Exemple #1
// MemoryUsage - XXX
func MemoryUsage() MemoryStruct {
	mem, _ := psmem.VirtualMemory()
	swap, _ := psmem.SwapMemory()

	TotalMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(mem.Total, "mb", 0)
	FreeMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(mem.Free, "mb", 0)
	UsedMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(mem.Used, "mb", 0)
	UsedPercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(mem.UsedPercent, 0)
	SwapUsedMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(swap.Used, "mb", 0)
	SwapTotalMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(swap.Total, "mb", 0)
	SwapFreeMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(swap.Free, "mb", 0)
	SwapUsedPercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(swap.UsedPercent, 0)

	m := MemoryStruct{
		UsedMB:          UsedMB,
		TotalMB:         TotalMB,
		FreeMB:          FreeMB,
		UsedPercent:     UsedPercent,
		SwapUsedMB:      SwapUsedMB,
		SwapTotalMB:     SwapTotalMB,
		SwapFreeMB:      SwapFreeMB,
		SwapUsedPercent: SwapUsedPercent,

	return m
Exemple #2
// CPUUsage - return a map with CPU usage stats
func CPUUsage() CPUUsageStruct {
	c1, _ := exec.Command("sar", "1", "1").Output()

	sarOutput := string(c1)
	sarLines := strings.Split(sarOutput, "\n")
	header := []string{}
	values := []float64{}

	result := make(map[string]float64)

	// Get the header
	for _, line := range sarLines {
		// Replace the regex with something faster
		matches := headerRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1)

		for _, m := range matches {
			if len(m) == 2 {
				result := strings.Replace(m[0], "%", "", -1) // replace % in idle (%idle)
				result = strings.Trim(result, " ")           // remove white space
				header = append(header, result)

	// Get values
	for _, line := range sarLines {
		if strings.Contains(line, "Average") {
			matches := valueRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1)
			for _, m := range matches {
				if len(m) == 1 {
					valueFloat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(m[0], 64)
					valueDecimal, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(valueFloat, 2)
					values = append(values, valueDecimal)



	if len(header) == len(values) {
		for i := range header {
			result[header[i]] = values[i]


	c := CPUUsageStruct{
		User:   result["user"],
		Idle:   result["idle"],
		Nice:   result["nice"],
		Steal:  result["steal"],
		System: result["system"],
		IOWait: result["iowait"],

	return c
Exemple #3
// DiskUsage - return a list with disk usage structs
func DiskUsage() (DiskUsageList, error) {
	parts, err := disk.DiskPartitions(false)
	if err != nil {
		diskLogger.Errorf("Error getting disk usage info: %v", err)

	var usage DiskUsageList

	for _, p := range parts {
		if _, err := os.Stat(p.Mountpoint); err == nil {
			du, err := disk.DiskUsage(p.Mountpoint)
			if err != nil {
				diskLogger.Errorf("Error getting disk usage for Mount: %v", err)

			if !isPseudoFS(du.Fstype) && !removableFs(du.Path) {

				TotalMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(du.Total, "mb", 0)
				FreeMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(du.Free, "mb", 0)
				UsedMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(du.Used, "mb", 0)

				UsedPercent := 0.0
				if TotalMB > 0 && UsedMB > 0 {
					UsedPercent = (float64(du.Used) / float64(du.Total)) * 100.0
					UsedPercent, _ = util.FloatDecimalPoint(UsedPercent, 2)
					DeviceName := strings.Replace(p.Device, "/dev/", "", -1)

					TotalMBFormatted, _ := util.FloatToString(TotalMB)
					FreeMBFormatted, _ := util.FloatToString(FreeMB)
					UsedMBFormatted, _ := util.FloatToString(UsedMB)

					d := DiskUsageStruct{
						Name:        DeviceName,
						Path:        du.Path,
						Fstype:      du.Fstype,
						Total:       TotalMBFormatted,
						Free:        FreeMBFormatted,
						Used:        UsedMBFormatted,
						UsedPercent: UsedPercent,

					usage = append(usage, d)



	return usage, err
Exemple #4
// Processes - get data from sysstat, format and return the result
func Processes() (ProcessesList, error) {
	c1, _ := exec.Command("pidstat", "-ruhtd").Output()

	var ps ProcessesList
	v, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()
	memoryTotalMB, _ := util.ConvertBytesTo(float64(v.Total), "mb", 0)

	// Find header and ignore
	headerRegex, _ := regexp.Compile("d+")
	pidstatOutput := string(c1)
	pidstatLines := strings.Split(pidstatOutput, "\n")

	// Helper
	// Time(0)   UID(1)      TGID(2)       TID(3)
	// %usr{4} %system{5}  %guest{6}    %CPU{7}   CPU{8}
	// minflt/s{9}  majflt/s{10}     VSZ{11}    RSS{12}
	// %MEM{13}   kB_rd/s{14}   kB_wr/s{15} kB_ccwr/s{16}  Command{17}
	var headerData []string
	for _, processLine := range pidstatLines {
		// Get the header
		if strings.Contains(processLine, "%CPU") || strings.Contains(processLine, "%Command") {
			headerData = strings.Fields(processLine)
			if len(headerData) > 0 {
				// remove the first column, if it has the # sign
				if headerData[0] == "#" {
					headerData = append(headerData[:0], headerData[0+1:]...)

	for _, processLine := range pidstatLines {
		if len(headerRegex.FindString(processLine)) == 0 {
			processData := strings.Fields(processLine)

			if len(processData) == len(headerData) {
				masterthreadIDIndex := SliceFindStringIndex(headerData, "TID")
				if masterthreadIDIndex != -1 {
					masterthreadID := processData[masterthreadIDIndex]
					masterthreadIDtoINT, _ := strconv.Atoi(masterthreadID)

					// It is a master thread, proceed with the actual data
					if masterthreadIDtoINT == 0 {

						CPUIndex := SliceFindStringIndex(headerData, "%CPU")
						MEMIndex := SliceFindStringIndex(headerData, "%MEM")

						if CPUIndex != -1 && MEMIndex != -1 {
							cpuPercent := processData[CPUIndex]
							cpuPercenttoINT, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(cpuPercent, 64)

							memPercent := processData[MEMIndex]
							memPercenttoINT, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(memPercent, 64)

							var processMemoryMB, _ = util.FloatDecimalPoint(memoryTotalMB/100*memPercenttoINT, 2)

							ReadKBIndex := SliceFindStringIndex(headerData, "kB_rd/s")
							WriteKBIndex := SliceFindStringIndex(headerData, "kB_wr/s")
							var ReadKBytes = 0.0
							var WriteKBytes = 0.0

							if ReadKBIndex != -1 && WriteKBIndex != -1 {
								ReadPerSecond := processData[ReadKBIndex]
								ReadKBytes, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(ReadPerSecond, 64)

								WritePerSecond := processData[WriteKBIndex]
								WriteKBytes, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(WritePerSecond, 64)

								if ReadKBytes == -1.0 && WriteKBytes == -1.0 {
									ReadKBytes = 0.0
									WriteKBytes = 0.0


							processNameIndex := SliceFindStringIndex(headerData, "command")

							// Everything is find up to this point, append
							if processNameIndex != -1 {
								processName := processData[processNameIndex]

								formattedprocessMemoryMB, _ := util.FloatToString(processMemoryMB)

								c := ProcessStruct{
									CPU:     cpuPercenttoINT,
									Memory:  formattedprocessMemoryMB,
									Name:    processName,
									KBRead:  ReadKBytes,
									KBWrite: WriteKBytes,

								ps = append(ps, c)


						} else {
							processLogger.Info("Can't find mem/cpu data")






	return ps, nil