// SetLogoOption sets an integer logo option value. // Options that take a different type value are ignored. // Passing LOEnable as option value has the side effect of starting (arg !0) or // stopping (arg 0) the logo filter. func (this *Player) SetLogoOption(option MarqueeOption, v int) error { if this.ptr == nil { return os.EINVAL } C.libvlc_video_set_logo_int(this.ptr, C.uint(option), C.int(v)) return checkError() }
// SetAdjustOption sets an integer adjustment option value. // Options that take a different type value are ignored. // Passing AOEnable as option value has the side effect of starting (arg !0) or // stopping (arg 0) the logo filter. func (this *Player) SetAdjustOption(option AdjustOption, v int) error { if this.ptr == nil { return syscall.EINVAL } C.libvlc_video_set_logo_int(this.ptr, C.uint(option), C.int(v)) return checkError() }
// SetAdjustOption sets an integer adjustment option value. // Options that take a different type value are ignored. // Passing AOEnable as option value has the side effect of starting (arg !0) or // stopping (arg 0) the logo filter. func (this *Player) SetAdjustOption(option AdjustOption, v int) error { if this.ptr == nil { return &VLCError{"Player is nil"} } C.libvlc_video_set_logo_int(this.ptr, C.uint(option), C.int(v)) return checkError() }