Exemple #1
// Unmarshal unmarshals a response for a JSON RPC service.
func Unmarshal(req *service.Request) {
	defer req.HTTPResponse.Body.Close()
	if req.DataFilled() {
		err := jsonutil.UnmarshalJSON(req.Data, req.HTTPResponse.Body)
		if err != nil {
			req.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed decoding JSON RPC response", err)
Exemple #2
// Unmarshal unmarshals a response for a JSON RPC service.
func Unmarshal(req *aws.Request) {
	defer req.HTTPResponse.Body.Close()
	if req.DataFilled() {
		err := jsonutil.UnmarshalJSON(req.Data, req.HTTPResponse.Body)
		if err != nil {
			req.Error = apierr.New("Unmarshal", "failed decoding JSON RPC response", err)
Exemple #3
// DecodeData decodes a raw message into its type. E.g. An ACS message of the
// form {"type":"FooMessage","message":{"foo":1}} will be decoded into the
// corresponding *ecsacs.FooMessage type. The type string, "FooMessage", will
// also be returned as a convenience.
func DecodeData(data []byte, dec TypeDecoder) (interface{}, string, error) {
	raw := &ReceivedMessage{}
	// Delay unmarshal until we know the type
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, raw)
	if err != nil || raw.Type == "" {
		// Unframed messages can be of the {"Type":"Message"} form as well, try
		// that.
		connErr, connErrType, decodeErr := DecodeConnectionError(data, dec)
		if decodeErr == nil && connErrType != "" {
			return connErr, connErrType, nil
		return nil, "", decodeErr

	reqMessage, ok := dec.NewOfType(raw.Type)
	if !ok {
		return nil, raw.Type, &UnrecognizedWSRequestType{raw.Type}
	err = jsonutil.UnmarshalJSON(reqMessage, bytes.NewReader(raw.Message))
	return reqMessage, raw.Type, err