Example #1
func testAfterQueuing(t *testing.T, delta Duration) error {
	// make the result channel buffered because we don't want
	// to depend on channel queueing semantics that might
	// possibly change in the future.
	result := make(chan afterResult, len(slots))

	t0 := Now()
	for _, slot := range slots {
		go await(slot, result, After(Duration(slot)*delta))
	var order []int
	var times []Time
	for range slots {
		r := <-result
		order = append(order, r.slot)
		times = append(times, r.t)
	for i := range order {
		if i > 0 && order[i] < order[i-1] {
			return fmt.Errorf("After calls returned out of order: %v", order)
	for i, t := range times {
		dt := t.Sub(t0)
		target := Duration(order[i]) * delta
		if dt < target-delta/2 || dt > target+delta*10 {
			return fmt.Errorf("After(%s) arrived at %s, expected [%s,%s]", target, dt, target-delta/2, target+delta*10)
	return nil
Example #2
func TestNatSub(t *testing.T) {
	tester = t
	test_msg = "NatSubA"
	nat_eq(0, nat_zero.Sub(nat_zero), nat_zero)
	nat_eq(1, c.Sub(nat_zero), c)

	test_msg = "NatSubB"
	for i := uint64(0); i < 100; i++ {
		t := sum(i, c)
		for j := uint64(0); j <= i; j++ {
			t = t.Sub(mul(Nat(j), c))
		nat_eq(uint(i), t, nat_zero)
Example #3
func TestEventual(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("eventual basic functionality, no mandatory, no exclusive", t, func() {
		e := New()

		t, err := e.Register("test.topic", false, false)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)
		So(t.GetTopic(), ShouldEqual, "test.topic")
		So(t.IsMandatory(), ShouldBeFalse)
		So(t.IsExclusive(), ShouldBeFalse)

		Convey("pub/sub test", func() {
			s1 := t.Sub()
			s2 := t.Sub()
			t.Sub() // This must pass, since its not mandatory
			wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

			var resp1, resp2 IEvent
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				resp1 = <-s1

			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				resp2 = <-s2

			// Make sure the readers are ready. I know this is not accurate, but
			// I don't know any beter way

			So(resp1.Data().(int), ShouldEqual, 1)
			So(resp2.Data().(int), ShouldEqual, 1)

		Convey("pub/sub test on another channel", func() {
			t1, err := e.Register("test.topic", false, false)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			s1 := t.Sub()
			wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

			var resp IEvent
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				resp = <-s1


			So(resp.Data().(int), ShouldEqual, 2)