Exemple #1
// NewClient creates a new torrent client based on a magnet or a torrent file.
// If the torrent file is on http, we try downloading it.
func NewClient(torrentPath string, port int, seed bool) (client Client, err error) {
	var t torrent.Torrent
	var c *torrent.Client

	client.Port = port

	// Create client.
	c, err = torrent.NewClient(&torrent.Config{
		DataDir:  os.TempDir(),
		NoUpload: !seed,
		Seed:     seed,

	if err != nil {
		return client, ClientError{Type: "creating torrent client", Origin: err}

	client.Client = c

	// Add torrent.

	// Add as magnet url.
	if strings.HasPrefix(torrentPath, "magnet:") {
		if t, err = c.AddMagnet(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "adding torrent", Origin: err}
	} else {
		// Otherwise add as a torrent file.

		// If it's online, we try downloading the file.
		if isHTTP.MatchString(torrentPath) {
			if torrentPath, err = downloadFile(torrentPath); err != nil {
				return client, ClientError{Type: "downloading torrent file", Origin: err}

		// Check if the file exists.
		if _, err = os.Stat(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "file not found", Origin: err}

		if t, err = c.AddTorrentFromFile(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "adding torrent to the client", Origin: err}

	client.Torrent = t

	go func() {

		// Prioritize first 5% of the file.
		client.getLargestFile().PrioritizeRegion(0, int64(t.NumPieces()/100*5))

	go client.addBlocklist()

Exemple #2
func torrentBar(t *torrent.Torrent) {
	bar := uiprogress.AddBar(1)
	bar.AppendFunc(func(*uiprogress.Bar) (ret string) {
		select {
		case <-t.GotInfo():
			return "getting info"
		if t.Seeding() {
			return "seeding"
		} else if t.BytesCompleted() == t.Info().TotalLength() {
			return "completed"
		} else {
			return fmt.Sprintf("downloading (%s/%s)", humanize.Bytes(uint64(t.BytesCompleted())), humanize.Bytes(uint64(t.Info().TotalLength())))
	bar.PrependFunc(func(*uiprogress.Bar) string {
		return t.Name()
	go func() {
		bar.Total = int(t.Info().TotalLength())
		for {
			bc := t.BytesCompleted()
Exemple #3
// NewClient creates a new torrent client based on a magnet or a torrent file.
// If the torrent file is on http, we try downloading it.
func NewClient(cfg ClientConfig) (client Client, err error) {
	var t *torrent.Torrent
	var c *torrent.Client

	client.Config = cfg

	// Create client.
	c, err = torrent.NewClient(&torrent.Config{
		DataDir:    os.TempDir(),
		NoUpload:   !cfg.Seed,
		Seed:       cfg.Seed,
		DisableTCP: !cfg.TCP,
		ListenAddr: fmt.Sprintf(":%d", cfg.TorrentPort),

	if err != nil {
		return client, ClientError{Type: "creating torrent client", Origin: err}

	client.Client = c

	// Add torrent.

	// Add as magnet url.
	if strings.HasPrefix(cfg.TorrentPath, "magnet:") {
		if t, err = c.AddMagnet(cfg.TorrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "adding torrent", Origin: err}
	} else {
		// Otherwise add as a torrent file.

		// If it's online, we try downloading the file.
		if isHTTP.MatchString(cfg.TorrentPath) {
			if cfg.TorrentPath, err = downloadFile(cfg.TorrentPath); err != nil {
				return client, ClientError{Type: "downloading torrent file", Origin: err}

		if t, err = c.AddTorrentFromFile(cfg.TorrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "adding torrent to the client", Origin: err}

	client.Torrent = t

	go func() {

		// Prioritize first 5% of the file.
		client.getLargestFile().PrioritizeRegion(0, int64(t.NumPieces()/100*5))

	go client.addBlocklist()

Exemple #4
// NewClient creates a new torrent client based on a magnet or a torrent file.
// If the torrent file is on http, we try downloading it.
func NewClient(torrentPath string) (client Client, err error) {
	var t torrent.Torrent
	var c *torrent.Client

	// Create client.
	c, err = torrent.NewClient(&torrent.Config{
		DataDir:  os.TempDir(),
		NoUpload: !(*seed),

	if err != nil {
		return client, ClientError{Type: "creating torrent client", Origin: err}

	client.Client = c

	// Add torrent.

	// Add as magnet url.
	if strings.HasPrefix(torrentPath, "magnet:") {
		if t, err = c.AddMagnet(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "adding torrent", Origin: err}
	} else {
		// Otherwise add as a torrent file.

		// If it's online, we try downloading the file.
		if isHTTP.MatchString(torrentPath) {
			if torrentPath, err = downloadFile(torrentPath); err != nil {
				return client, ClientError{Type: "downloading torrent file", Origin: err}

		// Check if the file exists.
		if _, err = os.Stat(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "file not found", Origin: err}

		if t, err = c.AddTorrentFromFile(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return client, ClientError{Type: "adding torrent to the client", Origin: err}

	client.Torrent = t

	go func() {

Exemple #5
func (c *Client) NewTorrent(torrentPath string) (error, chan bool) {
	c.Ready = false
	c.TorrentPath = torrentPath

	readyChan := make(chan bool)

	var t *torrent.Torrent
	client := c.Client

	// Add as magnet url.
	var err error
	if strings.HasPrefix(torrentPath, "magnet:") {
		if t, err = client.AddMagnet(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return ClientError{Type: "adding torrent", Origin: err}, nil
	} else {
		// Otherwise add as a torrent file.

		// Check if the file exists.
		if _, err = os.Stat(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return ClientError{Type: "file not found", Origin: err}, nil

		if t, err = client.AddTorrentFromFile(torrentPath); err != nil {
			return ClientError{Type: "adding torrent to the client", Origin: err}, nil

	go func() {
		// Wait for the torrent info and start to download immediately

		c.Ready = true

		// Publish torrent info
		readyChan <- true

	return nil, readyChan
Exemple #6
// Add Torrent/Magnet
func add(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c := Add{}
	if e := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&c); e != nil {
		httpd.Error(w, e, "Invalid input.")
	if c.User == "" {
		httpd.Error(w, nil, "No user.")
	if c.Dir == "" {
		httpd.Error(w, nil, "No dir.")
	if strings.Contains(c.Dir, "..") {
		httpd.Error(w, nil, "Dir hack.")

	if _, ok := clients[c.User]; !ok {
		dlDir := fmt.Sprintf(config.C.Basedir + c.Dir)
		if _, e := os.Stat(config.C.Basedir); os.IsNotExist(e) {
			if e := os.Mkdir(dlDir, os.ModeDir); e != nil {
				config.L.Printf("CRIT: %s", e.Error())
				httpd.Error(w, e, "Permission error.")

		// https://github.com/anacrolix/torrent/blob/master/config.go#L9
		cl, e := torrent.NewClient(&torrent.Config{
			DataDir: config.C.Basedir + c.Dir,
			// IPBlocklist => http://john.bitsurge.net/public/biglist.p2p.gz
		if e != nil {
			httpd.Error(w, e, "Client init failed")
		clients[c.User] = cl

	client := clients[c.User]
	var (
		t torrent.Torrent
		e error
	if len(c.Magnet) > 0 {
		t, e = client.AddMagnet(c.Magnet)
		if e != nil {
			httpd.Error(w, e, "Magnet add failed")
	} else if len(c.Torrent) > 0 {
		// strip base64
		b, e := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c.Torrent)
		if e != nil {
			httpd.Error(w, e, "Failed base64 decode torrent input")
		m, e := metainfo.Load(bytes.NewReader(b))
		if e != nil {
			httpd.Error(w, e, "Failed base64 decode torrent input")
		t, e = client.AddTorrent(m)
		if e != nil {
			httpd.Error(w, e, "Failed adding torrent")
	} else {
		httpd.Error(w, nil, "No magnet nor torrent.")

	// queue
	go func() {

	// (cl *Client) AddTorrentSpec(spec *TorrentSpec) (T Torrent, new bool, err error) {
	// TorrentSpecFromMagnetURI(uri string) (spec *TorrentSpec, err error) {
	// TorrentSpecFromMetaInfo(mi *metainfo.MetaInfo) (spec *TorrentSpec) {
	// (me *Client) AddMagnet(uri string) (T Torrent, err error) {
	// (me *Client) AddTorrent(mi *metainfo.MetaInfo) (T Torrent, err error) {

	msg := fmt.Sprintf(`{"status": true, "hash": "%s", "text": "Queued."}`, t.InfoHash().HexString())
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	if _, e := w.Write([]byte(msg)); e != nil {
		httpd.Error(w, e, "Flush failed")