func (this UserController) ListUsers(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	users, err := this.userService.List()

	if err == nil {
		return ctx.Json(users)

	return ctx.Error(err)
// Start the authorization process
func (this *FacebookController) Auth(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	//can be used to pass state between server-to-server calls (roundtripped)
	state := ""

	//Get the Google URL which shows the Authentication page to the user
	url := this.oauthCfg.AuthCodeURL(state)

	//redirect user to that page
	return ctx.Redirect(url)
func (this EventController) Test(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	//note: time.sleep frees the thread and allows other goroutines to execute
	//sending 1000 concurrent requests with AB all complete within 5seconds

	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)


	fmt.Println("Test invoked")

	return ctx.Text("test operation")
func (this UserController) GetUser(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	name, _ := ctx.Param("name")
	email, _ := ctx.Param("email")

	user, err := this.userService.Create(&contracts.User{Email: email, Name: name})

	if err == nil {
		return ctx.Json(user)

	return ctx.Error(err)
func (this *GoogleController) TestHighLoad(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	n := randomizer.Int63()
	email := fmt.Sprintf("*****@*****.**", n)
	name := fmt.Sprintf("User %d", n)

	dto := &contracts.User{Email: email, Name: name}
	credentials := &contracts.UserAuthCredentials{
		Type:         framework.AuthType_Google,
		AccessToken:  fmt.Sprintf("Access token for user %s", name),
		RefreshToken: fmt.Sprintf("Refresh token for user %s", name),
		Expiry:       time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour),
	_, err := this.userService.SaveWithCredentials(dto, credentials)
	if err != nil {
		return ctx.Error(err)

	session := ctx.Session()

		UserId:   email,
		AuthType: framework.AuthType_Google,
		AuthData: credentials.AccessToken,

	return ctx.Text("OK")
//adapted from Revel framework BinaryResult.Apply method
func (r *StreamResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {

	var err error

	// If we have a ReadSeeker, delegate to http.ServeContent
	if rs, ok := r.Reader.(io.ReadSeeker); ok {
		http.ServeContent(ctx, ctx.Req(), r.Name, r.ModTime, rs)

	} else {
		// Else, do a simple io.Copy.

		if r.Length != -1 {
			ctx.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(r.Length, 10))

		//TODO: use a mime-type to file extension strategy like Revel does
		_, err = io.Copy(ctx, r.Reader)

	// Close the Reader if we can
	if v, ok := r.Reader.(io.Closer); ok {

	return err
func (r *TextResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {

	_, err := ctx.Write([]byte(r.Value))

	return err
func (r *XmlResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {
	data, err := xml.Marshal(r.Value)

	if err == nil {

	return err
func (this *GoogleController) HandleRoot(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	session := ctx.Session()

	if sessionUser := session.User(); sessionUser == nil {

		return ctx.Template(notAuthenticatedTemplate, nil)
	} else {
		email := sessionUser.UserId
		user, _ := this.userService.Get(email)
		return ctx.Template(authenticatedTemplate, user.Name)
func (r *GenericResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {

	if r.Status > 0 {
	} else {

	if r.Message != "" {

	return nil
// Function that handles the callback from the Google server
func (this *FacebookController) AuthCallback(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {
	//Get the code from the response
	code, _ := ctx.Param("code")

	t := &oauth.Transport{Config: this.oauthCfg}

	// Exchange the received code for a token

	//now get user data based on the Transport which has the token
	resp, err := t.Client().Get(this.profileInfoURL)

	if err != nil {
		return ctx.FrameworkError(framework.ToError(framework.Error_Web_UnableToAuthenticate, err))

	userprofile := make(map[string]interface{})
	decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
	err = decoder.Decode(&userprofile)

	if err != nil {
		return ctx.FrameworkError(framework.ToError(framework.Error_Web_UnableToAuthenticate, err))


	email := userprofile["email"].(string)
	name := userprofile["name"].(string)

	userDto := &contracts.User{Email: email, Name: name}
	userCredentialsDto := &contracts.UserAuthCredentials{
		Type:         framework.AuthType_Facebook,
		AccessToken:  t.Token.AccessToken,
		RefreshToken: t.Token.RefreshToken,
		Expiry:       t.Token.Expiry,

	user, err2 := this.userService.SaveWithCredentials(userDto, userCredentialsDto)

	if err2 != nil {
		return ctx.Error(err2)

		UserId:   user.Email,
		AuthType: framework.AuthType_Facebook,
		AuthData: t.AccessToken,

	return ctx.Template(userInfoTemplate, fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s Email: %s", name, email))
func (this EventController) CreateEvent(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	return ctx.Unauthorized("Thou shall not create an event")
func (r *FrameworkErrorResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {
	//TODO: implement properly
	ctx.Write([]byte("Here goes FrameworkErrorResult: " + r.Err.Error()))
	return nil
func (r *JsonResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {
	data, err := json.Marshal(r.Value)

	if err != nil {
		return err


	callback, _ := ctx.Param("callback")

	if callback == "" {
		_, err = ctx.Write(data)
	} else {
		_, err = ctx.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(jsonpFormat, callback)))
		_, err = ctx.Write(data)
		_, err = ctx.Write(jsonpEnclosing)

	return err
func (r *RedirectResult) Write(ctx framework.WebContext) error {

	ctx.Header().Set("Location", r.Url)
	return nil
func (this UserController) CreateUser(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	return ctx.Forbidden("Thou shall not create an user")
func (this UserController) Who(ctx framework.WebContext) framework.WebResult {

	return ctx.Text("Anonymous")