Exemple #1
// TODO: (eg newsquest sites)
// <span data-format="article-display" data-show-date="always" data-show-time="today-only" data-timestamp="1461211200" itemprop="datePublished" class="timestamp formatTimeStamp" full-date="20.04.2016">20 mins ago</span>
func grabDates(root *html.Node, artURL *url.URL,
	contentNodes []*html.Node, headlineNode *html.Node, scriptNodes []*html.Node,
	cruftBlocks []*html.Node) (fuzzytime.DateTime, fuzzytime.DateTime) {
	dbug := Debug.DatesLogger
	var publishedCandidates = make(dateCandidateList, 0, 32)
	var updatedCandidates = make(dateCandidateList, 0, 32)

	// there might be an obvious date in the URL
	urlDate := dateFromURL(artURL)

	// look for timestamps in <meta> tags
	metaPublished, metaUpdated := datesFromMeta(root)

	if metaPublished.HasFullDate() && metaUpdated.HasFullDate() {
		return metaPublished, metaUpdated

	evilPublished := checkEvilSpecialCaseHacks(artURL, scriptNodes)
	// get a list of elements between headline and content
	betwixt := []*html.Node{}
	if headlineNode != nil && len(contentNodes) > 0 {
		var err error
		betwixt, err = interveningElements(headlineNode, contentNodes[0])
		if err != nil {
			betwixt = []*html.Node{}
	betwixtValue := 1.0

	for _, node := range dateSels.tags.MatchAll(root) {

		var txt string
		// a couple of cases where we want text from attrs instead
		switch node.DataAtom {
		case atom.Time:
			txt = getAttr(node, "datetime")
			if txt == "" {
				txt = getTextContent(node)
		case atom.Abbr:
			txt = getAttr(node, "title")
			if txt == "" {
				txt = getTextContent(node)
			// check for obvious machine-readable timestamps
			foo := getAttr(node, "data-timestamp")
			if foo != "" {
				i, err := strconv.ParseInt(foo, 10, 64)
				if err == nil {
					tm := time.Unix(i, 0).UTC()
					if tm.Year() < 10000 {
						// OK, looks sensible(ish). We'll use it.
						// Cheesy hack - pass it on as text for re-parsing!
						txt = tm.Format(time.RFC3339)
					// else probable javascript timestamp TODO: divide by 1000 and try again!
			if txt == "" {
				txt = getTextContent(node)

		if len(txt) < 6 || len(txt) > 150 {
			continue // too short

		// got some date/time info?
		dt, spans, _ := fuzzytime.WesternContext.Extract(txt)
		if dt.Empty() {
			continue // no data, (or there was an error)

		//dbug.Printf("considering %s (%s) '%f'\n", describeNode(node), dt.String(), dateProportion)
		publishedC := newDateCandidate(node, txt, dt)
		updatedC := newDateCandidate(node, txt, dt)

		var dateProportion float64
		if node.DataAtom == atom.P {
			// for paragraphs, calculate proportion of text which is date/time
			mcnt := 0
			for _, span := range spans {
				mcnt += span.End - span.Begin
			dateProportion = float64(mcnt) / float64(len(txt))
			if dateProportion < 0.5 {
				continue // too much text, not enough date.

		// prefer datetimes over just dates (or times)
		if dt.HasYear() && dt.HasMonth() && dt.HasDay() {
			if dt.HasHour() && dt.HasMinute() {
				publishedC.addPoints(0.75, "datetime")
				updatedC.addPoints(0.75, "datetime")
		if dt.Date.Empty() {
			publishedC.addPoints(-0.5, "no date")
			updatedC.addPoints(-0.5, "no date")

		// TEST: is machine readable?
		if node.DataAtom == atom.Time {
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "<time>")
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "<time>")

		// TEST: indicative text ("posted:" etc...)
		if datePats.publishedIndicativeText.MatchString(txt) {
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "indicative text")
		// TEST: indicative text ("posted:" etc...)
		if datePats.updatedIndicativeText.MatchString(txt) {
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "indicative text")

		// TEST: hAtom date markup
		if dateSels.hatomPublished.Match(node) {
			publishedC.addPoints(2, "hentry .published")
		if dateSels.hatomUpdated.Match(node) {
			publishedC.addPoints(2, "hentry .updated")

		// TEST: likely class or id?
		if datePats.genericClasses.MatchString(getAttr(node, "class")) {
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "likely class")
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "likely class")
		if datePats.genericClasses.MatchString(getAttr(node, "id")) {
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "likely id")
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "likely id")
		// TEST: likely class or id for published?
		if datePats.publishedClasses.MatchString(getAttr(node, "class")) {
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "likely class for published")
		if datePats.publishedClasses.MatchString(getAttr(node, "id")) {
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "likely id for published")
		// TEST: likely class or id for updated?
		if datePats.updatedClasses.MatchString(getAttr(node, "class")) {
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "likely class for updated")
		if datePats.updatedClasses.MatchString(getAttr(node, "id")) {
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "likely id for updated")

		// TEST: RDFa property="dc:issued"  (issued, updated, created etc)
		if dateSels.rdfaPublished.Match(node) {
			publishedC.addPoints(1, "likely rdfa markup for published")
		if dateSels.rdfaUpdated.Match(node) {
			updatedC.addPoints(1, "likely rdfa markup for updated")

		// TEST: within article content?
		for _, contentNode := range contentNodes {
			if contains(contentNode, node) {
				publishedC.addPoints(1, "contained within content")
				updatedC.addPoints(1, "contained within content")
		// TEST: share a parent with content?
		for _, contentNode := range contentNodes {
			if contains(contentNode.Parent, node) {
				publishedC.addPoints(1, "near content")
				updatedC.addPoints(1, "near content")

		// TEST: within a crfut block? (comment, social link, whatever)
		for _, cruftBlock := range cruftBlocks {
			if contains(cruftBlock, node) {
				desc := fmt.Sprintf("inside cruft (%s)", describeNode(cruftBlock))
				publishedC.addPoints(-3, desc)
				updatedC.addPoints(-3, desc)

		// TODO: TEST: agrees with <meta> tag values?

		// TEST: between headline and content?

		for _, e := range betwixt {
			if e == node {
				// first one preferred
				updatedC.addPoints(betwixtValue, "between headline and content")
				publishedC.addPoints(betwixtValue, "between headline and content")
				betwixtValue *= 0.9

		// TEST: matches date info in URL?
		// (if not, fill in any missing fields using the URL date!)
		if !urlDate.Empty() {
			if urlDate.Conflicts(&dt.Date) {
				updatedC.addPoints(-1, "clash with date in url")
				publishedC.addPoints(-1, "clash with date in url")
			} else {
				updatedC.dt = dt
				publishedC.dt = dt

		// TODO: TEST - proximity to top or bottom of article content
		// TODO: check for value-title pattern?
		if publishedC.total() > 0 {
			publishedCandidates = append(publishedCandidates, publishedC)

		if updatedC.total() > 0 {
			updatedCandidates = append(updatedCandidates, updatedC)


	dbug.Printf("date from url: %s\n", urlDate.String())
	dbug.Printf("meta updated: %s\n", metaUpdated.String())
	dbug.Printf("meta published: %s\n", metaPublished.String())
	if !evilPublished.Empty() {
		dbug.Printf("evilspecialcase published: '%s'\n", evilPublished.String())

	dbug.Printf("PUBLISHED: %d candidates\n", len(publishedCandidates))
	for _, c := range publishedCandidates {

	dbug.Printf("UPDATED: %d candidates\n", len(updatedCandidates))
	for _, c := range updatedCandidates {

	var published, updated fuzzytime.DateTime

	// pick best candidate for published
	if best, err := publishedCandidates.TopDate(); err == nil {
		published = best.dt
	} else {
		dbug.Printf("published: Didn't pick any (%s)", err)

	if published.Empty() {
		if !metaPublished.Empty() {
			published = metaPublished
		} else if !urlDate.Empty() {
			published = fuzzytime.DateTime{Date: urlDate}
		} else if !evilPublished.Empty() {
			published = evilPublished

	// updated: use meta data if present
	if metaUpdated.HasFullDate() {
		updated = metaUpdated
	} else {
		if best, err := updatedCandidates.TopDate(); err == nil {
			updated = best.dt
			// if time only, use date from published
			if updated.Date.Empty() && !updated.Time.Empty() {
				updated.Date = published.Date
		} else {
			dbug.Printf("updated: Didn't pick any (%s)", err)

	return published, updated