func (v *Kp1Algo) Init(n int) { = real(cmath.Pow(complex(float64(n), 0), (-1.0 / 3))) v.u = real(cmath.Pow(complex(float64(n), 0), (1.0 / 3))) v.d = int(1 / (2 * v.bins = make(map[int]*vector.Vector) for y := 0; y <= 2*v.d+1; y++ { vec := make(vector.Vector, 0) v.bins[y] = &vec } }
func checkMandelbrot(c complex128, res chan int) { z := settings.z0 for i := 0; i < settings.repeat; i++ { z = cmath.Pow(z, settings.n) + c if 2.0 < cmath.Abs(cmath.Pow(z, 2)) { res <- i + 1 return } } res <- -1 }
func main() { prender := flag.Bool("r", false, "Render resulting alignment of all the rectangles") prenderbins = flag.Bool("rb", false, "Render bins") pnonsolid = flag.Bool("ns", false, "Non solid rendering of rectangles") pn := flag.Int("n", 100, "Number of rectangles") pm := flag.Int("m", 1, "Number of strips") pvalidate := flag.Bool("v", false, "Validate resulting alignment") palgo := flag.String("a", "kp2", "Type of algorithm") ptimes := flag.Int("t", 1, "Number of tests") flag.Parse() rand.Seed(time.Nanoseconds()) println("Number of rectangles = ", *pn) fmt.Printf("N^(2/3) = %0.9v\n\n", real(cmath.Pow(complex(float64(*pn), 0), (2.0/3)))) var coef_s float64 = 0 for y := 0; y < *ptimes; y++ { coef := run(*pn, *prender, *pvalidate, *palgo, *pm) coef_s += coef } fmt.Printf("\nAverage coefficient = %0.9v\n", coef_s/float64(*ptimes)) }
// Returns uncovered area divided by N^(2/3). func run(n int, render, validate bool, algo_name string, m int) (coefficient float64) { rects := GenerateRectangles(n) var algo Algorithm if "kp1" == algo_name { algo = new(Kp1Algo) } else if "kp2" == algo_name { algo = new(Kp2Algo) } else if "2d" == algo_name { algo = new(TdAlgo) } else if "kp2_msp" == algo_name { algo = new(Kp2MspAlgo) } else if "kp2_msp_b" == algo_name { algo = new(Kp2MspBalancedAlgo) } else { algo = new(Kp2Algo) } H = algo.Pack(rects, 0, 0, m) total_area := TotalArea(rects) fmt.Printf("Solution height = %0.9v\nTotal area = %0.9v\n", H, total_area) uncovered_area := H*float64(m) - total_area fmt.Printf("Uncovered area = %0.9v\n", uncovered_area) coefficient = uncovered_area / real(cmath.Pow(complex(float64(n), 0), (2.0/3))) if true == validate { if false == Validate(rects, m, H) { println("Validation: ERROR") } else { println("Validation: OK") } } if render { render_all(rects, m) } return }
func main() { fmt.Println(cmath.Pow(2, 1.0/3.0)) fmt.Println(Cbrt(2)) }