Exemple #1
func TestOAuth(t *testing.T) {
	mockSettings := helpers.Settings{}
	mockSettings.TokenContext = context.TODO()

	for _, test := range oauthTests {
		// Initialize a new session store.
		store := MockSessionStore{}
		store.ResetSessionData(test.SessionData, "")
		mockSettings.Sessions = store

		// Setup a test route on the API router (which is guarded by OAuth)
		response, request := NewTestRequest("GET", "/v2/test", nil)
		router := controllers.InitRouter(&mockSettings)
		secureRouter := router.Subrouter(controllers.SecureContext{}, "/")
		apiRouter := secureRouter.Subrouter(controllers.APIContext{}, "/v2")
		apiRouter.Get("/test", func(c *controllers.APIContext, rw web.ResponseWriter, r *web.Request) {
			fmt.Fprintf(rw, "test")

		// Make the request and check.
		router.ServeHTTP(response, request)
		if strings.TrimSpace(response.Body.String()) != test.ExpectedResponse {
			t.Errorf("Test %s did not meet expected value. Expected %s. Found %s.\n", test.TestName, test.ExpectedResponse, response.Body.String())
Exemple #2
func TestInitSettings(t *testing.T) {
	s := helpers.Settings{}
	for _, test := range initSettingsTests {
		ret := s.InitSettings(test.envVars)
		if (ret == nil) != test.returnValueNull {
			t.Errorf("Test %s did not return correct value. Expected %t, Actual %t", test.testName, test.returnValueNull, (ret == nil))
Exemple #3
// InitApp takes in envars and sets up the router and settings that will be used for the unstarted server.
func InitApp(envVars helpers.EnvVars) (*web.Router, *helpers.Settings, error) {
	// Initialize the settings.
	settings := helpers.Settings{}
	if err := settings.InitSettings(envVars); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Initialize the router
	router := InitRouter(&settings)

	return router, &settings, nil
Exemple #4
// CreateRouterWithMockSession will create a settings with the appropriate envVars and load the mock session with the session data.
func CreateRouterWithMockSession(sessionData map[string]interface{}, envVars helpers.EnvVars) (*web.Router, *MockSessionStore) {
	// Initialize settings.
	settings := helpers.Settings{}

	// Initialize a new session store.
	store := MockSessionStore{}
	store.ResetSessionData(sessionData, "")

	// Override the session store.
	settings.Sessions = store

	// Create the router.
	router := controllers.InitRouter(&settings)

	return router, &store
Exemple #5
func TestGetValidToken(t *testing.T) {
	mockRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
	mockSettings := helpers.Settings{}
	mockSettings.TokenContext = context.TODO()

	for _, test := range getValidTokenTests {
		// Initialize a new session store.
		store := testhelpers.MockSessionStore{}
		store.ResetSessionData(test.sessionData, test.sessionName)
		mockSettings.Sessions = store

		value := helpers.GetValidToken(mockRequest, &mockSettings)
		if (value == nil) == test.returnValueNull {
		} else {
			t.Errorf("Test %s did not meet expected value. Expected: %t. Actual: %t\n", test.testName, test.returnValueNull, (value == nil))