package broker_test

import (
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Service broker", func() {
	var subway *broker.Broker

	BeforeEach(func() {
		subway = broker.NewBroker()
		subway.BackendCatalog = brokerapi.CatalogResponse{
			Services: []brokerapi.Service{
					Plans: []brokerapi.ServicePlan{{ID: "plan-uuid"}},
		subway.BackendBrokers = []*broker.BackendBroker{{URI: "TEST-SUCCESS"}}

	Describe(".Provision", func() {
		Context("when the plan is recognized", func() {
			It("creates an instance if first backend ok", func() {
				subway.BackendBrokers = []*broker.BackendBroker{{URI: "TEST-SUCCESS"}}
				_, _, err := subway.Provision("some-id", brokerapi.ProvisionDetails{PlanID: "plan-uuid"}, false)
Exemple #2
package broker_test

import (
	. ""
	. ""


var _ = Describe("Service broker", func() {
	var subway *broker.Broker

	BeforeEach(func() {
		subway = broker.NewBroker()
		subway.Catalog = []brokerapi.Service{
				Plans: []brokerapi.ServicePlan{{ID: "plan-uuid"}},
		subway.BackendBrokers = []*broker.BackendBroker{{URI: "TEST-SUCCESS"}}

	Describe(".Provision", func() {
		Context("when the plan is recognized", func() {
			It("creates an instance if first backend ok", func() {
				subway.BackendBrokers = []*broker.BackendBroker{{URI: "TEST-SUCCESS"}}
				err := subway.Provision("some-id", brokerapi.ProvisionDetails{PlanID: "plan-uuid"})