func (a *AnalyzerBase) ConfirmDatabases(foundDbs *common.Lister) *common.Lister {
	var dbs common.Lister
	for _, db := range foundDbs.Items {
		if !a.ShouldPrompt {
			common.PrintlnL2("Found %s", db)
		if common.AskYesOrNo(fmt.Sprintf("Found %s, confirm?", db), true, a.ShouldPrompt) {

	var message string
	var defaultValue bool
	if len(foundDbs.Items) > 0 {
		message = "Add any other databases?"
		defaultValue = false
	} else {
		message = "No databases found. Add manually?"
		defaultValue = true

	if common.AskYesOrNo(message, defaultValue, a.ShouldPrompt) && a.ShouldPrompt {
		common.PrintlnL1("  See for complete list of possible values")
		common.PrintlnL1("  Example: 'mysql elasticsearch' ")
		common.PrintL1("> ")

		reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		otherDbs, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
		if err == nil {
	return &dbs
func (a *AnalyzerBase) ConfirmVersion(found bool, version string, defaultVersion string) string {
	message := fmt.Sprintf("Found %s version %s, confirm?", a.GetPack().Name(), version)
	if found && common.AskYesOrNo(message, true, a.ShouldPrompt) {
		return version
	return common.AskUserWithDefault(fmt.Sprintf("Enter %s version:", a.GetPack().Name()), defaultVersion, a.ShouldPrompt)
Exemple #3
func (a *Analyzer) findWSGIFile() (bool, string) {
	var found []string
	WSGIPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^(wsgi\\.py|.*\\.wsgi)$")
	filepath.Walk(a.RootDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return nil
		if WSGIPattern.MatchString(filepath.Base(path)) {
			found = append(found, path)
		return nil

	wsgi := ""
	if len(found) == 1 && common.AskYesOrNo(fmt.Sprintf("Found WSGI file %s, confirm?", found[0]), true, a.ShouldPrompt) {
		wsgi = found[0]
	} else if len(found) > 1 && a.ShouldPrompt {
		answer := common.AskMultipleChoices("Found several potential WSGI files. Please choose one:", append(found, "Other"))
		if answer != "Other" {
			wsgi = answer

	if wsgi == "" && a.ShouldPrompt {
		wsgi = common.AskUser("Enter WSGI file path")
	return wsgi != "", wsgi
func (a *AnalyzerBase) AskForCommand(defaultCommand string, step string) string {
	confirmed := defaultCommand != "" && common.AskYesOrNo(fmt.Sprintf("This command will be run after each %s: '%s', confirm?", step, defaultCommand), true, a.ShouldPrompt)
	if confirmed {
		return defaultCommand
	} else {
		return common.AskUserWithDefault(fmt.Sprintf("Enter command to run after each %s:", step), "", a.ShouldPrompt)