Exemple #1
func mailissue(ctxt appengine.Context, kind, key string) error {
	ctxt.Infof("mailissue %s", key)
	var cl CL
	err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "CL", key, &cl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil // error already logged

	if len(cl.NeedMailIssue) == 0 {
		return nil

	var mailed []string
	for _, issue := range cl.NeedMailIssue {
		err := postIssueComment(ctxt, issue, "CL https://codereview.appspot.com/"+cl.CL+" mentions this issue.")
		if err != nil {
			ctxt.Criticalf("posting to issue %v: %v", issue, err)
		mailed = append(mailed, issue)

	err = app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var old CL
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "CL", key, &old); err != nil {
			return err
		old.MailedIssue = append(old.MailedIssue, mailed...)
		return app.WriteData(ctxt, "CL", key, &old)

	return err
Exemple #2
func loadpatch(ctxt appengine.Context, kind, key string) error {
	ctxt.Infof("loadpatch %s", key)
	var cl CL
	err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "CL", key, &cl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil // error already logged

	if cl.PatchSetsLoaded {
		return nil

	var last *Patch
	for _, id := range cl.PatchSets {
		var jp jsonPatch
		err := fetchJSON(ctxt, &jp, fmt.Sprintf("https://codereview.appspot.com/api/%s/%s", cl.CL, id))
		if err != nil {
			return nil // already logged
		p := jp.toPatch(ctxt)
		if err := app.WriteData(ctxt, "Patch", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cl.CL, id), p); err != nil {
			return nil // already logged
		last = p

	err = app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var old CL
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "CL", key, &old); err != nil {
			return err
		if len(old.PatchSets) > len(cl.PatchSets) {
			return fmt.Errorf("more patch sets added")
		old.PatchSetsLoaded = true
		old.FilesModified = last.Modified
		old.Files = nil
		old.Delta = 0
		for _, f := range last.Files {
			old.Files = append(old.Files, f.Name)
			old.Delta += int64(f.NumAdded + f.NumRemoved)
		if len(old.Files) > 100 {
			old.Files = old.Files[:100]
			old.MoreFiles = true
		if m := diffRE.FindStringSubmatch(last.Message); m != nil {
			old.Repo = m[1]
		} else if m := diffRE2.FindStringSubmatch(last.Message); m != nil {
			old.Repo = "code.google.com/p/" + m[1]
		} else if m := diffRE3.FindStringSubmatch(last.Message); m != nil {
			old.Repo = "code.google.com/p/" + m[2] + "." + m[1]
		// NOTE: updateCL will shorten code.google.com/p/go to go.
		return app.WriteData(ctxt, "CL", key, &old)
	return err
Exemple #3
func writeCL(ctxt appengine.Context, cl *CL, mtimeKey, modified string) error {
	err := app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var old CL
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "CL", cl.CL, &old); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			return err
		if old.CL == "" { // no old data
			var count int64
			app.ReadMeta(ctxt, "codereview.count", &count)
			app.WriteMeta(ctxt, "codereview.count", count+1)

		// Copy CL into original structure.
		// This allows us to maintain other information in the CL structure
		// and not overwrite it when the Rietveld information is updated.
		if cl.Dead {
			old.Dead = true
		} else {
			old.Dead = false
			if old.Modified.After(cl.Modified) {
				return fmt.Errorf("CL %v: have %v but Rietveld sent %v", cl.CL, old.Modified, cl.Modified)
			old.CL = cl.CL
			old.Desc = cl.Desc
			old.Owner = cl.Owner
			old.OwnerEmail = cl.OwnerEmail
			old.Created = cl.Created
			old.Modified = cl.Modified
			old.MessagesLoaded = cl.MessagesLoaded
			if cl.MessagesLoaded {
				old.Messages = cl.Messages
				old.Submitted = cl.Submitted
			old.Reviewers = cl.Reviewers
			old.CC = cl.CC
			old.Closed = cl.Closed
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(old.PatchSets, cl.PatchSets) {
				old.PatchSets = cl.PatchSets
				old.PatchSetsLoaded = false

		if err := app.WriteData(ctxt, "CL", cl.CL, &old); err != nil {
			return err
		if mtimeKey != "" {
			app.WriteMeta(ctxt, mtimeKey, modified)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("storing CL %v: %v", cl.CL, err)
	return err
Exemple #4
func writeIssue(ctxt appengine.Context, issue *Issue, stateKey string, state interface{}) error {
	err := app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var old Issue
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", fmt.Sprint(issue.ID), &old); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			return err
		if old.ID == 0 { // no old data
			var count int64
			app.ReadMeta(ctxt, "issue.count", &count)
			app.WriteMeta(ctxt, "issue.count", count+1)

		if old.Modified.After(issue.Modified) {
			return fmt.Errorf("issue %v: have %v but code.google.com sent %v", issue.ID, old.Modified, issue.Modified)

		// Copy Issue into original structure.
		// This allows us to maintain other information in the Issue structure
		// and not overwrite it when the issue information is updated.
		old.ID = issue.ID
		old.Summary = issue.Summary
		old.Status = issue.Status
		old.Duplicate = issue.Duplicate
		old.Owner = issue.Owner
		old.CC = issue.CC
		old.Label = issue.Label
		old.Comment = issue.Comment
		old.State = issue.State
		old.Created = issue.Created
		old.Modified = issue.Modified
		old.Stars = issue.Stars
		old.ClosedDate = issue.ClosedDate

		if err := app.WriteData(ctxt, "Issue", fmt.Sprint(issue.ID), &old); err != nil {
			return err
		if stateKey != "" {
			app.WriteMeta(ctxt, stateKey, state)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("storing issue %v: %v", issue.ID, err)
	return err
Exemple #5
func show(ctxt appengine.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
	var issue Issue
	err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/admin/issue/show/"), &issue)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "loading issue: %v\n", err)
	js, err := json.Marshal(issue)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "encoding issue to JSON: %v\n", err)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	json.Indent(&buf, js, "", "\t")
Exemple #6
func addTodo(ctxt appengine.Context, repo, branch, hash string) error {
	ctxt.Infof("add todo %s %s %s\n", repo, branch, hash)
	return app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var rev Rev
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Rev", repo+"."+hash, &rev); err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			if err == nil {
				if rev.Branch != branch {
					return errBranched
				return errDone
			return err

		return writeTodo(ctxt, repo, branch, hash, false)
Exemple #7
func writeTodo(ctxt appengine.Context, repo, branch, hash string, force bool) error {
	todoNextKey := fmt.Sprintf("commit.todo.%s.%s", repo, hash)
	if !force {
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "RevTodo", todoNextKey, new(revTodo)); err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			if err == nil {
				return errDone
			return err
	now := time.Now()
	todoNext := revTodo{
		Repo:   repo,
		Hash:   hash,
		Branch: branch,
		Start:  now,
		Last:   now,
		Time:   now,
	if err := app.WriteData(ctxt, "RevTodo", todoNextKey, &todoNext); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #8
func postMovedNote(ctxt appengine.Context, kind, id string) error {
	var old Issue
	if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old); err != nil {
		return err
	if !old.NeedGithubNote {
		err := app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
			var old Issue
			if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old); err != nil {
				return err
			old.NeedGithubNote = false
			return app.WriteData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old)
		return err

	cfg, err := oauthConfig(ctxt)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("oauthconfig: %v", err)

	var tok oauth.Token
	if err := app.ReadMeta(ctxt, "codelogin.token", &tok); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("reading token: %v", err)

	tr := &oauth.Transport{
		Config:    cfg,
		Token:     &tok,
		Transport: &urlfetch.Transport{Context: ctxt, Deadline: 45 * time.Second},
	client := tr.Client()

	status := ""
	if old.State != "closed" {
		status = "<issues:status>Moved</issues:status>"

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	buf.WriteString(`<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:issues='http://schemas.google.com/projecthosting/issues/2009'>
  <content type='html'>`)
	xml.Escape(&buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("This issue has moved to https://golang.org/issue/%s\n", id)))
    ` + status + `
	u := "https://code.google.com/feeds/issues/p/go/issues/" + id + "/comments/full"
	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", u, &buf)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err)
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml")
	resp, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("write: %v", err)
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	if resp.StatusCode != 201 {
		io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body)
		return fmt.Errorf("write: %v\n%s", resp.Status, buf.String())

	err = app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var old Issue
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old); err != nil {
			return err
		old.NeedGithubNote = false
		old.Label = append(old.Label, "IssueMoved", "Restrict-AddIssueComment-Commit")
		return app.WriteData(ctxt, "Issue", id, &old)
	return err
Exemple #9
func uiOperation(ctxt appengine.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	email := findEmail(ctxt)
	d := display{email: email}
	if d.email == "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "must be logged in")
	if req.Method != "POST" {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "must POST")
	// TODO: XSRF protection
	switch op := req.FormValue("op"); op {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "invalid verb")
	case "mute", "unmute":
		targ := req.FormValue("dir")
		if targ == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "missing dir")
		err := app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
			var pref UserPref
			app.ReadData(ctxt, "UserPref", d.email, &pref)
			for i, dir := range pref.Muted {
				if dir == targ {
					if op == "unmute" {
						pref.Muted = append(pref.Muted[:i], pref.Muted[i+1:]...)
					return nil
			if op == "mute" {
				pref.Muted = append(pref.Muted, targ)
			return app.WriteData(ctxt, "UserPref", d.email, &pref)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "unable to update")

	case "reviewer":
		clnum := req.FormValue("cl")
		who := req.FormValue("reviewer")
		switch who {
		case "close", "golang-dev":
			// ok
			who = codereview.ExpandReviewer(who)
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
		if who == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "ERROR: unknown reviewer")
		if err := codereview.SetReviewer(ctxt, clnum, who); err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "ERROR: setting reviewer: %v", err)
		var cl codereview.CL
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "CL", clnum, &cl); err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "ERROR: refreshing CL: %v", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", d.short(d.reviewer(&cl)))
Exemple #10
func showDash(ctxt appengine.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	if req.URL.Path == "/login" {
		http.Redirect(w, req, "/", 302)
	if req.URL.Path != "/" {
		http.ServeFile(w, req, "static/"+req.URL.Path)
	const chunk = 1000

	var cls []*codereview.CL
	_, err := datastore.NewQuery("CL").
		Filter("Active =", true).
		GetAll(ctxt, &cls)
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("loading CLs: %v", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "loading CLs failed\n")

	var bugs []*issue.Issue
	_, err = datastore.NewQuery("Issue").
		Filter("State =", "open").
		Filter("Label =", "Release-Go1.3").
		GetAll(ctxt, &bugs)
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("loading issues: %v", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "loading issues failed\n")

	groups := make(map[string]*Group)
	itemsByBug := make(map[int]*Item)

	addGroup := func(item *Item) {
		dir := itemDir(item)
		g := groups[dirKey(dir)]
		if g == nil {
			g = &Group{Dir: dir}
			groups[dirKey(dir)] = g
		g.Items = append(g.Items, item)

	for _, bug := range bugs {
		item := &Item{Bug: bug}
		itemsByBug[bug.ID] = item

	for _, cl := range cls {
		found := false
		for _, id := range clBugs(cl) {
			item := itemsByBug[id]
			if item != nil {
				found = true
				item.CLs = append(item.CLs, cl)
		if !found {
			item := &Item{CLs: []*codereview.CL{cl}}

	for _, g := range groups {

	// Load information about logged-in user.
	var d display
	d.email = findEmail(ctxt)
	if d.email != "" {
		app.ReadData(ctxt, "UserPref", d.email, &d.pref)


		nrow := 0
		self := findEmail(ctxt)
		isme := func(s string) bool { return s == self || s == "golang-dev" }

		muted := func(dir string) string {
			for _, targ := range pref.Muted {
				if dir == targ {
					return "muted"
			return ""
		todo := func(cl *codereview.CL) bool {
			if cl.NeedsReview {
				return isme(defaultReviewer(cl))
			} else {
				return isme(cl.OwnerEmail)
		todoItem := func(item *Item) bool {
			for _, cl := range item.CLs {
				if todo(cl) {
					return true
			return false
		todoGroup := func(g *Group) bool {
			for _, item := range g.Items {
				if todoItem(item) {
					return true
			return false

	tmpl, err := ioutil.ReadFile("template/dash.html")
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("reading template: %v", err)
	t, err := template.New("main").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
		"css":      d.css,
		"join":     d.join,
		"mine":     d.mine,
		"muted":    d.muted,
		"old":      d.old,
		"replace":  strings.Replace,
		"reviewer": d.reviewer,
		"second":   d.second,
		"short":    d.short,
		"since":    d.since,
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("parsing template: %v", err)

	data := struct {
		User string
		Dirs map[string]*Group

	if err := t.Execute(w, data); err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("execute: %v", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "error executing template\n")
Exemple #11
func loadRevOnce(ctxt appengine.Context, repo, branch, hash string) (nextHash string) {
	ctxt.Infof("load todo %s %s %s", repo, branch, hash)

	// Check that this todo is still valid.
	// If so, extend the expiry time so that no one else tries it while we do.
	// This supercedes the usual use of app.Lock and app.Unlock and also
	// provides a way to rate limit the polling.
	todoKey := fmt.Sprintf("commit.todo.%s.%s", repo, hash)

	err := app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var todo revTodo
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "RevTodo", todoKey, &todo); err != nil {
			return err
		if time.Now().Before(todo.Time) {
			ctxt.Infof("poll %s %s not scheduled until %v", repo, hash, todo.Time)
			return errWait
		dtAll := todo.Time.Sub(todo.Start)
		dtOne := todo.Time.Sub(todo.Last)
		var dtMax time.Duration
		if dtAll < 24*time.Hour {
			dtMax = 5 * time.Minute
		} else if dtAll < 7*24*time.Hour {
			dtMax = 1 * time.Hour
		} else {
			dtMax = 24 * time.Hour
		if dtOne *= 2; dtOne > dtMax {
			dtOne = dtMax
		} else if dtOne == 0 {
			dtOne = 1 * time.Minute
		todo.Last = time.Now()
		todo.Time = todo.Last.Add(dtOne)

		if err := app.WriteData(ctxt, "RevTodo", todoKey, &todo); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("skipping poll: %v", err)
		return ""

	r, err := fetchRev(ctxt, repo, hash)
	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("fetching %v %v: %v", repo, hash, err)
		return ""

	err = app.Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		var old Rev
		if err := app.ReadData(ctxt, "Rev", repo+"."+hash, &old); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			return err
		if old.Hash == r.Hash && len(old.Next) == len(r.Next) {
			// up to date
			return nil
		if old.Hash == "" { // no old data
			var count int
			if err := app.ReadMeta(ctxt, "commit.count."+repo, &count); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
				return err
			old.Seq = count
			if err := app.WriteMeta(ctxt, "commit.count."+repo, count); err != nil {
				return err
			if r.Branch != branch && len(r.Prev) == 1 {
				ctxt.Infof("detected branch; forcing todo of parent")
				err := writeTodo(ctxt, repo, branch, r.Prev[0], true)
				if err != nil {
					ctxt.Errorf("re-adding todo: %v", err)
				nextHash = r.Prev[0]
		old.Repo = r.Repo
		old.Branch = r.Branch
		// old.Seq already correct; r.Seq is not
		old.Hash = r.Hash
		old.ShortHash = old.Hash[:12]
		old.Prev = r.Prev
		old.Next = r.Next
		old.Author = r.Author
		old.AuthorEmail = r.AuthorEmail
		old.Time = r.Time
		old.Log = r.Log
		old.Files = r.Files

		if err := app.WriteData(ctxt, "Rev", repo+"."+hash, &old); err != nil {
			return err

		return nil

	if err != nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("updating %v %v: %v", repo, hash, err)
		return ""

	if r.Next == nil {
		ctxt.Errorf("leaving todo for %s %s - no next yet", repo, hash)
		return ""

	success := true
	forward := false
	for _, next := range r.Next {
		err := addTodo(ctxt, repo, r.Branch, next)
		if err == errDone {
			forward = true
		if err == errBranched {
			ctxt.Infof("%v -> %v is a branch", r.Hash[:12], next[:12])
		if err != nil {
			ctxt.Errorf("storing todo for %s %s: %v %p %p", repo, next, err, err, errDone)
			success = false
		forward = true // innocent until proven guilty
		if nextHash == "" {
			nextHash = next
		} else {
			laterLoadRev.Call(ctxt, repo, r.Branch, next)

	if forward && success {
		ctxt.Infof("delete todo %s\n", todoKey)
		app.DeleteData(ctxt, "RevTodo", todoKey)
	} else {
		ctxt.Errorf("leaving todo for %s %s due to errors or branching", repo, hash)

	return nextHash