Exemple #1
 * attempt to generate 64-bit
 *	res = n
 * return 1 on success, 0 if op not handled.
func cgen64(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
	if res.Op != gc.OINDREG && res.Op != gc.ONAME {
		gc.Dump("n", n)
		gc.Dump("res", res)
		gc.Fatalf("cgen64 %v of %v", gc.Oconv(int(n.Op), 0), gc.Oconv(int(res.Op), 0))

	l := n.Left
	var t1 gc.Node
	if !l.Addable {
		gc.Tempname(&t1, l.Type)
		gc.Cgen(l, &t1)
		l = &t1

	var hi1 gc.Node
	var lo1 gc.Node
	split64(l, &lo1, &hi1)
	switch n.Op {
		gc.Fatalf("cgen64 %v", gc.Oconv(int(n.Op), 0))

	case gc.OMINUS:
		var lo2 gc.Node
		var hi2 gc.Node
		split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)

		gc.Regalloc(&t1, lo1.Type, nil)
		var al gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&al, lo1.Type, nil)
		var ah gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&ah, hi1.Type, nil)

		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &al)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &ah)

		gmove(ncon(0), &t1)
		p1 := gins(arm.ASUB, &al, &t1)
		p1.Scond |= arm.C_SBIT
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &t1, &lo2)

		gmove(ncon(0), &t1)
		gins(arm.ASBC, &ah, &t1)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &t1, &hi2)


	case gc.OCOM:
		gc.Regalloc(&t1, lo1.Type, nil)
		gmove(ncon(^uint32(0)), &t1)

		var lo2 gc.Node
		var hi2 gc.Node
		split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&n1, lo1.Type, nil)

		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &n1)
		gins(arm.AEOR, &t1, &n1)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &n1, &lo2)

		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &n1)
		gins(arm.AEOR, &t1, &n1)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &n1, &hi2)


		// binary operators.
	// common setup below.
	case gc.OADD,

	// setup for binary operators
	r := n.Right

	if r != nil && !r.Addable {
		var t2 gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&t2, r.Type)
		gc.Cgen(r, &t2)
		r = &t2

	var hi2 gc.Node
	var lo2 gc.Node
	if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
		split64(r, &lo2, &hi2)

	var al gc.Node
	gc.Regalloc(&al, lo1.Type, nil)
	var ah gc.Node
	gc.Regalloc(&ah, hi1.Type, nil)

	// Do op.  Leave result in ah:al.
	switch n.Op {
		gc.Fatalf("cgen64: not implemented: %v\n", n)

		// TODO: Constants
	case gc.OADD:
		var bl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bl, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)

		var bh gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bh, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &ah)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &al)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi2, &bh)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo2, &bl)
		p1 := gins(arm.AADD, &bl, &al)
		p1.Scond |= arm.C_SBIT
		gins(arm.AADC, &bh, &ah)

		// TODO: Constants.
	case gc.OSUB:
		var bl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bl, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)

		var bh gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bh, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &al)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &ah)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo2, &bl)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi2, &bh)
		p1 := gins(arm.ASUB, &bl, &al)
		p1.Scond |= arm.C_SBIT
		gins(arm.ASBC, &bh, &ah)

		// TODO(kaib): this can be done with 4 regs and does not need 6
	case gc.OMUL:
		var bl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bl, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)

		var bh gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bh, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)
		var cl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&cl, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)
		var ch gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&ch, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)

		// load args into bh:bl and bh:bl.
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &bh)

		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &bl)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi2, &ch)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo2, &cl)

		// bl * cl -> ah al
		p1 := gins(arm.AMULLU, nil, nil)

		p1.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
		p1.From.Reg = bl.Reg
		p1.Reg = cl.Reg
		p1.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REGREG
		p1.To.Reg = ah.Reg
		p1.To.Offset = int64(al.Reg)

		//print("%v\n", p1);

		// bl * ch + ah -> ah
		p1 = gins(arm.AMULA, nil, nil)

		p1.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
		p1.From.Reg = bl.Reg
		p1.Reg = ch.Reg
		p1.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REGREG2
		p1.To.Reg = ah.Reg
		p1.To.Offset = int64(ah.Reg)

		//print("%v\n", p1);

		// bh * cl + ah -> ah
		p1 = gins(arm.AMULA, nil, nil)

		p1.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
		p1.From.Reg = bh.Reg
		p1.Reg = cl.Reg
		p1.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REGREG2
		p1.To.Reg = ah.Reg
		p1.To.Offset = int64(ah.Reg)

		//print("%v\n", p1);



		// We only rotate by a constant c in [0,64).
	// if c >= 32:
	//	lo, hi = hi, lo
	//	c -= 32
	// if c == 0:
	//	no-op
	// else:
	//	t = hi
	//	shld hi:lo, c
	//	shld lo:t, c
	case gc.OLROT:
		v := uint64(r.Int())

		var bl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bl, lo1.Type, nil)
		var bh gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bh, hi1.Type, nil)
		if v >= 32 {
			// reverse during load to do the first 32 bits of rotate
			v -= 32

			gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &bl)
			gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &bh)
		} else {
			gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &bh)
			gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &bl)

		if v == 0 {
			gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &ah)
			gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &al)
		} else {
			// rotate by 1 <= v <= 31
			//	MOVW	bl<<v, al
			//	MOVW	bh<<v, ah
			//	OR		bl>>(32-v), ah
			//	OR		bh>>(32-v), al
			gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(v), &al)

			gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(v), &ah)
			gshift(arm.AORR, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(32-v), &ah)
			gshift(arm.AORR, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(32-v), &al)


	case gc.OLSH:
		var bl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bl, lo1.Type, nil)
		var bh gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bh, hi1.Type, nil)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &bh)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &bl)

		var p6 *obj.Prog
		var s gc.Node
		var n1 gc.Node
		var creg gc.Node
		var p1 *obj.Prog
		var p2 *obj.Prog
		var p3 *obj.Prog
		var p4 *obj.Prog
		var p5 *obj.Prog
		if r.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
			v := uint64(r.Int())
			if v >= 64 {
				// TODO(kaib): replace with gins(AMOVW, nodintconst(0), &al)
				// here and below (verify it optimizes to EOR)
				gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)

				gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)
			} else if v > 32 {
				gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)

				//	MOVW	bl<<(v-32), ah
				gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(v-32), &ah)
			} else if v == 32 {
				gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)
				gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &ah)
			} else if v > 0 {
				//	MOVW	bl<<v, al
				gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(v), &al)

				//	MOVW	bh<<v, ah
				gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(v), &ah)

				//	OR		bl>>(32-v), ah
				gshift(arm.AORR, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(32-v), &ah)
			} else {
				gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &al)
				gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &ah)

			goto olsh_break

		gc.Regalloc(&s, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
		gc.Regalloc(&creg, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
		if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
			// shift is >= 1<<32
			var cl gc.Node
			var ch gc.Node
			split64(r, &cl, &ch)

			gmove(&ch, &s)
			gins(arm.ATST, &s, nil)
			p6 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABNE, nil, 0)
			gmove(&cl, &s)
		} else {
			gmove(r, &s)
			p6 = nil

		gins(arm.ATST, &s, nil)

		// shift == 0
		p1 = gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		p1 = gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &ah)
		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		p2 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABEQ, nil, 0)

		// shift is < 32
		gc.Nodconst(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], 32)

		gmove(&n1, &creg)
		gins(arm.ACMP, &s, &creg)

		//	MOVW.LO		bl<<s, al
		p1 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LL, &s, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	MOVW.LO		bh<<s, ah
		p1 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LL, &s, &ah)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	SUB.LO		s, creg
		p1 = gins(arm.ASUB, &s, &creg)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	OR.LO		bl>>creg, ah
		p1 = gregshift(arm.AORR, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LR, &creg, &ah)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	BLO	end
		p3 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABLO, nil, 0)

		// shift == 32
		p1 = gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		p1 = gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &ah)
		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		p4 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABEQ, nil, 0)

		// shift is < 64
		gc.Nodconst(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], 64)

		gmove(&n1, &creg)
		gins(arm.ACMP, &s, &creg)

		//	EOR.LO	al, al
		p1 = gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	MOVW.LO		creg>>1, creg
		p1 = gshift(arm.AMOVW, &creg, arm.SHIFT_LR, 1, &creg)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	SUB.LO		creg, s
		p1 = gins(arm.ASUB, &creg, &s)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	MOVW	bl<<s, ah
		p1 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LL, &s, &ah)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		p5 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABLO, nil, 0)

		// shift >= 64
		if p6 != nil {
			gc.Patch(p6, gc.Pc)
		gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)
		gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)

		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
		gc.Patch(p3, gc.Pc)
		gc.Patch(p4, gc.Pc)
		gc.Patch(p5, gc.Pc)


	case gc.ORSH:
		var bl gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bl, lo1.Type, nil)
		var bh gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&bh, hi1.Type, nil)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &bh)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &bl)

		var p4 *obj.Prog
		var p5 *obj.Prog
		var n1 gc.Node
		var p6 *obj.Prog
		var s gc.Node
		var p1 *obj.Prog
		var p2 *obj.Prog
		var creg gc.Node
		var p3 *obj.Prog
		if r.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
			v := uint64(r.Int())
			if v >= 64 {
				if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
					//	MOVW	bh->31, al
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &al)

					//	MOVW	bh->31, ah
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &ah)
				} else {
					gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)
					gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)
			} else if v > 32 {
				if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
					//	MOVW	bh->(v-32), al
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, int32(v-32), &al)

					//	MOVW	bh->31, ah
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &ah)
				} else {
					//	MOVW	bh>>(v-32), al
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(v-32), &al)

					gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)
			} else if v == 32 {
				gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &al)
				if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
					//	MOVW	bh->31, ah
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &ah)
				} else {
					gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)
			} else if v > 0 {
				//	MOVW	bl>>v, al
				gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(v), &al)

				//	OR		bh<<(32-v), al
				gshift(arm.AORR, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LL, int32(32-v), &al)

				if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
					//	MOVW	bh->v, ah
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, int32(v), &ah)
				} else {
					//	MOVW	bh>>v, ah
					gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LR, int32(v), &ah)
			} else {
				gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &al)
				gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &ah)

			goto orsh_break

		gc.Regalloc(&s, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
		gc.Regalloc(&creg, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], nil)
		if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
			// shift is >= 1<<32
			var ch gc.Node
			var cl gc.Node
			split64(r, &cl, &ch)

			gmove(&ch, &s)
			gins(arm.ATST, &s, nil)
			var p1 *obj.Prog
			if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
				p1 = gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &ah)
			} else {
				p1 = gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)
			p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_NE
			p6 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABNE, nil, 0)
			gmove(&cl, &s)
		} else {
			gmove(r, &s)
			p6 = nil

		gins(arm.ATST, &s, nil)

		// shift == 0
		p1 = gins(arm.AMOVW, &bl, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		p1 = gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &ah)
		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		p2 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABEQ, nil, 0)

		// check if shift is < 32
		gc.Nodconst(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], 32)

		gmove(&n1, &creg)
		gins(arm.ACMP, &s, &creg)

		//	MOVW.LO		bl>>s, al
		p1 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bl, arm.SHIFT_LR, &s, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	SUB.LO		s,creg
		p1 = gins(arm.ASUB, &s, &creg)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	OR.LO		bh<<(32-s), al
		p1 = gregshift(arm.AORR, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LL, &creg, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
			//	MOVW	bh->s, ah
			p1 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, &s, &ah)
		} else {
			//	MOVW	bh>>s, ah
			p1 = gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LR, &s, &ah)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	BLO	end
		p3 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABLO, nil, 0)

		// shift == 32
		p1 = gins(arm.AMOVW, &bh, &al)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_EQ
		if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
			gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &ah)
		} else {
			gins(arm.AEOR, &ah, &ah)
		p4 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABEQ, nil, 0)

		// check if shift is < 64
		gc.Nodconst(&n1, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], 64)

		gmove(&n1, &creg)
		gins(arm.ACMP, &s, &creg)

		//	MOVW.LO		creg>>1, creg
		p1 = gshift(arm.AMOVW, &creg, arm.SHIFT_LR, 1, &creg)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	SUB.LO		creg, s
		p1 = gins(arm.ASUB, &creg, &s)

		p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
			//	MOVW	bh->(s-32), al
			p1 := gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, &s, &al)

			p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO
		} else {
			//	MOVW	bh>>(v-32), al
			p1 := gregshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_LR, &s, &al)

			p1.Scond = arm.C_SCOND_LO

		//	BLO	end
		p5 = gc.Gbranch(arm.ABLO, nil, 0)

		// s >= 64
		if p6 != nil {
			gc.Patch(p6, gc.Pc)
		if bh.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
			//	MOVW	bh->31, al
			gshift(arm.AMOVW, &bh, arm.SHIFT_AR, 31, &al)
		} else {
			gins(arm.AEOR, &al, &al)

		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)
		gc.Patch(p3, gc.Pc)
		gc.Patch(p4, gc.Pc)
		gc.Patch(p5, gc.Pc)


		// TODO(kaib): literal optimizations
	// make constant the right side (it usually is anyway).
	//		if(lo1.op == OLITERAL) {
	//			nswap(&lo1, &lo2);
	//			nswap(&hi1, &hi2);
	//		}
	//		if(lo2.op == OLITERAL) {
	//			// special cases for constants.
	//			lv = mpgetfix(lo2.val.u.xval);
	//			hv = mpgetfix(hi2.val.u.xval);
	//			splitclean();	// right side
	//			split64(res, &lo2, &hi2);
	//			switch(n->op) {
	//			case OXOR:
	//				gmove(&lo1, &lo2);
	//				gmove(&hi1, &hi2);
	//				switch(lv) {
	//				case 0:
	//					break;
	//				case 0xffffffffu:
	//					gins(ANOTL, N, &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				default:
	//					gins(AXORL, ncon(lv), &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				}
	//				switch(hv) {
	//				case 0:
	//					break;
	//				case 0xffffffffu:
	//					gins(ANOTL, N, &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				default:
	//					gins(AXORL, ncon(hv), &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				}
	//				break;

	//			case OAND:
	//				switch(lv) {
	//				case 0:
	//					gins(AMOVL, ncon(0), &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				default:
	//					gmove(&lo1, &lo2);
	//					if(lv != 0xffffffffu)
	//						gins(AANDL, ncon(lv), &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				}
	//				switch(hv) {
	//				case 0:
	//					gins(AMOVL, ncon(0), &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				default:
	//					gmove(&hi1, &hi2);
	//					if(hv != 0xffffffffu)
	//						gins(AANDL, ncon(hv), &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				}
	//				break;

	//			case OOR:
	//				switch(lv) {
	//				case 0:
	//					gmove(&lo1, &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				case 0xffffffffu:
	//					gins(AMOVL, ncon(0xffffffffu), &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				default:
	//					gmove(&lo1, &lo2);
	//					gins(AORL, ncon(lv), &lo2);
	//					break;
	//				}
	//				switch(hv) {
	//				case 0:
	//					gmove(&hi1, &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				case 0xffffffffu:
	//					gins(AMOVL, ncon(0xffffffffu), &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				default:
	//					gmove(&hi1, &hi2);
	//					gins(AORL, ncon(hv), &hi2);
	//					break;
	//				}
	//				break;
	//			}
	//			splitclean();
	//			splitclean();
	//			goto out;
	//		}
	case gc.OXOR,
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&n1, lo1.Type, nil)

		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo1, &al)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi1, &ah)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &lo2, &n1)
		gins(optoas(n.Op, lo1.Type), &n1, &al)
		gins(arm.AMOVW, &hi2, &n1)
		gins(optoas(n.Op, lo1.Type), &n1, &ah)

	if gc.Is64(r.Type) {

	split64(res, &lo1, &hi1)
	gins(arm.AMOVW, &al, &lo1)
	gins(arm.AMOVW, &ah, &hi1)


Exemple #2
 * generate one instruction:
 *	as f, t
func rawgins(as int, f *gc.Node, t *gc.Node) *obj.Prog {
	// TODO(austin): Add self-move test like in 6g (but be careful
	// of truncation moves)

	p := gc.Prog(as)
	gc.Naddr(&p.From, f)
	gc.Naddr(&p.To, t)

	switch as {
	case obj.ACALL:
		if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_REG && p.To.Reg != ppc64.REG_CTR {
			// Allow front end to emit CALL REG, and rewrite into MOV REG, CTR; CALL CTR.
			if gc.Ctxt.Flag_shared != 0 {
				// Make sure function pointer is in R12 as well when
				// compiling Go into PIC.
				// TODO(mwhudson): it would obviously be better to
				// change the register allocation to put the value in
				// R12 already, but I don't know how to do that.
				q := gc.Prog(as)
				q.As = ppc64.AMOVD
				q.From = p.To
				q.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
				q.To.Reg = ppc64.REG_R12
			pp := gc.Prog(as)
			pp.From = p.From
			pp.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
			pp.To.Reg = ppc64.REG_CTR

			p.As = ppc64.AMOVD
			p.From = p.To
			p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
			p.To.Reg = ppc64.REG_CTR

			if gc.Ctxt.Flag_shared != 0 {
				// When compiling Go into PIC, the function we just
				// called via pointer might have been implemented in
				// a separate module and so overwritten the TOC
				// pointer in R2; reload it.
				q := gc.Prog(ppc64.AMOVD)
				q.From.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
				q.From.Offset = 24
				q.From.Reg = ppc64.REGSP
				q.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
				q.To.Reg = ppc64.REG_R2

			if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", pp)

			return pp

	// Bad things the front end has done to us. Crash to find call stack.
	case ppc64.AAND, ppc64.AMULLD:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)
	case ppc64.ACMP, ppc64.ACMPU:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM || p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)

	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)

	w := int32(0)
	switch as {
	case ppc64.AMOVB,
		w = 1

	case ppc64.AMOVH,
		w = 2

	case ppc64.AMOVW,
		w = 4

	case ppc64.AMOVD,
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST || p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR {
		w = 8

	if w != 0 && ((f != nil && p.From.Width < int64(w)) || (t != nil && p.To.Type != obj.TYPE_REG && p.To.Width > int64(w))) {
		gc.Dump("f", f)
		gc.Dump("t", t)
		gc.Fatalf("bad width: %v (%d, %d)\n", p, p.From.Width, p.To.Width)

	return p
Exemple #3
 * generate one instruction:
 *	as f, t
func gins(as int, f *gc.Node, t *gc.Node) *obj.Prog {
	//	Node nod;

	//	if(f != N && f->op == OINDEX) {
	//		gc.Regalloc(&nod, &regnode, Z);
	//		v = constnode.vconst;
	//		gc.Cgen(f->right, &nod);
	//		constnode.vconst = v;
	//		idx.reg = nod.reg;
	//		gc.Regfree(&nod);
	//	}
	//	if(t != N && t->op == OINDEX) {
	//		gc.Regalloc(&nod, &regnode, Z);
	//		v = constnode.vconst;
	//		gc.Cgen(t->right, &nod);
	//		constnode.vconst = v;
	//		idx.reg = nod.reg;
	//		gc.Regfree(&nod);
	//	}

	if f != nil && f.Op == gc.OADDR && (as == x86.AMOVL || as == x86.AMOVQ) {
		// Turn MOVL $xxx into LEAL xxx.
		// These should be equivalent but most of the backend
		// only expects to see LEAL, because that's what we had
		// historically generated. Various hidden assumptions are baked in by now.
		if as == x86.AMOVL {
			as = x86.ALEAL
		} else {
			as = x86.ALEAQ
		f = f.Left

	switch as {
	case x86.AMOVB,
		if f != nil && t != nil && samaddr(f, t) {
			return nil

	case x86.ALEAQ:
		if f != nil && gc.Isconst(f, gc.CTNIL) {
			gc.Fatalf("gins LEAQ nil %v", f.Type)

	p := gc.Prog(as)
	gc.Naddr(&p.From, f)
	gc.Naddr(&p.To, t)

	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)

	w := int32(0)
	switch as {
	case x86.AMOVB:
		w = 1

	case x86.AMOVW:
		w = 2

	case x86.AMOVL:
		w = 4

	case x86.AMOVQ:
		w = 8

	if w != 0 && ((f != nil && p.From.Width < int64(w)) || (t != nil && p.To.Width > int64(w))) {
		gc.Dump("f", f)
		gc.Dump("t", t)
		gc.Fatalf("bad width: %v (%d, %d)\n", p, p.From.Width, p.To.Width)

	if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR && w > 0 {
		gc.Fatalf("bad use of addr: %v", p)

	return p
Exemple #4
func clearfat(nl *gc.Node) {
	/* clear a fat object */
	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		gc.Dump("\nclearfat", nl)

	// Avoid taking the address for simple enough types.
	if gc.Componentgen(nil, nl) {

	w := nl.Type.Width

	if w > 1024 || (gc.Nacl && w >= 64) {
		var oldn1 gc.Node
		var n1 gc.Node
		savex(x86.REG_DI, &n1, &oldn1, nil, gc.Types[gc.Tptr])
		gc.Agen(nl, &n1)

		var ax gc.Node
		var oldax gc.Node
		savex(x86.REG_AX, &ax, &oldax, nil, gc.Types[gc.Tptr])
		gconreg(x86.AMOVL, 0, x86.REG_AX)
		gconreg(movptr, w/8, x86.REG_CX)

		gins(x86.AREP, nil, nil)   // repeat
		gins(x86.ASTOSQ, nil, nil) // STOQ AL,*(DI)+

		if w%8 != 0 {
			n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
			clearfat_tail(&n1, w%8)

		restx(&n1, &oldn1)
		restx(&ax, &oldax)

	if w >= 64 {
		var oldn1 gc.Node
		var n1 gc.Node
		savex(x86.REG_DI, &n1, &oldn1, nil, gc.Types[gc.Tptr])
		gc.Agen(nl, &n1)

		var vec_zero gc.Node
		var old_x0 gc.Node
		savex(x86.REG_X0, &vec_zero, &old_x0, nil, gc.Types[gc.TFLOAT64])
		gins(x86.AXORPS, &vec_zero, &vec_zero)

		if di := dzDI(w); di != 0 {
			gconreg(addptr, di, x86.REG_DI)
		p := gins(obj.ADUFFZERO, nil, nil)
		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
		p.To.Sym = gc.Linksym(gc.Pkglookup("duffzero", gc.Runtimepkg))
		p.To.Offset = dzOff(w)

		if w%16 != 0 {
			n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
			n1.Xoffset -= 16 - w%16
			gins(x86.AMOVUPS, &vec_zero, &n1)

		restx(&vec_zero, &old_x0)
		restx(&n1, &oldn1)

	// NOTE: Must use agen, not igen, so that optimizer sees address
	// being taken. We are not writing on field boundaries.
	var n1 gc.Node
	gc.Agenr(nl, &n1, nil)
	n1.Op = gc.OINDREG

	clearfat_tail(&n1, w)

Exemple #5
 * attempt to generate 64-bit
 *	res = n
 * return 1 on success, 0 if op not handled.
func cgen64(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
	if res.Op != gc.OINDREG && res.Op != gc.ONAME {
		gc.Dump("n", n)
		gc.Dump("res", res)
		gc.Fatalf("cgen64 %v of %v", gc.Oconv(int(n.Op), 0), gc.Oconv(int(res.Op), 0))

	switch n.Op {
		gc.Fatalf("cgen64 %v", gc.Oconv(int(n.Op), 0))

	case gc.OMINUS:
		gc.Cgen(n.Left, res)
		var hi1 gc.Node
		var lo1 gc.Node
		split64(res, &lo1, &hi1)
		gins(x86.ANEGL, nil, &lo1)
		gins(x86.AADCL, ncon(0), &hi1)
		gins(x86.ANEGL, nil, &hi1)

	case gc.OCOM:
		gc.Cgen(n.Left, res)
		var lo1 gc.Node
		var hi1 gc.Node
		split64(res, &lo1, &hi1)
		gins(x86.ANOTL, nil, &lo1)
		gins(x86.ANOTL, nil, &hi1)

		// binary operators.
	// common setup below.
	case gc.OADD,

	l := n.Left
	r := n.Right
	if !l.Addable {
		var t1 gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&t1, l.Type)
		gc.Cgen(l, &t1)
		l = &t1

	if r != nil && !r.Addable {
		var t2 gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&t2, r.Type)
		gc.Cgen(r, &t2)
		r = &t2

	var ax gc.Node
	gc.Nodreg(&ax, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], x86.REG_AX)
	var cx gc.Node
	gc.Nodreg(&cx, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], x86.REG_CX)
	var dx gc.Node
	gc.Nodreg(&dx, gc.Types[gc.TINT32], x86.REG_DX)

	// Setup for binary operation.
	var hi1 gc.Node
	var lo1 gc.Node
	split64(l, &lo1, &hi1)

	var lo2 gc.Node
	var hi2 gc.Node
	if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
		split64(r, &lo2, &hi2)

	// Do op.  Leave result in DX:AX.
	switch n.Op {
	// TODO: Constants
	case gc.OADD:
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)
		gins(x86.AADDL, &lo2, &ax)
		gins(x86.AADCL, &hi2, &dx)

		// TODO: Constants.
	case gc.OSUB:
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)
		gins(x86.ASUBL, &lo2, &ax)
		gins(x86.ASBBL, &hi2, &dx)

	case gc.OMUL:
		// let's call the next three EX, FX and GX
		var ex, fx, gx gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&ex, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)
		gc.Regalloc(&fx, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)
		gc.Regalloc(&gx, gc.Types[gc.TPTR32], nil)

		// load args into DX:AX and EX:GX.
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo2, &gx)
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi2, &ex)

		// if DX and EX are zero, use 32 x 32 -> 64 unsigned multiply.
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &dx, &fx)

		gins(x86.AORL, &ex, &fx)
		p1 := gc.Gbranch(x86.AJNE, nil, 0)
		gins(x86.AMULL, &gx, nil) // implicit &ax
		p2 := gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
		gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)

		// full 64x64 -> 64, from 32x32 -> 64.
		gins(x86.AIMULL, &gx, &dx)

		gins(x86.AMOVL, &ax, &fx)
		gins(x86.AIMULL, &ex, &fx)
		gins(x86.AADDL, &dx, &fx)
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &gx, &dx)
		gins(x86.AMULL, &dx, nil) // implicit &ax
		gins(x86.AADDL, &fx, &dx)
		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)


	// We only rotate by a constant c in [0,64).
	// if c >= 32:
	//	lo, hi = hi, lo
	//	c -= 32
	// if c == 0:
	//	no-op
	// else:
	//	t = hi
	//	shld hi:lo, c
	//	shld lo:t, c
	case gc.OLROT:
		v := uint64(r.Int())

		if v >= 32 {
			// reverse during load to do the first 32 bits of rotate
			v -= 32

			gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &dx)
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &ax)
		} else {
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)

		if v == 0 {
		} else // done
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &dx, &cx)
			p1 := gins(x86.ASHLL, ncon(uint32(v)), &dx)
			p1.From.Index = x86.REG_AX // double-width shift
			p1.From.Scale = 0
			p1 = gins(x86.ASHLL, ncon(uint32(v)), &ax)
			p1.From.Index = x86.REG_CX // double-width shift
			p1.From.Scale = 0

	case gc.OLSH:
		if r.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
			v := uint64(r.Int())
			if v >= 64 {
				if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
				split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)
				gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &lo2)
				gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &hi2)

			if v >= 32 {
				if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
				split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)
				gmove(&lo1, &hi2)
				if v > 32 {
					gins(x86.ASHLL, ncon(uint32(v-32)), &hi2)

				gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &lo2)

			// general shift
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

			gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)
			p1 := gins(x86.ASHLL, ncon(uint32(v)), &dx)
			p1.From.Index = x86.REG_AX // double-width shift
			p1.From.Scale = 0
			gins(x86.ASHLL, ncon(uint32(v)), &ax)

		// load value into DX:AX.
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)

		// load shift value into register.
		// if high bits are set, zero value.
		var p1 *obj.Prog

		if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
			gins(x86.ACMPL, &hi2, ncon(0))
			p1 = gc.Gbranch(x86.AJNE, nil, +1)
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo2, &cx)
		} else {
			cx.Type = gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]
			gmove(r, &cx)

		// if shift count is >=64, zero value
		gins(x86.ACMPL, &cx, ncon(64))

		p2 := gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
		if p1 != nil {
			gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
		gins(x86.AXORL, &dx, &dx)
		gins(x86.AXORL, &ax, &ax)
		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)

		// if shift count is >= 32, zero low.
		gins(x86.ACMPL, &cx, ncon(32))

		p1 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &ax, &dx)
		gins(x86.ASHLL, &cx, &dx) // SHLL only uses bottom 5 bits of count
		gins(x86.AXORL, &ax, &ax)
		p2 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
		gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)

		// general shift
		p1 = gins(x86.ASHLL, &cx, &dx)

		p1.From.Index = x86.REG_AX // double-width shift
		p1.From.Scale = 0
		gins(x86.ASHLL, &cx, &ax)
		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)

	case gc.ORSH:
		if r.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
			v := uint64(r.Int())
			if v >= 64 {
				if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
				split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)
				if hi1.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
					gmove(&hi1, &lo2)
					gins(x86.ASARL, ncon(31), &lo2)
					gmove(&hi1, &hi2)
					gins(x86.ASARL, ncon(31), &hi2)
				} else {
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &lo2)
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &hi2)


			if v >= 32 {
				if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
				split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)
				gmove(&hi1, &lo2)
				if v > 32 {
					gins(optoas(gc.ORSH, hi1.Type), ncon(uint32(v-32)), &lo2)
				if hi1.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
					gmove(&hi1, &hi2)
					gins(x86.ASARL, ncon(31), &hi2)
				} else {
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &hi2)

			// general shift
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

			gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)
			p1 := gins(x86.ASHRL, ncon(uint32(v)), &ax)
			p1.From.Index = x86.REG_DX // double-width shift
			p1.From.Scale = 0
			gins(optoas(gc.ORSH, hi1.Type), ncon(uint32(v)), &dx)

		// load value into DX:AX.
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)

		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)

		// load shift value into register.
		// if high bits are set, zero value.
		var p1 *obj.Prog

		if gc.Is64(r.Type) {
			gins(x86.ACMPL, &hi2, ncon(0))
			p1 = gc.Gbranch(x86.AJNE, nil, +1)
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo2, &cx)
		} else {
			cx.Type = gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]
			gmove(r, &cx)

		// if shift count is >=64, zero or sign-extend value
		gins(x86.ACMPL, &cx, ncon(64))

		p2 := gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
		if p1 != nil {
			gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)
		if hi1.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
			gins(x86.ASARL, ncon(31), &dx)
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &dx, &ax)
		} else {
			gins(x86.AXORL, &dx, &dx)
			gins(x86.AXORL, &ax, &ax)

		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)

		// if shift count is >= 32, sign-extend hi.
		gins(x86.ACMPL, &cx, ncon(32))

		p1 = gc.Gbranch(optoas(gc.OLT, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32]), nil, +1)
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &dx, &ax)
		if hi1.Type.Etype == gc.TINT32 {
			gins(x86.ASARL, &cx, &ax) // SARL only uses bottom 5 bits of count
			gins(x86.ASARL, ncon(31), &dx)
		} else {
			gins(x86.ASHRL, &cx, &ax)
			gins(x86.AXORL, &dx, &dx)

		p2 = gc.Gbranch(obj.AJMP, nil, 0)
		gc.Patch(p1, gc.Pc)

		// general shift
		p1 = gins(x86.ASHRL, &cx, &ax)

		p1.From.Index = x86.REG_DX // double-width shift
		p1.From.Scale = 0
		gins(optoas(gc.ORSH, hi1.Type), &cx, &dx)
		gc.Patch(p2, gc.Pc)

		// make constant the right side (it usually is anyway).
	case gc.OXOR,
		if lo1.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
			nswap(&lo1, &lo2)
			nswap(&hi1, &hi2)

		if lo2.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
			// special cases for constants.
			lv := uint32(lo2.Int())
			hv := uint32(hi2.Int())
			splitclean() // right side
			split64(res, &lo2, &hi2)
			switch n.Op {
			case gc.OXOR:
				gmove(&lo1, &lo2)
				gmove(&hi1, &hi2)
				switch lv {
				case 0:

				case 0xffffffff:
					gins(x86.ANOTL, nil, &lo2)

					gins(x86.AXORL, ncon(lv), &lo2)

				switch hv {
				case 0:

				case 0xffffffff:
					gins(x86.ANOTL, nil, &hi2)

					gins(x86.AXORL, ncon(hv), &hi2)

			case gc.OAND:
				switch lv {
				case 0:
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &lo2)

					gmove(&lo1, &lo2)
					if lv != 0xffffffff {
						gins(x86.AANDL, ncon(lv), &lo2)

				switch hv {
				case 0:
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0), &hi2)

					gmove(&hi1, &hi2)
					if hv != 0xffffffff {
						gins(x86.AANDL, ncon(hv), &hi2)

			case gc.OOR:
				switch lv {
				case 0:
					gmove(&lo1, &lo2)

				case 0xffffffff:
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0xffffffff), &lo2)

					gmove(&lo1, &lo2)
					gins(x86.AORL, ncon(lv), &lo2)

				switch hv {
				case 0:
					gmove(&hi1, &hi2)

				case 0xffffffff:
					gins(x86.AMOVL, ncon(0xffffffff), &hi2)

					gmove(&hi1, &hi2)
					gins(x86.AORL, ncon(hv), &hi2)


		gins(x86.AMOVL, &lo1, &ax)
		gins(x86.AMOVL, &hi1, &dx)
		gins(optoas(n.Op, lo1.Type), &lo2, &ax)
		gins(optoas(n.Op, lo1.Type), &hi2, &dx)

	if gc.Is64(r.Type) {

	split64(res, &lo1, &hi1)
	gins(x86.AMOVL, &ax, &lo1)
	gins(x86.AMOVL, &dx, &hi1)
Exemple #6
 * generate one instruction:
 *	as f, t
func gins(as int, f *gc.Node, t *gc.Node) *obj.Prog {
	if as == x86.AFMOVF && f != nil && f.Op == gc.OREGISTER && t != nil && t.Op == gc.OREGISTER {
		gc.Fatalf("gins MOVF reg, reg")
	if as == x86.ACVTSD2SS && f != nil && f.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
		gc.Fatalf("gins CVTSD2SS const")
	if as == x86.AMOVSD && t != nil && t.Op == gc.OREGISTER && t.Reg == x86.REG_F0 {
		gc.Fatalf("gins MOVSD into F0")

	if as == x86.AMOVL && f != nil && f.Op == gc.OADDR && f.Left.Op == gc.ONAME && f.Left.Class != gc.PEXTERN && f.Left.Class != gc.PFUNC {
		// Turn MOVL $xxx(FP/SP) into LEAL xxx.
		// These should be equivalent but most of the backend
		// only expects to see LEAL, because that's what we had
		// historically generated. Various hidden assumptions are baked in by now.
		as = x86.ALEAL
		f = f.Left

	switch as {
	case x86.AMOVB,
		if f != nil && t != nil && samaddr(f, t) {
			return nil

	case x86.ALEAL:
		if f != nil && gc.Isconst(f, gc.CTNIL) {
			gc.Fatalf("gins LEAL nil %v", f.Type)

	p := gc.Prog(as)
	gc.Naddr(&p.From, f)
	gc.Naddr(&p.To, t)

	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)

	w := 0
	switch as {
	case x86.AMOVB:
		w = 1

	case x86.AMOVW:
		w = 2

	case x86.AMOVL:
		w = 4

	if true && w != 0 && f != nil && (p.From.Width > int64(w) || p.To.Width > int64(w)) {
		gc.Dump("bad width from:", f)
		gc.Dump("bad width to:", t)
		gc.Fatalf("bad width: %v (%d, %d)\n", p, p.From.Width, p.To.Width)

	if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR && w > 0 {
		gc.Fatalf("bad use of addr: %v", p)

	return p
Exemple #7
 * generate one instruction:
 *	as f, t
func rawgins(as int, f *gc.Node, t *gc.Node) *obj.Prog {
	// TODO(austin): Add self-move test like in 6g (but be careful
	// of truncation moves)

	p := gc.Prog(as)
	gc.Naddr(&p.From, f)
	gc.Naddr(&p.To, t)

	switch as {
	case obj.ACALL:
		if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_REG {
			// Allow front end to emit CALL REG, and rewrite into CALL (REG).
			p.From = obj.Addr{}
			p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
			p.To.Offset = 0

			if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)

			return p

	// Bad things the front end has done to us. Crash to find call stack.
	case mips.AAND:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)
	case mips.ASGT, mips.ASGTU:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM || p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)

	// Special cases
	case mips.AMUL, mips.AMULU, mips.AMULV, mips.AMULVU:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)

		pp := gc.Prog(mips.AMOVV)
		pp.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
		pp.From.Reg = mips.REG_LO
		pp.To = p.To

		p.Reg = p.To.Reg
		p.To = obj.Addr{}

	case mips.ASUBVU:
		// unary
		if f == nil {
			p.From = p.To
			p.Reg = mips.REGZERO

	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)

	w := int32(0)
	switch as {
	case mips.AMOVB,
		w = 1

	case mips.AMOVH,
		w = 2

	case mips.AMOVW,
		w = 4

	case mips.AMOVV:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST || p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR {
		w = 8

	if w != 0 && ((f != nil && p.From.Width < int64(w)) || (t != nil && p.To.Type != obj.TYPE_REG && p.To.Width > int64(w))) {
		gc.Dump("f", f)
		gc.Dump("t", t)
		gc.Fatalf("bad width: %v (%d, %d)\n", p, p.From.Width, p.To.Width)

	return p
Exemple #8
 * generate one instruction:
 *	as f, t
func rawgins(as int, f *gc.Node, t *gc.Node) *obj.Prog {
	// TODO(austin): Add self-move test like in 6g (but be careful
	// of truncation moves)

	p := gc.Prog(as)
	gc.Naddr(&p.From, f)
	gc.Naddr(&p.To, t)

	switch as {
	case arm64.ACMP, arm64.AFCMPS, arm64.AFCMPD:
		if t != nil {
			if f.Op != gc.OREGISTER {
				gc.Fatalf("bad operands to gcmp")
			p.From = p.To
			p.To = obj.Addr{}
			raddr(f, p)

	// Bad things the front end has done to us. Crash to find call stack.
	switch as {
	case arm64.AAND, arm64.AMUL:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)
	case arm64.ACMP:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM || p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_MEM {
			gc.Debug['h'] = 1
			gc.Fatalf("bad inst: %v", p)

	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("%v\n", p)

	w := int32(0)
	switch as {
	case arm64.AMOVB,
		w = 1

	case arm64.AMOVH,
		w = 2

	case arm64.AMOVW,
		w = 4

	case arm64.AMOVD:
		if p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_CONST || p.From.Type == obj.TYPE_ADDR {
		w = 8

	if w != 0 && ((f != nil && p.From.Width < int64(w)) || (t != nil && p.To.Type != obj.TYPE_REG && p.To.Width > int64(w))) {
		gc.Dump("f", f)
		gc.Dump("t", t)
		gc.Fatalf("bad width: %v (%d, %d)\n", p, p.From.Width, p.To.Width)

	return p
Exemple #9
func clearfat(nl *gc.Node) {
	/* clear a fat object */
	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		gc.Dump("\nclearfat", nl)

	w := uint32(nl.Type.Width)

	// Avoid taking the address for simple enough types.
	if gc.Componentgen(nil, nl) {

	c := w % 4 // bytes
	q := w / 4 // quads

	var r0 gc.Node
	r0.Op = gc.OREGISTER

	r0.Reg = arm.REG_R0
	var r1 gc.Node
	r1.Op = gc.OREGISTER
	r1.Reg = arm.REG_R1
	var dst gc.Node
	gc.Regalloc(&dst, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], &r1)
	gc.Agen(nl, &dst)
	var nc gc.Node
	gc.Nodconst(&nc, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], 0)
	var nz gc.Node
	gc.Regalloc(&nz, gc.Types[gc.TUINT32], &r0)
	gc.Cgen(&nc, &nz)

	if q > 128 {
		var end gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&end, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)
		p := gins(arm.AMOVW, &dst, &end)
		p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
		p.From.Offset = int64(q) * 4

		p = gins(arm.AMOVW, &nz, &dst)
		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		p.To.Offset = 4
		p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT
		pl := p

		p = gins(arm.ACMP, &dst, nil)
		raddr(&end, p)
		gc.Patch(gc.Gbranch(arm.ABNE, nil, 0), pl)

	} else if q >= 4 && !gc.Nacl {
		f := gc.Sysfunc("duffzero")
		p := gins(obj.ADUFFZERO, nil, f)
		gc.Afunclit(&p.To, f)

		// 4 and 128 = magic constants: see ../../runtime/asm_arm.s
		p.To.Offset = 4 * (128 - int64(q))
	} else {
		var p *obj.Prog
		for q > 0 {
			p = gins(arm.AMOVW, &nz, &dst)
			p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
			p.To.Offset = 4
			p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT

			//print("1. %v\n", p);

	var p *obj.Prog
	for c > 0 {
		p = gins(arm.AMOVB, &nz, &dst)
		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
		p.To.Offset = 1
		p.Scond |= arm.C_PBIT

		//print("2. %v\n", p);

Exemple #10
func cgen_floatsse(n *gc.Node, res *gc.Node) {
	var a int

	nl := n.Left
	nr := n.Right
	switch n.Op {
		gc.Dump("cgen_floatsse", n)
		gc.Fatalf("cgen_floatsse %v", gc.Oconv(int(n.Op), 0))

	case gc.OMINUS,
		nr = gc.Nodintconst(-1)
		gc.Convlit(&nr, n.Type)
		a = foptoas(gc.OMUL, nl.Type, 0)
		goto sbop

		// symmetric binary
	case gc.OADD,
		a = foptoas(n.Op, nl.Type, 0)

		goto sbop

		// asymmetric binary
	case gc.OSUB,
		a = foptoas(n.Op, nl.Type, 0)

		goto abop

sbop: // symmetric binary
	if nl.Ullman < nr.Ullman || nl.Op == gc.OLITERAL {
		nl, nr = nr, nl

abop: // asymmetric binary
	if nl.Ullman >= nr.Ullman {
		var nt gc.Node
		gc.Tempname(&nt, nl.Type)
		gc.Cgen(nl, &nt)
		var n2 gc.Node
		gc.Mgen(nr, &n2, nil)
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, res)
		gmove(&nt, &n1)
		gins(a, &n2, &n1)
		gmove(&n1, res)
	} else {
		var n2 gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&n2, nr.Type, res)
		gc.Cgen(nr, &n2)
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&n1, nl.Type, nil)
		gc.Cgen(nl, &n1)
		gins(a, &n2, &n1)
		gmove(&n1, res)

Exemple #11
func clearfat(nl *gc.Node) {
	/* clear a fat object */
	if gc.Debug['g'] != 0 {
		gc.Dump("\nclearfat", nl)

	w := uint32(nl.Type.Width)

	// Avoid taking the address for simple enough types.
	if gc.Componentgen(nil, nl) {

	c := w % 4 // bytes
	q := w / 4 // quads

	if q < 4 {
		// Write sequence of MOV 0, off(base) instead of using STOSL.
		// The hope is that although the code will be slightly longer,
		// the MOVs will have no dependencies and pipeline better
		// than the unrolled STOSL loop.
		// NOTE: Must use agen, not igen, so that optimizer sees address
		// being taken. We are not writing on field boundaries.
		var n1 gc.Node
		gc.Regalloc(&n1, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], nil)

		gc.Agen(nl, &n1)
		n1.Op = gc.OINDREG
		var z gc.Node
		gc.Nodconst(&z, gc.Types[gc.TUINT64], 0)
		for ; q > 0; q-- {
			n1.Type = z.Type
			gins(x86.AMOVL, &z, &n1)
			n1.Xoffset += 4

		gc.Nodconst(&z, gc.Types[gc.TUINT8], 0)
		for ; c > 0; c-- {
			n1.Type = z.Type
			gins(x86.AMOVB, &z, &n1)


	var n1 gc.Node
	gc.Nodreg(&n1, gc.Types[gc.Tptr], x86.REG_DI)
	gc.Agen(nl, &n1)
	gconreg(x86.AMOVL, 0, x86.REG_AX)

	if q > 128 || (q >= 4 && gc.Nacl) {
		gconreg(x86.AMOVL, int64(q), x86.REG_CX)
		gins(x86.AREP, nil, nil)   // repeat
		gins(x86.ASTOSL, nil, nil) // STOL AL,*(DI)+
	} else if q >= 4 {
		p := gins(obj.ADUFFZERO, nil, nil)
		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_ADDR
		p.To.Sym = gc.Linksym(gc.Pkglookup("duffzero", gc.Runtimepkg))

		// 1 and 128 = magic constants: see ../../runtime/asm_386.s
		p.To.Offset = 1 * (128 - int64(q))
	} else {
		for q > 0 {
			gins(x86.ASTOSL, nil, nil) // STOL AL,*(DI)+

	for c > 0 {
		gins(x86.ASTOSB, nil, nil) // STOB AL,*(DI)+