Exemple #1
func (tm *TypeMap) makeSlice(values []llvm.Value, slicetyp llvm.Type) llvm.Value {
	ptrtyp := slicetyp.StructElementTypes()[0]
	var globalptr llvm.Value
	if len(values) > 0 {
		array := llvm.ConstArray(ptrtyp.ElementType(), values)
		globalptr = llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, array.Type(), "")
		globalptr = llvm.ConstBitCast(globalptr, ptrtyp)
	} else {
		globalptr = llvm.ConstNull(ptrtyp)
	len_ := llvm.ConstInt(tm.inttype, uint64(len(values)), false)
	slice := llvm.ConstNull(slicetyp)
	slice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(slice, globalptr, []uint32{0})
	slice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(slice, len_, []uint32{1})
	slice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(slice, len_, []uint32{2})
	return slice
Exemple #2
func (tm *TypeMap) interfaceRuntimeType(i *types.Interface) (global, ptr llvm.Value) {
	rtype := tm.makeRtype(i, reflect.Interface)
	interfaceType := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeInterfaceType)
	interfaceType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(interfaceType, rtype, []uint32{0})

	imethods := make([]llvm.Value, i.NumMethods())
	for index := range imethods {
		method := i.Method(index)

		//name, pkgPath, type
		imethod := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeImethod)
		name := tm.globalStringPtr(method.Name())
		name = llvm.ConstBitCast(name, tm.runtimeImethod.StructElementTypes()[0])

		imethod = llvm.ConstInsertValue(imethod, name, []uint32{0})
		//imethod = llvm.ConstInsertValue(imethod, , []uint32{1})
		//imethod = llvm.ConstInsertValue(imethod, , []uint32{2})
		imethods[index] = imethod

	var imethodsGlobalPtr llvm.Value
	imethodPtrType := llvm.PointerType(tm.runtimeImethod, 0)
	if len(imethods) > 0 {
		imethodsArray := llvm.ConstArray(tm.runtimeImethod, imethods)
		imethodsGlobalPtr = llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, imethodsArray.Type(), "")
		imethodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstBitCast(imethodsGlobalPtr, imethodPtrType)
	} else {
		imethodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstNull(imethodPtrType)

	len_ := llvm.ConstInt(tm.inttype, uint64(i.NumMethods()), false)
	imethodsSliceType := tm.runtimeInterfaceType.StructElementTypes()[1]
	imethodsSlice := llvm.ConstNull(imethodsSliceType)
	imethodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(imethodsSlice, imethodsGlobalPtr, []uint32{0})
	imethodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(imethodsSlice, len_, []uint32{1})
	imethodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(imethodsSlice, len_, []uint32{2})
	interfaceType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(interfaceType, imethodsSlice, []uint32{1})
	return tm.makeRuntimeTypeGlobal(interfaceType)
Exemple #3
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File, importpath string) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// If no import path is specified, or the package's
	// name (not path) is "main", then set the import
	// path to be the same as the package's name.
	if importpath == "" || files[0].Name.String() == "main" {
		importpath = files[0].Name.String()

	// Type-check, and store object data.
	compiler.typeinfo.Types = make(map[ast.Expr]types.Type)
	compiler.typeinfo.Values = make(map[ast.Expr]exact.Value)
	compiler.typeinfo.Objects = make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object)
	compiler.typeinfo.Implicits = make(map[ast.Node]types.Object)
	compiler.typeinfo.Selections = make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection)
	compiler.objectdata = make(map[types.Object]*ObjectData)
	compiler.methodsets = make(map[types.Type]*methodset)
	compiler.exportedtypes = nil
	compiler.llvmtypes = NewLLVMTypeMap(compiler.target)
	pkg, err := compiler.typecheck(importpath, fset, files)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	compiler.pkg = pkg

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := importpath
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.llvmtypes, compiler.module.Module, importpath, compiler.FunctionCache, resolver)

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = newBuilder(compiler.types)
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	compiler.debug_info = &llvm.DebugInfo{}
	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range files {
		compiler.compile_unit = &llvm.CompileUnitDescriptor{
			Language: llvm.DW_LANG_Go,
			Path:     llvm.FileDescriptor(fset.File(file.Pos()).Name()),
			Producer: LLGOProducer,
			Runtime:  LLGORuntimeVersion,

		for _, decl := range file.Decls {
		if len(compiler.debug_context) > 0 {
		compiler.module.AddNamedMetadataOperand("llvm.dbg.cu", compiler.debug_info.MDNode(compiler.compile_unit))

	// Export runtime type information.

	// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
	if importpath == "main" {
		err = compiler.createMainFunction()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		var e = exporter{compiler: compiler}
		if err := e.Export(pkg); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Create global constructors. The initfuncs/varinitfuncs
	// slices are in the order of visitation; we generate the
	// list of constructors in the reverse order.
	// The llgo linker will link modules in the order of
	// package dependency, i.e. if A requires B, then llgo-link
	// will link the modules in the order A, B. The "runtime"
	// package is always last.
	// At program initialisation, the runtime initialisation
	// function (runtime.main) will invoke the constructors
	// in reverse order.
	var initfuncs [][]llvm.Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		ctortype := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var index int = 0
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fnptr := range initfuncs {
				name := fmt.Sprintf("__llgo.ctor.%s.%d", importpath, index)
				fnptr = llvm.ConstBitCast(fnptr, ctortype)
				ctors = append(ctors, fnptr)
		for i, n := 0, len(ctors); i < n/2; i++ {
			ctors[i], ctors[n-i-1] = ctors[n-i-1], ctors[i]
		ctorsInit := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		ctorsVar := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, ctorsInit.Type(), "runtime.ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Exemple #4
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.initfuncs = make([]Value, 0)

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a TargetMachine from the OS & Arch.
	triple := fmt.Sprintf("%s-unknown-%s",
	var machine llvm.TargetMachine
	for target := llvm.FirstTarget(); target.C != nil && machine.C == nil; target = target.NextTarget() {
		if target.Name() == compiler.targetArch {
			machine = target.CreateTargetMachine(triple, "", "",
			defer machine.Dispose()

	if machine.C == nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid target triple: %s", triple)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name
	compiler.target = machine.TargetData()
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.module.Module, compiler.target, exprTypes)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.

	// Create global constructors.
	// XXX When imports are handled, we'll need to defer creating
	//     llvm.global_ctors until we create an executable. This is
	//     due to (a) imports having to be initialised before the
	//     importer, and (b) LLVM having no specified order of
	//     initialisation for ctors with the same priority.
	if len(compiler.initfuncs) > 0 {
		elttypes := []llvm.Type{
				llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)}
		ctortype := llvm.StructType(elttypes, false)
		ctors := make([]llvm.Value, len(compiler.initfuncs))
		for i, fn := range compiler.initfuncs {
			struct_values := []llvm.Value{
				llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 1, false),
			ctors[i] = llvm.ConstStruct(struct_values, false)

		global_ctors_init := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		global_ctors_var := llvm.AddGlobal(
			compiler.module.Module, global_ctors_init.Type(),

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Exemple #5
func (tm *TypeMap) uncommonType(n *types.Named, ptr bool) llvm.Value {
	uncommonTypeInit := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeUncommonType)
	namePtr := tm.globalStringPtr(n.Obj().Name())
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, namePtr, []uint32{0})

	// FIXME clean this up
	var pkgpathPtr llvm.Value
	var path string
	if data, ok := tm.functions.objectdata[n.Obj()]; ok {
		path = pkgpath(data.Package)
	if path != "" {
		pkgpathPtr = tm.globalStringPtr(path)
		uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, pkgpathPtr, []uint32{1})

	methodset := tm.functions.methods(n)
	methodfuncs := methodset.nonptr
	if ptr {
		methodfuncs = methodset.ptr

	// Store methods.
	methods := make([]llvm.Value, len(methodfuncs))
	for i, mfunc := range methodfuncs {
		ftyp := mfunc.Type().(*types.Signature)

		method := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeMethod)
		name := tm.globalStringPtr(mfunc.Name())
		name = llvm.ConstBitCast(name, tm.runtimeMethod.StructElementTypes()[0])
		// name
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, name, []uint32{0})
		// pkgPath
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, pkgpathPtr, []uint32{1})
		// mtyp (method type, no receiver)
			ftyp := types.NewSignature(nil, ftyp.Params(), ftyp.Results(), ftyp.IsVariadic())
			mtyp := tm.ToRuntime(ftyp)
			method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, mtyp, []uint32{2})
		// typ (function type, with receiver)
		typ := tm.ToRuntime(ftyp)
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, typ, []uint32{3})

		// tfn (standard method/function pointer for plain method calls)
		tfn := tm.resolver.Resolve(tm.functions.objectdata[mfunc].Ident).LLVMValue()
		tfn = llvm.ConstExtractValue(tfn, []uint32{0})
		tfn = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(tfn, tm.target.IntPtrType())

		// ifn (single-word receiver function pointer for interface calls)
		ifn := tfn
		if !ptr && tm.Sizeof(ftyp.Recv().Type()) > int64(tm.target.PointerSize()) {
			mfunc := methodset.lookup(mfunc.Name(), true)
			ifn = tm.resolver.Resolve(tm.functions.objectdata[mfunc].Ident).LLVMValue()
			ifn = llvm.ConstExtractValue(ifn, []uint32{0})
			ifn = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(ifn, tm.target.IntPtrType())

		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, ifn, []uint32{4})
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, tfn, []uint32{5})
		methods[i] = method

	var methodsGlobalPtr llvm.Value
	if len(methods) > 0 {
		methodsArray := llvm.ConstArray(tm.runtimeMethod, methods)
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, methodsArray.Type(), "")
		i32zero := llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int32Type())
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstGEP(methodsGlobalPtr, []llvm.Value{i32zero, i32zero})
	} else {
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstNull(llvm.PointerType(tm.runtimeMethod, 0))
	len_ := llvm.ConstInt(tm.inttype, uint64(len(methods)), false)
	methodsSliceType := tm.runtimeUncommonType.StructElementTypes()[2]
	methodsSlice := llvm.ConstNull(methodsSliceType)
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, methodsGlobalPtr, []uint32{0})
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, len_, []uint32{1})
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, len_, []uint32{2})
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, methodsSlice, []uint32{2})
	return uncommonTypeInit
Exemple #6
func (c *compiler) VisitCompositeLit(lit *ast.CompositeLit) Value {
	typ := c.types.expr[lit]
	var valuemap map[interface{}]Value
	var valuelist []Value
	_, isstruct := types.Underlying(typ).(*types.Struct)
	if lit.Elts != nil {
		for _, elt := range lit.Elts {
			var value Value
			if kv, iskv := elt.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); iskv {
				value = c.VisitExpr(kv.Value)
				if valuemap == nil {
					valuemap = make(map[interface{}]Value)
				var key interface{}
				if isstruct {
					key = kv.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name
				} else {
					key = c.VisitExpr(kv.Key)
				valuemap[key] = value
			} else {
				value = c.VisitExpr(elt)
				valuelist = append(valuelist, value)

	// For array/slice types, convert key:value to contiguous
	// values initialiser.
	switch types.Underlying(typ).(type) {
	case *types.Array, *types.Slice:
		if len(valuemap) > 0 {
			maxi := int64(-1)
			for key, _ := range valuemap {
				i := key.(ConstValue).Int64()
				if i < 0 {
					panic("array index must be non-negative integer constant")
				} else if i > maxi {
					maxi = i
			valuelist = make([]Value, maxi+1)
			for key, value := range valuemap {
				i := key.(ConstValue).Int64()
				valuelist[i] = value

	origtyp := typ
	switch typ := types.Underlying(typ).(type) {
	case *types.Array:
		elttype := typ.Elt
		llvmelttype := c.types.ToLLVM(elttype)
		llvmvalues := make([]llvm.Value, typ.Len)
		for i := range llvmvalues {
			var value Value
			if i < len(valuelist) {
				value = valuelist[i]
			if value == nil {
				llvmvalues[i] = llvm.ConstNull(llvmelttype)
			} else if _, ok := value.(ConstValue); ok || value.LLVMValue().IsConstant() {
				llvmvalues[i] = value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
			} else {
				llvmvalues[i] = llvm.Undef(llvmelttype)
		array := llvm.ConstArray(llvmelttype, llvmvalues)
		for i, value := range valuelist {
			if llvmvalues[i].IsUndef() {
				value := value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
				array = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(array, value, i, "")
		return c.NewLLVMValue(array, origtyp)

	case *types.Slice:
		ptr := c.createTypeMalloc(c.types.ToLLVM(typ))

		eltType := c.types.ToLLVM(typ.Elt)
		arrayType := llvm.ArrayType(eltType, len(valuelist))
		valuesPtr := c.createMalloc(llvm.SizeOf(arrayType))
		valuesPtr = c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(valuesPtr, llvm.PointerType(eltType, 0), "")

		//valuesPtr = c.builder.CreateBitCast(valuesPtr, llvm.PointerType(valuesPtr.Type(), 0), "")
		// TODO check result of mallocs
		length := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(len(valuelist)), false)
		c.builder.CreateStore(valuesPtr, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 0, "")) // data
		c.builder.CreateStore(length, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 1, ""))    // len
		c.builder.CreateStore(length, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 2, ""))    // cap
		null := llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(typ.Elt))
		for i, value := range valuelist {
			index := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(i), false)
			valuePtr := c.builder.CreateGEP(valuesPtr, []llvm.Value{index}, "")
			if value == nil {
				c.builder.CreateStore(null, valuePtr)
			} else {
				c.builder.CreateStore(value.Convert(typ.Elt).LLVMValue(), valuePtr)
		m := c.NewLLVMValue(ptr, &types.Pointer{Base: origtyp})
		return m.makePointee()

	case *types.Struct:
		values := valuelist
		llvmtyp := c.types.ToLLVM(typ)
		ptr := c.createTypeMalloc(llvmtyp)

		bzero := c.NamedFunction("runtime.bzero", "func f(unsafe.Pointer, uintptr)")
		ptrintval := c.builder.CreatePtrToInt(ptr, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
		args := []llvm.Value{ptrintval, llvm.SizeOf(llvmtyp)}
		c.builder.CreateCall(bzero, args, "")

		if valuemap != nil {
			for key, value := range valuemap {
				fieldName := key.(string)
				index := typ.FieldIndices[fieldName]
				for len(values) <= int(index) {
					values = append(values, nil)
				values[index] = value
		for i, value := range values {
			if value != nil {
				elttype := typ.Fields[i].Type.(types.Type)
				llvm_value := value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
				ptr := c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, i, "")
				c.builder.CreateStore(llvm_value, ptr)
		m := c.NewLLVMValue(ptr, &types.Pointer{Base: origtyp})
		return m.makePointee()

	case *types.Map:
		value := llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(typ))
		// TODO initialise map
		return c.NewLLVMValue(value, origtyp)
	panic(fmt.Sprint("Unhandled type kind: ", typ))
Exemple #7
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package, importpath string,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {

	// FIXME I'd prefer if we didn't modify global state. Perhaps
	// we should always take a copy of types.Universe?
	defer func() {
		types.Universe.Lookup("true").Data = types.Const{true}
		types.Universe.Lookup("false").Data = types.Const{false}

	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.importpath = importpath
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg, importpath)

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.llvmtypes, compiler.module.Module, importpath, exprTypes, compiler.FunctionCache, resolver)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
	if pkg.Name == "main" {
		err = compiler.createMainFunction()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Create global constructors. The initfuncs/varinitfuncs
	// slices are in the order of visitation; we generate the
	// list of constructors in the reverse order.
	// The llgo linker will link modules in the order of
	// package dependency, i.e. if A requires B, then llgo-link
	// will link the modules in the order A, B. The "runtime"
	// package is always last.
	// At program initialisation, the runtime initialisation
	// function (runtime.main) will invoke the constructors
	// in reverse order.
	var initfuncs [][]Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		ctortype := llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var index int = 0
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fn := range initfuncs {
				fnval := fn.LLVMValue()
				fnval.SetName("__llgo.ctor." + compiler.importpath + strconv.Itoa(index))
				ctors = append(ctors, fnval)
		for i, n := 0, len(ctors); i < n/2; i++ {
			ctors[i], ctors[n-i-1] = ctors[n-i-1], ctors[i]
		ctorsInit := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		ctorsVar := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, ctorsInit.Type(), "runtime.ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Exemple #8
func (c *compiler) VisitCompositeLit(lit *ast.CompositeLit) (v *LLVMValue) {
	typ := c.types.expr[lit].Type
	var valuemap map[interface{}]Value
	var valuelist []Value

	if ptr, ok := typ.(*types.Pointer); ok {
		typ = ptr.Elem()
		defer func() {
			v = v.pointer

	var isstruct, isarray, isslice, ismap bool
	switch typ.Underlying().(type) {
	case *types.Struct:
		isstruct = true
	case *types.Array:
		isarray = true
	case *types.Slice:
		isslice = true
	case *types.Map:
		ismap = true
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unhandled type: %s", typ))

	if lit.Elts != nil {
		for i, elt := range lit.Elts {
			if kv, iskv := elt.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); iskv {
				if valuemap == nil {
					valuemap = make(map[interface{}]Value)
				var key interface{}
				var elttyp types.Type
				switch {
				case isstruct:
					name := kv.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name
					key = name
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
					elttyp = typ.Field(fieldIndex(typ, name)).Type
				case isarray:
					key = c.types.expr[kv.Key].Value
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Array)
					elttyp = typ.Elem()
				case isslice:
					key = c.types.expr[kv.Key].Value
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Slice)
					elttyp = typ.Elem()
				case ismap:
					key = c.VisitExpr(kv.Key)
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Map)
					elttyp = typ.Elem()
				c.convertUntyped(kv.Value, elttyp)
				valuemap[key] = c.VisitExpr(kv.Value)
			} else {
				switch {
				case isstruct:
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
					c.convertUntyped(elt, typ.Field(i).Type)
				case isarray:
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Array)
					c.convertUntyped(elt, typ.Elem())
				case isslice:
					typ := typ.Underlying().(*types.Slice)
					c.convertUntyped(elt, typ.Elem())
				value := c.VisitExpr(elt)
				valuelist = append(valuelist, value)

	// For array/slice types, convert key:value to contiguous
	// values initialiser.
	switch typ.Underlying().(type) {
	case *types.Array, *types.Slice:
		if len(valuemap) > 0 {
			var maxkey uint64
			for key, _ := range valuemap {
				key, _ := exact.Uint64Val(key.(exact.Value))
				if key > maxkey {
					maxkey = key
			valuelist = make([]Value, maxkey+1)
			for key, value := range valuemap {
				key, _ := exact.Uint64Val(key.(exact.Value))
				valuelist[key] = value

	origtyp := typ
	switch typ := typ.Underlying().(type) {
	case *types.Array:
		elttype := typ.Elem()
		llvmelttype := c.types.ToLLVM(elttype)
		llvmvalues := make([]llvm.Value, typ.Len())
		for i := range llvmvalues {
			var value Value
			if i < len(valuelist) {
				value = valuelist[i]
			if value == nil {
				llvmvalues[i] = llvm.ConstNull(llvmelttype)
			} else if value.LLVMValue().IsConstant() {
				llvmvalues[i] = value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
			} else {
				llvmvalues[i] = llvm.Undef(llvmelttype)
		array := llvm.ConstArray(llvmelttype, llvmvalues)
		for i, value := range valuelist {
			if llvmvalues[i].IsUndef() {
				value := value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
				array = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(array, value, i, "")
		return c.NewValue(array, origtyp)

	case *types.Slice:
		ptr := c.createTypeMalloc(c.types.ToLLVM(typ))

		eltType := c.types.ToLLVM(typ.Elem())
		arrayType := llvm.ArrayType(eltType, len(valuelist))
		valuesPtr := c.createMalloc(llvm.SizeOf(arrayType))
		valuesPtr = c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(valuesPtr, llvm.PointerType(eltType, 0), "")

		//valuesPtr = c.builder.CreateBitCast(valuesPtr, llvm.PointerType(valuesPtr.Type(), 0), "")
		length := llvm.ConstInt(c.types.inttype, uint64(len(valuelist)), false)
		c.builder.CreateStore(valuesPtr, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 0, "")) // data
		c.builder.CreateStore(length, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 1, ""))    // len
		c.builder.CreateStore(length, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 2, ""))    // cap
		null := llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(typ.Elem()))
		for i, value := range valuelist {
			index := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(i), false)
			valuePtr := c.builder.CreateGEP(valuesPtr, []llvm.Value{index}, "")
			if value == nil {
				c.builder.CreateStore(null, valuePtr)
			} else {
				c.builder.CreateStore(value.Convert(typ.Elem()).LLVMValue(), valuePtr)
		m := c.NewValue(ptr, types.NewPointer(origtyp))
		return m.makePointee()

	case *types.Struct:
		values := valuelist
		llvmtyp := c.types.ToLLVM(typ)
		ptr := c.createTypeMalloc(llvmtyp)

		if valuemap != nil {
			for key, value := range valuemap {
				index := fieldIndex(typ, key.(string))
				for len(values) <= index {
					values = append(values, nil)
				values[index] = value
		for i, value := range values {
			if value != nil {
				elttype := typ.Field(i).Type
				llvm_value := value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
				ptr := c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, i, "")
				c.builder.CreateStore(llvm_value, ptr)
		m := c.NewValue(ptr, types.NewPointer(origtyp))
		return m.makePointee()

	case *types.Map:
		value := llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(typ))
		// TODO initialise map
		return c.NewValue(value, origtyp)
	panic(fmt.Sprint("Unhandled type kind: ", typ))
Exemple #9
func (c *compiler) VisitCompositeLit(lit *ast.CompositeLit) Value {
	typ := c.GetType(lit.Type)
	var valuemap map[interface{}]Value
	var valuelist []Value
	_, isstruct := types.Underlying(typ).(*types.Struct)
	if lit.Elts != nil {
		for _, elt := range lit.Elts {
			var value Value
			if kv, iskv := elt.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); iskv {
				value = c.VisitExpr(kv.Value)
				if valuemap == nil {
					valuemap = make(map[interface{}]Value)
				var key interface{}
				if isstruct {
					key = kv.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name
				} else {
					key = c.VisitExpr(kv.Key)
				valuemap[key] = value
			} else {
				value = c.VisitExpr(elt)
				valuelist = append(valuelist, value)

	// For array/slice types, convert key:value to contiguous
	// values initialiser.
	switch types.Underlying(typ).(type) {
	case *types.Array, *types.Slice:
		if len(valuemap) > 0 {
			maxi := int64(-1)
			for key, _ := range valuemap {
				i := key.(ConstValue).Int64()
				if i < 0 {
					panic("array index must be non-negative integer constant")
				} else if i > maxi {
					maxi = i
			valuelist = make([]Value, maxi+1)
			for key, value := range valuemap {
				i := key.(ConstValue).Int64()
				valuelist[i] = value

	origtyp := typ
	switch typ := types.Underlying(typ).(type) {
	case *types.Array:
		typ.Len = uint64(len(valuelist))
		elttype := typ.Elt
		llvm_values := make([]llvm.Value, typ.Len)
		for i, value := range valuelist {
			if value == nil {
				llvm_values[i] = llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(elttype))
			} else {
				llvm_values[i] = value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
		// TODO set non-const values after creating const array.
		return c.NewLLVMValue(
			llvm.ConstArray(c.types.ToLLVM(elttype), llvm_values), origtyp)

	case *types.Slice:
		ptr := c.builder.CreateMalloc(c.types.ToLLVM(typ), "")
		length := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(len(valuelist)), false)
		valuesPtr := c.builder.CreateArrayMalloc(c.types.ToLLVM(typ.Elt), length, "")
		//valuesPtr = c.builder.CreateBitCast(valuesPtr, llvm.PointerType(valuesPtr.Type(), 0), "")
		// TODO check result of mallocs
		c.builder.CreateStore(valuesPtr, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 0, "")) // data
		c.builder.CreateStore(length, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 1, ""))    // len
		c.builder.CreateStore(length, c.builder.CreateStructGEP(ptr, 2, ""))    // cap
		null := llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(typ.Elt))
		for i, value := range valuelist {
			index := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(i), false)
			valuePtr := c.builder.CreateGEP(valuesPtr, []llvm.Value{index}, "")
			if value == nil {
				c.builder.CreateStore(null, valuePtr)
			} else {
				c.builder.CreateStore(value.Convert(typ.Elt).LLVMValue(), valuePtr)
		m := c.NewLLVMValue(ptr, &types.Pointer{Base: origtyp})
		return m.makePointee()

	case *types.Struct:
		values := valuelist
		struct_value := c.builder.CreateMalloc(c.types.ToLLVM(typ), "")
		if valuemap != nil {
			for key, value := range valuemap {
				fieldName := key.(string)
				index := typ.FieldIndices[fieldName]
				for len(values) <= int(index) {
					values = append(values, nil)
				values[index] = value
		for i, value := range values {
			elttype := c.ObjGetType(typ.Fields[i])
			var llvm_value llvm.Value
			if value == nil {
				llvm_value = llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(elttype))
			} else {
				llvm_value = value.Convert(elttype).LLVMValue()
			ptr := c.builder.CreateStructGEP(struct_value, i, "")
			c.builder.CreateStore(llvm_value, ptr)
		m := c.NewLLVMValue(struct_value, &types.Pointer{Base: origtyp})
		return m.makePointee()

	case *types.Map:
		value := llvm.ConstNull(c.types.ToLLVM(typ))
		// TODO initialise map
		return c.NewLLVMValue(value, origtyp)
	panic(fmt.Sprint("Unhandled type kind: ", typ))
Exemple #10
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File, importpath string) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Type-check, and store object data.
	compiler.objects = make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object)
	compiler.objectdata = make(map[types.Object]*ObjectData)
	compiler.methodsets = make(map[types.Type]*methodset)
	compiler.llvmtypes = NewLLVMTypeMap(compiler.target)
	pkg, exprtypes, err := compiler.typecheck(importpath, fset, files)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	importpath = pkgpath(pkg)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := importpath
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.llvmtypes, compiler.module.Module, importpath, exprtypes, compiler.FunctionCache, resolver)

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = newBuilder(compiler.types)
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range files {
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if importpath == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if importpath == "runtime" {

	// Wrap "main.main" in a call to runtime.main.
	if importpath == "main" {
		err = compiler.createMainFunction()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Create global constructors. The initfuncs/varinitfuncs
	// slices are in the order of visitation; we generate the
	// list of constructors in the reverse order.
	// The llgo linker will link modules in the order of
	// package dependency, i.e. if A requires B, then llgo-link
	// will link the modules in the order A, B. The "runtime"
	// package is always last.
	// At program initialisation, the runtime initialisation
	// function (runtime.main) will invoke the constructors
	// in reverse order.
	var initfuncs [][]llvm.Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		ctortype := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var index int = 0
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fnptr := range initfuncs {
				name := fmt.Sprintf("__llgo.ctor.%s.%d", importpath, index)
				fnptr = llvm.ConstBitCast(fnptr, ctortype)
				ctors = append(ctors, fnptr)
		for i, n := 0, len(ctors); i < n/2; i++ {
			ctors[i], ctors[n-i-1] = ctors[n-i-1], ctors[i]
		ctorsInit := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		ctorsVar := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, ctorsInit.Type(), "runtime.ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Exemple #11
func (tm *TypeMap) nameRuntimeType(n *types.Name) (global, ptr llvm.Value) {
	pkgpath := tm.pkgmap[n.Obj]
	if pkgpath == "" {
		// XXX "builtin"?
		pkgpath = "runtime"
	globalname := "__llgo.type.name." + pkgpath + "." + n.Obj.Name
	if pkgpath != tm.pkgpath {
		// We're not compiling the package from whence the type came,
		// so we'll just create a pointer to it here.
		global := llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, tm.runtimeType, globalname)
		return global, global

	underlying := n.Underlying
	if name, ok := underlying.(*types.Name); ok {
		underlying = name.Underlying

	global, ptr = tm.makeRuntimeType(underlying)
	globalInit := global.Initializer()

	// Locate the common type.
	underlyingRuntimeType := llvm.ConstExtractValue(globalInit, []uint32{1})
	commonType := underlyingRuntimeType
	if underlyingRuntimeType.Type() != tm.runtimeCommonType {
		commonType = llvm.ConstExtractValue(commonType, []uint32{0})

	// Insert the uncommon type.
	uncommonTypeInit := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeUncommonType)
	namePtr := tm.globalStringPtr(n.Obj.Name)
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, namePtr, []uint32{0})
	pkgpathPtr := tm.globalStringPtr(pkgpath)
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, pkgpathPtr, []uint32{1})

	// Replace the commonType's string representation.
	commonType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(commonType, namePtr, []uint32{8})

	methods := make([]llvm.Value, len(n.Methods))
	for index, m := range n.Methods {
		method := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeMethod)
		name := tm.globalStringPtr(m.Name)
		name = llvm.ConstBitCast(name, tm.runtimeMethod.StructElementTypes()[0])
		// name
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, name, []uint32{0})
		// pkgPath
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, pkgpathPtr, []uint32{1})
		// mtyp (method type, no receiver)
		ftyp := m.Type.(*types.Func)
			recv := ftyp.Recv
			ftyp.Recv = nil
			mtyp := tm.ToRuntime(ftyp)
			method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, mtyp, []uint32{2})
			ftyp.Recv = recv
		// typ (function type, with receiver)
		typ := tm.ToRuntime(ftyp)
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, typ, []uint32{3})
		// ifn (single-word receiver function pointer for interface calls)
		ifn := tm.resolver.Resolve(m).LLVMValue() // TODO generate trampoline as necessary.
		ifn = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(ifn, tm.target.IntPtrType())
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, ifn, []uint32{4})
		// tfn (standard method/function pointer for plain method calls)
		tfn := tm.resolver.Resolve(m).LLVMValue()
		tfn = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(tfn, tm.target.IntPtrType())
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, tfn, []uint32{5})
		methods[index] = method

	var methodsGlobalPtr llvm.Value
	if len(methods) > 0 {
		methodsArray := llvm.ConstArray(tm.runtimeMethod, methods)
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, methodsArray.Type(), "")
		i32zero := llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int32Type())
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstGEP(methodsGlobalPtr, []llvm.Value{i32zero, i32zero})
	} else {
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstNull(llvm.PointerType(tm.runtimeMethod, 0))
	len_ := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(len(methods)), false)
	methodsSliceType := tm.runtimeUncommonType.StructElementTypes()[2]
	methodsSlice := llvm.ConstNull(methodsSliceType)
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, methodsGlobalPtr, []uint32{0})
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, len_, []uint32{1})
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, len_, []uint32{2})
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, methodsSlice, []uint32{2})

	uncommonType := llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, uncommonTypeInit.Type(), "")
	commonType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(commonType, uncommonType, []uint32{9})

	// Update the global's initialiser. Note that we take a copy
	// of the underlying type; we're not updating a shared type.
	if underlyingRuntimeType.Type() != tm.runtimeCommonType {
		underlyingRuntimeType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(underlyingRuntimeType, commonType, []uint32{0})
	} else {
		underlyingRuntimeType = commonType
	globalInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(globalInit, underlyingRuntimeType, []uint32{1})
	return global, ptr
Exemple #12
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package, importpath string,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {

	// FIXME I'd prefer if we didn't modify global state. Perhaps
	// we should always take a copy of types.Universe?
	defer func() {
		types.Universe.Lookup("true").Data = types.Const{true}
		types.Universe.Lookup("false").Data = types.Const{false}

	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.importpath = importpath
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg, importpath)

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(compiler.llvmtypes, compiler.module.Module, importpath, exprTypes, compiler.FunctionCache, resolver)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Create global constructors. The initfuncs/varinitfuncs
	// slices are in the order of visitation, and that is how
	// their priorities are assigned.
	// The llgo linker (llgo-link) is responsible for reordering
	// global constructors according to package dependency order.
	var initfuncs [][]Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		elttypes := []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type(), llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)}
		ctortype := llvm.StructType(elttypes, false)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var priority uint64 = 1
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fn := range initfuncs {
				priorityval := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(priority), false)
				struct_values := []llvm.Value{priorityval, fn.LLVMValue()}
				ctors = append(ctors, llvm.ConstStruct(struct_values, false))
		global_ctors_init := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		global_ctors_var := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, global_ctors_init.Type(), "llvm.global_ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Exemple #13
func (compiler *compiler) Compile(fset *token.FileSet,
	pkg *ast.Package, importpath string,
	exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) (m *Module, err error) {
	// FIXME create a compilation state, rather than storing in 'compiler'.
	compiler.fileset = fset
	compiler.pkg = pkg
	compiler.importpath = importpath
	compiler.initfuncs = nil
	compiler.varinitfuncs = nil

	// Create a Builder, for building LLVM instructions.
	compiler.builder = llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer compiler.builder.Dispose()

	// Create a TargetMachine from the OS & Arch.
	triple := compiler.GetTargetTriple()
	var machine llvm.TargetMachine
	for target := llvm.FirstTarget(); target.C != nil && machine.C == nil; target = target.NextTarget() {
		if target.Name() == compiler.targetArch {
			machine = target.CreateTargetMachine(triple, "", "",
			defer machine.Dispose()

	if machine.C == nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid target triple: %s", triple)

	// Create a Module, which contains the LLVM bitcode. Dispose it on panic,
	// otherwise we'll set a finalizer at the end. The caller may invoke
	// Dispose manually, which will render the finalizer a no-op.
	modulename := pkg.Name
	compiler.target = machine.TargetData()
	compiler.module = &Module{llvm.NewModule(modulename), modulename, false}
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//err = e.(error)

	// Create a mapping from objects back to packages, so we can create the
	// appropriate symbol names.
	compiler.pkgmap = createPackageMap(pkg, importpath)

	// Create a struct responsible for mapping static types to LLVM types,
	// and to runtime/dynamic type values.
	var resolver Resolver = compiler
	llvmtypemap := NewLLVMTypeMap(compiler.module.Module, compiler.target)
	compiler.FunctionCache = NewFunctionCache(compiler)
	compiler.types = NewTypeMap(llvmtypemap, importpath, exprTypes, compiler.FunctionCache, compiler.pkgmap, resolver)

	// Compile each file in the package.
	for _, file := range pkg.Files {
		file.Scope.Outer = pkg.Scope
		compiler.filescope = file.Scope
		compiler.scope = file.Scope
		for _, decl := range file.Decls {

	// Define intrinsics for use by the runtime: malloc, free, memcpy, etc.
	// These could be defined in LLVM IR, and may be moved there later.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Export runtime type information.
	if pkg.Name == "runtime" {

	// Create global constructors.
	// XXX When imports are handled, we'll need to defer creating
	//     llvm.global_ctors until we create an executable. This is
	//     due to (a) imports having to be initialised before the
	//     importer, and (b) LLVM having no specified order of
	//     initialisation for ctors with the same priority.
	var initfuncs [][]Value
	if compiler.varinitfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.varinitfuncs)
	if compiler.initfuncs != nil {
		initfuncs = append(initfuncs, compiler.initfuncs)
	if initfuncs != nil {
		elttypes := []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type(), llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false), 0)}
		ctortype := llvm.StructType(elttypes, false)
		var ctors []llvm.Value
		var priority uint64
		for _, initfuncs := range initfuncs {
			for _, fn := range initfuncs {
				priorityval := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(priority), false)
				struct_values := []llvm.Value{priorityval, fn.LLVMValue()}
				ctors = append(ctors, llvm.ConstStruct(struct_values, false))
		global_ctors_init := llvm.ConstArray(ctortype, ctors)
		global_ctors_var := llvm.AddGlobal(compiler.module.Module, global_ctors_init.Type(), "llvm.global_ctors")

	// Create debug metadata.

	return compiler.module, nil
Exemple #14
func (tm *TypeMap) uncommonType(n *types.Name, ptr bool) llvm.Value {
	uncommonTypeInit := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeUncommonType)
	namePtr := tm.globalStringPtr(n.Obj.Name)
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, namePtr, []uint32{0})
	var pkgpathPtr llvm.Value
	if n.Package != "" {
		pkgpathPtr = tm.globalStringPtr(n.Package)
		uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, pkgpathPtr, []uint32{1})

	// Store methods.
	methods := make([]llvm.Value, 0, len(n.Methods))
	for _, m := range n.Methods {
		ftyp := m.Type.(*types.Func)
		ptrrecv := !types.Identical(ftyp.Recv.Type.(types.Type), n)
		if !ptr && ptrrecv {
			// For a type T, we only store methods where the
			// receiver is T and not *T. For *T we store both.

		method := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeMethod)
		name := tm.globalStringPtr(m.Name)
		name = llvm.ConstBitCast(name, tm.runtimeMethod.StructElementTypes()[0])
		// name
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, name, []uint32{0})
		// pkgPath
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, pkgpathPtr, []uint32{1})
		// mtyp (method type, no receiver)
			recv := ftyp.Recv
			ftyp.Recv = nil
			mtyp := tm.ToRuntime(ftyp)
			method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, mtyp, []uint32{2})
			ftyp.Recv = recv
		// typ (function type, with receiver)
		typ := tm.ToRuntime(ftyp)
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, typ, []uint32{3})

		// tfn (standard method/function pointer for plain method calls)
		tfn := tm.resolver.Resolve(m).LLVMValue()
		tfn = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(tfn, tm.target.IntPtrType())

		// ifn (single-word receiver function pointer for interface calls)
		ifn := tfn
		needload := ptr && !ptrrecv
		if !needload {
			recvtyp := tm.ToLLVM(ftyp.Recv.Type.(types.Type))
			needload = int(tm.target.TypeAllocSize(recvtyp)) > tm.target.PointerSize()
		if needload {
			// If the receiver type is wider than a word, we
			// need to use an intermediate function which takes
			// a pointer-receiver, loads it, and then calls the
			// standard receiver function.
			fname := fmt.Sprintf("*%s.%s", ftyp.Recv.Type, m.Name)
			ifn = tm.module.NamedFunction(fname)
			ifn = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(ifn, tm.target.IntPtrType())

		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, ifn, []uint32{4})
		method = llvm.ConstInsertValue(method, tfn, []uint32{5})
		methods = append(methods, method)

	var methodsGlobalPtr llvm.Value
	if len(methods) > 0 {
		methodsArray := llvm.ConstArray(tm.runtimeMethod, methods)
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, methodsArray.Type(), "")
		i32zero := llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int32Type())
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstGEP(methodsGlobalPtr, []llvm.Value{i32zero, i32zero})
	} else {
		methodsGlobalPtr = llvm.ConstNull(llvm.PointerType(tm.runtimeMethod, 0))
	len_ := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(len(methods)), false)
	methodsSliceType := tm.runtimeUncommonType.StructElementTypes()[2]
	methodsSlice := llvm.ConstNull(methodsSliceType)
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, methodsGlobalPtr, []uint32{0})
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, len_, []uint32{1})
	methodsSlice = llvm.ConstInsertValue(methodsSlice, len_, []uint32{2})
	uncommonTypeInit = llvm.ConstInsertValue(uncommonTypeInit, methodsSlice, []uint32{2})
	return uncommonTypeInit