Exemple #1
func (cmd CreateSecurityGroup) Metadata() command_metadata.CommandMetadata {
	return command_metadata.CommandMetadata{
		Name:        "create-security-group",
		Description: "<<< description goes here >>>",
		Usage:       "CF_NAME create-security-group NAME",
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			flag_helpers.NewStringFlag("rules", "Create Rules Everything Around Me"),
			flag_helpers.NewStringSliceFlag("space", "BOOM A SPACE IS HERE"),
Exemple #2
func (cmd *Curl) Metadata() command_metadata.CommandMetadata {
	return command_metadata.CommandMetadata{
		Name:        "curl",
		Description: "Executes a raw request, content-type set to application/json by default",
		Usage:       "CF_NAME curl PATH [-X METHOD] [-H HEADER] [-d DATA] [-i]",
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.StringFlag{Name: "X", Value: "GET", Usage: "HTTP method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,etc)"},
			flag_helpers.NewStringSliceFlag("H", "Custom headers to include in the request, flag can be specified multiple times"),
			flag_helpers.NewStringFlag("d", "HTTP data to include in the request body"),
			cli.BoolFlag{Name: "i", Usage: "Include response headers in the output"},
			cli.BoolFlag{Name: "v", Usage: "Enable CF_TRACE output for all requests and responses"},
Exemple #3
func (cmd *Curl) Metadata() command_metadata.CommandMetadata {
	return command_metadata.CommandMetadata{
		Name:        "curl",
		Description: T("Executes a raw request, content-type set to application/json by default"),
		Usage:       T("CF_NAME curl PATH [-iv] [-X METHOD] [-H HEADER] [-d DATA] [--output FILE]") + "\n   " + T("For API documentation, please visit http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org"),
		Flags: []cli.Flag{
			cli.BoolFlag{Name: "i", Usage: T("Include response headers in the output")},
			cli.BoolFlag{Name: "v", Usage: T("Enable CF_TRACE output for all requests and responses")},
			cli.StringFlag{Name: "X", Value: "GET", Usage: T("HTTP method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,etc)")},
			flag_helpers.NewStringSliceFlag("H", T("Custom headers to include in the request, flag can be specified multiple times")),
			flag_helpers.NewStringFlag("d", T("HTTP data to include in the request body")),
			flag_helpers.NewStringFlag("output", T("Write curl body to FILE instead of stdout")),