func makeAppWithOptions(appName string) models.Application {
	application := models.Application{}
	application.Name = appName
	application.Guid = "app-guid"
	application.Command = "run main.go"
	application.BuildpackUrl = "go-buildpack"

	domain := models.DomainFields{}
	domain.Name = ""

	route := models.RouteSummary{Host: "foo", Domain: domain}
	secondRoute := models.RouteSummary{Host: appName, Domain: domain}
	packgeUpdatedAt, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", "2012-10-24T19:54:00Z")

	application.State = "started"
	application.InstanceCount = 2
	application.RunningInstances = 2
	application.Memory = 256
	application.HealthCheckTimeout = 100
	application.Routes = []models.RouteSummary{route, secondRoute}
	application.PackageUpdatedAt = &packgeUpdatedAt

	envMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	envMap["foo"] = "bar"
	application.EnvironmentVars = envMap

	application.Services = append(application.Services, models.ServicePlanSummary{
		Guid: "",
		Name: "server1",

	return application
func makeAppWithRoute(appName string) models.Application {
	application := models.Application{}
	application.Name = appName
	application.Guid = "app-guid"
	application.BuildpackUrl = ""
	application.Command = "command1"
	application.Diego = false
	application.DetectedStartCommand = "detected_command"
	application.DiskQuota = 100
	application.EnvironmentVars = map[string]interface{}{"test": 123}
	application.RunningInstances = 2
	application.HealthCheckTimeout = 100
	application.SpaceGuid = "guids_in_spaaace"
	application.PackageState = "STAGED"
	application.StagingFailedReason = "no reason"
	application.State = "started"
	application.InstanceCount = 2
	application.RunningInstances = 2
	application.Memory = 256

	t := time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
	application.PackageUpdatedAt = &t

	services := models.ServicePlanSummary{
		Guid: "s1-guid",
		Name: "s1-service",

	application.Services = []models.ServicePlanSummary{services}

	domain := models.DomainFields{Guid: "domain1-guid", Name: "", OwningOrganizationGuid: "org-123", Shared: true}

	route := models.RouteSummary{Host: "foo", Guid: "foo-guid", Domain: domain}
	secondRoute := models.RouteSummary{Host: appName, Domain: domain}

	application.Stack = &models.Stack{
		Name: "fake_stack",
		Guid: "123-123-123",
	application.Routes = []models.RouteSummary{route, secondRoute}

	return application
func makeAppWithMultipleEnvVars(appName string) models.Application {
	application := models.Application{}
	application.Name = appName
	application.Guid = "app-guid"
	packgeUpdatedAt, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", "2012-10-24T19:54:00Z")

	application.State = "started"
	application.InstanceCount = 2
	application.RunningInstances = 2
	application.Memory = 256
	application.PackageUpdatedAt = &packgeUpdatedAt

	envMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	envMap["foo"] = bool(true)
	envMap["abc"] = "abc"
	envMap["xyz"] = bool(false)
	envMap["bar"] = float64(10)
	application.EnvironmentVars = envMap

	return application
Exemple #4

		It("fails with usage when not provided with exactly three args", func() {
			requirementsFactory.Application = app
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true

			runCommand("zomg", "too", "many", "args")

	Context("when logged in, a space is targeted and given enough args", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			app.EnvironmentVars = map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
			requirementsFactory.Application = app
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true

		Context("when it is new", func() {
			It("is created", func() {
				runCommand("my-app", "DATABASE_URL", "mysql://")

						"Setting env variable",
Exemple #5
		It("fails with usage when not provided with exactly three args", func() {
			requirementsFactory.Application = app
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true

			runCommand("zomg", "too", "many", "args")
				[]string{"Incorrect Usage", "Requires", "arguments"},

	Context("when logged in, a space is targeted and given enough args", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			app.EnvironmentVars = map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}
			requirementsFactory.Application = app
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true

		Context("when it is new", func() {
			It("is created", func() {
				runCommand("my-app", "DATABASE_URL", "mysql://")

						"Setting env variable",

				It("sets the health check timeout", func() {
					name, timeout := fakeManifest.HealthCheckTimeoutArgsForCall(0)

			Context("when the app has environment vars", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					application.EnvironmentVars = map[string]interface{}{
						"float64-key": float64(5),
						"bool-key":    true,
						"string-key":  "string",
					appSummaryRepo.GetSummaryReturns(application, nil)

				It("sets the env vars", func() {
					actuals := map[string]interface{}{}

					for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
						name, k, v := fakeManifest.EnvironmentVarsArgsForCall(i)
						actuals[k] = v
Exemple #7

	Describe("re-pushing an existing app", func() {
		var existingApp models.Application

		BeforeEach(func() {
			existingApp = models.Application{}
			existingApp.Name = "existing-app"
			existingApp.Guid = "existing-app-guid"
			existingApp.Command = "unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb -D"
			existingApp.EnvironmentVars = map[string]string{
				"crazy": "pants",
				"FOO":   "NotYoBaz",
				"foo":   "manchu",

			appRepo.ReadReturns.App = existingApp
			appRepo.UpdateAppResult = existingApp

		It("resets the app's buildpack when the -b flag is provided as 'default'", func() {
			callPush("-b", "default", "existing-app")

		It("resets the app's command when the -c flag is provided as 'default'", func() {
			callPush("-c", "default", "existing-app")
Exemple #8
			Expect(runCommand("foo", "bar")).To(BeFalse())

		It("fails with usage when not provided with exactly 2 args", func() {
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.Application = app

			Expect(runCommand("too", "many", "args")).To(BeFalse())

	Context("when logged in, a space is targeted and provided enough args", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			app.EnvironmentVars = map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar", "DATABASE_URL": "mysql://"}

			requirementsFactory.Application = app
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			requirementsFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true

		It("updates the app and tells the user what happened", func() {
			runCommand("my-app", "DATABASE_URL")

				[]string{"Removing env variable", "DATABASE_URL", "my-app", "my-org", "my-space", "my-user"},
