Errorf("Invalid recipient, got %q, want %q", gotTo, wantTo)
		gotMsg := string(msg)
		if gotMsg != want.msg {
			t.Errorf("Invalid message body, got:\r\n%s\r\nwant:\r\n%s\r\n", gotMsg, want.msg)

		return nil
	err := testMailer.Send(&mail.Message{Header: testHeader, Body: testBody})
	if err != nil {
Example #18
// Start launches a master. It will error if possible, but some background processes may still
// be running and the process should exit after it finishes.
func (m *Master) Start() error {
	// Allow privileged containers
	// TODO: make this configurable and not the default https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/662
		AllowPrivileged: true,
		PrivilegedSources: capabilities.PrivilegedSources{
			HostNetworkSources: []string{kubelettypes.ApiserverSource, kubelettypes.FileSource},
			HostPIDSources:     []string{kubelettypes.ApiserverSource, kubelettypes.FileSource},
			HostIPCSources:     []string{kubelettypes.ApiserverSource, kubelettypes.FileSource},

	openshiftConfig, err := origin.BuildMasterConfig(*m.config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	kubeMasterConfig, err := BuildKubernetesMasterConfig(openshiftConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	switch {
	case m.api:
		glog.Infof("Starting master on %s (%s)", m.config.ServingInfo.BindAddress, version.Get().String())
		glog.Infof("Public master address is %s", m.config.AssetConfig.MasterPublicURL)
		if len(m.config.DisabledFeatures) > 0 {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Disabled features: %s", strings.Join(m.config.DisabledFeatures, ", "))
		glog.Infof("Using images from %q", openshiftConfig.ImageFor("<component>"))

		if err := StartAPI(openshiftConfig, kubeMasterConfig); err != nil {
			return err

	case m.controllers:
		glog.Infof("Starting controllers on %s (%s)", m.config.ServingInfo.BindAddress, version.Get().String())
		if len(m.config.DisabledFeatures) > 0 {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Disabled features: %s", strings.Join(m.config.DisabledFeatures, ", "))
		glog.Infof("Using images from %q", openshiftConfig.ImageFor("<component>"))

		if err := startHealth(openshiftConfig); err != nil {
			return err

	if m.controllers {
		// run controllers asynchronously (not required to be "ready")
		go func() {
			if err := startControllers(openshiftConfig, kubeMasterConfig); err != nil {


	return nil
Example #19
func TestPersistentFlags(t *testing.T) {
	fullSetupTest("echo -s something -p more here")

	// persistentFlag should act like normal flag on it's own command
	if strings.Join(te, " ") != "more here" {
		t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te)
	if flags1 != "something" {
		t.Errorf("string flag didn't get correct value, had %v", flags1)
	if !flagbp {
		t.Errorf("persistent bool flag not parsed correctly. Expected true, had %v", flagbp)

	// persistentFlag should act like normal flag on it's own command
	fullSetupTest("echo times -s again -c -p test here")

	if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "test here" {
		t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tt)

	if flags1 != "again" {
		t.Errorf("string flag didn't get correct value, had %v", flags1)

	if !flagb2 {
		t.Errorf("local flag not parsed correctly. Expected true, had %v", flagb2)
	if !flagbp {
		t.Errorf("persistent bool flag not parsed correctly. Expected true, had %v", flagbp)
Example #20
func (r SearchRequest) Path() string {
	switch true {
	case len(r.Params.Indices) == 0 && len(r.Params.Types) == 0:
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			"/_search", // all indices, all types

	case len(r.Params.Indices) > 0 && len(r.Params.Types) == 0:
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			strings.Join(r.Params.Indices, ","),

	case len(r.Params.Indices) == 0 && len(r.Params.Types) > 0:
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			strings.Join(r.Params.Types, ","),

	case len(r.Params.Indices) > 0 && len(r.Params.Types) > 0:
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			strings.Join(r.Params.Indices, ","),
			strings.Join(r.Params.Types, ","),
Example #21
func (hood *Hood) querySql() string {
	query := make([]string, 0, 20)
	if hood.selector != "" {
		query = append(query, hood.selector)
	for _, join := range hood.joins {
		query = append(query, join)
	if x := hood.where; len(x) > 0 {
		query = append(query, fmt.Sprintf("WHERE %v", strings.Join(x, " AND ")))
	if x := hood.groupBy; x != "" {
		query = append(query, x)
	if x := hood.having; x != "" {
		query = append(query, x)
	if x := hood.orderBy; x != "" {
		query = append(query, x)
	if x := hood.limit; x != "" {
		query = append(query, x)
	if x := hood.offset; x != "" {
		query = append(query, x)
	return hood.substituteMarkers(strings.Join(query, " "))
Example #22
// Execute DML statements in bootstrap stage.
// All the statements run in a single transaction.
func doDMLWorks(s Session) {
	mustExecute(s, "BEGIN")
	// Insert a default user with empty password.
	mustExecute(s, `INSERT INTO mysql.user VALUES
		("localhost", "root", "", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y"),
		("", "root", "", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y"), 
		("::1", "root", "", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y");`)
	// Init global system variable table.
	values := make([]string, 0, len(variable.SysVars))
	for k, v := range variable.SysVars {
		value := fmt.Sprintf(`("%s", "%s")`, strings.ToLower(k), v.Value)
		values = append(values, value)
	sql := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s.%s VALUES %s;", mysql.SystemDB, mysql.GlobalVariablesTable,
		strings.Join(values, ", "))
	mustExecute(s, sql)
	// Init global status variable table.
	values = make([]string, 0, len(variable.StatusVars))
	for k, v := range variable.StatusVars {
		value := fmt.Sprintf(`("%s", "%s")`, strings.ToLower(k), v.Value)
		values = append(values, value)
	sql = fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s.%s VALUES %s;", mysql.SystemDB, mysql.GlobalStatusTable,
		strings.Join(values, ", "))
	mustExecute(s, sql)
	sql = fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO %s.%s VALUES("%s", "%s", "Bootstrap flag. Do not delete.")
		mysql.SystemDB, mysql.TiDBTable, bootstrappedVar, bootstrappedVarTrue, bootstrappedVarTrue)
	mustExecute(s, sql)
	mustExecute(s, "COMMIT")
func verifyMemoryLimits(c clientset.Interface, expected framework.ResourceUsagePerContainer, actual framework.ResourceUsagePerNode) {
	if expected == nil {
	var errList []string
	for nodeName, nodeSummary := range actual {
		var nodeErrs []string
		for cName, expectedResult := range expected {
			container, ok := nodeSummary[cName]
			if !ok {
				nodeErrs = append(nodeErrs, fmt.Sprintf("container %q: missing", cName))

			expectedValue := expectedResult.MemoryRSSInBytes
			actualValue := container.MemoryRSSInBytes
			if expectedValue != 0 && actualValue > expectedValue {
				nodeErrs = append(nodeErrs, fmt.Sprintf("container %q: expected RSS memory (MB) < %d; got %d",
					cName, expectedValue, actualValue))
		if len(nodeErrs) > 0 {
			errList = append(errList, fmt.Sprintf("node %v:\n %s", nodeName, strings.Join(nodeErrs, ", ")))
			heapStats, err := framework.GetKubeletHeapStats(c, nodeName)
			if err != nil {
				framework.Logf("Unable to get heap stats from %q", nodeName)
			} else {
				framework.Logf("Heap stats on %q\n:%v", nodeName, heapStats)
	if len(errList) > 0 {
		framework.Failf("Memory usage exceeding limits:\n %s", strings.Join(errList, "\n"))
Example #24
func (p Value) String() string {
	var s string
	if p.Variable != "" {
		s += p.Variable + " = "
	if p.Expression != nil {
		s += p.Expression.String()
	switch p.Type {
	case Bool:
		s += fmt.Sprintf("%t@%d:%s", p.BoolValue, p.Pos.Offset, p.Pos)
	case String:
		s += fmt.Sprintf("%q@%d:%s", p.StringValue, p.Pos.Offset, p.Pos)
	case List:
		valueStrings := make([]string, len(p.ListValue))
		for i, value := range p.ListValue {
			valueStrings[i] = value.String()
		s += fmt.Sprintf("@%d:%s-%d:%s[%s]", p.Pos.Offset, p.Pos, p.EndPos.Offset, p.EndPos,
			strings.Join(valueStrings, ", "))
	case Map:
		propertyStrings := make([]string, len(p.MapValue))
		for i, property := range p.MapValue {
			propertyStrings[i] = property.String()
		s += fmt.Sprintf("@%d:%s-%d:%s{%s}", p.Pos.Offset, p.Pos, p.EndPos.Offset, p.EndPos,
			strings.Join(propertyStrings, ", "))
		panic(fmt.Errorf("bad property type: %d", p.Type))

	return s
Example #25
// LimitedSepIdentifier builds an identifier out of multiple parts,
// all as lowercase strings and concatenated with the separator
// Non letters and digits are exchanged with dashes and
// reduced to a maximum of one each. If limit is true only
// 'a' to 'z' and '0' to '9' are allowed.
func LimitedSepIdentifier(sep string, limit bool, parts ...interface{}) string {
	iparts := make([]string, 0)
	for _, p := range parts {
		tmp := strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
			// Check letter and digit.
			if unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) {
				lcr := unicode.ToLower(r)
				if limit {
					// Only 'a' to 'z' and '0' to '9'.
					if lcr <= unicode.MaxASCII {
						return lcr
					} else {
						return ' '
				} else {
					// Every char is allowed.
					return lcr
			return ' '
		}, fmt.Sprintf("%v", p))
		// Only use non-empty identifier parts.
		if ipart := strings.Join(strings.Fields(tmp), "-"); len(ipart) > 0 {
			iparts = append(iparts, ipart)
	return strings.Join(iparts, sep)
Example #26
// mustContainKeys checks that a bucket contains a given set of keys.
func mustContainKeys(b *bolt.Bucket, m map[string]string) {
	found := make(map[string]string)
	b.ForEach(func(k, _ []byte) error {
		found[string(k)] = ""
		return nil

	// Check for keys found in bucket that shouldn't be there.
	var keys []string
	for k, _ := range found {
		if _, ok := m[string(k)]; !ok {
			keys = append(keys, k)
	if len(keys) > 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("keys found(%d): %s", len(keys), strings.Join(keys, ",")))

	// Check for keys not found in bucket that should be there.
	for k, _ := range m {
		if _, ok := found[string(k)]; !ok {
			keys = append(keys, k)
	if len(keys) > 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("keys not found(%d): %s", len(keys), strings.Join(keys, ",")))
func (this *DbDumperManager) getPlanFromService() ([]string, error) {
	command := []string{"m"}
	output, err := this.cliCommand(command...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New(strings.Join(output, "\n"))
	if len(output) < 4 {
		return nil, errors.New(strings.Join(output, "\n"))
	datasUnparsed := output[4:]
	var service string = ""
	for _, dataUnparsed := range datasUnparsed {
		dataUnparsedSplitted := strings.Split(dataUnparsed, " ")
		if dataUnparsedSplitted[0] != this.serviceName {
		service = dataUnparsed
	if service == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("Cannot found service: " + this.serviceName)
	planString := strings.TrimPrefix(service, this.serviceName)
	planString = strings.TrimSpace(planString)
	plans := strings.Split(planString, ", ")

	lastPlanString := plans[len(plans)-1]
	lastPlan := strings.Split(lastPlanString, " ")
	plans[len(plans)-1] = lastPlan[0]

	return plans, nil
Example #28
func (b *filterBuilder) field(name string, value interface{}) string {
	if name == "id" || name == "_id" {
		var val = b.mapInt(value)
		if val == nil {
			return ""
		value = val
	var field = pgMapField(name)
	switch t := value.(type) {
	case q.In:
		var values []string
		for _, v := range t {
			values = append(values, b.param(v))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s IN (%s)", field, strings.Join(values, ","))
	case q.NotIn:
		var values []string
		for _, v := range t {
			values = append(values, b.param(v))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s NOT IN (%s)", field, strings.Join(values, ","))
	case q.Op:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", field, sqlop(t.Kind), b.param(t.Value))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", field, b.param(value))
Example #29
func (t *typeValidator) Validate(data interface{}) *Result {
	result := new(Result)
	if data == nil || reflect.DeepEqual(reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(data)), reflect.ValueOf(data)) {
		if len(t.Type) > 0 && !t.Type.Contains("null") { // TODO: if a property is not required it also passes this
			return sErr(errors.InvalidType(t.Path, t.In, strings.Join(t.Type, ","), "null"))
		return result

	// check if the type matches, should be used in every validator chain as first item
	val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data))

	schType, format := t.schemaInfoForType(data)
	isLowerInt := t.Format == "int64" && format == "int32"
	isLowerFloat := t.Format == "float64" && format == "float32"

	if val.Kind() != reflect.String && t.Format != "" && !(format == t.Format || isLowerInt || isLowerFloat) {
		return sErr(errors.InvalidType(t.Path, t.In, t.Format, format))
	if t.Format != "" && val.Kind() == reflect.String {
		return result

	isFloatInt := schType == "number" && swag.IsFloat64AJSONInteger(val.Float()) && t.Type.Contains("integer")
	isIntFloat := schType == "integer" && t.Type.Contains("number")
	if !(t.Type.Contains(schType) || isFloatInt || isIntFloat) {
		return sErr(errors.InvalidType(t.Path, t.In, strings.Join(t.Type, ","), schType))
	return result
Example #30
// Load index configurations, and open each index file.
func (col *Col) LoadConf() error {
	// Deserialize index configuration from file
	config, err := ioutil.ReadFile(col.ConfigFileName)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if string(config) == "" {
		col.Config = &Config{}
	} else if err = json.Unmarshal(config, &col.Config); err != nil {
		return err
	// Open UID index
	col.Config.Indexes = append(col.Config.Indexes, IndexConf{FileName: "_uid", PerBucket: 200, HashBits: 14, IndexedPath: []string{"_uid"}})
	// Open indexes
	col.StrHT = make(map[string]*file.HashTable)
	col.StrIC = make(map[string]*IndexConf)
	for i, index := range col.Config.Indexes {
		ht, err := file.OpenHash(path.Join(col.Dir, index.FileName), index.HashBits, index.PerBucket)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		col.StrHT[strings.Join(index.IndexedPath, ",")] = ht
		col.StrIC[strings.Join(index.IndexedPath, ",")] = &col.Config.Indexes[i]
	return nil