Example #1
func setExtensionsDefaults(config *Config) error {
	// if experimental group is not registered, return an error
	g, err := latest.Group("extensions")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	config.Prefix = "apis/"
	if config.UserAgent == "" {
		config.UserAgent = DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
	// TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
	//if config.Version == "" {
	config.Version = g.GroupVersion

	versionInterfaces, err := g.InterfacesFor(config.Version)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Extensions API version '%s' is not recognized (valid values: %s)",
			config.Version, strings.Join(latest.GroupOrDie("extensions").Versions, ", "))
	config.Codec = versionInterfaces.Codec
	if config.QPS == 0 {
		config.QPS = 5
	if config.Burst == 0 {
		config.Burst = 10
	return nil
Example #2
// New creates a Kubernetes client for the given config. This client works with pods,
// replication controllers, daemons, and services. It allows operations such as list, get, update
// and delete on these objects. An error is returned if the provided configuration
// is not valid.
func New(c *Config) (*Client, error) {
	config := *c
	if err := SetKubernetesDefaults(&config); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	client, err := RESTClientFor(&config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	discoveryConfig := *c
	discoveryClient, err := NewDiscoveryClient(&discoveryConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if _, err := latest.Group("extensions"); err != nil {
		return &Client{RESTClient: client, ExtensionsClient: nil, DiscoveryClient: discoveryClient}, nil
	experimentalConfig := *c
	experimentalClient, err := NewExtensions(&experimentalConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Client{RESTClient: client, ExtensionsClient: experimentalClient, DiscoveryClient: discoveryClient}, nil
Example #3
// InterfacesFor returns the default Codec and ResourceVersioner for a given version
// string, or an error if the version is not known.
func interfacesFor(version string) (*meta.VersionInterfaces, error) {
	switch version {
	case "extensions/v1beta1":
		return &meta.VersionInterfaces{
			Codec:            v1beta1.Codec,
			ObjectConvertor:  api.Scheme,
			MetadataAccessor: accessor,
		}, nil
		g, _ := latest.Group("extensions")
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported storage version: %s (valid: %s)", version, strings.Join(g.Versions, ", "))
Example #4
// RunExplain executes the appropriate steps to print a model's documentation
func RunExplain(f *cmdutil.Factory, out io.Writer, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	if len(args) != 1 {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "We accept only this format: explain RESOURCE")

	client, err := f.Client()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	recursive := cmdutil.GetFlagBool(cmd, "recursive")
	apiV := cmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "api-version")

	mapper, _ := f.Object()
	// TODO: After we figured out the new syntax to separate group and resource, allow
	// the users to use it in explain (kubectl explain <group><syntax><resource>).
	// Refer to issue #16039 for why we do this. Refer to PR #15808 that used "/" syntax.
	inModel, fieldsPath, err := kubectl.SplitAndParseResourceRequest(args[0], mapper)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO: We should deduce the group for a resource by discovering the supported resources at server.
	group, err := mapper.GroupForResource(inModel)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(apiV) == 0 {
		groupMeta, err := latest.Group(group)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		apiV = groupMeta.GroupVersion
	swagSchema, err := kubectl.GetSwaggerSchema(apiV, client)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return kubectl.PrintModelDescription(inModel, fieldsPath, out, swagSchema, recursive)
Example #5
// parse the value of --etcd-servers-overrides and update given storageDestinations.
func updateEtcdOverrides(overrides []string, storageVersions map[string]string, prefix string, storageDestinations *master.StorageDestinations, newEtcdFn newEtcdFunc) {
	if len(overrides) == 0 {
	for _, override := range overrides {
		tokens := strings.Split(override, "#")
		if len(tokens) != 2 {
			glog.Errorf("invalid value of etcd server overrides: %s", override)

		apiresource := strings.Split(tokens[0], "/")
		if len(apiresource) != 2 {
			glog.Errorf("invalid resource definition: %s", tokens[0])
		group := apiresource[0]
		resource := apiresource[1]

		apigroup, err := latest.Group(group)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("invalid api group %s: %v", group, err)
		if _, found := storageVersions[apigroup.Group]; !found {
			glog.Errorf("Couldn't find the storage version for group %s", apigroup.Group)

		servers := strings.Split(tokens[1], ";")
		etcdOverrideStorage, err := newEtcdFn("", servers, apigroup.InterfacesFor, storageVersions[apigroup.Group], prefix)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Invalid storage version or misconfigured etcd for %s: %v", tokens[0], err)

		storageDestinations.AddStorageOverride(group, resource, etcdOverrideStorage)
Example #6
// init initializes master.
func (m *Master) init(c *Config) {

	if c.ProxyDialer != nil || c.ProxyTLSClientConfig != nil {
		m.proxyTransport = util.SetTransportDefaults(&http.Transport{
			Dial:            c.ProxyDialer,
			TLSClientConfig: c.ProxyTLSClientConfig,

	healthzChecks := []healthz.HealthzChecker{}

	dbClient := func(resource string) storage.Interface { return c.StorageDestinations.get("", resource) }
	podStorage := podetcd.NewStorage(dbClient("pods"), c.EnableWatchCache, c.KubeletClient, m.proxyTransport)

	podTemplateStorage := podtemplateetcd.NewREST(dbClient("podTemplates"))

	eventStorage := eventetcd.NewREST(dbClient("events"), uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds()))
	limitRangeStorage := limitrangeetcd.NewREST(dbClient("limitRanges"))

	resourceQuotaStorage, resourceQuotaStatusStorage := resourcequotaetcd.NewREST(dbClient("resourceQuotas"))
	secretStorage := secretetcd.NewREST(dbClient("secrets"))
	serviceAccountStorage := serviceaccountetcd.NewREST(dbClient("serviceAccounts"))
	persistentVolumeStorage, persistentVolumeStatusStorage := pvetcd.NewREST(dbClient("persistentVolumes"))
	persistentVolumeClaimStorage, persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage := pvcetcd.NewREST(dbClient("persistentVolumeClaims"))

	namespaceStorage, namespaceStatusStorage, namespaceFinalizeStorage := namespaceetcd.NewREST(dbClient("namespaces"))
	m.namespaceRegistry = namespace.NewRegistry(namespaceStorage)

	endpointsStorage := endpointsetcd.NewREST(dbClient("endpoints"), c.EnableWatchCache)
	m.endpointRegistry = endpoint.NewRegistry(endpointsStorage)

	nodeStorage, nodeStatusStorage := nodeetcd.NewREST(dbClient("nodes"), c.EnableWatchCache, c.KubeletClient, m.proxyTransport)
	m.nodeRegistry = node.NewRegistry(nodeStorage)

	serviceStorage := serviceetcd.NewREST(dbClient("services"))
	m.serviceRegistry = service.NewRegistry(serviceStorage)

	var serviceClusterIPRegistry service.RangeRegistry
	serviceClusterIPAllocator := ipallocator.NewAllocatorCIDRRange(m.serviceClusterIPRange, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface {
		mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec)
		etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/serviceips", "serviceipallocation", dbClient("services"))
		serviceClusterIPRegistry = etcd
		return etcd
	m.serviceClusterIPAllocator = serviceClusterIPRegistry

	var serviceNodePortRegistry service.RangeRegistry
	serviceNodePortAllocator := portallocator.NewPortAllocatorCustom(m.serviceNodePortRange, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface {
		mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec)
		etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/servicenodeports", "servicenodeportallocation", dbClient("services"))
		serviceNodePortRegistry = etcd
		return etcd
	m.serviceNodePortAllocator = serviceNodePortRegistry

	controllerStorage, controllerStatusStorage := controlleretcd.NewREST(dbClient("replicationControllers"))

	// TODO: Factor out the core API registration
	m.storage = map[string]rest.Storage{
		"pods":             podStorage.Pod,
		"pods/attach":      podStorage.Attach,
		"pods/status":      podStorage.Status,
		"pods/log":         podStorage.Log,
		"pods/exec":        podStorage.Exec,
		"pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward,
		"pods/proxy":       podStorage.Proxy,
		"pods/binding":     podStorage.Binding,
		"bindings":         podStorage.Binding,

		"podTemplates": podTemplateStorage,

		"replicationControllers":        controllerStorage,
		"replicationControllers/status": controllerStatusStorage,
		"services":                      service.NewStorage(m.serviceRegistry, m.endpointRegistry, serviceClusterIPAllocator, serviceNodePortAllocator, m.proxyTransport),
		"endpoints":                     endpointsStorage,
		"nodes":                         nodeStorage,
		"nodes/status":                  nodeStatusStorage,
		"events":                        eventStorage,

		"limitRanges":                   limitRangeStorage,
		"resourceQuotas":                resourceQuotaStorage,
		"resourceQuotas/status":         resourceQuotaStatusStorage,
		"namespaces":                    namespaceStorage,
		"namespaces/status":             namespaceStatusStorage,
		"namespaces/finalize":           namespaceFinalizeStorage,
		"secrets":                       secretStorage,
		"serviceAccounts":               serviceAccountStorage,
		"persistentVolumes":             persistentVolumeStorage,
		"persistentVolumes/status":      persistentVolumeStatusStorage,
		"persistentVolumeClaims":        persistentVolumeClaimStorage,
		"persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage,

		"componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(func() map[string]apiserver.Server { return m.getServersToValidate(c) }),

	if m.tunneler != nil {
		healthzChecks = append(healthzChecks, healthz.NamedCheck("SSH Tunnel Check", m.IsTunnelSyncHealthy))
			Name: "apiserver_proxy_tunnel_sync_latency_secs",
			Help: "The time since the last successful synchronization of the SSH tunnels for proxy requests.",
		}, func() float64 { return float64(m.tunneler.SecondsSinceSync()) })

	apiVersions := []string{}
	// Install v1 unless disabled.
	if !m.apiGroupVersionOverrides["api/v1"].Disable {
		if err := m.api_v1().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1: %v", err)
		apiVersions = append(apiVersions, "v1")

	apiserver.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.rootWebService, c.EnableProfiling, healthzChecks...)
	apiserver.AddApiWebService(m.handlerContainer, c.APIPrefix, apiVersions)
	defaultVersion := m.defaultAPIGroupVersion()
	requestInfoResolver := &apiserver.APIRequestInfoResolver{APIPrefixes: sets.NewString(strings.TrimPrefix(defaultVersion.Root, "/")), RestMapper: defaultVersion.Mapper}
	apiserver.InstallServiceErrorHandler(m.handlerContainer, requestInfoResolver, apiVersions)

	// allGroups records all supported groups at /apis
	allGroups := []unversioned.APIGroup{}
	// Install extensions unless disabled.
	if !m.apiGroupVersionOverrides["extensions/v1beta1"].Disable {
		m.thirdPartyStorage = c.StorageDestinations.APIGroups["extensions"].Default
		m.thirdPartyResources = map[string]*thirdpartyresourcedataetcd.REST{}

		expVersion := m.experimental(c)

		if err := expVersion.InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup experimental api: %v", err)
		g, err := latest.Group("extensions")
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup experimental api: %v", err)
		expAPIVersions := []unversioned.GroupVersion{
				GroupVersion: expVersion.Version,
				Version:      apiutil.GetVersion(expVersion.Version),
		storageVersion, found := c.StorageVersions[g.Group]
		if !found {
			glog.Fatalf("Couldn't find storage version of group %v", g.Group)
		group := unversioned.APIGroup{
			Name:             g.Group,
			Versions:         expAPIVersions,
			PreferredVersion: unversioned.GroupVersion{GroupVersion: storageVersion, Version: apiutil.GetVersion(storageVersion)},
		apiserver.AddGroupWebService(m.handlerContainer, c.APIGroupPrefix+"/"+latest.GroupOrDie("extensions").Group, group)
		allGroups = append(allGroups, group)
		expRequestInfoResolver := &apiserver.APIRequestInfoResolver{APIPrefixes: sets.NewString(strings.TrimPrefix(expVersion.Root, "/")), RestMapper: expVersion.Mapper}
		apiserver.InstallServiceErrorHandler(m.handlerContainer, expRequestInfoResolver, []string{expVersion.Version})

	// This should be done after all groups are registered
	// TODO: replace the hardcoded "apis".
	apiserver.AddApisWebService(m.handlerContainer, "/apis", allGroups)

	// Register root handler.
	// We do not register this using restful Webservice since we do not want to surface this in api docs.
	// Allow master to be embedded in contexts which already have something registered at the root
	if c.EnableIndex {
		m.mux.HandleFunc("/", apiserver.IndexHandler(m.handlerContainer, m.muxHelper))

	if c.EnableLogsSupport {
	if c.EnableUISupport {
		ui.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.enableSwaggerSupport)

	if c.EnableProfiling {
		m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
		m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile)
		m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)

	handler := http.Handler(m.mux.(*http.ServeMux))

	// TODO: handle CORS and auth using go-restful
	// See github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-CORS-filter.go, and
	// github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-basic-authentication.go

	if len(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) > 0 {
		allowedOriginRegexps, err := util.CompileRegexps(c.CorsAllowedOriginList)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Invalid CORS allowed origin, --cors-allowed-origins flag was set to %v - %v", strings.Join(c.CorsAllowedOriginList, ","), err)
		handler = apiserver.CORS(handler, allowedOriginRegexps, nil, nil, "true")

	m.InsecureHandler = handler

	attributeGetter := apiserver.NewRequestAttributeGetter(m.requestContextMapper, latest.GroupOrDie("").RESTMapper, "api")
	handler = apiserver.WithAuthorizationCheck(handler, attributeGetter, m.authorizer)

	// Install Authenticator
	if c.Authenticator != nil {
		authenticatedHandler, err := handlers.NewRequestAuthenticator(m.requestContextMapper, c.Authenticator, handlers.Unauthorized(c.SupportsBasicAuth), handler)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize authenticator: %v", err)
		handler = authenticatedHandler

	// Install root web services

	// TODO: Make this optional?  Consumers of master depend on this currently.
	m.Handler = handler

	if m.enableSwaggerSupport {

	// After all wrapping is done, put a context filter around both handlers
	if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.Handler); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err)
	} else {
		m.Handler = handler

	if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.InsecureHandler); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err)
	} else {
		m.InsecureHandler = handler

	// TODO: Attempt clean shutdown?
	if m.enableCoreControllers {
Example #7
// Run runs the specified APIServer.  This should never exit.
func (s *APIServer) Run(_ []string) error {

	// If advertise-address is not specified, use bind-address. If bind-address
	// is not usable (unset,, or loopback), setDefaults() in
	// pkg/master/master.go will do the right thing and use the host's default
	// interface.
	if s.AdvertiseAddress == nil || s.AdvertiseAddress.IsUnspecified() {
		s.AdvertiseAddress = s.BindAddress

	if (s.EtcdConfigFile != "" && len(s.EtcdServerList) != 0) || (s.EtcdConfigFile == "" && len(s.EtcdServerList) == 0) {
		glog.Fatalf("specify either --etcd-servers or --etcd-config")

		AllowPrivileged: s.AllowPrivileged,
		// TODO(vmarmol): Implement support for HostNetworkSources.
		PrivilegedSources: capabilities.PrivilegedSources{
			HostNetworkSources: []string{},
			HostPIDSources:     []string{},
			HostIPCSources:     []string{},
		PerConnectionBandwidthLimitBytesPerSec: s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec,

	cloud, err := cloudprovider.InitCloudProvider(s.CloudProvider, s.CloudConfigFile)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Cloud provider could not be initialized: %v", err)

	// Setup tunneler if needed
	var tunneler master.Tunneler
	var proxyDialerFn apiserver.ProxyDialerFunc
	if len(s.SSHUser) > 0 {
		// Get ssh key distribution func, if supported
		var installSSH master.InstallSSHKey
		if cloud != nil {
			if instances, supported := cloud.Instances(); supported {
				installSSH = instances.AddSSHKeyToAllInstances

		// Set up the tunneler
		tunneler = master.NewSSHTunneler(s.SSHUser, s.SSHKeyfile, installSSH)

		// Use the tunneler's dialer to connect to the kubelet
		s.KubeletConfig.Dial = tunneler.Dial
		// Use the tunneler's dialer when proxying to pods, services, and nodes
		proxyDialerFn = tunneler.Dial

	// Proxying to pods and services is IP-based... don't expect to be able to verify the hostname
	proxyTLSClientConfig := &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}

	kubeletClient, err := client.NewKubeletClient(&s.KubeletConfig)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Failure to start kubelet client: %v", err)

	apiGroupVersionOverrides, err := s.parseRuntimeConfig()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("error in parsing runtime-config: %s", err)

	clientConfig := &client.Config{
		Host:    net.JoinHostPort(s.InsecureBindAddress.String(), strconv.Itoa(s.InsecurePort)),
		Version: s.DeprecatedStorageVersion,
	client, err := client.New(clientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Invalid server address: %v", err)

	legacyV1Group, err := latest.Group("")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	storageDestinations := master.NewStorageDestinations()

	storageVersions := generateStorageVersionMap(s.DeprecatedStorageVersion, s.StorageVersions)
	if _, found := storageVersions[legacyV1Group.Group]; !found {
		glog.Fatalf("Couldn't find the storage version for group: %q in storageVersions: %v", legacyV1Group.Group, storageVersions)
	etcdStorage, err := newEtcd(s.EtcdConfigFile, s.EtcdServerList, legacyV1Group.InterfacesFor, storageVersions[legacyV1Group.Group], s.EtcdPathPrefix)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Invalid storage version or misconfigured etcd: %v", err)
	storageDestinations.AddAPIGroup("", etcdStorage)

	if !apiGroupVersionOverrides["extensions/v1beta1"].Disable {
		expGroup, err := latest.Group("extensions")
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Extensions API is enabled in runtime config, but not enabled in the environment variable KUBE_API_VERSIONS. Error: %v", err)
		if _, found := storageVersions[expGroup.Group]; !found {
			glog.Fatalf("Couldn't find the storage version for group: %q in storageVersions: %v", expGroup.Group, storageVersions)
		expEtcdStorage, err := newEtcd(s.EtcdConfigFile, s.EtcdServerList, expGroup.InterfacesFor, storageVersions[expGroup.Group], s.EtcdPathPrefix)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("Invalid extensions storage version or misconfigured etcd: %v", err)
		storageDestinations.AddAPIGroup("extensions", expEtcdStorage)

	updateEtcdOverrides(s.EtcdServersOverrides, storageVersions, s.EtcdPathPrefix, &storageDestinations, newEtcd)

	n := s.ServiceClusterIPRange

	// Default to the private server key for service account token signing
	if s.ServiceAccountKeyFile == "" && s.TLSPrivateKeyFile != "" {
		if apiserver.IsValidServiceAccountKeyFile(s.TLSPrivateKeyFile) {
			s.ServiceAccountKeyFile = s.TLSPrivateKeyFile
		} else {
			glog.Warning("no RSA key provided, service account token authentication disabled")
	authenticator, err := apiserver.NewAuthenticator(apiserver.AuthenticatorConfig{
		BasicAuthFile:         s.BasicAuthFile,
		ClientCAFile:          s.ClientCAFile,
		TokenAuthFile:         s.TokenAuthFile,
		OIDCIssuerURL:         s.OIDCIssuerURL,
		OIDCClientID:          s.OIDCClientID,
		OIDCCAFile:            s.OIDCCAFile,
		OIDCUsernameClaim:     s.OIDCUsernameClaim,
		ServiceAccountKeyFile: s.ServiceAccountKeyFile,
		ServiceAccountLookup:  s.ServiceAccountLookup,
		Storage:               etcdStorage,
		KeystoneURL:           s.KeystoneURL,

	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Invalid Authentication Config: %v", err)

	authorizationModeNames := strings.Split(s.AuthorizationMode, ",")
	authorizer, err := apiserver.NewAuthorizerFromAuthorizationConfig(authorizationModeNames, s.AuthorizationPolicyFile)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Invalid Authorization Config: %v", err)

	admissionControlPluginNames := strings.Split(s.AdmissionControl, ",")
	admissionController := admission.NewFromPlugins(client, admissionControlPluginNames, s.AdmissionControlConfigFile)

	if len(s.ExternalHost) == 0 {
		// TODO: extend for other providers
		if s.CloudProvider == "gce" {
			instances, supported := cloud.Instances()
			if !supported {
				glog.Fatalf("gce cloud provider has no instances.  this shouldn't happen. exiting.")
			name, err := os.Hostname()
			if err != nil {
				glog.Fatalf("failed to get hostname: %v", err)
			addrs, err := instances.NodeAddresses(name)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("unable to obtain external host address from cloud provider: %v", err)
			} else {
				for _, addr := range addrs {
					if addr.Type == api.NodeExternalIP {
						s.ExternalHost = addr.Address

	config := &master.Config{
		StorageDestinations:      storageDestinations,
		StorageVersions:          storageVersions,
		EventTTL:                 s.EventTTL,
		KubeletClient:            kubeletClient,
		ServiceClusterIPRange:    &n,
		EnableCoreControllers:    true,
		EnableLogsSupport:        s.EnableLogsSupport,
		EnableUISupport:          true,
		EnableSwaggerSupport:     true,
		EnableProfiling:          s.EnableProfiling,
		EnableWatchCache:         s.EnableWatchCache,
		EnableIndex:              true,
		APIPrefix:                s.APIPrefix,
		APIGroupPrefix:           s.APIGroupPrefix,
		CorsAllowedOriginList:    s.CorsAllowedOriginList,
		ReadWritePort:            s.SecurePort,
		PublicAddress:            s.AdvertiseAddress,
		Authenticator:            authenticator,
		SupportsBasicAuth:        len(s.BasicAuthFile) > 0,
		Authorizer:               authorizer,
		AdmissionControl:         admissionController,
		APIGroupVersionOverrides: apiGroupVersionOverrides,
		MasterServiceNamespace:   s.MasterServiceNamespace,
		ClusterName:              s.ClusterName,
		ExternalHost:             s.ExternalHost,
		MinRequestTimeout:        s.MinRequestTimeout,
		ProxyDialer:              proxyDialerFn,
		ProxyTLSClientConfig:     proxyTLSClientConfig,
		Tunneler:                 tunneler,
		ServiceNodePortRange:     s.ServiceNodePortRange,
	m := master.New(config)

	// We serve on 2 ports.  See docs/accessing_the_api.md
	secureLocation := ""
	if s.SecurePort != 0 {
		secureLocation = net.JoinHostPort(s.BindAddress.String(), strconv.Itoa(s.SecurePort))
	insecureLocation := net.JoinHostPort(s.InsecureBindAddress.String(), strconv.Itoa(s.InsecurePort))

	// See the flag commentary to understand our assumptions when opening the read-only and read-write ports.

	var sem chan bool
	if s.MaxRequestsInFlight > 0 {
		sem = make(chan bool, s.MaxRequestsInFlight)

	longRunningRE := regexp.MustCompile(s.LongRunningRequestRE)
	longRunningTimeout := func(req *http.Request) (<-chan time.Time, string) {
		// TODO unify this with apiserver.MaxInFlightLimit
		if longRunningRE.MatchString(req.URL.Path) || req.URL.Query().Get("watch") == "true" {
			return nil, ""
		return time.After(time.Minute), ""

	if secureLocation != "" {
		handler := apiserver.TimeoutHandler(m.Handler, longRunningTimeout)
		secureServer := &http.Server{
			Addr:           secureLocation,
			Handler:        apiserver.MaxInFlightLimit(sem, longRunningRE, apiserver.RecoverPanics(handler)),
			MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
			TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
				// Change default from SSLv3 to TLSv1.0 (because of POODLE vulnerability)
				MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10,

		if len(s.ClientCAFile) > 0 {
			clientCAs, err := util.CertPoolFromFile(s.ClientCAFile)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Fatalf("unable to load client CA file: %v", err)
			// Populate PeerCertificates in requests, but don't reject connections without certificates
			// This allows certificates to be validated by authenticators, while still allowing other auth types
			secureServer.TLSConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequestClientCert
			// Specify allowed CAs for client certificates
			secureServer.TLSConfig.ClientCAs = clientCAs

		glog.Infof("Serving securely on %s", secureLocation)
		if s.TLSCertFile == "" && s.TLSPrivateKeyFile == "" {
			s.TLSCertFile = path.Join(s.CertDirectory, "apiserver.crt")
			s.TLSPrivateKeyFile = path.Join(s.CertDirectory, "apiserver.key")
			// TODO (cjcullen): Is PublicAddress the right address to sign a cert with?
			alternateIPs := []net.IP{config.ServiceReadWriteIP}
			alternateDNS := []string{"kubernetes.default.svc", "kubernetes.default", "kubernetes"}
			// It would be nice to set a fqdn subject alt name, but only the kubelets know, the apiserver is clueless
			// alternateDNS = append(alternateDNS, "kubernetes.default.svc.CLUSTER.DNS.NAME")
			if err := util.GenerateSelfSignedCert(config.PublicAddress.String(), s.TLSCertFile, s.TLSPrivateKeyFile, alternateIPs, alternateDNS); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Unable to generate self signed cert: %v", err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Using self-signed cert (%s, %s)", s.TLSCertFile, s.TLSPrivateKeyFile)

		go func() {
			defer util.HandleCrash()
			for {
				// err == systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket when not running on a systemd system
				if err := systemd.SdNotify("READY=1\n"); err != nil && err != systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket {
					glog.Errorf("Unable to send systemd daemon successful start message: %v\n", err)
				if err := secureServer.ListenAndServeTLS(s.TLSCertFile, s.TLSPrivateKeyFile); err != nil {
					glog.Errorf("Unable to listen for secure (%v); will try again.", err)
				time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
	handler := apiserver.TimeoutHandler(m.InsecureHandler, longRunningTimeout)
	http := &http.Server{
		Addr:           insecureLocation,
		Handler:        apiserver.RecoverPanics(handler),
		MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
	if secureLocation == "" {
		// err == systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket when not running on a systemd system
		if err := systemd.SdNotify("READY=1\n"); err != nil && err != systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to send systemd daemon successful start message: %v\n", err)
	glog.Infof("Serving insecurely on %s", insecureLocation)
	return nil