Exemple #1
// NewExpiredDevicesHTTPHandlerFunc returns a net/http compatible request handler function for fetching Feedback service data
func NewExpiredDevicesHTTPHandlerFunc(c *apns.Client) (f http.HandlerFunc) {
	f = func(c *apns.Client) http.HandlerFunc {
		var handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc

		handlerFunc = func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
			startTime := time.Now()

			atomic.AddUint64(&feedbackCounter, 1)

			var responseData []byte

			logger.Infof("Received check feedback service request #%d", feedbackCounter)

			responseHeaders := w.Header()
			responseHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf8")

			// check method
			if req.Method != "GET" {
				defer finishResponse("Check feedback service", feedbackCounter, w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, responseData, startTime)

			response, err := c.CheckFeedbackService()

			if err != nil {
				responseData, _ = json.Marshal(&struct {
					Error string `json:"error"`
					Error: err.Error(),

				defer finishResponse("Check feedback service", feedbackCounter, w, http.StatusInternalServerError, responseData, startTime)

			responseData, _ = json.Marshal(response)

			finishResponse("Check feedback service", feedbackCounter, w, http.StatusOK, responseData, startTime)

		return handlerFunc

Exemple #2
// NewRawNotificationHTTPHandlerFunc returns a net/http compatible request handler function that expects raw notification data and sends notification to APN service
func NewRawNotificationHTTPHandlerFunc(c *apns.Client) (f http.HandlerFunc) {
	f = func(c *apns.Client) http.HandlerFunc {
		var handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc

		handlerFunc = func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
			startTime := time.Now()

			atomic.AddUint64(&notificationCounter, 1)

			var responseData []byte

			logger.Infof("Received send push notification request #%d", notificationCounter)

			responseHeaders := w.Header()
			responseHeaders.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf8")

			// check method
			if req.Method != "POST" {
				defer finishResponse("Send push notification", notificationCounter, w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, responseData, startTime)

			// read body data
			bodyDecoder := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)

			notification := apns.NewNotification()
			bodyError := bodyDecoder.Decode(notification)

			if bodyError != nil {
				if bodyError == io.EOF {
					bodyError = errors.New("Notification data is missing")

				logger.Errorf("Error occured during processing of notification data: %+v", bodyError)

				responseData, _ = json.Marshal(&struct {
					Error string `json:"error"`
					Error: bodyError.Error(),

				defer finishResponse("Send push notification", notificationCounter, w, http.StatusConflict, responseData, startTime)

			cmd := apns.NewPushNotificationCommand(notification)
			err := c.ExecuteCommand(cmd)

			commandError := <-cmd.Errors()

			if commandError != nil {
				logger.Debugf("Command error: %s", commandError.Error())

			if err != nil {
				responseData, _ = json.Marshal(&struct {
					Error string `json:"error"`
					Error: err.Error(),

				defer finishResponse("Send push notification", notificationCounter, w, http.StatusServiceUnavailable, responseData, startTime)

			if commandError != nil {
				responseData, _ = json.Marshal(&struct {
					Error string `json:"error"`
					Error: commandError.Error(),

				defer finishResponse("Send push notification", notificationCounter, w, http.StatusConflict, responseData, startTime)

			responseData, _ = json.Marshal(notification)

			finishResponse("Send push notification", notificationCounter, w, http.StatusAccepted, responseData, startTime)

		return handlerFunc
