//SwsVector * sws_cloneVec (SwsVector *a) //Allocate and return a clone of the vector a, that is a vector with the same coefficients as a. func Sws_cloneVec(a *SwsVector) *SwsVector { return (*SwsVector)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sws_cloneVec((*C.struct_SwsVector)(a)))) }
//SwsVector * sws_cloneVec (SwsVector *a) //Allocate and return a clone of the vector a, that is a vector with the same coefficients as a. func Sws_cloneVec(a *C.struct_SwsVector) *C.struct_SwsVector { return C.sws_cloneVec(a) }
//Allocate and return a clone of the vector a, that is a vector with the same coefficients as a. func (a *Vector) SwsClonevec() *Vector { return (*Vector)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sws_cloneVec((*C.struct_SwsVector)(a)))) }