Example #1
func panicEvalError(n ast.Node, s string) {
	var loc *token.Location
	if n != nil {
		loc = n.Loc()
	panic(NewEvalError("Evaluation error", s, loc))
Example #2
func panicApplicationError(n ast.Node, s string) {
	var loc *token.Location
	if n != nil {
		loc = n.Loc()
	panic(NewEvalError("Application panic", s, loc))
Example #3
func primConcat(e Env, head ast.Node, args []ast.Node) ast.Node {
	var sum ast.Node

	for _, arg := range args {
		if sum == nil {
			sum = arg
		} else {
			switch sumVal := sum.(type) {
			case ast.Coll:
				switch argVal := arg.(type) {
				case ast.Coll:
					var err error
					sum, err = sumVal.Append(argVal)
					if err != nil {
						panicEvalError(arg, err.Error())
					panicEvalError(arg, "Cannot concat a collection with a non-collection: "+arg.String())
				panicEvalError(arg, "Cannot concat a non-collection type: "+sum.String())

	if sum == nil {
		return &ast.Nil{}
	} else {
		return sum
Example #4
func ensureList(n ast.Node) *ast.List {
	if v, ok := n.(*ast.List); ok {
		return v

	panic("Expected list: " + n.String())
Example #5
func ensureSymbol(n ast.Node) *ast.Symbol {
	if v, ok := n.(*ast.Symbol); ok {
		return v

	panic("Expected symbol: " + n.String())
Example #6
func toSymbolName(n ast.Node) string {
	switch value := n.(type) {
	case *ast.Symbol:
		return value.Name

	panic("Not a symbol: " + n.String())
Example #7
func testInputFile(sourceFilePath string, t *testing.T) {
	sourceDirPart, sourceFileNamePart := filepath.Split(sourceFilePath)
	parts := strings.Split(sourceFileNamePart, ".")
	testName := parts[0]

	outputFilePath := sourceDirPart + testName + ".out"

	input, errIn := util.ReadFile(sourceFilePath)
	if errIn != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error reading file <" + sourceFilePath + ">: " + errIn.Error())

	expectedRaw, errOut := util.ReadFile(outputFilePath)
	if errOut != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error reading file <" + outputFilePath + ">: " + errOut.Error())

	// Remove any carriage return line endings from .out file
	expectedWithUntrimmed := strings.Replace(expectedRaw, "\r", "", -1)
	expected := strings.TrimSpace(expectedWithUntrimmed)

	nodes, errors := parser.Parse(input, sourceFilePath)
	if errors.Len() != 0 {
		verify(t, sourceFilePath, input, expected, errors.String())
	} else {
		e := interpreter.NewTopLevelMapEnv()

		var outputBuffer bytes.Buffer

		dummyReadLine := func() string {
			return "text from dummy read line"

		var result ast.Node
		var evalError error
		for _, n := range nodes {
			result, evalError = interpreter.Eval(e, n, &outputBuffer, dummyReadLine)
			if evalError != nil {

		actual := (&outputBuffer).String()

		if evalError == nil {
			//DEBUG fmt.Printf("RESULT(%v): %v\n", sourceFilePath, result)
			if result != nil {
				actual = actual + result.String()
		} else {
			actual = actual + evalError.Error()
		verify(t, sourceFilePath, input, expected, actual)
Example #8
func toListValue(n ast.Node) *ast.List {
	switch value := n.(type) {
	case *ast.List:
		return value

	panicEvalError(n, "Expression is not a list: "+n.String())
	return nil
Example #9
func toSymbolValue(n ast.Node) string {
	switch value := n.(type) {
	case *ast.Symbol:
		return value.Name

	panicEvalError(n, "Expression is not a symbol: "+n.String())
	return ""
Example #10
func toNumberValue(n ast.Node) float64 {
	switch value := n.(type) {
	case *ast.Number:
		return value.Value

	panicEvalError(n, "Expression is not a number: "+n.String())
	return 0.0
Example #11
func specialCond(e Env, head ast.Node, args []ast.Node) packet {
	for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 2 {
		predicate := toBooleanValue(trampoline(func() packet {
			return evalNode(e, args[i])

		if predicate {
			return bounce(func() packet {
				return evalNode(e, args[i+1])

	panicEvalError(head, "No matching cond clause: "+head.String())
	return respond(&ast.Nil{})
Example #12
func evalInvokeProcedure(dynamicEnv Env, f *Procedure, head ast.Node, unevaledArgs ast.Nodes, shouldEvalMacros bool) packet {
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			switch errorValue := e.(type) {
			case *EvalError:
				fmt.Printf("TRACE: (%v: %v): call to %v\n", head.Loc().Filename, head.Loc().Line, f.Name)

	// Validate parameters
	isVariableNumberOfParams := false
	for _, param := range f.Parameters {
		switch paramVal := param.(type) {
		case *ast.Symbol:
			if paramVal.Name == "&rest" {
				isVariableNumberOfParams = true
			panicEvalError(head, "Procedure parameters should only be symbols: "+param.String())
	if !isVariableNumberOfParams {
		if len(unevaledArgs) != len(f.Parameters) {
			panicEvalError(head, fmt.Sprintf(
				"Procedure '%v' expects %v argument(s), but was given %v. Procedure parameter list: %v. Arguments: %v.",

	// Create the lexical environment based on the procedure's lexical parent
	lexicalEnv := NewMapEnv(f.Name, f.ParentEnv)

	// Prepare the arguments for application
	var args []ast.Node
	if f.IsMacro {
		args = unevaledArgs
	} else {
		args = evalEachNode(dynamicEnv, unevaledArgs)

	// Map arguments to parameters
	isMappingRestArgs := false
	iarg := 0
	for iparam, param := range f.Parameters {
		paramName := toSymbolName(param)
		if isMappingRestArgs {
			restArgs := args[iarg:]
			restList := ast.NewList(restArgs)
			lexicalEnv.Set(paramName, restList)
		} else if paramName == "&rest" {
			isMappingRestArgs = true
		} else {
			lexicalEnv.Set(paramName, args[iparam])

	if f.IsMacro {
		expandedMacro := trampoline(func() packet {
			return evalNode(lexicalEnv, f.Body)

		if shouldEvalMacros {
			return bounce(func() packet {
				// This is executed in the environment of its application, not the
				// environment of its definition
				return evalNode(dynamicEnv, expandedMacro)
		} else {
			return respond(expandedMacro)
	} else {
		// Evaluate the body in the new lexical environment
		return bounce(func() packet {
			return evalNode(lexicalEnv, f.Body)