Exemple #1
 * Store partial product result lines in the Calculator output lines.
func (calc *Calculator) setPartialLines() {
	var (
		opDigits = calc.operands[1].String()
		opLength = len(opDigits)

	// From largest to smallest place values (i.e., last to first partial result
	// lines)
	for index, digit := range opDigits {
		var (
			placeValue big.Int
			buffer     bytes.Buffer

			// Amount of right indentation this line has and also the position
			// relative to the first partial result line (right after the first
			// ruler)
			offset = opLength - index - 1

		placeValue.SetString(fmt.Sprintf("%c", digit), 10)
		placeValue.Mul(&placeValue, &calc.operands[0])

		// We're right-padding with spaces, but these will be stripped out later
		buffer.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", offset))

		calc.lines[3+offset] = buffer.String()
Exemple #2
func fibo(n *big.Int) *big.Int {
	s := n.String()
	if r, ok := fiboCache[s]; ok {
		return r

	i0 := big.NewInt(0)
	if n.Cmp(i0) <= 0 {
		return i0
	if n.Cmp(big.NewInt(2)) <= 0 {
		return big.NewInt(1)

	n1 := big.NewInt(-1)
	n1.Add(n1, n)
	n1 = fibo(n1)

	n2 := big.NewInt(-2)
	n2.Add(n2, n)
	n2 = fibo(n2)

	i0.Add(n1, n2)
	fiboCache[s] = i0
	return i0
Exemple #3
func digitSum(num *big.Int) (sum int) {
	sum = 0
	str := num.String()
	for _, v := range str {
		sum += v - 48
func info(a *big.Int, n uint) {
	dtrunc := int64(float64(a.BitLen())*.30103) - 10
	var first, rest big.Int
	rest.Exp(first.SetInt64(10), rest.SetInt64(dtrunc), nil)
	first.Quo(a, &rest)
	fstr := first.String()
	fmt.Printf("%d! begins %s... and has %d digits.\n",
		n, fstr, int64(len(fstr))+dtrunc)
Exemple #5
func sumDigits(in *big.Int) (out int) {
	s := in.String()

	for _, c := range s {
		out = out + (c - '0')

Exemple #6
// printNumber outputs the given big.Int and also appends a ".5" if there is an
// apple that was divided in half.
func (calc *Calculator) printNumber(number *big.Int) {

	if calc.odd {

Exemple #7
func SaveKeys(n, e, d, p, q *big.Int) {
	pu := strings.Bytes(n.String() + "\n" + e.String() + "\n")
	pr := strings.Bytes(p.String() + "\n" + q.String() + "\n" + d.String() + "\n")

	if ioutil.WriteFile(*publicKeyFile, pu, 0600) != nil ||
		ioutil.WriteFile(*privateKeyFile, pr, 0600) != nil {
		panic("Writing problems")
Exemple #8
 * Store the solution in the Calculator output lines.
func (calc *Calculator) setSolutionLine() {
	var solution big.Int

	if calc.operator == '+' {
		solution.Add(&calc.operands[0], &calc.operands[1])
	} else if calc.operator == '-' {
		solution.Sub(&calc.operands[0], &calc.operands[1])
	} else {
		solution.Mul(&calc.operands[0], &calc.operands[1])

	calc.lines[len(calc.lines)-1] = solution.String()
Exemple #9
func main() {
	const limit = 1000
	fibonacci := make_fibonacci()
	var last_fib *big.Int
	var last_idx int
	for i := 1; ; i++ {
		last_fib = fibonacci()
		if len(last_fib.String()) >= limit {
			last_idx = i
	fmt.Printf("Fib(%d) = %v, is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence >= %v\n", last_idx, last_fib, limit)
Exemple #10
func FindLastNonZeroDigit(val *big.Int) int {
	sval := val.String()
	slen := len(sval)
	fmt.Println("Len: ", slen)
	lastNonZero := slen

	for i := slen - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		c := string(sval[i])
		if c != string("0") {
			fmt.Println("i: ", i)
			lastNonZero = i

	return lastNonZero
Exemple #11
 * Find the next palindrome after the current number.
func (factory *PalinFactory) Next() string {
	var (
		buffer bytes.Buffer

		numberLen = len(factory.number)
		oddLength = numberLen%2 > 0

		// Greedily split the number into two halves.  Greedily meaning for
		// odd-length numbers, the middle digit belongs to both sides (e.g.,
		// "987" splits into "98" and "87").
		leftSide     = factory.number[0 : (numberLen+1)/2]
		rightSide    = factory.number[numberLen/2:]
		mirroredSide = Reverse(leftSide)

		leftLength = len(leftSide)

	// Before we create a palindrome, we can determine if the resulting
	// palindrome will not be greater than the original number by mirroring the
	// left side and comparing it to the right side.
	// Using 123456 as an example, the palindrome will be 123321, which is less
	// than 123456.  If we mirror the left side, we get 321.  The right side is
	// 456.  Since 321 <= 456, we know the palindrome will not be greater than
	// the original number.
	if !Greater(mirroredSide, rightSide) {
		// Since it is not greater, we can increment the palindrome by
		// incrementing the left side.  This is essentially incrementing the
		// middle digits of the palindrome, which results in the very next
		// palindrome.  Since we are also incrementing the left side, the
		// resulting palindrome will also be greater than the original number.
		leftSide = Increment(leftSide)

		// One obvious optimization is to set leftSide here and then set it
		// again in the next inner if {}, rather than calling leftValue.String()
		// twice, but that seems to consistently be slower for some reason.

		// If we introduced a new digit, this changes the evenness/oddness of
		// the number, and we need to account for this when constructing the
		// palindrome.  Since we greedily split the number, going from odd to
		// even means we need to drop a digit on the left.
		// For example, the left side of 999 is "99".  The left side of 1001 is
		// "10".  Notice both have two digits.  However, if we increment "99"
		// (as a left side), we get "100", so we need to divide by 10 to get the
		// two digits that will be mirrored to form the palindrome 1001.  This
		// doesn't need to be done when going from odd to even, because the left
		// side has one more digit (left side of 99 is "9", left side of 101 is
		// "10").
		if len(leftSide) != leftLength {
			oddLength = !oddLength

			if !oddLength {
				var leftValue big.Int

				leftValue.SetString(leftSide, 10)
				leftValue.Div(&leftValue, big.NewInt(10))
				leftSide = leftValue.String()

		mirroredSide = Reverse(leftSide)


	// Mirror the left side onto the right to form a palindrome
	if oddLength {
		// When odd, the left and right sides "overlap" on the middle digit, so
		// don't include in on the right
	} else {

	return buffer.String()