Exemple #1
func (g *Bash) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	g.Script = append(g.Script, g.Command)

	for _, cmd := range g.Script {
Exemple #2
func (m *Marathon) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	// debugging purposes so we can see if / where something is failing
	f.WriteCmdSilent("echo 'deploying to Marathon ...'")

	put := fmt.Sprintf(
		"curl -X PUT -d @%s http://%s/v2/apps/%s --header \"Content-Type:application/json\"",
Exemple #3
func (cf *CloudFoundry) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	downloadCmd := "curl -sLO http://go-cli.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/releases/latest/cf-cli_amd64.deb"
	installCmd := "dpkg -i cf-cli_amd64.deb 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null"

	// download and install the cf tool
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo %s || %s", downloadCmd, downloadCmd))
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo %s || %s", installCmd, installCmd))

	// login
	loginCmd := "cf login -a %s -u %s -p %s"

	organization := cf.Org
	if organization != "" {
		loginCmd += fmt.Sprintf(" -o %s", organization)

	space := cf.Space
	if space != "" {
		loginCmd += fmt.Sprintf(" -s %s", space)

	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(loginCmd, cf.Target, cf.Username, cf.Password))

	// push app
	pushCmd := "cf push %s"
	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(pushCmd, cf.App))
Exemple #4
func (n *Nodejitsu) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(n.Token) == 0 || len(n.User) == 0 {

	f.WriteEnv("username", n.User)
	f.WriteEnv("apiToken", n.Token)

	// Install the jitsu command line interface then
	// deploy the configured app.
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] || npm install -g jitsu")
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo npm install -g jitsu")
	f.WriteCmd("jitsu deploy")
Exemple #5
func (p *PyPI) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	var indexServer string
	var repository string

	if len(p.Username) == 0 || len(p.Password) == 0 {
		// nothing to do if the config is fundamentally flawed

	// Handle the setting a custom pypi server/repository
	if len(p.Repository) == 0 {
		indexServer = "pypi"
		repository = ""
	} else {
		indexServer = "custom"
		repository = fmt.Sprintf("repository:%s", p.Repository)

	f.WriteCmdSilent("echo 'publishing to PyPI...'")

	// find the setup.py file
	f.WriteCmdSilent("_PYPI_SETUP_PY=$(find . -name 'setup.py')")

	// build the .pypirc file that pypi expects
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(pypirc, indexServer, indexServer, p.Username, p.Password, repository))
	formatStr := p.BuildFormatStr()

	// if we found the setup.py file use it to deploy
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(deployCmd, formatStr, indexServer))
Exemple #6
func (d *Dropbox) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {

	if len(d.AccessToken) == 0 || len(d.Source) == 0 || len(d.Target) == 0 {
	if strings.HasPrefix(d.Target, "/") {
		d.Target = d.Target[1:]

	f.WriteCmdSilent("echo 'publishing to Dropbox ...'")

	cmd := "curl --upload-file %s -H \"Authorization: Bearer %s\" \"https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files_put/auto/%s?overwrite=true\""
	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(cmd, d.Source, d.AccessToken, d.Target))

Exemple #7
// WriteBuild adds only the build steps to the build script,
// omitting publish and deploy steps. This is important for
// pull requests, where deployment would be undesirable.
func (b *Build) WriteBuild(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	// append environment variables
	for _, env := range b.Env {
		parts := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
		if len(parts) != 2 {
		f.WriteEnv(parts[0], parts[1])

	// append build commands
	for _, cmd := range b.Script {
Exemple #8
// Write adds all the steps to the build script, including
// build commands, deploy and publish commands.
func (b *Build) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile, r *repo.Repo) {
	// append build commands

	// write publish commands
	if b.Publish != nil {
		b.Publish.Write(f, r)

	// write deployment commands
	if b.Deploy != nil {
		b.Deploy.Write(f, r)

	// write exit value
	f.WriteCmd("exit 0")
Exemple #9
func Test_Modulus(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("Modulus Deploy", func() {

		g.It("Requires a Project name", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			m := Modulus{
				Project: "foo",


		g.It("Requires a Token", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			m := Modulus{
				Token: "bar",


		g.It("Should execute deploy commands", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			m := Modulus{
				Project: "foo",
				Token:   "bar",

			g.Assert(b.String()).Equal(`export MODULUS_TOKEN="bar"
[ -f /usr/bin/npm ] || echo ERROR: npm is required for modulus.io deployments
[ -f /usr/bin/npm ] || exit 1
[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] || npm install -g modulus
[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo npm install -g modulus
echo '#DRONE:6d6f64756c7573206465706c6f79202d702022666f6f22'
modulus deploy -p "foo"
Exemple #10
func Test_Modulus(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("Nodejitsu Deploy", func() {

		g.It("Requires a User", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := Nodejitsu{
				User: "******",


		g.It("Requires a Token", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := Nodejitsu{
				Token: "bar",


		g.It("Should execute deploy commands", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := Nodejitsu{
				User:  "******",
				Token: "bar",

			g.Assert(b.String()).Equal(`export username="******"
export apiToken="bar"
[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] || npm install -g jitsu
[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo npm install -g jitsu
echo '#DRONE:6a69747375206465706c6f79'
jitsu deploy
Exemple #11
func (n *NPM) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	// If the yaml doesn't provide a username or password
	// we should attempt to use the global defaults.
	if len(n.Email) == 0 ||
		len(n.Username) == 0 ||
		len(n.Password) == 0 {
		n.Username = *DefaultUser
		n.Password = *DefaultPass
		n.Email = *DefaultEmail

	// If the yaml doesn't provide a username or password,
	// and there was not global configuration defined, EXIT.
	if len(n.Email) == 0 ||
		len(n.Username) == 0 ||
		len(n.Password) == 0 {

	// Setup the npm credentials
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(CmdLogin, n.Username, n.Password, n.Email))

	// Setup custom npm registry
	if len(n.Registry) != 0 {
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(CmdSetRegistry, n.Registry))

	// Set npm to always authenticate
	if n.AlwaysAuth {

	if len(n.Folder) == 0 {
		n.Folder = "."

	f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(CmdPublish, n.Folder, n.Tag, n.Folder))
Exemple #12
// Write down the buildfile
func (s *SSH) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	host := strings.SplitN(s.Target, " ", 2)
	if len(host) == 1 {
		host = append(host, "22")
	if _, err := strconv.Atoi(host[1]); err != nil {
		host[1] = "22"

	// Is artifact created?
	artifact := false

	for _, a := range s.Artifacts {
		if a == "GITARCHIVE" {
			artifact = createGitArchive(f)

	if !artifact {
		if len(s.Artifacts) > 1 {
			artifact = compress(f, s.Artifacts)
		} else if len(s.Artifacts) == 1 {
			f.WriteEnv("ARTIFACT", s.Artifacts[0])
			artifact = true

	if artifact {
		scpCmd := "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P %s -r ${ARTIFACT} %s"
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(scpCmd, host[1], host[0]))

	if len(s.Cmd) > 0 {
		sshCmd := "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p %s %s %q"
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(sshCmd, host[1], strings.SplitN(host[0], ":", 2)[0], s.Cmd))
Exemple #13
func Test_Heroku(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("Heroku Deploy", func() {

		g.It("Should set git.config", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Heroku{
				App: "drone",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdRevParse)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalUser)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalEmail)).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should write token", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Heroku{
				App:   "drone",
				Token: "mock-token",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\necho 'machine git.heroku.com login _ password mock-token' >> ~/.netrc\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should add remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Heroku{
				App: "drone",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/drone.git\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Heroku{
				App: "drone",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push heroku $COMMIT:refs/heads/master\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should force push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Heroku{
				Force: true,
				App:   "drone",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit add -A\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit commit -m 'adding build artifacts'\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push heroku HEAD:refs/heads/master --force\n")).Equal(true)

Exemple #14
func (a *Azure) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(a.StorageAccount) == 0 || len(a.StorageAccessKey) == 0 || len(a.StorageContainer) == 0 || len(a.Source) == 0 {

	f.WriteCmdSilent("echo 'publishing to Azure Storage ...'")

	// install Azure xplat CLI
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] || npm install -g azure-cli 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null")
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo npm install -g azure-cli 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null")

	f.WriteEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", a.StorageAccount)
	f.WriteEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY", a.StorageAccessKey)

	// if target isn't specified, set to source
	if len(a.Target) == 0 {
		a.Target = a.Source

	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(`azure storage blob upload --container %s %s %s`, a.StorageContainer, a.Source, a.Target))
Exemple #15
func (s *Swift) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	var target string
	// All options are required, so ensure they are present
	if len(s.Username) == 0 || len(s.Password) == 0 || len(s.AuthURL) == 0 || len(s.Region) == 0 || len(s.Source) == 0 || len(s.Container) == 0 {
		f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo "Swift: Missing argument(s)"`)

	// If a target was provided, prefix it with a /
	if len(s.Target) > 0 {
		target = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", strings.TrimPrefix(s.Target, "/"))

	// debugging purposes so we can see if / where something is failing
	f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo "Swift: Publishing..."`)

	// install swiftly using PIP
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] || pip install swiftly 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null")
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo pip install swiftly 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null")

	// Write out environment variables
	f.WriteEnv("SWIFTLY_AUTH_URL", s.AuthURL)
	f.WriteEnv("SWIFTLY_AUTH_USER", s.Username)
	f.WriteEnv("SWIFTLY_AUTH_KEY", s.Password)
	f.WriteEnv("SWIFTLY_REGION", s.Region)

	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf(`swiftly put -i %s %s%s`, s.Source, s.Container, target))
Exemple #16
func Test_Deis(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("Deis Deploy", func() {

		g.It("Should set git.config", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Deis{
				App:     "drone",
				Deisurl: "deis.yourdomain.com:2222",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdRevParse)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalUser)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalEmail)).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should add remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Deis{
				App:     "drone",
				Deisurl: "deis.yourdomain.com:2222/",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit remote add deis ssh://[email protected]:2222/drone.git\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Deis{
				App: "drone",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push deis $COMMIT:master\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should force push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			h := Deis{
				Force: true,
				App:   "drone",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit add -A\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit commit -m 'adding build artifacts'\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push deis HEAD:master --force\n")).Equal(true)

Exemple #17
func (p *Package) Write(username, api_key string, f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(p.File) == 0 || len(p.Owner) == 0 || len(p.Repository) == 0 || len(p.Package) == 0 || len(p.Version) == 0 || len(p.Target) == 0 {
		f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "Bintray Plugin: Missing argument(s)\n\n"`)

		if len(p.Package) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage not defined in yaml config"`))

		if len(p.File) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: file not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		if len(p.Owner) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: owner not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		if len(p.Repository) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: repository not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		if len(p.Version) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: version not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		if len(p.Target) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: target not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		f.WriteCmdSilent("exit 1")


	switch p.Type {
	case "deb":
		p.debUpload(username, api_key, f)
	case "rpm":
		p.upload(username, api_key, f)
	case "maven":
		p.upload(username, api_key, f)
		p.upload(username, api_key, f)
Exemple #18
func compress(f *buildfile.Buildfile, files []string) bool {
	cmd := "tar -cf ${ARTIFACT} %s"
	f.WriteEnv("ARTIFACT", "${PWD##*/}.tar.gz")
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(cmd, strings.Join(files, " ")))
	return true
Exemple #19
func (p *Package) upload(username, api_key string, f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\nUpload %s to %s/%s/%s"`, p.File, p.Owner, p.Repository, p.Package))
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("curl -s -T %s -u%s:%s %s\\;publish\\=%d\\;override\\=%d",
		p.File, username, api_key, p.getEndpoint(), boolToInt(p.Publish), boolToInt(p.Override)))
Exemple #20
func Test_NPM(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("NPM Publish", func() {

		g.BeforeEach(func() {
			var user, pass, email = "", "", ""
			DefaultEmail = &user
			DefaultUser = &pass
			DefaultPass = &email

		g.It("Should run publish", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := NPM{
				Email:    "*****@*****.**",
				Username: "******",
				Password: "******",
				Folder:   "/path/to/repo",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "npm publish /path/to/repo\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\nnpm set")).Equal(false)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\nnpm config set")).Equal(false)

		g.It("Should use current directory if folder is empty", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := NPM{
				Email:    "*****@*****.**",
				Username: "******",
				Password: "******",

			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), "npm publish .\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should set tag", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := NPM{
				Email:    "*****@*****.**",
				Username: "******",
				Password: "******",
				Folder:   "/path/to/repo",
				Tag:      "1.0.0",

			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), "\n_NPM_PACKAGE_TAG=\"1.0.0\"\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), "npm tag ${_NPM_PACKAGE_NAME} ${_NPM_PACKAGE_TAG}\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should set registry", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := NPM{
				Email:    "*****@*****.**",
				Username: "******",
				Password: "******",
				Folder:   "/path/to/repo",
				Registry: "https://npmjs.com",

			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), "\nnpm config set registry https://npmjs.com\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should set always-auth", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := NPM{
				Email:      "*****@*****.**",
				Username:   "******",
				Password:   "******",
				Folder:     "/path/to/repo",
				AlwaysAuth: true,

			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), CmdAlwaysAuth)).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should skip when no username or password", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := new(NPM)


		g.It("Should use default username or password", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := new(NPM)

			expected := `cat <<EOF > ~/.npmrc
_auth = $(echo "foo:bar" | tr -d "\r\n" | base64)
email = [email protected]

			var user, pass, email string = "foo", "bar", "*****@*****.**"
			DefaultUser = &user
			DefaultPass = &pass
			DefaultEmail = &email

			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), expected)).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should create npmrc", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			n := NPM{
				Email:      "*****@*****.**",
				Username:   "******",
				Password:   "******",
				Folder:     "/path/to/repo",
				AlwaysAuth: true,

			expected := `cat <<EOF > ~/.npmrc
_auth = $(echo "foo:bar" | tr -d "\r\n" | base64)
email = [email protected]

			g.Assert(strings.Contains(b.String(), expected)).Equal(true)
Exemple #21
func (h *Heroku) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(CmdLogin, h.Token))

	// add heroku as a git remote
	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/%s.git", h.App))

	switch h.Force {
	case true:
		// this is useful when the there are artifacts generated
		// by the build script, such as less files converted to css,
		// that need to be deployed to Heroku.
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git add -A"))
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git commit -m 'adding build artifacts'"))
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git push heroku HEAD:refs/heads/master --force"))
	case false:
		// otherwise we just do a standard git push
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git push heroku $COMMIT:refs/heads/master"))
Exemple #22
func Test_Git(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("Git Deploy", func() {

		g.It("Should set git.config", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Git{
				Target: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdRevParse)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalUser)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalEmail)).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should add remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Git{
				Target: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit remote add deploy git://foo.com/bar/baz.git\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Git{
				Target: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push deploy $COMMIT:master\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should push to alternate branch", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Git{
				Branch: "foo",
				Target: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push deploy $COMMIT:foo\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should force push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Git{
				Force:  true,
				Target: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit add -A\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit commit -m 'add build artifacts'\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push deploy HEAD:master --force\n")).Equal(true)

Exemple #23
func createGitArchive(f *buildfile.Buildfile) bool {
	f.WriteEnv("COMMIT", "$(git rev-parse HEAD)")
	f.WriteEnv("ARTIFACT", "${PWD##*/}-${COMMIT}.tar.gz")
	f.WriteCmdSilent("git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=${PWD##*/}/ ${COMMIT} > ${ARTIFACT}")
	return true
Exemple #24
func Test_Tsuru(t *testing.T) {

	g := goblin.Goblin(t)
	g.Describe("Tsuru Deploy", func() {

		g.It("Should set git.config", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Tsuru{
				Remote: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdRevParse)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalUser)).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, CmdGlobalEmail)).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should add remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Tsuru{
				Remote: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit remote add tsuru git://foo.com/bar/baz.git\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Tsuru{
				Remote: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push tsuru $COMMIT:master\n")).Equal(true)

		g.It("Should force push to remote", func() {
			b := new(buildfile.Buildfile)
			d := Tsuru{
				Force:  true,
				Remote: "git://foo.com/bar/baz.git",

			out := b.String()
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit add -A\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit commit -m 'adding build artifacts'\n")).Equal(true)
			g.Assert(strings.Contains(out, "\ngit push tsuru HEAD:master --force\n")).Equal(true)

Exemple #25
func (h *Deis) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {

	// [email protected]:2222/drone.git

	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git remote add deis ssh://git@%s%s.git", h.Deisurl, h.App))

	switch h.Force {
	case true:
		// this is useful when the there are artifacts generated
		// by the build script, such as less files converted to css,
		// that need to be deployed to Deis.
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git add -A"))
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git commit -m 'adding build artifacts'"))
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git push deis HEAD:master --force"))
	case false:
		// otherwise we just do a standard git push
		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("git push deis $COMMIT:master"))
Exemple #26
// Write adds commands to the buildfile to do the following:
// 1. Install the docker client in the Drone container if required.
// 2. Build a docker image based on the dockerfile defined in the config.
// 3. Push that docker image to index.docker.io.
// 4. Delete the docker image on the server it was build on so we conserve disk space.
func (d *Docker) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(d.DockerHost) == 0 || len(d.ImageName) == 0 {
		f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "Docker Plugin: Missing argument(s)\n\n"`)
		if len(d.DockerHost) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tdocker_host not defined in yaml"`)
		if len(d.ImageName) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\timage_name not defined in yaml"`)

	// If docker version is unspecified, download and install the latest client
	if len(d.DockerVersion) == 0 {
		d.DockerVersion = "latest"

	if len(d.DockerVersion) > 0 {
		// Download docker binary and install it as /usr/local/bin/docker if it does not exist
		f.WriteCmd("type -p docker || curl -sSL https://get.docker.io/builds/Linux/x86_64/docker-" +
			d.DockerVersion + ".tgz |sudo tar zxf - -C /")

	// Export docker host once
	f.WriteCmd("export DOCKER_HOST=" + d.DockerHost)

	// Login?
	if d.RegistryLogin == true {
		// If email is unspecified, pass in -e ' ' to avoid having
		// registry URL interpreted as email, which will fail cryptically.
		emailOpt := "' '"
		if d.Email != "" {
			emailOpt = d.Email
		f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("docker login -u %s -p %s -e %s %s",
			d.Username, d.Password, emailOpt, d.RegistryLoginUrl))

	dockerPath := "."
	if len(d.Dockerfile) != 0 {
		dockerPath = fmt.Sprintf("- < %s", d.Dockerfile)

	// Run the command commands to build and deploy the image.

	// Add the single tag if one exists
	if len(d.Tag) > 0 {
		d.Tags = append(d.Tags, d.Tag)

	// If no tags are specified, use the commit hash
	if len(d.Tags) == 0 {
		d.Tags = append(d.Tags, "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)")

	// There is always at least 1 tag
	buildImageTag := d.Tags[0]

	// Build the image
	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker build --pull -t %s:%s %s", d.ImageName, buildImageTag, dockerPath))

	// Tag and push all tags
	for _, tag := range d.Tags {
		if tag != buildImageTag {
			var options string
			if d.ForceTags {
				options = "-f"
			f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker tag %s %s:%s %s:%s", options, d.ImageName, buildImageTag, d.ImageName, tag))

		f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker push %s:%s", d.ImageName, tag))

	// Remove tags after pushing unless keepBuild is set
	if !d.KeepBuild {
		for _, tag := range d.Tags {
			f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("docker rmi %s:%s", d.ImageName, tag))
Exemple #27
func (p *Package) debUpload(username, api_key string, f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(p.Distr) == 0 || len(p.Component) == 0 || len(p.Arch) == 0 {
		f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "Bintray Plugin: Missing argument(s)\n\n"`)

		if len(p.Distr) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: distr not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		if len(p.Component) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: component not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		if len(p.Arch) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\tpackage %s: arch not defined in yaml config"`, p.Package))

		f.WriteCmdSilent("exit 1")


	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf(`echo -e "\nUpload %s to %s/%s/%s"`, p.File, p.Owner, p.Repository, p.Package))
	f.WriteCmdSilent(fmt.Sprintf("curl -s -T %s -u%s:%s %s\\;deb_distribution\\=%s\\;deb_component\\=%s\\;deb_architecture=\\%s\\;publish\\=%d\\;override\\=%d",
		p.File, username, api_key, p.getEndpoint(), p.Distr, p.Component, strings.Join(p.Arch, ","), boolToInt(p.Publish), boolToInt(p.Override)))

Exemple #28
// Write adds commands to run that will publish a Github release.
func (g *Github) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(g.Artifacts) == 0 || g.Tag == "" || g.Token == "" || g.User == "" || g.Repo == "" {
		f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "Github Plugin: Missing argument(s)"\n\n`)
		if len(g.Artifacts) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tartifacts not defined in yaml config" && false`)
		if g.Tag == "" {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\ttag not defined in yaml config" && false`)
		if g.Token == "" {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\ttoken not defined in yaml config" && false`)
		if g.User == "" {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tuser not defined in yaml config" && false`)
		if g.Repo == "" {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\trepo not defined in yaml config" && false`)

	// Default name is tag
	if g.Name == "" {
		g.Name = g.Tag

	for _, cmd := range g.Script {

	f.WriteEnv("GITHUB_TOKEN", g.Token)

	// Install github-release
	f.WriteCmd("curl -L -o /tmp/github-release.tar.bz2 https://github.com/aktau/github-release/releases/download/v0.5.2/linux-amd64-github-release.tar.bz2")
	f.WriteCmd("tar jxf /tmp/github-release.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/ && sudo mv /tmp/bin/linux/amd64/github-release /usr/local/bin/github-release")

	// Create the release. Ignore 422 errors, which indicate the tag has already been created.
	// Doing otherwise would create the expectation that every commit should be tagged and released,
	// which is not the norm.
	draftStr := ""
	if g.Draft {
		draftStr = "--draft"
	prereleaseStr := ""
	if g.Prerelease {
		prereleaseStr = "--pre-release"
result=$(github-release release -u %s -r %s -t %s -n "%s" -d "%s" %s %s || true)
if [[ $result == *422* ]]; then
  echo -e "Release already exists for this tag.";
  exit 0
elif [[ $result == "" ]]; then
  echo -e "Release created.";
  echo -e "Error creating release: $result"
  exit 1
`, g.User, g.Repo, g.Tag, g.Name, g.Description, draftStr, prereleaseStr))

	// Upload files
	artifactStr := strings.Join(g.Artifacts, " ")
for f in %s; do
    # treat directories and files differently
    if [ -d $f ]; then
        for ff in $(ls $f); do
            echo -e "uploading $ff"
            github-release upload -u %s -r %s -t %s -n $ff -f $f/$ff
    elif [ -f $f ]; then
        echo -e "uploading $f"
        github-release upload -u %s -r %s -t %s -n $f -f $f
        echo -e "$f is not a file or directory"
        exit 1
`, artifactStr, g.User, g.Repo, g.Tag, g.User, g.Repo, g.Tag))
Exemple #29
func (b *Bintray) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	var cmd string

	// Validate Username, ApiKey, Packages
	if len(b.Username) == 0 || len(b.ApiKey) == 0 || len(b.Packages) == 0 {
		f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "Bintray Plugin: Missing argument(s)\n\n"`)

		if len(b.Username) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tusername not defined in yaml config"`)

		if len(b.ApiKey) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tapi_key not defined in yaml config"`)

		if len(b.Packages) == 0 {
			f.WriteCmdSilent(`echo -e "\tpackages not defined in yaml config"`)

		f.WriteCmdSilent("exit 1")


	for _, pkg := range b.Packages {
		pkg.Write(b.Username, b.ApiKey, f)


Exemple #30
func (m *Modulus) Write(f *buildfile.Buildfile) {
	if len(m.Token) == 0 || len(m.Project) == 0 {
	f.WriteEnv("MODULUS_TOKEN", m.Token)

	// Verify npm exists, otherwise we cannot install the
	// modulus command line utility.
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/npm ] || echo ERROR: npm is required for modulus.io deployments")
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/npm ] || exit 1")

	// Install the Modulus command line interface then deploy the configured
	// project.
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] || npm install -g modulus")
	f.WriteCmdSilent("[ -f /usr/bin/sudo ] && sudo npm install -g modulus")
	f.WriteCmd(fmt.Sprintf("modulus deploy -p %q", m.Project))