// NewWindow creates a new window and assigns it to a widget. func newWindow(w sparta.Widget) { var win *window rect := w.Property(sparta.Geometry).(image.Rectangle) if p := w.Property(sparta.Parent); p != nil { pW := p.(sparta.Widget) pWin := pW.Window().(*window) win = &window{ w: w, back: pWin.back, fore: pWin.fore, pos: rect.Min, } count := len(pW.Property(sparta.Childs).([]sparta.Widget)) pW.SetProperty(sparta.Childs, w) win.id = w32.CreateWindowEx(0, stringToUTF16(childClass), nil, uint(w32.WS_CHILDWINDOW|w32.WS_VISIBLE), rect.Min.X, rect.Min.Y, rect.Dx(), rect.Dy(), pWin.id, w32.HMENU(count), w32.HINSTANCE(w32.GetWindowLong(pWin.id, w32.GWL_HINSTANCE)), nil) if win.id == 0 { log.Printf("w32: error: %v\n", getLastError()) os.Exit(1) } } else { win = &window{ w: w, back: bkGround, fore: frGround, } win.id = w32.CreateWindowEx(uint(w32.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE), stringToUTF16(baseClass), stringToUTF16(""), uint(w32.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW), 150, 150, rect.Dx()+extraX, rect.Dy()+extraY, 0, 0, instance, nil) if win.id == 0 { log.Printf("w32: error: %v\n", getLastError()) os.Exit(1) } } widgetTable[win.id] = w w.SetWindow(win) w32.ShowWindow(win.id, w32.SW_SHOWDEFAULT) if !w32.UpdateWindow(win.id) { log.Printf("w32: error: %v\n", getLastError()) os.Exit(1) } }
func (app *DemoApp) Initialize() { app.CreateDeviceIndependentResources() hInstance := w32.GetModuleHandle("") icon := w32.LoadIcon(0, w32.MakeIntResource(w32.IDI_APPLICATION)) wndProc := func(hwnd w32.HWND, msg uint, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr { return app.WndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) } wndClass := w32.WNDCLASSEX{ Size: uint(unsafe.Sizeof(w32.WNDCLASSEX{})), Style: w32.CS_HREDRAW | w32.CS_VREDRAW, WndProc: syscall.NewCallback(wndProc), ClsExtra: 0, WndExtra: 0, Instance: hInstance, Icon: icon, Cursor: w32.LoadCursor(0, w32.MakeIntResource(w32.IDC_ARROW)), Background: 0, MenuName: nil, ClassName: syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("D2DDemoApp"), IconSm: icon, } w32.RegisterClassEx(&wndClass) dpiX, dpiY := app.factory.GetDesktopDpi(app.factory) app.hwnd = w32.CreateWindowEx( 0, syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("D2DDemoApp"), syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("Hello Windows"), w32.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, w32.CW_USEDEFAULT, w32.CW_USEDEFAULT, int(math.Ceil(float64(640*dpiX/96))), int(math.Ceil(float64(640*dpiY/96))), 0, 0, hInstance, nil) w32.ShowWindow(app.hwnd, w32.SW_SHOW) w32.UpdateWindow(app.hwnd) }
func (this *Window) Show() { w32.ShowWindow(this.hwnd, w32.SW_SHOWDEFAULT) }
// Show the console window func ShowConsoleWindow() { w32.ShowWindow(w32.GetConsoleWindow(), w32.SW_SHOW) isHidden = false }
// Hide the console window func HideConsoleWindow() { w32.ShowWindow(w32.GetConsoleWindow(), w32.SW_HIDE) isHidden = true }
func (this *ControlBase) Hide() { w32.ShowWindow(this.hwnd, w32.SW_HIDE) }
func (this *ControlBase) Show() { w32.ShowWindow(this.hwnd, w32.SW_SHOWDEFAULT) }