BeforeEach(func() {
		rpcHandlers = new(rpcserverfakes.FakeHandlers)
		ts, err = rpcserver.NewTestRPCServer(rpcHandlers)

		//set rpc.CallCoreCommand to a successful call
		//rpc.CallCoreCommand is used in both cliConnection.CliCommand() and
		rpcHandlers.CallCoreCommandStub = func(_ []string, retVal *bool) error {
			*retVal = true
			return nil

		//set rpc.GetOutputAndReset to return empty string; this is used by CliCommand()/CliWithoutTerminalOutput()
		rpcHandlers.GetOutputAndResetStub = func(_ bool, retVal *[]string) error {
			*retVal = []string{"{}"}
			return nil

	JustBeforeEach(func() {
		err = ts.Start()

	AfterEach(func() {

	Describe("list-apps", func() {
		Context("Option flags", func() {
			It("accept --started or --stopped as valid optional flag", func() {