Exemple #1
// GetVideo returns a video or an error
// Direct link:
// 	curl 'http://hcm.nhac.vui.vn/ajax/nghe_bai_hat/download_320k/472092' -H 'Cookie: pageCookie=13; ACCOUNT_ID=965257; token=3f363de2c081a3a3a685b1033e6f03b1%7C52ab4c37;' -v
func GetVideo(id dna.Int) (*Video, error) {
	var video *Video = NewVideo()
	video.Id = id
	c := make(chan bool, 2)

	go func() {
		c <- <-getVideoXML(video)
	go func() {
		c <- <-getVideoFromMainPage(video)

	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {

	// Check how many bits in ResolutionFlags have value 1
	var count uint32 = 0
	for i := uint32(0); i < 5; i++ {
		if (int(video.ResolutionFlags)>>i)&1 == 1 {
			count += 1

	if video.Links.Length() == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New(dna.Sprintf("Chacha - Video %v: Link not found", video.Id).String())
	} else if dna.Int(count) != video.Links.Length() {
		return nil, errors.New(dna.Sprintf("Chacha - Video %v: Video Resolution flags and links do not match", video.Id).String())
	} else {
		video.Checktime = time.Now()
		return video, nil
Exemple #2
func (apiVideo *APIVideo) FillVideo(video *Video) {
	video.Id = apiVideo.Id
	video.Key = apiVideo.Key
	video.Title = apiVideo.Title
	video.Image = apiVideo.Thumbnail // Image is for small image
	video.Thumbnail = apiVideo.Image // Thumbnail is for the large, kinda opposite
	// Getting dateCreated
	datecreatedArr := video.Thumbnail.FindAllStringSubmatch(`/([0-9]+)_[0-9]+\..+$`, -1)
	if len(datecreatedArr) > 0 {
		// Log(int64(datecreatedArr[0][1].ToInt()))
		video.DateCreated = time.Unix(int64(datecreatedArr[0][1].ToInt()/1000), 0)
	} else {
		dateCreatedArr := video.Thumbnail.FindAllStringSubmatch(`/?(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2})`, -1)
		if len(dateCreatedArr) > 0 {
			year := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`(\d{4})/\d{2}/\d{2}`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
			month := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\d{4}/(\d{2})/\d{2}`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
			day := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\d{4}/\d{2}/(\d{2})`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
			video.DateCreated = time.Date(int(year), time.Month(month), int(day), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	video.Artists = apiVideo.Artist.Split(",").SplitWithRegexp(" & ")
	durationArr := apiVideo.Time.Split(":")
	switch durationArr.Length() {
	case 2:
		duration, err := time.ParseDuration((durationArr[0] + "m" + durationArr[1] + "s").String())
		if err == nil {
			video.Duration = dna.Int(int(duration.Seconds()))
		} else {
			dna.Log("Critical error: cannot parse duration of video id:", video.Id)
			panic("Cannot parse duration")
	case 3:
		duration, err := time.ParseDuration((durationArr[0] + "h" + durationArr[1] + "m" + durationArr[2] + "s").String())
		if err == nil {
			video.Duration = dna.Int(int(duration.Seconds()))
		} else {
			dna.Log("Critical error: cannot parse duration of video id:", video.Id)
			panic("Cannot parse duration")
		dna.Log("Critical error: Unknown duration format of video id:", video.Id)
		panic("Cannot parse duration")

	video.Artistid = apiVideo.Artistid
	video.Likes = apiVideo.Likes
	video.Plays = apiVideo.Plays
	video.LinkShare = apiVideo.Linkshare
	video.StreamUrl = apiVideo.StreamUrl
	video.Type = apiVideo.ObjType
Exemple #3
// ToAlbum converts APIAlbum to Album type.
func (apiAlbum *APIAlbum) ToAlbum() *Album {
	album := NewAlbum()
	album.Id = apiAlbum.Id
	keyArr := apiAlbum.Url.FindAllStringSubmatch(`.+/(.+?)\.html`, 1)
	if len(keyArr) > 0 {
		album.Key = keyArr[0][1]
	album.Title = apiAlbum.Title
	album.Artists = apiAlbum.Artists.Split(" ft ").FilterEmpty()
	album.Plays = apiAlbum.Plays
	songids := dna.IntArray{}
	for _, song := range apiAlbum.SongList {
	album.Songids = songids
	album.Nsongs = dna.Int(len(apiAlbum.SongList))
	album.Description = ""
	album.Coverart = apiAlbum.Coverart
	dateCreatedArr := album.Coverart.FindAllStringSubmatch(`/?(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2})`, -1)
	if len(dateCreatedArr) > 0 {
		year := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`(\d{4})/\d{2}/\d{2}`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
		month := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\d{4}/(\d{2})/\d{2}`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
		day := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\d{4}/\d{2}/(\d{2})`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
		album.DateCreated = time.Date(int(year), time.Month(month), int(day), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

	album.Checktime = time.Now()
	return album
Exemple #4
// getSongFromXML returns values from url: http://nhacso.net/flash/song/xnl/1/id/
func getSongFromXML(song *Song) <-chan bool {
	channel := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		link := "http://nhacso.net/flash/song/xnl/1/id/" + GetKey(song.Id)
		result, err := http.Get(link)
		if err == nil {
			song.Title = getValueXML(&result.Data, "name", 1).Trim()
			song.Artists = getValueXML(&result.Data, "artist", 0).ToStringArray().SplitWithRegexp("\\|\\|").SplitWithRegexp(" / ").SplitWithRegexp(" - ")
			song.Artistid = getValueXML(&result.Data, "artistlink", 0).ReplaceWithRegexp("\\.html", "").ReplaceWithRegexp(`^.+-`, "").ToInt()
			authors := getValueXML(&result.Data, "author", 0)
			if !authors.IsBlank() {
				song.Authors = authors.ToStringArray().SplitWithRegexp("\\|\\|").SplitWithRegexp(" / ").SplitWithRegexp(" - ")
				song.Authorid = getValueXML(&result.Data, "authorlink", 0).ReplaceWithRegexp(`\.html`, "").ReplaceWithRegexp(`^.+-`, "").ToInt()

			duration := result.Data.FindAllString("<totalTime.+totalTime>", 1)
			if duration.Length() > 0 {
				song.Duration = duration[0].RemoveHtmlTags("").Trim().ToInt()

			song.Link = getValueXML(&result.Data, "mp3link", 0)

			if song.Title != "" && song.Link != "/" {
				ts := song.Link.FindAllString(`\/[0-9]+_`, 1)[0].ReplaceWithRegexp(`\/`, "").ReplaceWithRegexp(`_`, "")
				unix := ts.ToInt().ToFloat() * dna.Float(math.Pow10(13-len(ts)))
				song.DateCreated = dna.Int(int64(unix) / 1000).ToTime()
				song.DateUpdated = time.Now()
		channel <- true

	return channel
Exemple #5
// UpdateNhacso gets lastest items from nhacso.com.
// The update process goes through 7 steps:
// 	Step 1: Initalizing db connection, loading site config and state handler.
// 	Step 2: Updating new songs.
// 	Step 3: Updating new albums.
// 	Step 4: Updating new videos.
// 	Step 5: Updating catagories of new songs.
// 	Step 6: Updating catagories of new albums.
// 	Step 7: Recovering failed sql statements.
func UpdateNhacso() {
	db, err := sqlpg.Connect(sqlpg.NewSQLConfig(SqlConfigPath))
	siteConf, err := LoadSiteConfig("ns", SiteConfigPath)
	// update song
	state := NewStateHandler(new(ns.Song), siteConf, db)
	//  update album
	state = NewStateHandler(new(ns.Album), siteConf, db)
	// update video
	state = NewStateHandler(new(ns.Video), siteConf, db)

	r := NewRange(0, dna.Int(len(*ns.SongGenreList))*ns.LastNPages-1)
	siteConf.NConcurrent = 10
	state = NewStateHandlerWithRange(new(ns.SongCategory), r, siteConf, db)

	state = NewStateHandlerWithRange(new(ns.AlbumCategory), r, siteConf, db)

	RecoverErrorQueries(SqlErrorLogPath, db)
	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

	CountDown(3*time.Second, QuittingMessage, EndingMessage)


Exemple #6
// GetMovie returns a movie or an error.
func GetMovie(id dna.Int) (*Movie, error) {
	var movie *Movie = NewMovie()
	movie.Id = id
	c := make(chan bool, 1)

	go func() {
		c <- <-getMovieFromPage(movie)

	for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {

	if movie.Title == "" && movie.AnotherTitle == "" {
		return nil, errors.New(dna.Sprintf("Hdviet - Movie %v: Not available", movie.Id).String())
	} else {
		// Generating EpisodeKeyList
		if movie.IsSeries == false {
			EpisodeKeyList.Push(movie.Id * 1000)
		} else {
			for i := dna.Int(1); i <= movie.CurrentEps; i++ {
				EpisodeKeyList.Push(ToEpisodeKey(movie.Id, i))
		return movie, nil

	// if movie.Link == "" || movie.Link == "/" {
	// 	return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Nhacso - Movie %v: Mp3 link not found", movie.Id))
	// } else {
	// 	movie.Checktime = time.Now()
	// 	return movie, nil
	// }
Exemple #7
// RecoverSQLLogError re-executes failed sql queries in sql error log file from specified path.
// It returns the number of failed -reexec queries, and new failed
// queries will be written to the file
// The format of error file is:
// 	Error description - $$$error$$$SQL_QUERY$$$error$$$
// Therefore only get statements enclosed by special `$$$error$$$`
func RecoverSQLLogError(sqlErrFilePath dna.String, db *sqlpg.DB) dna.Int {
	var errCount = 0
	var errStrings = dna.StringArray{}
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(sqlErrFilePath.String())
	if err != nil {
	data := dna.String(string(b))
	// dna.Log("\n", data.Length())
	sqlArr := data.FindAllString(`(?mis)\$\$\$error\$\$\$.+?\$\$\$error\$\$\$`, -1)
	// dna.Log("\nTOTAL SQL STATEMENTS FOUND:", sqlArr.Length())
	for _, val := range sqlArr {
		sqlStmtArr := val.FindAllStringSubmatch(`(?mis)\$\$\$error\$\$\$(.+?)\$\$\$error\$\$\$`, -1)
		if len(sqlStmtArr) > 0 {
			_, err := db.Exec(sqlStmtArr[0][1].String())
			if err != nil {
				if dna.String(err.Error()).Contains(`duplicate key value violates unique constraint`) == false {
					errCount += 1
					errStrings.Push("$$$error$$$" + sqlStmtArr[0][1] + "$$$error$$$")
	if errCount == 0 {
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(sqlErrFilePath.String(), []byte{}, 0644)
	} else {
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(sqlErrFilePath.String(), []byte(errStrings.Join("\n").String()), 0644)
	if err != nil {
	return dna.Int(errCount)
Exemple #8
// Init implements item.Item interface.
func (alca *AlbumCategory) Init(v interface{}) {
	var n dna.Int
	var NGenres dna.Int = dna.Int(len((*SongGenreList))) // The total of genres
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		n = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		n = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
	genreIndex := dna.Int(n / LastNPages)
	if genreIndex >= NGenres {
		genreIndex = NGenres - 1
	alca.Genre = (*SongGenreList)[genreIndex]
	alca.Page = n%LastNPages + 1
Exemple #9
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets EpisodeKey
func (eu *EpUpdater) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		eu.EpId, eu.CurrentEps = ToMovieIdAndEpisodeId(dna.Int(v.(int)))
	case dna.Int:
		eu.EpId, eu.CurrentEps = ToMovieIdAndEpisodeId(v.(dna.Int))
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #10
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (users *Users) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		users.InitialId = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		users.InitialId = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #11
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (album *Album) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		album.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		album.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #12
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (episode *Episode) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		episode.MovieId, episode.EpId = ToMovieIdAndEpisodeId(dna.Int(v.(int)))
	case dna.Int:
		episode.MovieId, episode.EpId = ToMovieIdAndEpisodeId(v.(dna.Int))
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #13
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (tv *TV) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		tv.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		tv.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #14
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (apiSong *APIFullSong) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		apiSong.Track.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		apiSong.Track.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #15
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (movie *Movie) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		movie.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		movie.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #16
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (lyric *Lyric) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		lyric.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		lyric.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #17
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (artist *Artist) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		artist.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		artist.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #18
func (subject *Subject) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		subject.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		subject.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #19
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (video *Video) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		video.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		video.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #20
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (sf *APISongFreaksTrack) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		sf.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		sf.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #21
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (song *Song) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		song.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		song.Id = v.(dna.Int)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #22
// GetEncodedKey gets an encoded key used for XML file or a direct link
func (song *Song) GetEncodedKey(bitrate Bitrate) dna.String {
	var temp dna.IntArray
	if bitrate == Lossless {
		temp = dna.IntArray{11, 12, 13, 13, 11, 14, 13, 13}
	} else {
		temp = dna.Int(bitrate).ToString().Split("").ToIntArray()
	tailArray := dna.IntArray{10}.Concat(temp).Concat(dna.IntArray{10, 2, 0, 1, 0})
	return getCipherText(GetId(song.Key), tailArray)

Exemple #23
func (apiAlbum *APIAlbum) FillAlbum(album *Album) {
	var (
		nSongs, nVideos dna.Int = 0, 0
	album.Id = apiAlbum.Id
	album.Key = apiAlbum.Key
	album.Title = apiAlbum.Title
	album.Artists = apiAlbum.Artist.Split(", ")
	album.Topics = apiAlbum.Genre.ToStringArray()
	album.Likes = apiAlbum.Likes
	album.Plays = apiAlbum.Plays
	ids := dna.IntArray{}
	for _, song := range apiAlbum.Listsong {
		if isSongFormat(song.StreamUrl) == true {
			nSongs += 1
		if isVideoFormat(song.StreamUrl) == true {
			nVideos += 1
	// dna.Log("NSONGS AND VIDEOS:", nSongs, nVideos)
	album.Songids = ids
	album.Nsongs = dna.Int(len(apiAlbum.Listsong))
	album.Description = apiAlbum.Description
	album.Coverart = apiAlbum.Coverart
	album.LinkShare = apiAlbum.Linkshare
	switch {
	case nSongs == album.Nsongs:
		album.Type = "PLAYLIST_SONG"
	case nVideos == album.Nsongs:
		album.Type = "PLAYLIST_VIDEO"
	case nVideos+nSongs == album.Nsongs:
		album.Type = "PLAYLIST_MIXED"
		album.Type = "PLAYLIST"
	datecreatedArr := album.Coverart.FindAllStringSubmatch(`/([0-9]+)[_500]*\..+$`, -1)
	if len(datecreatedArr) > 0 {
		// Log(int64(datecreatedArr[0][1].ToInt()))
		album.DateCreated = time.Unix(int64(datecreatedArr[0][1].ToInt()/1000), 0)
	} else {
		dateCreatedArr := album.Coverart.FindAllStringSubmatch(`/?(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2})`, -1)
		if len(dateCreatedArr) > 0 {
			year := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`(\d{4})/\d{2}/\d{2}`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
			month := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\d{4}/(\d{2})/\d{2}`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
			day := dateCreatedArr[0][1].FindAllStringSubmatch(`\d{4}/\d{2}/(\d{2})`, -1)[0][1].ToInt()
			album.DateCreated = time.Date(int(year), time.Month(month), int(day), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

	album.Checktime = time.Now()
Exemple #24
func (song *Song) Save(db *sqlpg.DB) error {
	insertStmt := sqlpg.GetInsertStatement("mlsongs", song, false) + "\n"
	n, err := SongFile.WriteString(insertStmt.String())
	TotalBytes += dna.Int(n)
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	} else {
		return err

Exemple #25
// DecodeEncodedKey decodes an encoded key to a key
func DecodeEncodedKey(key dna.String) dna.String {
	var y dna.IntArray = key[5:15].Split("").Map(func(v dna.String, i dna.Int) dna.Int {
		for j, val := range c {
			for _, char := range val.Split("") {
				if char == v {
					return dna.Int(j)
		return -1
	return GetKey(y.ToString().ToInt() + 307843200)
Exemple #26
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (album *Album) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		album.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		album.Id = v.(dna.Int)
	// case string:
	// 	album.Key = dna.String(v.(string))
	// case dna.String:
	// 	album.Key = v.(String)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #27
// Init implements item.Item interface.
// It sets Id or key.
// dna.Interface v has type int or dna.Int, it calls Id field.
// Otherwise if v has type string or dna.String, it calls Key field.
func (song *Song) Init(v interface{}) {
	switch v.(type) {
	case int:
		song.Id = dna.Int(v.(int))
	case dna.Int:
		song.Id = v.(dna.Int)
	// case string:
	// 	song.Key = dna.String(v.(string))
	// case dna.String:
	// 	song.Key = v.(String)
		panic("Interface v has to be int")
Exemple #28
// Get impliments getting site with basic properties.
// Enable gzip, deflat by default to reduce  network data, redirect to new location from response.
// It returns data (String type) and error
// if err is nil then data is "" (empty).
func Get(url dna.String) (*Result, error) {
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url.ToPrimitiveValue(), nil)
	req.Header = DefaulHeader
	// req.Header.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate")
	// req.Header.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en")
	// req.Header.Add("Cache-Control", "max-age=0")
	// req.Header.Add("Connection", "keep-alive")
	req.Header.Add("Host", url.ToPrimitiveValue())
	// req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)")
	// req.Header.Add("Cookie", "")
	// dna.Log(req.Header)
	res, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return new(Result), err

	var data []byte
	var myErr error

	switch res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") {
	case "gzip":
		var reader io.ReadCloser
		reader, err := gzip.NewReader(res.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return new(Result), err
		data, myErr = ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	case "deflate":
		// Logv("sdsafsd")
		reader, err := zlib.NewReader(res.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return new(Result), err
		data, myErr = ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
		data, myErr = ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

	if myErr != nil {
		return new(Result), myErr

	return NewResult(dna.Int(res.StatusCode), dna.String(res.Status), res.Header, dna.String(data)), nil
Exemple #29
// Tick changes its values when an item is being processed.
// 	* hasError: determines whether a processed item is successful or not.
func (c *Counter) Tick(hasError dna.Bool) {
	if hasError == true {
		c.Fail += 1
		c.CFail += 1
	} else {
		c.Pass += 1
		c.CFail = 0
	c.Count += 1
	c.ElapsedTime = time.Since(c.startingTime)
	if c.ElapsedTime/time.Second > 0 {
		c.Speed = dna.Int(int64(c.Count) / int64(c.ElapsedTime/time.Second))

Exemple #30
func Post(url dna.String, bodyStr dna.String) (*Result, error) {
	client := &http.Client{}
	// dna.Log(bodyStr)
	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url.String(), strings.NewReader(bodyStr.String()))
	req.Header = DefaulHeader
	req.Header.Add("Host", url.ToPrimitiveValue())
	res, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return new(Result), err

	var data []byte
	var myErr error

	switch res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") {
	case "gzip":
		var reader io.ReadCloser
		reader, err := gzip.NewReader(res.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return new(Result), err
		data, myErr = ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	case "deflate":
		// Logv("sdsafsd")
		reader, err := zlib.NewReader(res.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return new(Result), err
		data, myErr = ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
		data, myErr = ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

	if myErr != nil {
		return new(Result), myErr

	return NewResult(dna.Int(res.StatusCode), dna.String(res.Status), res.Header, dna.String(data)), nil