Exemple #1
func panicHandler(v *exact.Value) {
	switch p := recover().(type) {
	case nil:
		// nothing to do
	case string:
		*v = exact.MakeString(p)
	case error:
		*v = exact.MakeString(p.Error())
Exemple #2
// zeroConst returns a new "zero" constant of the specified type,
// which must not be an array or struct type: the zero values of
// aggregates are well-defined but cannot be represented by Const.
func zeroConst(t types.Type) *Const {
	switch t := t.(type) {
	case *types.Basic:
		switch {
		case t.Info()&types.IsBoolean != 0:
			return NewConst(exact.MakeBool(false), t)
		case t.Info()&types.IsNumeric != 0:
			return NewConst(exact.MakeInt64(0), t)
		case t.Info()&types.IsString != 0:
			return NewConst(exact.MakeString(""), t)
		case t.Kind() == types.UnsafePointer:
		case t.Kind() == types.UntypedNil:
			return nilConst(t)
			panic(fmt.Sprint("zeroConst for unexpected type:", t))
	case *types.Pointer, *types.Slice, *types.Interface, *types.Chan, *types.Map, *types.Signature:
		return nilConst(t)
	case *types.Named:
		return NewConst(zeroConst(t.Underlying()).Value, t)
	case *types.Array, *types.Struct, *types.Tuple:
		panic(fmt.Sprint("zeroConst applied to aggregate:", t))
	panic(fmt.Sprint("zeroConst: unexpected ", t))
Exemple #3
// Conversion type-checks the conversion T(x).
// The result is in x.
func (check *Checker) conversion(x *operand, T Type) {
	constArg := x.mode == constant

	var ok bool
	switch {
	case constArg && isConstType(T):
		// constant conversion
		switch t := T.Underlying().(*Basic); {
		case representableConst(x.val, check.conf, t.kind, &x.val):
			ok = true
		case x.isInteger() && isString(t):
			codepoint := int64(-1)
			if i, ok := exact.Int64Val(x.val); ok {
				codepoint = i
			// If codepoint < 0 the absolute value is too large (or unknown) for
			// conversion. This is the same as converting any other out-of-range
			// value - let string(codepoint) do the work.
			x.val = exact.MakeString(string(codepoint))
			ok = true
	case x.convertibleTo(check.conf, T):
		// non-constant conversion
		x.mode = value
		ok = true

	if !ok {
		check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot convert %s to %s", x, T)
		x.mode = invalid

	// The conversion argument types are final. For untyped values the
	// conversion provides the type, per the spec: "A constant may be
	// given a type explicitly by a constant declaration or conversion,...".
	final := x.typ
	if isUntyped(x.typ) {
		final = T
		// - For conversions to interfaces, use the argument's default type.
		// - For conversions of untyped constants to non-constant types, also
		//   use the default type (e.g., []byte("foo") should report string
		//   not []byte as type for the constant "foo").
		// - Keep untyped nil for untyped nil arguments.
		if isInterface(T) || constArg && !isConstType(T) {
			final = defaultType(x.typ)
		check.updateExprType(x.expr, final, true)

	x.typ = T
Exemple #4
func (c *checker) InsertMetricValuesFromContext(m *metrics.MetricContext) error {
	for metricName, metric := range m.Gauges {
		name := strings.Replace(metricName, ".", "_", -1) + "_value"
		c.sc.Insert(types.NewConst(0, c.pkg, name,
			types.New("float64"), exact.MakeFloat64(metric.Get())))
		sname := name + "_string"
		c.sc.Insert(types.NewConst(0, c.pkg, sname,
			types.New("string"), exact.MakeString(fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", metric.Get()))))
	for metricName, metric := range m.Counters {
		name := strings.Replace(metricName, ".", "_", -1) + "_current"
		c.sc.Insert(types.NewConst(0, c.pkg, name,
			types.New("float64"), exact.MakeUint64(metric.Get())))
		sname := name + "_string"
		c.sc.Insert(types.NewConst(0, c.pkg, sname,
			types.New("string"), exact.MakeString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", metric.Get()))))
		name = strings.Replace(metricName, ".", "_", -1) + "_rate"
		c.sc.Insert(types.NewConst(0, c.pkg, name,
			types.New("float64"), exact.MakeFloat64(metric.ComputeRate())))
	return nil
Exemple #5
// testMainSlice emits to fn code to construct a slice of type slice
// (one of []testing.Internal{Test,Benchmark,Example}) for all
// functions in this package whose name starts with prefix (one of
// "Test", "Benchmark" or "Example") and whose type is appropriate.
// It returns the slice value.
func testMainSlice(fn *Function, prefix string, slice types.Type) Value {
	tElem := slice.(*types.Slice).Elem()
	tFunc := tElem.Underlying().(*types.Struct).Field(1).Type()

	var testfuncs []*Function
	for name, mem := range fn.Pkg.Members {
		if fn, ok := mem.(*Function); ok && isTest(name, prefix) && types.IsIdentical(fn.Signature, tFunc) {
			testfuncs = append(testfuncs, fn)
	if testfuncs == nil {
		return nilConst(slice)

	tString := types.Typ[types.String]
	tPtrString := types.NewPointer(tString)
	tPtrElem := types.NewPointer(tElem)
	tPtrFunc := types.NewPointer(tFunc)

	// Emit: array = new [n]testing.InternalTest
	tArray := types.NewArray(tElem, int64(len(testfuncs)))
	array := emitNew(fn, tArray, token.NoPos)
	array.Comment = "test main"
	for i, testfunc := range testfuncs {
		// Emit: pitem = &array[i]
		ia := &IndexAddr{X: array, Index: intConst(int64(i))}
		pitem := fn.emit(ia)

		// Emit: pname = &pitem.Name
		fa := &FieldAddr{X: pitem, Field: 0} // .Name
		pname := fn.emit(fa)

		// Emit: *pname = "testfunc"
		emitStore(fn, pname, NewConst(exact.MakeString(testfunc.Name()), tString))

		// Emit: pfunc = &pitem.F
		fa = &FieldAddr{X: pitem, Field: 1} // .F
		pfunc := fn.emit(fa)

		// Emit: *pfunc = testfunc
		emitStore(fn, pfunc, testfunc)

	// Emit: slice array[:]
	sl := &Slice{X: array}
	return fn.emit(sl)
Exemple #6
func (v *LLVMValue) mustConvertI2V(typ types.Type) Value {
	result, ok := v.convertI2V(typ)

	c, builder := v.compiler, v.compiler.builder
	end := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(builder.GetInsertBlock(), "end")
	failed := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(end, "failed")
	builder.CreateCondBr(ok.LLVMValue(), end, failed)

	s := fmt.Sprintf("convertI2V(%s, %s) failed", v.typ, typ)
	c.visitPanic(c.NewConstValue(exact.MakeString(s), types.Typ[types.String]))
	return result
Exemple #7
func (p *importer) value() exact.Value {
	switch kind := exact.Kind(p.int()); kind {
	case falseTag:
		return exact.MakeBool(false)
	case trueTag:
		return exact.MakeBool(true)
	case int64Tag:
		return exact.MakeInt64(p.int64())
	case floatTag:
		return p.float()
	case fractionTag:
		return p.fraction()
	case complexTag:
		re := p.fraction()
		im := p.fraction()
		return exact.BinaryOp(re, token.ADD, exact.MakeImag(im))
	case stringTag:
		return exact.MakeString(p.string())
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value kind %d", kind))
Exemple #8
func (c *compiler) printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
	s := exact.MakeString(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
	c.printValues(true, c.NewConstValue(s, types.Typ[types.String]))
Exemple #9
// stringConst returns a 'string' constant that evaluates to s.
func stringConst(s string) *Const {
	return NewConst(exact.MakeString(s), tString)
Exemple #10
// ConstValue     = string | "false" | "true" | ["-"] (int ["'"] | FloatOrComplex) .
// FloatOrComplex = float ["i" | ("+"|"-") float "i"] .
func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val exact.Value, typ types.Type) {
	switch p.tok {
	case scanner.String:
		str := p.parseString()
		val = exact.MakeString(str)
		typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedString]

	case scanner.Ident:
		b := false
		switch p.lit {
		case "false":
		case "true":
			b = true

			p.errorf("expected const value, got %s (%q)", scanner.TokenString(p.tok), p.lit)

		val = exact.MakeBool(b)
		typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedBool]

	sign := ""
	if p.tok == '-' {
		sign = "-"

	switch p.tok {
	case scanner.Int:
		val = exact.MakeFromLiteral(sign+p.lit, token.INT)
		if val == nil {
			p.error("could not parse integer literal")

		if p.tok == '\'' {
			typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedRune]
		} else {
			typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedInt]

	case scanner.Float:
		re := sign + p.lit

		var im string
		switch p.tok {
		case '+':
			im = p.expect(scanner.Float)

		case '-':
			im = "-" + p.expect(scanner.Float)

		case scanner.Ident:
			// re is in fact the imaginary component. Expect "i" below.
			im = re
			re = "0"

			val = exact.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT)
			if val == nil {
				p.error("could not parse float literal")
			typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedFloat]

		reval := exact.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT)
		if reval == nil {
			p.error("could not parse real component of complex literal")
		imval := exact.MakeFromLiteral(im+"i", token.IMAG)
		if imval == nil {
			p.error("could not parse imag component of complex literal")
		val = exact.BinaryOp(reval, token.ADD, imval)
		typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedComplex]

		p.errorf("expected const value, got %s (%q)", scanner.TokenString(p.tok), p.lit)
