Exemple #1
func (rp *NativeReverseProxy) Initialize(rpConfig ReverseProxyConfig) (string, error) {
	var err error
	rp.ReverseProxyConfig = rpConfig
	rp.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", rpConfig.Listen)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	rp.server = manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{Handler: rp})
	rp.dialer = &net.Dialer{
		Timeout:   rp.DialTimeout,
		KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
	rp.Transport = http.Transport{
		Dial:                rp.dialer.Dial,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: rp.DialTimeout,
		MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 100,
	rp.rp = &httputil.ReverseProxy{
		Director:      noopDirector,
		Transport:     rp,
		FlushInterval: rp.FlushInterval,
		BufferPool:    &bufferPool{},
	return rp.listener.Addr().String(), nil
Exemple #2
// Run is called to start the web service.
func Run(host string, routes http.Handler, readTimeout, writeTimeout time.Duration) error {

	// Create a new server and set timeout values.
	server := manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{
		Addr:           host,
		Handler:        routes,
		ReadTimeout:    readTimeout,
		WriteTimeout:   writeTimeout,
		MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,

	go func() {

		// Listen for an interrupt signal from the OS.
		osSignals := make(chan os.Signal)
		signal.Notify(osSignals, os.Interrupt)


		// Shut down the API server.

	return server.ListenAndServe()
Exemple #3
func runServer(c *cli.Context) {
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", c.String("listen"))
	if err != nil {
	router := Router{
		ReadRedisHost:  c.String("read-redis-host"),
		ReadRedisPort:  c.Int("read-redis-port"),
		WriteRedisHost: c.String("write-redis-host"),
		WriteRedisPort: c.Int("write-redis-port"),
		LogPath:        c.String("access-log"),
		RequestTimeout: time.Duration(c.Int("request-timeout")) * time.Second,
		DialTimeout:    time.Duration(c.Int("dial-timeout")) * time.Second,
		DeadBackendTTL: c.Int("dead-backend-time"),
		FlushInterval:  time.Duration(c.Int("flush-interval")) * time.Millisecond,
	err = router.Init()
	if err != nil {
	s := manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{Handler: &router})
	log.Printf("Listening on %v...\n", listener.Addr())
	err = s.Serve(listener)
	if err != nil {
Exemple #4
// Runs HTTP server
func (wh *WorkerHttp) Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup, die chan bool) {
	defer wg.Done()

	server := manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{
		Addr:    wh.addr,
		Handler: wh.getRouter(),

	// Start goroutine which will gracefully close server
	go func(server *manners.GracefulServer) {
		for {
			select {
			case <-die:
					Info("Stopping HTTP server")


		WithField("addr", server.Addr).
		Info("HTTP server started")

	_ = server.ListenAndServe()
Exemple #5
func (hd *HealthD) startHttpServer(hostPort string) {
	server := manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{
		Addr:    hostPort,
		Handler: hd.apiRouter(),
	hd.stopHTTP = server.Close
Exemple #6
// Run starts the server
func (s *Server) Run(log *logrus.Entry) error {
	s.log = log.WithField("app", AppName)

	// Init the app

	s.gracefulServer = manners.NewWithServer(s.httpServer(s.log))
	return s.gracefulServer.ListenAndServe()
Exemple #7
// Start initializes and starts the web server
func Start() {

	srv = &Server{}
	srv.Router = mux.NewRouter()

	srv.Server = manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{
		Addr:           ":8080",
		Handler:        srv.Router,
		ReadTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
		WriteTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
		MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,

	log.Printf("Starting Server v%s ...", meta.App.Version)
Exemple #8
func main() {

	shutdown := make(chan int)

	//create a notification channel to shutdown
	sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)

	//start the main http server for serving traffic
	router := httprouter.New()
	router.GET("/", hello)
	server := manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{Addr: ":80", Handler: router})
	go func() {
		shutdown <- 1

	//start the system server for health checks and shutdowns
	s := &status{
		ready: false,

	hRouter := httprouter.New()
	hRouter.GET("/ready", makeReady(s))
	hRouter.GET("/prestop", makePrestop(s))
	go func() {
		http.ListenAndServe(":8080", hRouter)

	//register for interupt (Ctrl+C) and SIGTERM (docker)
	signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
	go func() {
		fmt.Println("Shutting down...")

	//move server to ready state
	s.ready = true

Exemple #9
func main() {
	// Initialize common startup setting

	// Load configs
	config := common.LoadGlobConfigs("config.*.yaml")
	// common.MergeConfigFromConsul(config)

	// Initialize store handler
	storeHandler, err := frontend.NewStoreHandler()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Initialize store handler failed: %s", err)

	apiMux := http.NewServeMux()
	apiMux.Handle("/store/", storeHandler)
	apiHandler := http.Handler(apiMux)

	rootMux := http.NewServeMux()
	rootMux.Handle("/_health", frontend.NewHealthCheckHandler())
	rootMux.Handle("/_version", frontend.NewVersionHandler())
	rootMux.Handle("/", apiHandler)

	log.Printf("Starting HTTP listener on %s...", config.GetString("http.endpoint"))
	httpServer := manners.NewWithServer(
			Addr:    config.GetString("http.endpoint"),
			Handler: rootMux,

	// Listen for signals and do graceful shutdown
	sigCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sigCh, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)

	go func() {

		log.Printf("Shutting down...")

		// Stop catching signals, so that we can actually stop on second signal

		atomic.StoreInt32(&frontend.Shutdown, 1)

		// Slow down shutdown to get some extra time for graceful restart
		log.Printf("Done sleeping!")

		// Shutdown HTTP

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		err := httpServer.ListenAndServe()

		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Listen error: %s", err)

Exemple #10
func (app *App) Run() error {
	if app.options.PermitWrite {
		log.Printf("Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.")

	if app.options.Once {
		log.Printf("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")

	path := ""
	if app.options.EnableRandomUrl {
		path += "/" + generateRandomString(app.options.RandomUrlLength)

	endpoint := ""
	if app.options.EnalbeRandomPort {
		laddr := net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 0}
		l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp4", &laddr)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Get wrong random port.")
			return err
		addr := l.Addr()
		endpoint = net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, strconv.Itoa(addr.(*net.TCPAddr).Port))
	} else {
		endpoint = net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, app.options.Port)

	wsHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleWS)
	customIndexHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleCustomIndex)
	authTokenHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleAuthToken)
	staticHandler := http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"},

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()

	if app.options.IndexFile != "" {
		log.Printf("Using index file at " + app.options.IndexFile)
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", customIndexHandler)
	} else {
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/auth_token.js", authTokenHandler)
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/js/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/favicon.png", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if app.options.EnableBasicAuth {
		log.Printf("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, app.options.Credential)

	wsMux := http.NewServeMux()
	wsMux.Handle("/", siteHandler)
	wsMux.Handle(path+"/ws", wsHandler)
	siteHandler = (http.Handler(wsMux))

	siteHandler = wrapLogger(siteHandler)

	scheme := "http"
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
		"Server is starting with command: %s",
		strings.Join(app.command, " "),
	if app.options.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		if app.options.EnalbeRandomPort {
			randomPort := strings.Split(endpoint, ":")[1]
			for _, address := range listAddresses() {
					"URL: %s",
						Scheme: scheme,
						Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, randomPort),
						Path:   path + "/",
		} else {
			for _, address := range listAddresses() {
					"URL: %s",
						Scheme: scheme,
						Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, app.options.Port),
						Path:   path + "/",

	var err error
	app.server = manners.NewWithServer(
		&http.Server{Addr: endpoint, Handler: siteHandler},
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		crtFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCrtFile)
		keyFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSKeyFile)
		log.Printf("TLS crt file: " + crtFile)
		log.Printf("TLS key file: " + keyFile)
		err = app.server.ListenAndServeTLS(crtFile, keyFile)
	} else {
		err = app.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #11
Fichier : ran.go Projet : mix3/ran
func New(svr *http.Server, sigs []os.Signal) *server {
	return &server{
		m:    manners.NewWithServer(svr),
		sigs: sigs,
Exemple #12
func (app *App) Run() error {
	if app.options.PermitWrite {
		log.Printf("Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.")

	if app.options.Once {
		log.Printf("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")

	path := ""
	if app.options.EnableRandomUrl {
		path += "/" + generateRandomString(app.options.RandomUrlLength)

	endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, app.options.Port)

	wsHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleWS)
	customIndexHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleCustomIndex)
	authTokenHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleAuthToken)
	staticHandler := http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"},

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()

	if app.options.IndexFile != "" {
		log.Printf("Using index file at " + app.options.IndexFile)
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", customIndexHandler)
	} else {
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/auth_token.js", authTokenHandler)
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/js/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/favicon.png", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if app.options.EnableBasicAuth {
		log.Printf("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, app.options.Credential)

	wsMux := http.NewServeMux()
	wsMux.Handle("/", siteHandler)
	wsMux.Handle(path+"/ws", wsHandler)
	siteHandler = (http.Handler(wsMux))

	siteHandler = wrapLogger(siteHandler)

	scheme := "http"
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
		"Server is starting with command: %s",
		strings.Join(app.command, " "),
	if app.options.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		for _, address := range listAddresses() {
				"URL: %s",
					Scheme: scheme,
					Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, app.options.Port),
					Path:   path + "/",

	serverMaker := func() *http.Server {
		return &http.Server{
			Addr:    endpoint,
			Handler: siteHandler}
	if app.options.VerifyClientCert && app.options.EnableTLS {
		serverMaker = func() *http.Server {
			clientCaPool := x509.NewCertPool()
			for _, path := range app.options.ClientCAs {
				pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
				if err != nil {
					log.Printf("Could not read pem file at: " + path)
					return nil
				if clientCaPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem) {
					log.Printf("Could not parse pem file at: " + path)
					return nil
			return &http.Server{
				Addr:    endpoint,
				Handler: siteHandler,
				TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
					ClientAuth:               tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
					ClientCAs:                clientCaPool,
					PreferServerCipherSuites: true}}

	server := serverMaker()
	if server == nil {
		log.Printf("Failed to build server.")
		return errors.New("Failed to build server.")

	var err error
	app.server = manners.NewWithServer(
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		crtFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCrtFile)
		keyFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSKeyFile)
		log.Printf("TLS crt file: " + crtFile)
		log.Printf("TLS key file: " + keyFile)
		err = app.server.ListenAndServeTLS(crtFile, keyFile)
	} else {
		err = app.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #13
func run() error {
	var staticHandler http.Handler

	if GlobalOpt.Once {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")

	endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(GlobalOpt.Address, GlobalOpt.Port)

	staticHandler = http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"})

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()
	siteMux.Handle("/", staticHandler)
	siteMux.Handle("/auth_token.js", http.HandlerFunc(daemon.handleAuthToken))
	if GlobalOpt.Debug {
		staticHandler = http.HandlerFunc(resourcesHandler)
	siteMux.Handle("/js/", staticHandler)
	siteMux.Handle("/css/", staticHandler)
	siteMux.Handle("/font/", staticHandler)
	siteMux.Handle("/favicon.ico", staticHandler)

	//add demo handler
	if GlobalOpt.DemoEnable {
		siteMux.HandleFunc("/demo/", demoHandler)
		siteMux.HandleFunc("/cmd", demoCmdHandler)

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if GlobalOpt.EnableBasicAuth {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, GlobalOpt.Credential)

	wsMux := http.NewServeMux()
	wsMux.Handle("/", wrapHeaders(siteHandler))
	wsMux.Handle("/ws", http.HandlerFunc(wsHandler))
	siteHandler = wrapLogger(http.Handler(wsMux))

	scheme := "http"
	if GlobalOpt.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
			"Server is starting with command: %s\n",
			strings.Join(session.command, " ")
	if GlobalOpt.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		for _, address := range listAddresses() {
				"URL: %s",
					Scheme: scheme,
					Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, GlobalOpt.Port),
					Path:   "/",

	server, err := makeServer(daemon, endpoint, &siteHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Failed to build server: " + err.Error())
	daemon.server = manners.NewWithServer(server)

	if GlobalOpt.EnableTLS {
		crtFile := expandHomeDir(GlobalOpt.TLSCrtFile)
		keyFile := expandHomeDir(GlobalOpt.TLSKeyFile)
		glog.V(0).Infof("TLS crt file: " + crtFile)
		glog.V(0).Infof("TLS key file: " + keyFile)

		err = daemon.server.ListenAndServeTLS(crtFile, keyFile)
	} else {
		err = daemon.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #14
func run() error {

	if GlobalOpt.Once {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")

	path := ""
	if GlobalOpt.EnableRandomUrl {
		path += "/" + generateRandomString(GlobalOpt.RandomUrlLength)

	endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(GlobalOpt.Address, GlobalOpt.Port)

	customIndexHandler := http.HandlerFunc(daemon.handleCustomIndex)
	authTokenHandler := http.HandlerFunc(daemon.handleAuthToken)
	staticHandler := http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"},

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()

	if GlobalOpt.IndexFile != "" {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Using index file at " + GlobalOpt.IndexFile)
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", customIndexHandler)
	} else {
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/auth_token.js", authTokenHandler)
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/js/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/favicon.png", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if GlobalOpt.EnableBasicAuth {
		glog.V(3).Infof("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, GlobalOpt.Credential)

	siteHandler = wrapHeaders(siteHandler)

	wsMux := http.NewServeMux()
	wsMux.Handle("/", siteHandler)
	wsMux.Handle(path+"/ws", http.HandlerFunc(wsHandler))

	siteHandler = wrapLogger(http.Handler(wsMux))

	scheme := "http"
	if GlobalOpt.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
			"Server is starting with command: %s\n",
			strings.Join(session.command, " ")
	if GlobalOpt.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		for _, address := range listAddresses() {
				"URL: %s",
					Scheme: scheme,
					Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, GlobalOpt.Port),
					Path:   path + "/",

	server, err := makeServer(daemon, endpoint, &siteHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Failed to build server: " + err.Error())
	daemon.server = manners.NewWithServer(server)

	if GlobalOpt.EnableTLS {
		crtFile := expandHomeDir(GlobalOpt.TLSCrtFile)
		keyFile := expandHomeDir(GlobalOpt.TLSKeyFile)
		glog.V(0).Infof("TLS crt file: " + crtFile)
		glog.V(0).Infof("TLS key file: " + keyFile)

		err = daemon.server.ListenAndServeTLS(crtFile, keyFile)
	} else {
		err = daemon.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #15
func (app *App) Run() error {
	if app.options.PermitWrite {
		log.Printf("Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.")

	if app.options.Once {
		log.Printf("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")

	path := ""
	if app.options.EnableRandomUrl {
		path += "/" + generateRandomString(app.options.RandomUrlLength)

	endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, app.options.Port)

	wsHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleWS)
	customIndexHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleCustomIndex)
	authTokenHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleAuthToken)
	staticHandler := http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"},

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()

	if app.options.IndexFile != "" {
		log.Printf("Using index file at " + app.options.IndexFile)
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", customIndexHandler)
	} else {
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/auth_token.js", authTokenHandler)
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/js/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/favicon.png", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if app.options.EnableBasicAuth {
		log.Printf("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, app.options.Credential)

	siteHandler = wrapHeaders(siteHandler)

	wsMux := http.NewServeMux()
	wsMux.Handle("/", siteHandler)
	wsMux.Handle(path+"/ws", wsHandler)
	siteHandler = (http.Handler(wsMux))

	siteHandler = wrapLogger(siteHandler)

	scheme := "http"
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
		"Server is starting with command: %s",
		strings.Join(app.command, " "),
	if app.options.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		for _, address := range listAddresses() {
				"URL: %s",
					Scheme: scheme,
					Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, app.options.Port),
					Path:   path + "/",

	server, err := app.makeServer(endpoint, &siteHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Failed to build server: " + err.Error())
	app.server = manners.NewWithServer(

	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		crtFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCrtFile)
		keyFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSKeyFile)
		log.Printf("TLS crt file: " + crtFile)
		log.Printf("TLS key file: " + keyFile)

		err = app.server.ListenAndServeTLS(crtFile, keyFile)
	} else {
		err = app.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #16
func (app *App) Run() error {
	if app.options.PermitWrite {
		log.Printf("Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.")

	path := ""
	if app.options.EnableRandomUrl {
		path += "/" + generateRandomString(app.options.RandomUrlLength)

	endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, app.options.Port)

	wsHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleWS)
	staticHandler := http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"},

	if app.options.Once {
		log.Printf("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()

	if app.options.IndexFile != "" {
		log.Printf("Using index file at " + app.options.IndexFile)
		indexHandler := http.HandlerFunc(
			func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
				http.ServeFile(w, r, ExpandHomeDir(app.options.IndexFile))
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", indexHandler)
	} else {
		siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))

	siteMux.Handle(path+"/js/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/favicon.png", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/ws", wsHandler)

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if app.options.EnableBasicAuth {
		log.Printf("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, app.options.Credential)

	siteHandler = wrapLogger(siteHandler)

	scheme := "http"
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
		"Server is starting with command: %s",
		strings.Join(app.command, " "),
	if app.options.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		for _, address := range listAddresses() {
				"URL: %s",
					Scheme: scheme,
					Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, app.options.Port),
					Path:   path + "/",

	var err error
	app.server = manners.NewWithServer(
		&http.Server{Addr: endpoint, Handler: siteHandler},
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		err = app.server.ListenAndServeTLS(
	} else {
		err = app.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #17
func (app *App) Run() error {
	if app.options.PermitWrite {
		log.Printf("Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.")

	path := ""
	if app.options.RandomUrl {
		path += "/" + generateRandomString(8)

	endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, app.options.Port)

	wsHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleWS)
	staticHandler := http.FileServer(
		&assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"},

	if app.options.Once {
		log.Printf("Once option is provided, accepting only one client")
		wsHandler = wrapOnce(wsHandler, app)

	var siteMux = http.NewServeMux()
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler))
	siteMux.Handle(path+"/ws", wsHandler)

	siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux)

	if app.options.Credential != "" {
		log.Printf("Using Basic Authentication")
		siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, app.options.Credential)

	siteHandler = wrapLogger(siteHandler)

	scheme := "http"
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		scheme = "https"
		"Server is starting with command: %s",
		strings.Join(app.options.Command, " "),
	if app.options.Address != "" {
			"URL: %s",
			(&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(),
	} else {
		for _, address := range listAddresses() {
				"URL: %s",
					Scheme: scheme,
					Host:   net.JoinHostPort(address, app.options.Port),
					Path:   path + "/",

	var err error
	app.server = manners.NewWithServer(
		&http.Server{Addr: endpoint, Handler: siteHandler},
	if app.options.EnableTLS {
		cert, key := app.loadTLSFiles()
		err = app.server.ListenAndServeTLS(cert, key)
	} else {
		err = app.server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil
Exemple #18
func GetUserToken(client_id string, client_secret string, socket string) (string, error) {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	result := make(chan string)
	error := make(chan error)

	redirect_uri := "http://" + socket + "/oauth"

	mux.HandleFunc("/oauth", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		code := r.URL.Query().Get("code")
		if code == "" {
			fmt.Fprintln(w, "You must specify code in querystring. Probably Oauth error...")

		v := url.Values{}
		v.Set("client_id", client_id)
		v.Set("client_secret", client_secret)
		v.Set("grant_type", "authorization_code")
		v.Set("redirect_uri", redirect_uri)
		v.Set("code", code)

		resp, err := http.PostForm("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/oauth2/token", v)
		if err != nil {
			error <- err

		contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		if err != nil {
			error <- err

		var tokenResp TokenResponse
		err2 := json.Unmarshal(contents, &tokenResp)

		if err2 != nil {
			error <- err2
		w.Write([]byte("we got the token, close this now"))

		result <- tokenResp.AccessToken

	mux.HandleFunc("/authorize", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		v := url.Values{}
		v.Set("client_id", client_id)
		v.Set("response_type", "code")
		v.Set("redirect_uri", redirect_uri)
		v.Set("scope", "user_read")

		url := "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/oauth2/authorize?" + v.Encode()
		http.Redirect(w, r, url, 302)

	s := manners.NewWithServer(&http.Server{
		Addr:    socket,
		Handler: mux,
	defer s.Close()

	go func() {
		fmt.Println("Visit http://" + socket + "/authorize to get a key")

	select {
	case r := <-result:
		return r, nil
	case e := <-error:
		return "", e