Exemple #1
func (cmd *listCmd) Flags(fs *flag.FlagSet) *flag.FlagSet {
	cmd.depth = fs.Int(drive.DepthKey, 1, "maximum recursion depth")
	cmd.hidden = fs.Bool(drive.HiddenKey, false, "list all paths even hidden ones")
	cmd.files = fs.Bool("f", false, "list only files")
	cmd.directories = fs.Bool("d", false, "list all directories")
	cmd.longFmt = fs.Bool("l", false, "long listing of contents")
	cmd.pageSize = fs.Int64("p", 100, "number of results per pagination")
	cmd.shared = fs.Bool("shared", false, "show files that are shared with me")
	cmd.inTrash = fs.Bool(drive.TrashedKey, false, "list content in the trash")
	cmd.version = fs.Bool("version", false, "show the number of times that the file has been modified on \n\t\tthe server even with changes not visible to the user")
	cmd.noPrompt = fs.Bool(drive.NoPromptKey, false, "shows no prompt before pagination")
	cmd.owners = fs.Bool("owners", false, "shows the owner names per file")
	cmd.recursive = fs.Bool("r", false, "recursively list subdirectories")
	cmd.sort = fs.String(drive.SortKey, "", drive.DescSort)
	cmd.matches = fs.Bool(drive.MatchesKey, false, "list by prefix")
	cmd.quiet = fs.Bool(drive.QuietKey, false, "if set, do not log anything but errors")
	cmd.skipMimeKey = fs.String(drive.CLIOptionSkipMime, "", drive.DescSkipMime)
	cmd.matchMimeKey = fs.String(drive.CLIOptionMatchMime, "", drive.DescMatchMime)
	cmd.exactTitle = fs.String(drive.CLIOptionExactTitle, "", drive.DescExactTitle)
	cmd.matchOwner = fs.String(drive.CLIOptionMatchOwner, "", drive.DescMatchOwner)
	cmd.exactOwner = fs.String(drive.CLIOptionExactOwner, "", drive.DescExactOwner)
	cmd.notOwner = fs.String(drive.CLIOptionNotOwner, "", drive.DescNotOwner)
	cmd.byId = fs.Bool(drive.CLIOptionId, false, "list by id instead of path")

	return fs
Exemple #2
// ApplyWithError populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f Int64Flag) ApplyWithError(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
	if f.EnvVar != "" {
		for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
			envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
			if envVal, ok := syscall.Getenv(envVar); ok {
				envValInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(envVal, 0, 64)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %s as int value for flag %s: %s", envVal, f.Name, err)

				f.Value = envValInt

	eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
		if f.Destination != nil {
			set.Int64Var(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
		set.Int64(name, f.Value, f.Usage)

	return nil
Exemple #3
func commandSplitClone(wi *Instance, wr *wrangler.Wrangler, subFlags *flag.FlagSet, args []string) (Worker, error) {
	online := subFlags.Bool("online", defaultOnline, "do online copy (optional approximate copy, source and destination tablets will not be put out of serving, minimizes downtime during offline copy)")
	offline := subFlags.Bool("offline", defaultOffline, "do offline copy (exact copy at a specific GTID, required before shard migration, source and destination tablets will be put out of serving during copy)")
	excludeTables := subFlags.String("exclude_tables", "", "comma separated list of tables to exclude")
	strategy := subFlags.String("strategy", "", "which strategy to use for restore, use 'vtworker SplitClone --strategy=-help k/s' for more info")
	sourceReaderCount := subFlags.Int("source_reader_count", defaultSourceReaderCount, "number of concurrent streaming queries to use on the source")
	writeQueryMaxRows := subFlags.Int("write_query_max_rows", defaultWriteQueryMaxRows, "maximum number of rows per write query")
	writeQueryMaxSize := subFlags.Int("write_query_max_size", defaultWriteQueryMaxSize, "maximum size (in bytes) per write query")
	writeQueryMaxRowsDelete := subFlags.Int("write_query_max_rows_delete", defaultWriteQueryMaxRows, "maximum number of rows per DELETE FROM write query")
	minTableSizeForSplit := subFlags.Int("min_table_size_for_split", defaultMinTableSizeForSplit, "tables bigger than this size on disk in bytes will be split into source_reader_count chunks if possible")
	destinationWriterCount := subFlags.Int("destination_writer_count", defaultDestinationWriterCount, "number of concurrent RPCs to execute on the destination")
	minHealthyRdonlyTablets := subFlags.Int("min_healthy_rdonly_tablets", defaultMinHealthyRdonlyTablets, "minimum number of healthy RDONLY tablets in the source and destination shard at start")
	maxTPS := subFlags.Int64("max_tps", defaultMaxTPS, "if non-zero, limit copy to maximum number of (write) transactions/second on the destination (unlimited by default)")
	if err := subFlags.Parse(args); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if subFlags.NArg() != 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("command SplitClone requires <keyspace/shard>")

	keyspace, shard, err := topoproto.ParseKeyspaceShard(subFlags.Arg(0))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var excludeTableArray []string
	if *excludeTables != "" {
		excludeTableArray = strings.Split(*excludeTables, ",")
	worker, err := NewSplitCloneWorker(wr, wi.cell, keyspace, shard, *online, *offline, excludeTableArray, *strategy, *sourceReaderCount, *writeQueryMaxRows, *writeQueryMaxSize, *writeQueryMaxRowsDelete, uint64(*minTableSizeForSplit), *destinationWriterCount, *minHealthyRdonlyTablets, *maxTPS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create split clone worker: %v", err)
	return worker, nil
func commandLegacySplitClone(wi *Instance, wr *wrangler.Wrangler, subFlags *flag.FlagSet, args []string) (Worker, error) {
	excludeTables := subFlags.String("exclude_tables", "", "comma separated list of tables to exclude")
	strategy := subFlags.String("strategy", "", "which strategy to use for restore, use 'vtworker LegacySplitClone --strategy=-help k/s' for more info")
	sourceReaderCount := subFlags.Int("source_reader_count", defaultSourceReaderCount, "number of concurrent streaming queries to use on the source")
	destinationPackCount := subFlags.Int("destination_pack_count", defaultDestinationPackCount, "number of packets to pack in one destination insert")
	destinationWriterCount := subFlags.Int("destination_writer_count", defaultDestinationWriterCount, "number of concurrent RPCs to execute on the destination")
	minHealthyRdonlyTablets := subFlags.Int("min_healthy_rdonly_tablets", defaultMinHealthyRdonlyTablets, "minimum number of healthy RDONLY tablets before taking out one")
	maxTPS := subFlags.Int64("max_tps", defaultMaxTPS, "if non-zero, limit copy to maximum number of (write) transactions/second on the destination (unlimited by default)")
	if err := subFlags.Parse(args); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if subFlags.NArg() != 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("command LegacySplitClone requires <keyspace/shard>")

	keyspace, shard, err := topoproto.ParseKeyspaceShard(subFlags.Arg(0))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var excludeTableArray []string
	if *excludeTables != "" {
		excludeTableArray = strings.Split(*excludeTables, ",")
	worker, err := NewLegacySplitCloneWorker(wr, wi.cell, keyspace, shard, excludeTableArray, *strategy, *sourceReaderCount, *destinationPackCount, *destinationWriterCount, *minHealthyRdonlyTablets, *maxTPS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create split clone worker: %v", err)
	return worker, nil
Exemple #5
// Apply populates the flag given the flag set and environment
func (f Int64Flag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) {
	if f.EnvVar != "" {
		for _, envVar := range strings.Split(f.EnvVar, ",") {
			envVar = strings.TrimSpace(envVar)
			if envVal := os.Getenv(envVar); envVal != "" {
				envValInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(envVal, 0, 64)
				if err == nil {
					f.Value = envValInt

	eachName(f.Name, func(name string) {
		if f.Destination != nil {
			set.Int64Var(f.Destination, name, f.Value, f.Usage)
		set.Int64(name, f.Value, f.Usage)