/* Get the default gateway for a project. Returns the string directly to the channel that send the osif the message. Expects to be executed as a go routine. go get_os_defgw( msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id ) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel */ func get_os_defgw(msg *ipc.Chmsg, os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projs map[string]*osif_project, id2pname map[string]*string, pname2id map[string]*string) { if msg == nil || msg.Response_ch == nil { return // prevent accidents } msg.Response_data = nil if msg.Req_data != nil { tokens := strings.Split(*(msg.Req_data.(*string)), "/") // split off /junk if it's there if tokens[0] == "!" || tokens[0] == "" { // nothing to work with; bail now osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map to a project -- bad token[0] --: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } if tokens[0][0:1] == "!" { // first character is a bang, but there is a name/id that follows tokens[0] = tokens[0][1:] // ditch the bang and go on } pid := &tokens[0] pname := id2pname[*pid] if pname == nil { // it should be an id, but allow for a name/host to be sent in osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map to a project -- no pname --: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) pname = &tokens[0] pid = pname2id[*pname] } if pid == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map to a project: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to a osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } p := os_projs[*pid] // finally we can find the data associated with the project; maybe if p == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map project to data: %s", *pid) msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to a osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } creds := os_refs[*pname] if creds == nil { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("defgw: %s could not be mapped to openstack creds ", *pname) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } msg.Response_data, _, msg.State = p.Get_default_gw(pid, creds, true) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: missing data (nil) in request") msg.State = fmt.Errorf("defgw: missing data in request") msg.Response_ch <- msg // and send it on its merry way return }
/* Gathers the VM information for all VMs in one or more projects. If "_all_proj" is given as the project name then all projects known to Tegu are fetched. Expected to execute as a go routine and writes the resulting array to the channel specified in the message. */ func get_all_osvm_info(msg *ipc.Chmsg, os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projs map[string]*osif_project, id2pname map[string]*string, pname2id map[string]*string) { if msg == nil || msg.Response_ch == nil { return // prevent accidents } msg.Response_data = nil msg.State = nil if msg.Req_data == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "osvm_info: request data didn't contain a project name or ID") msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osvm_info: request data didn't contain a project name or ID") msg.Response_ch <- msg return } pid := msg.Req_data.(*string) if *pid == "_all_proj" { ilist := make([]*Net_vm, 0) for k := range os_refs { if k != "_ref_" { nlist, err := get_projvm_info(&k, os_refs, os_projs, id2pname, pname2id) // dig out next project's stuff if err == nil { llist := make([]*Net_vm, len(ilist)+len(nlist)) // create array large enough copy(llist[:], ilist[:]) // copy contents into new array copy(llist[len(ilist):], nlist[:]) ilist = llist } else { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "osvm_info: could not dig out VM information for project: %s: %s", k, err) } } } msg.Response_data = ilist if len(ilist) <= 0 { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osvm_info: unable to dig any information for all projects") } else { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osvm_info: fetched info for all projects: %d elements", len(ilist)) msg.State = nil } } else { msg.Response_data, msg.State = get_projvm_info(pid, os_refs, os_projs, id2pname, pname2id) // just dig out for the one project } msg.Response_ch <- msg }
/* Get openstack host information. Given a project-id/host as input, dig out all of the host's information and build a struct that can be passed into the network manager as an add host to graph request. This expects to run as a go routine and to write the response directly back on the channel givn in the message block. */ func get_os_hostinfo(msg *ipc.Chmsg, os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projs map[string]*osif_project, id2pname map[string]*string, pname2id map[string]*string) { if msg == nil || msg.Response_ch == nil { return // prevent accidents } msg.Response_data = nil tokens := strings.Split(*(msg.Req_data.(*string)), "/") // break project/host into bits if len(tokens) != 2 || tokens[0] == "" || tokens[1] == "" { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: unable to map to a project: %s bad tokens", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.State = fmt.Errorf("invalid project/hostname string: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } if tokens[0] == "!" { // !//ipaddress was given; we've got nothing, so bail now osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: unable to map to a project: %s lone bang", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } if tokens[0][0:1] == "!" { // first character is a bang, but there is a name/id that follows tokens[0] = tokens[0][1:] // ditch it for this } pid := &tokens[0] pname := id2pname[*pid] if pname == nil { // it should be an id, but allow for a name/host to be sent in pname = &tokens[0] pid = pname2id[*pname] } if pid == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: unable to map to an project (nil pid): %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) // might be !project/vm, and so this is ok msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to an osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } p := os_projs[*pid] if p == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: %s mapped to a pid; pid did not map to project: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)), *pid) msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to an osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } creds := os_refs[*pname] if creds == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: %s mapped to a project; did not map to creds: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)), *pname) msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to openstack creds ", *pname) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } osif_sheep.Baa(2, "lazy update: get host info setup complete for (%s) %s", *pname, *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) search := *pid + "/" + tokens[1] // search string must be id/hostname name, id, ip4, fip4, mac, gw, phost, gwmap, _, err := p.Get_info(&search, creds, true) if err != nil { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve host info: %s", err) msg.Response_ch <- msg return } osif_sheep.Baa(2, "lazyupdate: Response_data = %s %s %s %s %s %s", safe(name), safe(id), safe(ip4), safe(phost), safe(mac), safe(gw)) msg.Response_data = Mk_netreq_vm(name, id, ip4, nil, phost, mac, gw, fip4, gwmap) // build the vm data block for network manager msg.Response_ch <- msg // and send it on its merry way return }
/* Executes as a goroutine to drive the reservation manager portion of tegu. */ func Res_manager( my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg, cookie *string ) { var ( inv *Inventory msg *ipc.Chmsg ckptd string last_qcheck int64 = 0 // time that the last queue check was made to set window last_chkpt int64 = 0 // time that the last checkpoint was written retry_chkpt bool = false // checkpoint needs to be retried because of a timing issue queue_gen_type = REQ_GEN_EPQMAP alt_table = DEF_ALT_TABLE // table number where meta marking happens all_sys_up bool = false; // set when we receive the all_up message; some functions (chkpt) must wait for this hto_limit int = 3600 * 18 // OVS has a size limit to the hard timeout value, this caps it just under the OVS limit res_refresh int64 = 0 // next time when we must force all reservations to refresh flow-mods (hto_limit nonzero) rr_rate int = 3600 // refresh rate (1 hour) favour_v6 bool = true // favour ipv6 addresses if a host has both defined. ) super_cookie = cookie // global for all methods rm_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater( 0, os.Stderr ) // allocate our bleater and attach it to the master rm_sheep.Set_prefix( "res_mgr" ) tegu_sheep.Add_child( rm_sheep ) // we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too p := cfg_data["default"]["queue_type"] // lives in default b/c used by fq-mgr too if p != nil { if *p == "endpoint" { queue_gen_type = REQ_GEN_EPQMAP } else { queue_gen_type = REQ_GEN_QMAP } } p = cfg_data["default"]["alttable"] // alt table for meta marking if p != nil { alt_table = clike.Atoi( *p ) } p = cfg_data["default"]["favour_ipv6"] if p != nil { favour_v6 = *p == "true" } if cfg_data["resmgr"] != nil { cdp := cfg_data["resmgr"]["chkpt_dir"] if cdp == nil { ckptd = "/var/lib/tegu/resmgr" // default directory and prefix } else { ckptd = *cdp + "/resmgr" // add prefix to directory in config } p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["verbose"] if p != nil { rm_sheep.Set_level( uint( clike.Atoi( *p ) ) ) } /* p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["set_vlan"] if p != nil { set_vlan = *p == "true" } */ p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["super_cookie"] if p != nil { super_cookie = p rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "super-cookie was set from config file" ) } p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["hto_limit"] // if OVS or whatever has a max timeout we can ensure it's not surpassed if p != nil { hto_limit = clike.Atoi( *p ) } p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["res_refresh"] // rate that reservations are refreshed if hto_limit is non-zero if p != nil { rr_rate = clike.Atoi( *p ) if rr_rate < 900 { if rr_rate < 120 { rm_sheep.Baa( 0, "NOTICE: reservation refresh rate in config is insanely low (%ds) and was changed to 1800s", rr_rate ) rr_rate = 1800 } else { rm_sheep.Baa( 0, "NOTICE: reservation refresh rate in config is too low: %ds", rr_rate ) } } } } send_meta_counter := 200; // send meta f-mods only now and again rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "ovs table number %d used for metadata marking", alt_table ) res_refresh = time.Now().Unix() + int64( rr_rate ) // set first refresh in an hour (ignored if hto_limit not set inv = Mk_inventory( ) inv.chkpt = chkpt.Mk_chkpt( ckptd, 10, 90 ) last_qcheck = time.Now().Unix() tkl_ch := make( chan *ipc.Chmsg, 5 ) // special, short buffer, channel for tickles allows 5 to queue before blocking sender tklr.Add_spot( 2, tkl_ch, REQ_PUSH, nil, ipc.FOREVER ) // push reservations to agent just before they go live tklr.Add_spot( 1, tkl_ch, REQ_SETQUEUES, nil, ipc.FOREVER ) // drives us to see if queues need to be adjusted tklr.Add_spot( 5, tkl_ch, REQ_RTRY_CHKPT, nil, ipc.FOREVER ) // ensures that we retried any missed checkpoints tklr.Add_spot( 60, tkl_ch, REQ_VET_RETRY, nil, ipc.FOREVER ) // run the retry queue if it has size go rm_lookup( rmgrlu_ch, inv ) rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "res_mgr is running %x", my_chan ) for { select { // select next ready message on either channel case msg = <- tkl_ch: // msg available on tickle channel msg.State = nil // nil state is OK, no error my_chan <- msg; // just pass it through; tkl_ch has a small buffer (blocks quickly) and this prevents filling the main queue w/ tickles if we get busy case msg = <- my_chan: // process message from the main channel rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "processing message: %d", msg.Msg_type ) switch msg.Msg_type { case REQ_NOOP: // just ignore case REQ_ADD: msg.State = inv.Add_res( msg.Req_data ) // add will determine the pledge type and do the right thing msg.Response_data = nil case REQ_ALLUP: // signals that all initialisation is complete (chkpting etc. can go) all_sys_up = true // periodic checkpointing turned off with the introduction of tegu_ha //tklr.Add_spot( 180, my_chan, REQ_CHKPT, nil, ipc.FOREVER ) // tickle spot to drive us every 180 seconds to checkpoint case REQ_RTRY_CHKPT: // called to attempt to send a queued checkpoint request if all_sys_up { if retry_chkpt { rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "invoking checkpoint (retry)" ) retry_chkpt, last_chkpt = inv.write_chkpt( last_chkpt ) } } case REQ_CHKPT: // external thread has requested checkpoint if all_sys_up { rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "invoking checkpoint" ) retry_chkpt, last_chkpt = inv.write_chkpt( last_chkpt ) } case REQ_DEL: // user initiated delete -- requires cookie data := msg.Req_data.( []*string ) // assume pointers to name and cookie if data[0] != nil && *data[0] == "all" { inv.Del_all_res( data[1] ) msg.State = nil } else { msg.State = inv.Del_res( data[0], data[1] ) } inv.push_reservations( my_chan, alt_table, int64( hto_limit ), favour_v6 ) // must force a push to push augmented (shortened) reservations msg.Response_data = nil case REQ_DUPCHECK: if msg.Req_data != nil { msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.dup_check( msg.Req_data.( *gizmos.Pledge ) ) } case REQ_GET: // user initiated get -- requires cookie data := msg.Req_data.( []*string ) // assume pointers to name and cookie msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.Get_res( data[0], data[1] ) case REQ_LIST: // list reservations (for a client) msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.res2json( ) case REQ_LOAD: // load from a checkpoint file data := msg.Req_data.( *string ) // assume pointers to name and cookie msg.State = inv.load_chkpt( data ) msg.Response_data = nil rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "checkpoint file loaded" ) case REQ_PAUSE: msg.State = nil // right now this cannot fail in ways we know about msg.Response_data = "" inv.pause_on() res_refresh = 0; // must force a push of everything on next push tickle rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "pausing..." ) case REQ_RESUME: msg.State = nil // right now this cannot fail in ways we know about msg.Response_data = "" res_refresh = 0; // must force a push of everything on next push tickle inv.pause_off() case REQ_SETQUEUES: // driven about every second to reset the queues if a reservation state has changed now := time.Now().Unix() if now > last_qcheck && inv.any_concluded( now - last_qcheck ) || inv.any_commencing( now - last_qcheck, 0 ) { rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "channel states: rm=%d rmlu=%d fq=%d net=%d agent=%d", len( rmgr_ch ), len( rmgrlu_ch ), len( fq_ch ), len( nw_ch ), len( am_ch ) ) rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "reservation state change detected, requesting queue map from net-mgr" ) tmsg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( ) tmsg.Send_req( nw_ch, my_chan, queue_gen_type, time.Now().Unix(), nil ) // get a queue map; when it arrives we'll push to fqmgr and trigger flow-mod push } last_qcheck = now case REQ_PUSH: // driven every few seconds to check for need to refresh because of switch max timeout setting if hto_limit > 0 { // if reservation flow-mods are capped with a hard timeout limit now := time.Now().Unix() if now > res_refresh { rm_sheep.Baa( 2, "refreshing all reservations" ) inv.reset_push() // reset pushed flag on all reservations to cause active ones to be pushed again res_refresh = now + int64( rr_rate ) // push everything again in an hour inv.push_reservations( my_chan, alt_table, int64( hto_limit ), favour_v6 ) // force a push of all } } case REQ_PLEDGE_LIST: // generate a list of pledges that are related to the given VM msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.pledge_list( msg.Req_data.( *string ) ) case REQ_SETULCAP: // user link capacity; expect array of two string pointers (name and value) data := msg.Req_data.( []*string ) inv.add_ulcap( data[0], data[1] ) retry_chkpt, last_chkpt = inv.write_chkpt( last_chkpt ) // CAUTION: the requests below come back as asynch responses rather than as initial message case REQ_IE_RESERVE: // an IE reservation failed msg.Response_ch = nil // immediately disable to prevent loop inv.failed_push( msg ) // suss out the pledge and mark it unpushed case REQ_GEN_QMAP: // response caries the queue map that now should be sent to fq-mgr to drive a queue update fallthrough case REQ_GEN_EPQMAP: rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "received queue map from network manager" ) qlist := msg.Response_data.( []string ) // get the qulist map for our use first if send_meta_counter >= 200 { send_meta_fmods( qlist, alt_table ) // push meta rules send_meta_counter = 0 } else { send_meta_counter++ } msg.Response_ch = nil // immediately disable to prevent loop fq_data := make( []interface{}, 1 ) fq_data[FQ_QLIST] = msg.Response_data tmsg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( ) tmsg.Send_req( fq_ch, nil, REQ_SETQUEUES, fq_data, nil ) // send the queue list to fq manager to deal with inv.push_reservations( my_chan, alt_table, int64( hto_limit ), favour_v6 ) // now safe to push reservations if any activated case REQ_VET_RETRY: if inv != nil && len( inv.retry ) > 0 { inv.vet_retries( ) } case REQ_YANK_RES: // yank a reservation from the inventory returning the pledge and allowing flow-mods to purge if msg.Response_ch != nil { msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.yank_res( msg.Req_data.( *string ) ) } /* deprecated -- moved to rm_lookup case REQ_GET_MIRRORS: // user initiated get list of mirrors t := inv.Get_mirrorlist() msg.Response_data = &t; */ default: rm_sheep.Baa( 0, "WRN: res_mgr: unknown message: %d [TGURMG001]", msg.Msg_type ) msg.Response_data = nil msg.State = fmt.Errorf( "res_mgr: unknown message (%d)", msg.Msg_type ) msg.Response_ch = nil // we don't respond to these. } // end main channel case } // end select rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "processing message complete: %d", msg.Msg_type ) if msg.Response_ch != nil { // if a response channel was provided msg.Response_ch <- msg // send our result back to the requester } } }
/* executed as a goroutine this loops waiting for messages from the tickler and takes action based on what is needed. */ func Osif_mgr(my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg) { var ( msg *ipc.Chmsg os_list string = "" os_sects []string // sections in the config file os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack // creds for each project we need to request info from os_projects map[string]*osif_project // list of project info (maps) os_admin *ostack.Ostack // admin creds refresh_delay int = 15 // config file can override id2pname map[string]*string // project id/name translation maps pname2id map[string]*string req_token bool = false // if set to true in config file the token _must_ be present when called to validate def_passwd *string // defaults and what we assume are the admin creds def_usr *string def_url *string def_project *string def_region *string ) osif_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater(0, os.Stderr) // allocate our bleater and attach it to the master osif_sheep.Set_prefix("osif_mgr") tegu_sheep.Add_child(osif_sheep) // we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too //ostack.Set_debugging( 0 ); // ---- pick up configuration file things of interest -------------------------- if cfg_data["osif"] != nil { // cannot imagine that this section is missing, but don't fail if it is def_passwd = cfg_data["osif"]["passwd"] // defaults applied if non-section given in list, or info omitted from the section def_usr = cfg_data["osif"]["usr"] def_url = cfg_data["osif"]["url"] def_project = cfg_data["osif"]["project"] p := cfg_data["osif"]["refresh"] if p != nil { refresh_delay = clike.Atoi(*p) if refresh_delay < 15 { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "resresh was too small (%ds), setting to 15", refresh_delay) refresh_delay = 15 } } p = cfg_data["osif"]["debug"] if p != nil { v := clike.Atoi(*p) if v > -5 { ostack.Set_debugging(v) } } p = cfg_data["osif"]["region"] if p != nil { def_region = p } p = cfg_data["osif"]["ostack_list"] // preferred placement in osif section if p == nil { p = cfg_data["default"]["ostack_list"] // originally in default, so backwards compatable } if p != nil { os_list = *p } p = cfg_data["osif"]["require_token"] if p != nil && *p == "true" { req_token = true } p = cfg_data["osif"]["verbose"] if p != nil { osif_sheep.Set_level(uint(clike.Atoi(*p))) } } if os_list == " " || os_list == "" || os_list == "off" { osif_sheep.Baa(0, "osif disabled: no openstack list (ostack_list) defined in configuration file or setting is 'off'") } else { // TODO -- investigate getting id2pname maps from each specific set of creds defined if an overarching admin name is not given os_admin = get_admin_creds(def_url, def_usr, def_passwd, def_project, def_region) // this will block until we authenticate if os_admin != nil { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "admin creds generated, mapping tenants") pname2id, id2pname, _ = os_admin.Map_tenants() // list only projects we belong to for k, v := range pname2id { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "project known: %s %s", k, *v) // useful to see in log what projects we can see } } else { id2pname = make(map[string]*string) // empty maps and we'll never generate a translation from project name to tenant ID since there are no default admin creds pname2id = make(map[string]*string) if def_project != nil { osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: unable to use admin information (%s, proj=%s, reg=%s) to authorise with openstack [TGUOSI009]", def_usr, def_project, def_region) } else { osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: unable to use admin information (%s, proj=no-project, reg=%s) to authorise with openstack [TGUOSI009]", def_usr, def_region) // YES msg ids are duplicated here } } if os_list == "all" { os_refs, _ = refresh_creds(os_admin, os_refs, id2pname) // for each project in id2pname get current ostack struct (auth) for k := range os_refs { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "inital os_list member: %s", k) } } else { if strings.Index(os_list, ",") > 0 { os_sects = strings.Split(os_list, ",") } else { os_sects = strings.Split(os_list, " ") } os_refs = make(map[string]*ostack.Ostack, len(os_sects)*2) // length is a guideline, not a hard value for i := 0; i < len(os_sects); i++ { osif_sheep.Baa(1, "creating openstack interface for %s", os_sects[i]) url := def_url usr := def_usr passwd := def_passwd project := &os_sects[i] if cfg_data[os_sects[i]] != nil { // section name supplied, override defaults with information from the section if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["url"] != nil { url = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["url"] } if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["usr"] != nil { usr = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["usr"] } if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["passwd"] != nil { passwd = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["passwd"] } if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["project"] != nil { project = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["project"] } } os_refs[*project] = ostack.Mk_ostack(url, usr, passwd, project) os_refs["_ref_"] = os_refs[*project] // a quick access reference when any one will do } } os_projects = make(map[string]*osif_project) add2projects(os_projects, os_refs, pname2id, 0) // add refernces to the projects list } // ---------------- end config parsing ---------------------------------------- if os_admin != nil { // only if we are using openstack as a database //tklr.Add_spot( 3, my_chan, REQ_GENCREDS, nil, 1 ) // add tickle spot to drive us once in 3s and then another to drive us based on config refresh rate tklr.Add_spot(int64(180), my_chan, REQ_GENCREDS, nil, ipc.FOREVER) } osif_sheep.Baa(2, "osif manager is running %x", my_chan) for { msg = <-my_chan // wait for next message from tickler msg.State = nil // default to all OK osif_sheep.Baa(3, "processing request: %d", msg.Msg_type) switch msg.Msg_type { case REQ_GENMAPS: // driven by tickler // deprecated with switch to lazy update case REQ_GENCREDS: // driven by tickler now and then if os_admin != nil { os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all") } /* ---- before lite ---- case REQ_VM2IP: // driven by tickler; gen a new vm translation map and push to net mgr m := mapvm2ip( os_refs ) if m != nil { count := 0; msg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( ) msg.Send_req( nw_ch, nil, REQ_VM2IP, m, nil ) // send new map to network as it is managed there osif_sheep.Baa( 2, "VM2IP mapping updated from openstack" ) for k, v := range m { osif_sheep.Baa( 3, "VM mapped: %s ==> %s", k, *v ) count++; } osif_sheep.Baa( 2, "mapped %d VM names/IDs from openstack (verbose 3 for debug list)", count ) } */ case REQ_IP2MACMAP: // generate an ip to mac map and send to those who need it (fq_mgr at this point) freq := ipc.Mk_chmsg() // need a new request to pass to fq_mgr data, err := get_ip2mac(os_projects) if err == nil { osif_sheep.Baa(2, "sending ip2mac map to fq_mgr") freq.Send_req(fq_ch, nil, REQ_IP2MACMAP, data, nil) // request data forward msg.State = nil // response ok back to requestor } else { msg.State = err // error goes back to requesting process } case REQ_CHOSTLIST: if msg.Response_ch != nil { // no sense going off to ostack if no place to send the list osif_sheep.Baa(2, "starting list host") msg.Response_data, msg.State = get_hosts(os_refs) osif_sheep.Baa(2, "finishing list host") } else { osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no response channel for host list request [TGUOSI012]") } /* ======= don't think these are needed but holding ====== case REQ_PROJNAME2ID: // translate a project name (tenant) to ID if msg.Response_ch != nil { pname := msg.Req_data.( *string ) if s, ok := pname2id[*pname]; ok { // translate if there, else assume it's in it's "final" form msg.Response_data = s } else { msg.Response_data = pname } } */ case REQ_VALIDATE_TOKEN: // given token/tenant validate it and translate tenant name to ID if given; returns just ID if msg.Response_ch != nil { s := msg.Req_data.(*string) *s += "/" // add trailing slant to simulate "data" if !have_project(s, pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all") } msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(s, os_refs, pname2id, req_token) } case REQ_GET_HOSTINFO: // dig out all of the bits of host info for a single host from openstack and return in a network update struct if msg.Response_ch != nil { go get_os_hostinfo(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel msg = nil // prevent early response } case REQ_GET_PROJ_HOSTS: if msg.Response_ch != nil { go get_all_osvm_info(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel msg = nil // prevent response from this function } case REQ_GET_DEFGW: // dig out the default gateway for a project if msg.Response_ch != nil { go get_os_defgw(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel msg = nil // prevent early response } case REQ_VALIDATE_HOST: // validate and translate a [token/]project-name/host string if msg.Response_ch != nil { if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all") } msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(msg.Req_data.(*string), os_refs, pname2id, req_token) } case REQ_XLATE_HOST: // accepts a [token/][project/]host name and translate project to an ID if msg.Response_ch != nil { if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all") } msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(msg.Req_data.(*string), os_refs, pname2id, false) // same process as validation but token not required } case REQ_VALIDATE_TEGU_ADMIN: // validate that the token is for the tegu user if msg.Response_ch != nil { if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all") } msg.State = validate_admin_token(os_admin, msg.Req_data.(*string), def_usr) msg.Response_data = "" } case REQ_HAS_ANY_ROLE: // given a token and list of roles, returns true if any role listed is listed by openstack for the token if msg.Response_ch != nil { d := msg.Req_data.(*string) dtoks := strings.Split(*d, " ") // data assumed to be token <space> role[,role...] if len(dtoks) > 1 { msg.Response_data, msg.State = has_any_role(os_refs, os_admin, &dtoks[0], &dtoks[1]) } else { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("has_any_role: bad input data") msg.Response_data = false } } case REQ_PNAME2ID: // user, project, tenant (what ever) name to ID if msg.Response_ch != nil { msg.Response_data = pname2id[*(msg.Req_data.(*string))] if msg.Response_data.(*string) == nil { // maybe it was an ID that came in if id2pname[*(msg.Req_data.(*string))] != nil { // if in id map, then return the stirng (the id) they passed (#202) msg.Response_data = msg.Req_data.(*string) } else { msg.Response_data = nil // couldn't translate } } } default: osif_sheep.Baa(1, "unknown request: %d", msg.Msg_type) msg.Response_data = nil if msg.Response_ch != nil { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osif: unknown request (%d)", msg.Msg_type) } } if msg != nil { // if msg wasn't passed off to a go routine osif_sheep.Baa(3, "processing request complete: %d", msg.Msg_type) if msg.Response_ch != nil { // if a reqponse channel was provided msg.Response_ch <- msg // send our result back to the requestor } } } }
/* the main go routine to act on messages sent to our channel. We expect messages from the reservation manager, and from a tickler that causes us to evaluate the need to resize ovs queues. DSCP values: Dscp values range from 0-64 decimal, but when described on or by flow-mods are shifted two bits to the left. The send flow mod function will do the needed shifting so all values outside of that one funciton should assume/use decimal values in the range of 0-64. */ func Fq_mgr(my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg, sdn_host *string) { var ( uri_prefix string = "" msg *ipc.Chmsg data []interface{} // generic list of data on some requests fdata *Fq_req // flow-mod request data qcheck_freq int64 = 5 hcheck_freq int64 = 180 host_list *string // current set of openstack real hosts ip2mac map[string]*string // translation from ip address to mac switch_hosts *string // from config file and overrides openstack list if given (mostly testing) ssq_cmd *string // command string used to set switch queues (from config file) send_all bool = false // send all flow-mods; false means send just ingress/egress and not intermediate switch f-mods alt_table int = DEF_ALT_TABLE // meta data marking table phost_suffix *string = nil // physical host suffix added to each host name in the list from openstack (config) //max_link_used int64 = 0 // the current maximum link utilisation ) fq_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater(0, os.Stderr) // allocate our bleater and attach it to the master fq_sheep.Set_prefix("fq_mgr") tegu_sheep.Add_child(fq_sheep) // we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too // -------------- pick up config file data if there -------------------------------- if *sdn_host == "" { // not supplied on command line, pull from config if sdn_host = cfg_data["default"]["sdn_host"]; sdn_host == nil { // no default; when not in config, then it's turned off and we send to agent sdn_host = &empty_str } } if cfg_data["default"]["queue_type"] != nil { if *cfg_data["default"]["queue_type"] == "endpoint" { send_all = false } else { send_all = true } } if p := cfg_data["default"]["alttable"]; p != nil { // this is the base; we use alt_table to alt_table + (n-1) when we need more than 1 table alt_table = clike.Atoi(*p) } if cfg_data["fqmgr"] != nil { // pick up things in our specific setion if dp := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["ssq_cmd"]; dp != nil { // set switch queue command ssq_cmd = dp } /* if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["default_dscp"]; p != nil { // this is a single value and should not be confused with the dscp list in the default section of the config dscp = clike.Atoi( *p ) } */ if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["queue_check"]; p != nil { // queue check frequency from the control file qcheck_freq = clike.Atoi64(*p) if qcheck_freq < 5 { qcheck_freq = 5 } } if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["host_check"]; p != nil { // frequency of checking for new _real_ hosts from openstack hcheck_freq = clike.Atoi64(*p) if hcheck_freq < 30 { hcheck_freq = 30 } } if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["switch_hosts"]; p != nil { switch_hosts = p } if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["verbose"]; p != nil { fq_sheep.Set_level(uint(clike.Atoi(*p))) } if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["phost_suffix"]; p != nil { // suffix added to physical host strings for agent commands if *p != "" { phost_suffix = p fq_sheep.Baa(1, "physical host names will be suffixed with: %s", *phost_suffix) } } } // ----- end config file munging --------------------------------------------------- //tklr.Add_spot( qcheck_freq, my_chan, REQ_SETQUEUES, nil, ipc.FOREVER ); // tickle us every few seconds to adjust the ovs queues if needed if switch_hosts == nil { tklr.Add_spot(2, my_chan, REQ_CHOSTLIST, nil, 1) // tickle once, very soon after starting, to get a host list tklr.Add_spot(hcheck_freq, my_chan, REQ_CHOSTLIST, nil, ipc.FOREVER) // tickles us every once in a while to update host list fq_sheep.Baa(2, "host list will be requested from openstack every %ds", hcheck_freq) } else { host_list = switch_hosts fq_sheep.Baa(0, "static host list from config used for setting OVS queues: %s", *host_list) } if sdn_host != nil && *sdn_host != "" { uri_prefix = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", *sdn_host) } fq_sheep.Baa(1, "flowmod-queue manager is running, sdn host: %s", *sdn_host) for { msg = <-my_chan // wait for next message msg.State = nil // default to all OK fq_sheep.Baa(3, "processing message: %d", msg.Msg_type) switch msg.Msg_type { case REQ_GEN_FMOD: // generic fmod; just pass it along w/o any special handling if msg.Req_data != nil { fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // pointer at struct with all of our expected goodies send_gfmod_agent(fdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix) } case REQ_BWOW_RESERVE: // oneway bandwidth flow-mod generation msg.Response_ch = nil // nothing goes back from this fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // pointer at struct with all of the expected goodies send_bwow_fmods(fdata, ip2mac, phost_suffix) case REQ_BW_RESERVE: // bandwidth endpoint flow-mod creation; single agent script creates all needed fmods fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // pointer at struct with all of the expected goodies send_bw_fmods(fdata, ip2mac, phost_suffix) msg.Response_ch = nil // nothing goes back from this case REQ_IE_RESERVE: // proactive ingress/egress reservation flowmod (this is likely deprecated as of 3/21/2015 -- resmgr invokes the bw_fmods script via agent) fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // user view of what the flow-mod should be if uri_prefix != "" { // an sdn controller -- skoogi -- is enabled msg.State = gizmos.SK_ie_flowmod(&uri_prefix, *fdata.Match.Ip1, *fdata.Match.Ip2, fdata.Expiry, fdata.Espq.Queuenum, fdata.Espq.Switch, fdata.Espq.Port) if msg.State == nil { // no error, no response to requestor fq_sheep.Baa(2, "proactive reserve successfully sent: uri=%s h1=%s h2=%s exp=%d qnum=%d swid=%s port=%d dscp=%d", uri_prefix, fdata.Match.Ip1, fdata.Match.Ip2, fdata.Expiry, fdata.Espq.Queuenum, fdata.Espq.Switch, fdata.Espq.Port) msg.Response_ch = nil } else { // do we need to suss out the id and mark it failed, or set a timer on it, so as not to flood reqmgr with errors? fq_sheep.Baa(1, "ERR: proactive reserve failed: uri=%s h1=%s h2=%s exp=%d qnum=%d swid=%s port=%d [TGUFQM008]", uri_prefix, fdata.Match.Ip1, fdata.Match.Ip2, fdata.Expiry, fdata.Espq.Queuenum, fdata.Espq.Switch, fdata.Espq.Port) } } else { // q-lite now generates one flowmod in each direction because of the ITONS requirements if send_all || fdata.Espq.Queuenum > 1 { // if sending all fmods, or this has a non-intermediate queue cdata := fdata.Clone() // copy so we can alter w/o affecting sender's copy if cdata.Espq.Port == -128 { // we'll assume in this case that the switch given is the host name and we need to set the switch to br-int swid := "br-int" cdata.Swid = &swid } if cdata.Resub == nil { resub_list := "" // resub to alternate table to set a meta mark, then to table 0 to hit openstack junk if cdata.Single_switch || fdata.Dir_in { // must use the base table for inbound traffic OR same switch traffic (bug 2015/1/26) resub_list = fmt.Sprintf("%d 0", alt_table) // base alt_table is for 'local' traffic (trafic that doesn't go through br-rl } else { resub_list = fmt.Sprintf("%d 0", alt_table+1) // base+1 is for OUTBOUND only traffic that must go through the rate limiting bridge } cdata.Resub = &resub_list } meta := "0x00/0x07" // match-value/mask; match only when meta neither of our two bits, nor the agent bit (0x04) are set cdata.Match.Meta = &meta if fdata.Dir_in { // inbound to this switch we need to revert dscp from our settings to the 'origianal' settings if cdata.Single_switch { cdata.Match.Dscp = -1 // there is no match if both on same switch send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix) } else { cdata.Match.Dscp = cdata.Dscp // match the dscp that was added on ingress if !cdata.Dscp_koe { // dropping the value on exit cdata.Action.Dscp = 0 // set action to turn it off, otherwise we let it ride (no overt action) } send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix) } } else { // outbound from this switch set the dscp value specified on the reservation cdata.Match.Dscp = -1 // on outbound there is no dscp match, ensure this is off if cdata.Single_switch { send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix) // in single switch mode there is no dscp value needed } else { cdata.Action.Dscp = cdata.Dscp // otherwise set the value and send send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix) } } } msg.Response_ch = nil } case REQ_ST_RESERVE: // reservation fmods for traffic steering msg.Response_ch = nil // for now, nothing goes back if msg.Req_data != nil { fq_data := msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // request data if uri_prefix != "" { // an sdn controller -- skoogi -- is enabled (not supported) fq_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: steering reservations are not supported with skoogi (SDNC); no flow-mods pushed") } else { send_stfmod_agent(fq_data, ip2mac, host_list) } } else { fq_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: missing data on st-reserve request to fq-mgr") } case REQ_SK_RESERVE: // send a reservation to skoogi data = msg.Req_data.([]interface{}) // msg data expected to be array of interface: h1, h2, expiry, queue h1/2 must be IP addresses if uri_prefix != "" { fq_sheep.Baa(2, "msg to reserve: %s %s %s %d %d", uri_prefix, data[0].(string), data[1].(string), data[2].(int64), data[3].(int)) msg.State = gizmos.SK_reserve(&uri_prefix, data[0].(string), data[1].(string), data[2].(int64), data[3].(int)) } else { fq_sheep.Baa(1, "reservation not sent, no sdn-host defined: %s %s %s %d %d", uri_prefix, data[0].(string), data[1].(string), data[2].(int64), data[3].(int)) } case REQ_SETQUEUES: // request from reservation manager which indicates something changed and queues need to be reset qlist := msg.Req_data.([]interface{})[0].([]string) if ssq_cmd != nil { adjust_queues(qlist, ssq_cmd, host_list) // if writing to a file and driving a local script } else { adjust_queues_agent(qlist, host_list, phost_suffix) // if sending json to an agent } case REQ_CHOSTLIST: // this is tricky as it comes from tickler as a request, and from osifmgr as a response, be careful! msg.Response_ch = nil // regardless of source, we should not reply to this request if msg.State != nil || msg.Response_data != nil { // response from ostack if with list or error if msg.Response_data.(*string) != nil { hls := strings.TrimLeft(*(msg.Response_data.(*string)), " \t") // ditch leading whitespace hl := &hls if *hl != "" { host_list = hl // ok to use it if phost_suffix != nil { fq_sheep.Baa(2, "host list from osif before suffix added: %s", *host_list) host_list = add_phost_suffix(host_list, phost_suffix) // in some cases ostack sends foo, but we really need to use foo-suffix (sigh) } send_hlist_agent(host_list) // send to agent_manager fq_sheep.Baa(2, "host list received from osif: %s", *host_list) } else { fq_sheep.Baa(1, "host list received from osif was discarded: ()") } } else { fq_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no data from openstack; expected host list string [TGUFQM009]") } } else { req_hosts(my_chan, fq_sheep) // send requests to osif for data } case REQ_IP2MACMAP: // a new map from osif if msg.Req_data != nil { newmap := msg.Req_data.(map[string]*string) if len(newmap) > 0 { ip2mac = newmap // safe to replace fq_sheep.Baa(2, "ip2mac translation received from osif: %d elements", len(ip2mac)) } else { if ip2mac != nil { fq_sheep.Baa(2, "ip2mac translation received from osif: 0 elements -- kept old table with %d elements", len(ip2mac)) } else { fq_sheep.Baa(2, "ip2mac translation received from osif: 0 elements -- no existing table to keep") } } } else { fq_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no data from osif (nil map); expected ip2mac translation map [TGUFQM010]") } msg.State = nil // state is always good default: fq_sheep.Baa(1, "unknown request: %d", msg.Msg_type) msg.Response_data = nil if msg.Response_ch != nil { msg.State = fmt.Errorf("unknown request (%d)", msg.Msg_type) } } fq_sheep.Baa(3, "processing message complete: %d", msg.Msg_type) if msg.Response_ch != nil { // if a reqponse channel was provided fq_sheep.Baa(3, "sending response: %d", msg.Msg_type) msg.Response_ch <- msg // send our result back to the requestor } } }