Exemple #1
func saveKey(path string, key *otr.PrivateKey) {
	var rawKey []byte

	rawKey = key.Serialize(rawKey)
	base64Key := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(rawKey)))
	base64.StdEncoding.Encode(base64Key, rawKey)
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, base64Key, 0600); err != nil {
Exemple #2
// Loads and parses a private key.
func loadKey(path string) *otr.PrivateKey {
	base64Key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		exitPrintf("The private key (%s) does not exist.  Please use genkey.\n",
	if err != nil {

	rawKey := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(base64Key)))
	n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(rawKey, base64Key)
	if err != nil {

	key := new(otr.PrivateKey)
	if _, ok := key.Parse(rawKey[:n]); !ok {
		exitPrintf("Invalid or corrupted private key (%s).\n", path)

	return key
Exemple #3
func enroll(config *Config, term *terminal.Terminal) bool {
	var err error
	warn(term, "Enrolling new config file")

	var domain string
	for {
		term.SetPrompt("Account (i.e. [email protected], enter to quit): ")
		if config.Account, err = term.ReadLine(); err != nil || len(config.Account) == 0 {
			return false

		parts := strings.SplitN(config.Account, "@", 2)
		if len(parts) != 2 {
			alert(term, "invalid username (want user@domain): "+config.Account)
		domain = parts[1]

	term.SetPrompt("Enable debug logging to /tmp/xmpp-client-debug.log? ")
	if debugLog, err := term.ReadLine(); err != nil || debugLog != "yes" {
		info(term, "Not enabling debug logging...")
	} else {
		info(term, "Debug logging enabled...")
		config.RawLogFile = "/tmp/xmpp-client-debug.log"

	term.SetPrompt("Use Tor?: ")
	if useTorQuery, err := term.ReadLine(); err != nil || useTorQuery != "yes" {
		info(term, "Not using Tor...")
		config.UseTor = false
	} else {
		info(term, "Using Tor...")
		config.UseTor = true

	term.SetPrompt("File to import libotr private key from (enter to generate): ")

	var priv otr.PrivateKey
	for {
		importFile, err := term.ReadLine()
		if err != nil {
			return false
		if len(importFile) > 0 {
			privKeyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(importFile)
			if err != nil {
				alert(term, "Failed to open private key file: "+err.Error())

			if !priv.Import(privKeyBytes) {
				alert(term, "Failed to parse libotr private key file (the parser is pretty simple I'm afraid)")
		} else {
			info(term, "Generating private key...")
	config.PrivateKey = priv.Serialize(nil)

	config.OTRAutoAppendTag = true
	config.OTRAutoStartSession = true
	config.OTRAutoTearDown = false

	// If we find ourselves here - we want to autoconfigure everything quickly
	if domain == "jabber.ccc.de" && config.UseTor == true {
		const torProxyURL = "socks5://"
		info(term, "It appears that you are using a well known server and we will use its Tor hidden service to connect.")
		config.Server = "okj7xc6j2szr2y75.onion"
		config.Port = 5222
		config.Proxies = []string{torProxyURL}
		term.SetPrompt("> ")
		return true

	if domain == "riseup.net" && config.UseTor == true {
		const torProxyURL = "socks5://"
		info(term, "It appears that you are using a well known server and we will use its Tor hidden service to connect.")
		config.Server = "ztmc4p37hvues222.onion"
		config.Port = 5222
		config.Proxies = []string{torProxyURL}
		term.SetPrompt("> ")
		return true

	var proxyStr string
	term.SetPrompt("Proxy (i.e socks5://, enter for none): ")

	for {
		if proxyStr, err = term.ReadLine(); err != nil {
			return false
		if len(proxyStr) == 0 {
		u, err := url.Parse(proxyStr)
		if err != nil {
			alert(term, "Failed to parse "+proxyStr+" as a URL: "+err.Error())
		if _, err = proxy.FromURL(u, proxy.Direct); err != nil {
			alert(term, "Failed to parse "+proxyStr+" as a proxy: "+err.Error())

	if len(proxyStr) > 0 {
		config.Proxies = []string{proxyStr}

		info(term, "Since you selected a proxy, we need to know the server and port to connect to as a SRV lookup would leak information every time.")
		term.SetPrompt("Server (i.e. xmpp.example.com, enter to lookup using unproxied DNS): ")
		if config.Server, err = term.ReadLine(); err != nil {
			return false
		if len(config.Server) == 0 {
			var port uint16
			info(term, "Performing SRV lookup")
			if config.Server, port, err = xmpp.Resolve(domain); err != nil {
				alert(term, "SRV lookup failed: "+err.Error())
				return false
			config.Port = int(port)
			info(term, "Resolved "+config.Server+":"+strconv.Itoa(config.Port))
		} else {
			for {
				term.SetPrompt("Port (enter for 5222): ")
				portStr, err := term.ReadLine()
				if err != nil {
					return false
				if len(portStr) == 0 {
					portStr = "5222"
				if config.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr); err != nil || config.Port <= 0 || config.Port > 65535 {
					info(term, "Port numbers must be 0 < port <= 65535")

	term.SetPrompt("> ")

	return true