Exemple #1
// get into map pointed at by v
func getMap(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
	mapValue := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem()
	mapValue.Set(reflect.MakeMap(mapValue.Type())) // Clear the map
	switch pnType := C.pn_data_type(data); pnType {
	case C.PN_MAP:
		count := int(C.pn_data_get_map(data))
		if bool(C.pn_data_enter(data)) {
			defer C.pn_data_exit(data)
			for i := 0; i < count/2; i++ {
				if bool(C.pn_data_next(data)) {
					key := reflect.New(mapValue.Type().Key())
					unmarshal(key.Interface(), data)
					if bool(C.pn_data_next(data)) {
						val := reflect.New(mapValue.Type().Elem())
						unmarshal(val.Interface(), data)
						mapValue.SetMapIndex(key.Elem(), val.Elem())
		// Note PN_INVALID is defined outside the enum, older Go versions don't consider it a C.pn_type_t
	case C.pn_type_t(C.PN_INVALID): // Leave the map empty
		panic(newUnmarshalError(pnType, v))
Exemple #2
func (t Type) String() string {
	switch C.pn_type_t(t) {
	case C.PN_NULL:
		return "null"
	case C.PN_BOOL:
		return "bool"
	case C.PN_UBYTE:
		return "ubyte"
	case C.PN_BYTE:
		return "byte"
	case C.PN_USHORT:
		return "ushort"
	case C.PN_SHORT:
		return "short"
	case C.PN_CHAR:
		return "char"
	case C.PN_UINT:
		return "uint"
	case C.PN_INT:
		return "int"
	case C.PN_ULONG:
		return "ulong"
	case C.PN_LONG:
		return "long"
		return "timestamp"
	case C.PN_FLOAT:
		return "float"
	case C.PN_DOUBLE:
		return "double"
	case C.PN_DECIMAL32:
		return "decimal32"
	case C.PN_DECIMAL64:
		return "decimal64"
	case C.PN_DECIMAL128:
		return "decimal128"
	case C.PN_UUID:
		return "uuid"
	case C.PN_BINARY:
		return "binary"
	case C.PN_STRING:
		return "string"
	case C.PN_SYMBOL:
		return "symbol"
		return "described"
	case C.PN_ARRAY:
		return "array"
	case C.PN_LIST:
		return "list"
	case C.PN_MAP:
		return "map"
		return "no-data"
		return fmt.Sprintf("unknown-type(%d)", t)
Exemple #3
// Getting into an interface is driven completely by the AMQP type, since the interface{}
// target is type-neutral.
func getInterface(data *C.pn_data_t, v *interface{}) {
	pnType := C.pn_data_type(data)
	switch pnType {
	// Note PN_INVALID is defined outside the enum, older Go versions don't consider it a C.pn_type_t
	case C.PN_NULL, C.pn_type_t(C.PN_INVALID): // No data.
		*v = nil
	case C.PN_BOOL:
		*v = bool(C.pn_data_get_bool(data))
	case C.PN_UBYTE:
		*v = uint8(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
	case C.PN_BYTE:
		*v = int8(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
	case C.PN_USHORT:
		*v = uint16(C.pn_data_get_ushort(data))
	case C.PN_SHORT:
		*v = int16(C.pn_data_get_short(data))
	case C.PN_UINT:
		*v = uint32(C.pn_data_get_uint(data))
	case C.PN_INT:
		*v = int32(C.pn_data_get_int(data))
	case C.PN_CHAR:
		*v = uint8(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
	case C.PN_ULONG:
		*v = uint64(C.pn_data_get_ulong(data))
	case C.PN_LONG:
		*v = int64(C.pn_data_get_long(data))
	case C.PN_FLOAT:
		*v = float32(C.pn_data_get_float(data))
	case C.PN_DOUBLE:
		*v = float64(C.pn_data_get_double(data))
	case C.PN_BINARY:
		*v = Binary(goBytes(C.pn_data_get_binary(data)))
	case C.PN_STRING:
		*v = goString(C.pn_data_get_string(data))
	case C.PN_SYMBOL:
		*v = Symbol(goString(C.pn_data_get_symbol(data)))
	case C.PN_MAP:
		m := make(Map)
		unmarshal(&m, data)
		*v = m
	case C.PN_LIST:
		l := make(List, 0)
		unmarshal(&l, data)
		*v = l
		panic(newUnmarshalError(pnType, v))
Exemple #4
func newUnmarshalError(pnType C.pn_type_t, v interface{}) *UnmarshalError {
	return &UnmarshalError{C.pn_type_t(pnType).String(), reflect.TypeOf(v)}