Example #1
func (file *File) readdir(n int) (fi []FileInfo, err error) {
	if file == nil {
		return nil, syscall.EINVAL
	if !file.isdir() {
		return nil, &PathError{"Readdir", file.name, syscall.ENOTDIR}
	if !file.dirinfo.isempty && file.fd == syscall.InvalidHandle {
		return nil, syscall.EINVAL
	wantAll := n <= 0
	size := n
	if wantAll {
		n = -1
		size = 100
	fi = make([]FileInfo, 0, size) // Empty with room to grow.
	d := &file.dirinfo.data
	for n != 0 && !file.dirinfo.isempty {
		if file.dirinfo.needdata {
			e := syscall.FindNextFile(syscall.Handle(file.fd), d)
			if e != nil {
				if e == syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES {
				} else {
					err = &PathError{"FindNextFile", file.name, e}
					if !wantAll {
						fi = nil
		file.dirinfo.needdata = true
		name := string(syscall.UTF16ToString(d.FileName[0:]))
		if name == "." || name == ".." { // Useless names
		f := &fileStat{
			name: name,
			sys: syscall.Win32FileAttributeData{
				FileAttributes: d.FileAttributes,
				CreationTime:   d.CreationTime,
				LastAccessTime: d.LastAccessTime,
				LastWriteTime:  d.LastWriteTime,
				FileSizeHigh:   d.FileSizeHigh,
				FileSizeLow:    d.FileSizeLow,
			path: file.dirinfo.path + `\` + name,
		fi = append(fi, f)
	if !wantAll && len(fi) == 0 {
		return fi, io.EOF
	return fi, nil
Example #2
// Readdir reads the contents of the directory associated with file and
// returns an array of up to n FileInfo structures, as would be returned
// by Lstat, in directory order. Subsequent calls on the same file will yield
// further FileInfos.
// If n > 0, Readdir returns at most n FileInfo structures. In this case, if
// Readdir returns an empty slice, it will return a non-nil error
// explaining why. At the end of a directory, the error is os.EOF.
// If n <= 0, Readdir returns all the FileInfo from the directory in
// a single slice. In this case, if Readdir succeeds (reads all
// the way to the end of the directory), it returns the slice and a
// nil os.Error. If it encounters an error before the end of the
// directory, Readdir returns the FileInfo read until that point
// and a non-nil error.
func (file *File) Readdir(n int) (fi []FileInfo, err Error) {
	if file == nil || file.fd < 0 {
		return nil, EINVAL
	if !file.isdir() {
		return nil, &PathError{"Readdir", file.name, ENOTDIR}
	di := file.dirinfo
	wantAll := n <= 0
	size := n
	if wantAll {
		n = -1
		size = 100
	fi = make([]FileInfo, 0, size) // Empty with room to grow.
	for n != 0 {
		if di.usefirststat {
			di.usefirststat = false
		} else {
			e := syscall.FindNextFile(syscall.Handle(file.fd), &di.stat.Windata)
			if e != 0 {
				if e == syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES {
				} else {
					err = &PathError{"FindNextFile", file.name, Errno(e)}
					if !wantAll {
						fi = nil
		var f FileInfo
		fileInfoFromWin32finddata(&f, &di.stat.Windata)
		if f.Name == "." || f.Name == ".." { // Useless names
		fi = append(fi, f)
	if !wantAll && len(fi) == 0 {
		return fi, EOF
	return fi, nil
Example #3
func (file *File) readdir(n int) (fi []FileInfo, err error) {
	if file == nil || file.fd < 0 {
		return nil, EINVAL
	if !file.isdir() {
		return nil, &PathError{"Readdir", file.name, ENOTDIR}
	wantAll := n <= 0
	size := n
	if wantAll {
		n = -1
		size = 100
	fi = make([]FileInfo, 0, size) // Empty with room to grow.
	d := &file.dirinfo.data
	for n != 0 {
		if file.dirinfo.needdata {
			e := syscall.FindNextFile(syscall.Handle(file.fd), d)
			if e != nil {
				if e == syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES {
				} else {
					err = &PathError{"FindNextFile", file.name, e}
					if !wantAll {
						fi = nil
		file.dirinfo.needdata = true
		name := string(syscall.UTF16ToString(d.FileName[0:]))
		if name == "." || name == ".." { // Useless names
		f := toFileInfo(name, d.FileAttributes, d.FileSizeHigh, d.FileSizeLow, d.CreationTime, d.LastAccessTime, d.LastWriteTime)
		fi = append(fi, f)
	if !wantAll && len(fi) == 0 {
		return fi, io.EOF
	return fi, nil
Example #4
// Readdir reads the contents of the directory associated with file and
// returns an array of up to count FileInfo structures, as would be returned
// by Stat, in directory order.  Subsequent calls on the same file will yield
// further FileInfos.
// A negative count means to read until EOF.
// Readdir returns the array and an Error, if any.
func (file *File) Readdir(count int) (fi []FileInfo, err Error) {
	di := file.dirinfo
	size := count
	if size < 0 {
		size = 100
	fi = make([]FileInfo, 0, size) // Empty with room to grow.
	for count != 0 {
		if di.usefirststat {
			di.usefirststat = false
		} else {
			_, e := syscall.FindNextFile(int32(file.fd), &di.stat.Windata)
			if e != 0 {
				if e == syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES {
				} else {
					return nil, &PathError{"FindNextFile", file.name, Errno(e)}
		var f FileInfo
		fileInfoFromWin32finddata(&f, &di.stat.Windata)
		if f.Name == "." || f.Name == ".." { // Useless names
		if len(fi) == cap(fi) {
			nfi := make([]FileInfo, len(fi), 2*len(fi))
			for i := 0; i < len(fi); i++ {
				nfi[i] = fi[i]
			fi = nfi
		fi = fi[0 : len(fi)+1]
		fi[len(fi)-1] = f
	return fi, nil
Example #5
func (this *FileInfo) findNext() error {
	return syscall.FindNextFile(this.handle, &this.data1)