Exemple #1
func next_term(k int64) {
	y2 := k*2 + 1

	tmp1 = numer.Shl(1)
	bignum.Iadd(accum, accum, tmp1)
	bignum.Iscale(accum, y2)
	bignum.Iscale(numer, k)
	bignum.Iscale(denom, y2)
Exemple #2
func extract_digit() int64 {
	if numer.Cmp(accum) > 0 {
		return -1

	// Compute (numer * 3 + accum) / denom
	tmp1 = numer.Shl(1)
	bignum.Iadd(tmp1, tmp1, numer)
	bignum.Iadd(tmp1, tmp1, accum)
	tmp1, tmp2 := tmp1.QuoRem(denom)

	// Now, if (numer * 4 + accum) % denom...
	bignum.Iadd(tmp2, tmp2, numer)

	// ... is normalized, then the two divisions have the same result.
	if tmp2.Cmp(denom) >= 0 {
		return -1

	return tmp1.Value()