// Parse html dom here and record the parse result that we want to Page. // Package goquery (http://godoc.org/github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery) is used to parse html. func (this *MyPageProcesser) Process(p *robot.Page) { if !p.IsSucc() { println(p.Errormsg()) return } query := p.GetHtmlParser() var urls []string query.Find("h3[class='repo-list-name'] a").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { href, _ := s.Attr("href") urls = append(urls, "http://github.com/"+href) }) // these urls will be saved and crawed by other coroutines. p.AddTargetRequests(urls, "html") name := query.Find(".entry-title .author").Text() name = strings.Trim(name, " \t\n") repository := query.Find(".entry-title .js-current-repository").Text() repository = strings.Trim(repository, " \t\n") //readme, _ := query.Find("#readme").Html() if name == "" { p.SetSkip(true) } // the entity we want to save by Pipeline p.AddField("author", name) p.AddField("project", repository) //p.AddField("readme", readme) }
func (self *HttpDownloader) downloadJson(p *robot.Page, req *robot.Request) *robot.Page { var err error p, destbody := self.downloadFile(p, req) if !p.IsSucc() { return p } var body []byte body = []byte(destbody) mtype := req.GetResponceType() if mtype == "jsonp" { tmpstr := goutils.JsonpToJson(destbody) body = []byte(tmpstr) } var r *simplejson.Json if r, err = simplejson.NewJson(body); err != nil { mlog.LogInst().LogError(string(body) + "\t" + err.Error()) p.SetStatus(true, err.Error()) return p } // json result p.SetBodyStr(string(body)).SetJson(r).SetStatus(false, "") return p }
func (self *HttpDownloader) downloadHtml(p *robot.Page, req *robot.Request) *robot.Page { var err error p, destbody := self.downloadFile(p, req) //fmt.Printf("Destbody %v \r\n", destbody) if !p.IsSucc() { //fmt.Print("Page error \r\n") return p } bodyReader := bytes.NewReader([]byte(destbody)) var doc *goquery.Document if doc, err = goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(bodyReader); err != nil { mlog.LogInst().LogError(err.Error()) p.SetStatus(true, err.Error()) return p } var body string if body, err = doc.Html(); err != nil { mlog.LogInst().LogError(err.Error()) p.SetStatus(true, err.Error()) return p } p.SetBodyStr(body).SetHtmlParser(doc).SetStatus(false, "") return p }
// Parse html dom here and record the parse result that we want to Page. // Package goquery (http://godoc.org/github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery) is used to parse html. func (this *MyPageProcesser) Process(p *robot.Page) { if !p.IsSucc() { println(p.Errormsg()) return } query := p.GetHtmlParser() query.Find(`div[class="wx-rb bg-blue wx-rb_v1 _item"]`).Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { name := s.Find("div.txt-box > h3").Text() href, _ := s.Attr("href") fmt.Printf("WeName:%v link:http://http://weixin.sogou.com%v \r\n", name, href) // the entity we want to save by Pipeline p.AddField("name", name) p.AddField("href", href) }) next_page_href, _ := query.Find("#sogou_next").Attr("href") if next_page_href == "" { p.SetSkip(true) } else { p.AddTargetRequestWithHeaderFile("http://weixin.sogou.com/weixin"+next_page_href, "html", "weixin.sogou.com.json") } }
func (self *Www79xsComProcessor) Process(p *robot.Page) { //判断页面是否抓取成功 if !p.IsSucc() { log.Println(p.Errormsg()) return } meta := p.GetRequest().GetMeta() handler, ok := meta.(map[string]interface{})["handler"] //如果meta中没有handler处理方法,则说明是入口页面,否则直接执行对应callback if ok { switch handler { case "mainParse": self.mainParse(p) case "urlListParse": self.urlListParse(p) case "classParse": self.classParse(p) case "introParse": self.introParse(p) case "chaperParse": self.chaperParse(p) case "contentParse": self.contentParse(p) default: return } } }
func (self *HttpDownloader) downloadText(p *robot.Page, req *robot.Request) *robot.Page { p, destbody := self.downloadFile(p, req) if !p.IsSucc() { return p } p.SetBodyStr(destbody).SetStatus(false, "") return p }
// Parse html dom here and record the parse result that we want to crawl. // Package simplejson (https://github.com/bitly/go-simplejson) is used to parse data of json. func (this *MyPageProcesser) Process(p *robot.Page) { if !p.IsSucc() { println(p.Errormsg()) return } query := p.GetJson() status, err := query.GetPath("result", "status", "code").Int() if status != 0 || err != nil { log.Panicf("page is crawled error : errorinfo=%s : status=%d : startNewsId=%d", err.Error(), status, this.startNewsId) } num, err := query.GetPath("result", "pageStr", "pageSize").Int() if num == 0 || err != nil { // Add url of next crawl startIdstr := strconv.Itoa(this.startNewsId) p.AddTargetRequest("http://live.sina.com.cn/zt/api/l/get/finance/globalnews1/index.htm?format=json&id="+startIdstr+"&pagesize=10&dire=f", "json") return } var idint, nextid int var nextidstr string query = query.Get("result").Get("data") for i := 0; i < num; i++ { id, err := query.GetIndex(i).Get("id").String() if id == "" || err != nil { continue } idint, err = strconv.Atoi(id) if err != nil { continue } if idint <= this.startNewsId { break } if i == 0 { nextid = idint nextidstr = id } content, err := query.GetIndex(i).Get("content").String() if content == "" || err != nil { continue } time, err := query.GetIndex(i).Get("created_at").String() if err != nil { continue } p.AddField(id+"_id", id) p.AddField(id+"_content", content) p.AddField(id+"_time", time) } // Add url of next crawl this.startNewsId = nextid p.AddTargetRequest("http://live.sina.com.cn/zt/api/l/get/finance/globalnews1/index.htm?format=json&id="+nextidstr+"&pagesize=10&dire=f", "json") //println(p.GetTargetRequests()) }
func (self *Www79xsComProcessor) Process(p *robot.Page) { //判断页面是否抓取成功 if !p.IsSucc() { mlog.LogInst().LogError(p.Errormsg()) return } //如果callback为空,则说明是入口页面,否则直接执行对应callback callback := p.GetRequest().GetCallBack() if callback == nil { self.mainParse(p) } else { callback(p) } }
func (self *MyProcessor) Process(p *robot.Page) { if !p.IsSucc() { mlog.LogInst().LogError(p.Errormsg()) return } u, err := url.Parse(p.GetRequest().GetUrl()) if err != nil { mlog.LogInst().LogError(err.Error()) return } if !strings.HasSuffix(u.Host, "jiexieyin.org") { return } var urls []string query := p.GetHtmlParser() query.Find("a").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { href, _ := s.Attr("href") reJavascript := regexp.MustCompile("^javascript\\:") reLocal := regexp.MustCompile("^\\#") reMailto := regexp.MustCompile("^mailto\\:") if reJavascript.MatchString(href) || reLocal.MatchString(href) || reMailto.MatchString(href) { return } //处理相对路径 var absHref string urlHref, err := url.Parse(href) if err != nil { mlog.LogInst().LogError(err.Error()) return } if !urlHref.IsAbs() { urlPrefix := p.GetRequest().GetUrl() absHref = urlPrefix + href urls = append(urls, absHref) } else { urls = append(urls, href) } }) p.AddTargetRequests(initrequests(urls)) p.AddField("test1", p.GetRequest().GetUrl()) p.AddField("test2", p.GetRequest().GetUrl()) }