Exemple #1
func newDbForTest(t *testing.T) *sqlx.DB {
	var err error
	pguser, _, pghost, pgport, pgsslmode := os.Getenv("PGUSER"), os.Getenv("PGPASSWORD"), os.Getenv("PGHOST"), os.Getenv("PGPORT"), os.Getenv("PGSSLMODE")
	if pguser == ""{
		pguser, err = libunix.CurrentUser()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Getting current user should never fail. Error: %v", err)

	if pghost == "" {
		pghost = "localhost"

	if pgport == "" {
		pgport = "5432"

	if pgsslmode == "" {
		pgsslmode = "disable"

	db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%v@%v:%v/$GO_BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT_NAME-test?sslmode=%v", pguser, pghost, pgport, pgsslmode))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Connecting to local postgres should never fail. Error: %v", err)
	return db
Exemple #2
func newConfig() (*viper.Viper, error) {
	u, err := libunix.CurrentUser()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c := viper.New()
	c.SetDefault("dsn", fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%v@localhost:5432/$GO_BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT_NAME?sslmode=disable", u))
	c.SetDefault("cookie_secret", "$GO_BOOTSTRAP_COOKIE_SECRET")
	c.SetDefault("http_addr", ":8888")
	c.SetDefault("http_cert_file", "")
	c.SetDefault("http_key_file", "")
	c.SetDefault("http_drain_interval", "1s")


	return c, nil
Exemple #3
// NewApplication is the constructor for Application struct.
func NewApplication() (*Application, error) {
	u, err := libunix.CurrentUser()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	dsn := libenv.EnvWithDefault("DSN", fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%v@localhost:5432/$GO_BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT_NAME?sslmode=disable", u))

	db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", dsn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cookieStoreSecret := libenv.EnvWithDefault("COOKIE_SECRET", "$GO_BOOTSTRAP_COOKIE_SECRET")

	app := &Application{}
	app.dsn = dsn
	app.db = db
	app.cookieStore = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(cookieStoreSecret))

	return app, err