Exemple #1
// Plays this sound over the specified VoiceConnection
func (s *Sound) Play(vc *discordgo.VoiceConnection) {
	defer vc.Speaking(false)

	for _, buff := range s.buffer {
		vc.OpusSend <- buff
Exemple #2
// Play a sound
func PlaySound(s *discordgo.Session, play *Play, vc *discordgo.VoiceConnection) (err error) {
		"play": play,
	}).Info("Playing sound")

	if vc == nil {
		vc, err = s.ChannelVoiceJoin(play.GuildID, play.ChannelID, false, false)
		// vc.Receive = false
		if err != nil {
				"error": err,
			}).Error("Failed to play sound")
			delete(queues, play.GuildID)
			return err

	// If we need to change channels, do that now
	if vc.ChannelID != play.ChannelID {
		vc.ChangeChannel(play.ChannelID, false, false)
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 125)

	// // Track stats for this play in redis
	// go rdTrackSoundStats(play)

	// Sleep for a specified amount of time before playing the sound
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 32)

	// Play the sound

	// If this is chained, play the chained sound
	if play.Next != nil {
		PlaySound(s, play.Next, vc)

	// If there is another song in the queue, recurse and play that
	if len(queues[play.GuildID]) > 0 {
		play := <-queues[play.GuildID]
		PlaySound(s, play, vc)
		return nil

	// If the queue is empty, delete it
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(play.Sound.PartDelay))
	delete(queues, play.GuildID)
	return nil
Exemple #3
// PlayAudioFile will play the given filename to the already connected
// Discord voice server/channel.  voice websocket and udp socket
// must already be setup before this will work.
func PlayAudioFile(v *discordgo.VoiceConnection, filename string) {

	// Create a shell command "object" to run.
	run = exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-i", filename, "-f", "s16le", "-ar", strconv.Itoa(frameRate), "-ac", strconv.Itoa(channels), "pipe:1")
	ffmpegout, err := run.StdoutPipe()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("StdoutPipe Error:", err)

	ffmpegbuf := bufio.NewReaderSize(ffmpegout, 16384)

	// Starts the ffmpeg command
	err = run.Start()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("RunStart Error:", err)

	// Send "speaking" packet over the voice websocket

	// Send not "speaking" packet over the websocket when we finish
	defer v.Speaking(false)

	// will actually only spawn one instance, a bit hacky.
	if send == nil {
		send = make(chan []int16, 2)
	go SendPCM(v, send)

	for {

		// read data from ffmpeg stdout
		audiobuf := make([]int16, frameSize*channels)
		err = binary.Read(ffmpegbuf, binary.LittleEndian, &audiobuf)
		if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("error reading from ffmpeg stdout :", err)

		// Send received PCM to the sendPCM channel
		send <- audiobuf
Exemple #4
// Takes inbound audio and sends it right back out.
func Echo(v *discordgo.VoiceConnection) {

	recv := make(chan *discordgo.Packet, 2)
	go dgvoice.ReceivePCM(v, recv)

	send := make(chan []int16, 2)
	go dgvoice.SendPCM(v, send)

	defer v.Speaking(false)

	for {

		p, ok := <-recv
		if !ok {

		send <- p.PCM