Exemple #1
// https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/FSEvents_Ref/Reference/reference.html#jumpTo_8
func (s Stream) Paths() []string {
	cpaths := C.FSEventStreamCopyPathsBeingWatched(s.cstream)
	defer C.CFRelease(C.CFTypeRef(cpaths))
	count := C.CFArrayGetCount(cpaths)
	paths := make([]string, count)
	var i C.CFIndex
	for ; i < count; i++ {
		cpath := C.CFStringRef(C.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cpaths, i))
		paths[i] = fromCFString(cpath)
	return paths
Exemple #2
func buildFont(f C.CTFontRef) []byte {
	ctags := C.CTFontCopyAvailableTables(f, C.kCTFontTableOptionExcludeSynthetic)
	tagsCount := C.CFArrayGetCount(ctags)

	var tags []uint32
	var dataRefs []C.CFDataRef
	var dataLens []uint32

	for i := C.CFIndex(0); i < tagsCount; i++ {
		tag := (C.CTFontTableTag)((uintptr)(C.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ctags, i)))
		dataRef := C.CTFontCopyTable(f, tag, 0) // retained
		tags = append(tags, uint32(tag))
		dataRefs = append(dataRefs, dataRef)
		dataLens = append(dataLens, uint32(C.CFDataGetLength(dataRef)))

	totalLen := 0
	for _, l := range dataLens {
		totalLen += int(l)

	// Big-endian output.
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 12+16*len(tags)+totalLen)
	write16 := func(x uint16) { buf = append(buf, byte(x>>8), byte(x)) }
	write32 := func(x uint32) { buf = append(buf, byte(x>>24), byte(x>>16), byte(x>>8), byte(x)) }

	// File format description: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/otff.htm
	write32(0x00010000)        // version 1.0
	write16(uint16(len(tags))) // numTables
	write16(0)                 // searchRange
	write16(0)                 // entrySelector
	write16(0)                 // rangeShift

	// Table tags, includes offsets into following data segments.
	offset := uint32(12 + 16*len(tags)) // offset starts after table tags
	for i, tag := range tags {
		offset += dataLens[i]

	// Data segments.
	for i, dataRef := range dataRefs {
		data := (*[1<<31 - 2]byte)((unsafe.Pointer)(C.CFDataGetBytePtr(dataRef)))[:dataLens[i]]
		buf = append(buf, data...)

	return buf
// FindIdentity ...
//  IMPORTANT: you have to C.CFRelease the returned items (one-by-one)!!
//             you can use the ReleaseIdentityWithRefList method to do that
func FindIdentity(identityLabel string, isFullLabelMatch bool) ([]IdentityWithRefModel, error) {

	queryDict := C.CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil, nil)
	defer C.CFRelease(C.CFTypeRef(queryDict))
	C.CFDictionaryAddValue(queryDict, unsafe.Pointer(C.kSecClass), unsafe.Pointer(C.kSecClassIdentity))
	C.CFDictionaryAddValue(queryDict, unsafe.Pointer(C.kSecMatchLimit), unsafe.Pointer(C.kSecMatchLimitAll))
	C.CFDictionaryAddValue(queryDict, unsafe.Pointer(C.kSecReturnAttributes), unsafe.Pointer(C.kCFBooleanTrue))
	C.CFDictionaryAddValue(queryDict, unsafe.Pointer(C.kSecReturnRef), unsafe.Pointer(C.kCFBooleanTrue))

	var resultRefs C.CFTypeRef
	osStatusCode := C.SecItemCopyMatching(queryDict, &resultRefs)
	if osStatusCode != C.errSecSuccess {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to call SecItemCopyMatch - OSStatus: %d", osStatusCode)
	defer C.CFRelease(C.CFTypeRef(resultRefs))

	identitiesArrRef := C.CFArrayRef(resultRefs)
	identitiesCount := C.CFArrayGetCount(identitiesArrRef)
	if identitiesCount < 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No Identity (certificate + related private key) found in your Keychain!")
	log.Debugf("identitiesCount: %d", identitiesCount)

	// filter the identities, by label
	retIdentityRefs := []IdentityWithRefModel{}
	for i := C.CFIndex(0); i < identitiesCount; i++ {
		aIdentityRef := C.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(identitiesArrRef, i)
		log.Debugf("aIdentityRef: %#v", aIdentityRef)
		aIdentityDictRef := C.CFDictionaryRef(aIdentityRef)
		log.Debugf("aIdentityDictRef: %#v", aIdentityDictRef)

		lablCSting := C.CString("labl")
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(lablCSting))
		vrefCSting := C.CString("v_Ref")
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(vrefCSting))

		labl, err := getCFDictValueUTF8String(aIdentityDictRef, C.CFTypeRef(convertCStringToCFString(lablCSting)))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("FindIdentity: failed to get 'labl' property: %s", err)
		log.Debugf("labl: %#v", labl)
		if isFullLabelMatch {
			if labl != identityLabel {
		} else {
			if !strings.Contains(labl, identityLabel) {
		log.Debugf("Found identity with label: %s", labl)

		vrefRef, err := getCFDictValueRef(aIdentityDictRef, C.CFTypeRef(convertCStringToCFString(vrefCSting)))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("FindIdentity: failed to get 'v_Ref' property: %s", err)
		log.Debugf("vrefRef: %#v", vrefRef)

		// retain the pointer
		vrefRef = C.CFRetain(vrefRef)
		// store it
		retIdentityRefs = append(retIdentityRefs, IdentityWithRefModel{
			KeychainRef: vrefRef,
			Label:       labl,

	return retIdentityRefs, nil