func (s *nsqdCoordGRpcServer) PutMessages(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RpcPutMessages) (*pb.CoordErr, error) {
	var coordErr pb.CoordErr
	if coordLog.Level() >= levellogger.LOG_DEBUG {
		s := time.Now().Unix()
		defer func() {
			e := time.Now().Unix()
			if e-s > int64(RPC_TIMEOUT/2) {
				coordLog.Infof("PutMessage rpc call used: %v", e-s)

	tc, err := s.nsqdCoord.checkWriteForGRpcCall(req.TopicData)
	if err != nil {
		coordErr.ErrMsg = err.ErrMsg
		coordErr.ErrCode = int32(err.ErrCode)
		coordErr.ErrType = int32(err.ErrType)
		return &coordErr, nil
	// do local pub message
	var commitData CommitLogData
	commitData.Epoch = EpochType(req.LogData.Epoch)
	commitData.LogID = req.LogData.LogID
	commitData.MsgNum = req.LogData.MsgNum
	commitData.MsgCnt = req.LogData.MsgCnt
	commitData.MsgSize = req.LogData.MsgSize
	commitData.MsgOffset = req.LogData.MsgOffset
	commitData.LastMsgLogID = req.LogData.LastMsgLogID
	var msgs []*nsqd.Message
	for _, pbm := range req.TopicMessage {
		var msg nsqd.Message
		msg.ID = nsqd.MessageID(pbm.ID)
		msg.TraceID = pbm.Trace_ID
		msg.Attempts = uint16(pbm.Attemps)
		msg.Timestamp = pbm.Timestamp
		msg.Body = pbm.Body
		msgs = append(msgs, &msg)

	err = s.nsqdCoord.putMessagesOnSlave(tc, commitData, msgs)
	if err != nil {
		coordErr.ErrMsg = err.ErrMsg
		coordErr.ErrCode = int32(err.ErrCode)
		coordErr.ErrType = int32(err.ErrType)
	return &coordErr, nil
Exemple #2
func TestChannelEmptyConsumer(t *testing.T) {
	opts := nsqdNs.NewOptions()
	opts.Logger = newTestLogger(t)
	tcpAddr, _, nsqd, nsqdServer := mustStartNSQD(opts)
	defer os.RemoveAll(opts.DataPath)
	defer nsqdServer.Exit()

	conn, _ := mustConnectNSQD(tcpAddr)
	defer conn.Close()

	topicName := "test_channel_empty" + strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix()))
	topic := nsqd.GetTopicIgnPart(topicName)
	channel := topic.GetChannel("channel")
	client := nsqdNs.NewClientV2(0, conn, opts, nil)
	channel.AddClient(client.ID, client)

	for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
		msg := nsqdNs.NewMessage(nsqdNs.MessageID(i), []byte("test"))
		channel.StartInFlightTimeout(msg, 0, "", opts.MsgTimeout)

	for _, cl := range channel.GetClients() {
		stats := cl.Stats()
		test.Equal(t, stats.InFlightCount, int64(25))

	channel.SetConsumeOffset(channel.GetChannelEnd().Offset(), channel.GetChannelEnd().TotalMsgCnt(), true)

	for _, cl := range channel.GetClients() {
		stats := cl.Stats()
		test.Equal(t, stats.InFlightCount, int64(0))
Exemple #3
func (p *protocolV2) internalPubAndTrace(client *nsqd.ClientV2, params [][]byte, traceEnable bool) ([]byte, error) {
	startPub := time.Now().UnixNano()
	bodyLen, topic, err := p.preparePub(client, params, p.ctx.getOpts().MaxMsgSize)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if traceEnable && bodyLen <= nsqd.MsgTraceIDLength {
		return nil, protocol.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("invalid body size %d with trace id enabled", bodyLen))

	messageBodyBuffer := topic.BufferPoolGet(int(bodyLen))
	defer topic.BufferPoolPut(messageBodyBuffer)
	asyncAction := shouldHandleAsync(client, params)

	_, err = io.CopyN(messageBodyBuffer, client.Reader, int64(bodyLen))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, protocol.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE", "failed to read message body")
	messageBody := messageBodyBuffer.Bytes()[:bodyLen]

	topicName := topic.GetTopicName()
	partition := topic.GetTopicPart()
	var traceID uint64
	var realBody []byte
	if traceEnable {
		traceID = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(messageBody[:nsqd.MsgTraceIDLength])
		realBody = messageBody[nsqd.MsgTraceIDLength:]
	} else {
		realBody = messageBody
	if p.ctx.checkForMasterWrite(topicName, partition) {
		id := nsqd.MessageID(0)
		offset := nsqd.BackendOffset(0)
		rawSize := int32(0)
		if asyncAction {
			err = internalPubAsync(client.PubTimeout, messageBodyBuffer, topic)
		} else {
			id, offset, rawSize, _, err = p.ctx.PutMessage(topic, realBody, traceID)
		if err != nil {
			topic.GetDetailStats().UpdatePubClientStats(client.RemoteAddr().String(), client.UserAgent, "tcp", 1, true)
			nsqd.NsqLogger().LogErrorf("topic %v put message failed: %v", topic.GetFullName(), err)
			if clusterErr, ok := err.(*consistence.CommonCoordErr); ok {
				if !clusterErr.IsLocalErr() {
					return nil, protocol.NewClientErr(err, FailedOnNotWritable, "")
			return nil, protocol.NewClientErr(err, "E_PUB_FAILED", err.Error())
		topic.GetDetailStats().UpdatePubClientStats(client.RemoteAddr().String(), client.UserAgent, "tcp", 1, false)
		cost := time.Now().UnixNano() - startPub
		topic.GetDetailStats().UpdateTopicMsgStats(int64(len(realBody)), cost/1000)
		if !traceEnable {
			return okBytes, nil
		return getTracedReponse(messageBodyBuffer, id, traceID, offset, rawSize)
	} else {
		topic.GetDetailStats().UpdatePubClientStats(client.RemoteAddr().String(), client.UserAgent, "tcp", 1, true)
		//forward to master of topic
		nsqd.NsqLogger().LogDebugf("should put to master: %v, from %v",
			topic.GetFullName(), client.RemoteAddr)
		return nil, protocol.NewClientErr(err, FailedOnNotLeader, "")
func (self *NsqdCoordinator) PutMessagesToCluster(topic *nsqd.Topic,
	msgs []*nsqd.Message) (nsqd.MessageID, nsqd.BackendOffset, int32, error) {

	var commitLog CommitLogData
	topicName := topic.GetTopicName()
	partition := topic.GetTopicPart()
	coord, checkErr := self.getTopicCoord(topicName, partition)
	if checkErr != nil {
		return nsqd.MessageID(commitLog.LogID), nsqd.BackendOffset(commitLog.MsgOffset), commitLog.MsgSize, checkErr.ToErrorType()

	var queueEnd nsqd.BackendQueueEnd
	var logMgr *TopicCommitLogMgr

	doLocalWrite := func(d *coordData) *CoordErr {
		logMgr = d.logMgr
		id, offset, writeBytes, totalCnt, qe, localErr := topic.PutMessagesNoLock(msgs)
		queueEnd = qe
		if localErr != nil {
			coordLog.Warningf("put batch messages to local failed: %v", localErr)
			return &CoordErr{localErr.Error(), RpcNoErr, CoordLocalErr}
		commitLog.LogID = int64(id)
		// epoch should not be changed.
		// leader epoch change means leadership change, leadership change
		// need disable write which should hold the write lock.
		// However, we are holding write lock while doing the cluster write replication.
		commitLog.Epoch = d.GetTopicEpochForWrite()
		commitLog.LastMsgLogID = int64(msgs[len(msgs)-1].ID)
		commitLog.MsgOffset = int64(offset)
		commitLog.MsgSize = writeBytes
		// This MsgCnt is the total count until now (include the current written batch message count)
		commitLog.MsgCnt = totalCnt
		commitLog.MsgNum = int32(len(msgs))
		return nil
	doLocalExit := func(err *CoordErr) {
		if err != nil {
			coordLog.Infof("topic %v PutMessagesToCluster error: %v", topic.GetFullName(), err)
			if coord.IsWriteDisabled() {
	doLocalCommit := func() error {
		localErr := logMgr.AppendCommitLog(&commitLog, false)
		if localErr != nil {
			coordLog.Errorf("topic : %v, Generator %v failed write commit log : %v, logMgr: %v, %v",
				topic.GetFullName(), topic.GetMsgGenerator(), localErr, logMgr.pLogID, logMgr.nLogID)
		return localErr
	doLocalRollback := func() {
		coordLog.Warningf("failed write begin rollback : %v, %v", topic.GetFullName(), commitLog)
		topic.ResetBackendEndNoLock(nsqd.BackendOffset(commitLog.MsgOffset), commitLog.MsgCnt-1)
	doRefresh := func(d *coordData) *CoordErr {
		logMgr = d.logMgr
		if d.GetTopicEpochForWrite() != commitLog.Epoch {
			coordLog.Warningf("write epoch changed during write: %v, %v", d.GetTopicEpochForWrite(), commitLog)
			return ErrEpochMismatch
		self.requestNotifyNewTopicInfo(d.topicInfo.Name, d.topicInfo.Partition)
		return nil
	doSlaveSync := func(c *NsqdRpcClient, nodeID string, tcData *coordData) *CoordErr {
		// should retry if failed, and the slave should keep the last success write to avoid the duplicated
		putErr := c.PutMessages(&tcData.topicLeaderSession, &tcData.topicInfo, commitLog, msgs)
		if putErr != nil {
			coordLog.Infof("sync write to replica %v failed: %v, put offset: %v, logmgr: %v, %v",
				nodeID, putErr, commitLog, logMgr.pLogID, logMgr.nLogID)
		return putErr
	handleSyncResult := func(successNum int, tcData *coordData) bool {
		if successNum == len(tcData.topicInfo.ISR) {
			return true
		return false
	clusterErr := self.doSyncOpToCluster(true, coord, doLocalWrite, doLocalExit, doLocalCommit, doLocalRollback,
		doRefresh, doSlaveSync, handleSyncResult)

	var err error
	if clusterErr != nil {
		err = clusterErr.ToErrorType()

	return nsqd.MessageID(commitLog.LogID), nsqd.BackendOffset(commitLog.MsgOffset), commitLog.MsgSize, err
Exemple #5
func (s *httpServer) internalPUB(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params, enableTrace bool) (interface{}, error) {
	startPub := time.Now().UnixNano()
	// do not support chunked for http pub, use tcp pub instead.
	if req.ContentLength > s.ctx.getOpts().MaxMsgSize {
		return nil, http_api.Err{413, "MSG_TOO_BIG"}
	} else if req.ContentLength <= 0 {
		return nil, http_api.Err{406, "MSG_EMPTY"}

	// add 1 so that it's greater than our max when we test for it
	// (LimitReader returns a "fake" EOF)
	params, topic, err := s.getExistingTopicFromQuery(req)
	if err != nil {
		nsqd.NsqLogger().Logf("get topic err: %v", err)
		return nil, http_api.Err{404, E_TOPIC_NOT_EXIST}

	readMax := req.ContentLength + 1
	b := topic.BufferPoolGet(int(req.ContentLength))
	defer topic.BufferPoolPut(b)
	asyncAction := !enableTrace
	n, err := io.CopyN(b, io.LimitReader(req.Body, readMax), int64(req.ContentLength))
	body := b.Bytes()[:req.ContentLength]

	if err != nil {
		nsqd.NsqLogger().Logf("read request body error: %v", err)
		body = body[:n]
		if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
			// we ignore EOF, maybe the ContentLength is not match?
			nsqd.NsqLogger().LogWarningf("read request body eof: %v, ContentLength: %v,return length %v.",
				err, req.ContentLength, n)
		} else {
			return nil, http_api.Err{500, "INTERNAL_ERROR"}
	if len(body) == 0 {
		return nil, http_api.Err{406, "MSG_EMPTY"}

	if s.ctx.checkForMasterWrite(topic.GetTopicName(), topic.GetTopicPart()) {
		var err error
		traceIDStr := params.Get("trace_id")
		traceID, err := strconv.ParseUint(traceIDStr, 10, 0)
		if enableTrace && err != nil {
			nsqd.NsqLogger().Logf("trace id invalid %v, %v",
				traceIDStr, err)
			return nil, http_api.Err{400, "INVALID_TRACE_ID"}

		id := nsqd.MessageID(0)
		offset := nsqd.BackendOffset(0)
		rawSize := int32(0)
		if asyncAction {
			err = internalPubAsync(nil, b, topic)
		} else {
			id, offset, rawSize, _, err = s.ctx.PutMessage(topic, body, traceID)
		if err != nil {
			nsqd.NsqLogger().LogErrorf("topic %v put message failed: %v", topic.GetFullName(), err)
			if clusterErr, ok := err.(*consistence.CommonCoordErr); ok {
				if !clusterErr.IsLocalErr() {
					return nil, http_api.Err{400, FailedOnNotWritable}
			return nil, http_api.Err{503, err.Error()}

		cost := time.Now().UnixNano() - startPub
		topic.GetDetailStats().UpdateTopicMsgStats(int64(len(body)), cost/1000)
		if enableTrace {
			return struct {
				Status      string `json:"status"`
				ID          uint64 `json:"id"`
				TraceID     string `json:"trace_id"`
				QueueOffset uint64 `json:"queue_offset"`
				DataRawSize uint32 `json:"rawsize"`
			}{"OK", uint64(id), traceIDStr, uint64(offset), uint32(rawSize)}, nil
		} else {
			return "OK", nil
	} else {
		nsqd.NsqLogger().LogDebugf("should put to master: %v, from %v",
			topic.GetFullName(), req.RemoteAddr)
		return nil, http_api.Err{400, FailedOnNotLeader}