Exemple #1
// upsertRowPKs returns the primary keys of any rows with potential upsert
// conflicts.
func (tu *tableUpserter) upsertRowPKs(ctx context.Context) ([]roachpb.Key, error) {
	upsertRowPKs := make([]roachpb.Key, len(tu.insertRows))

	if tu.conflictIndex.ID == tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ID {
		// If the conflict index is the primary index, we can compute them directly.
		// In this case, the slice will be filled, but not all rows will have
		// conflicts.
		for i, insertRow := range tu.insertRows {
			upsertRowPK, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
				tu.tableDesc, &tu.conflictIndex, tu.ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex, insertRow, tu.indexKeyPrefix)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			upsertRowPKs[i] = upsertRowPK
		return upsertRowPKs, nil

	// Otherwise, compute the keys for the conflict index and look them up. The
	// primary keys can be constructed from the entries that come back. In this
	// case, some spots in the slice will be nil (indicating no conflict) and the
	// others will be conflicting rows.
	b := tu.txn.NewBatch()
	for _, insertRow := range tu.insertRows {
		entry, err := sqlbase.EncodeSecondaryIndex(
			tu.tableDesc, &tu.conflictIndex, tu.ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex, insertRow)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if log.V(2) {
			log.Infof(ctx, "Get %s\n", entry.Key)

	if err := tu.txn.Run(b); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for i, result := range b.Results {
		// if len(result.Rows) == 0, then no conflict for this row, so leave
		// upsertRowPKs[i] as nil.
		if len(result.Rows) == 1 {
			if result.Rows[0].Value == nil {
				upsertRowPKs[i] = nil
			} else {
				upsertRowPK, err := sqlbase.ExtractIndexKey(&tu.a, tu.tableDesc, result.Rows[0])
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				upsertRowPKs[i] = upsertRowPK
		} else if len(result.Rows) > 1 {
				"Expected <= 1 but got %d conflicts for row %s", len(result.Rows), tu.insertRows[i]))

	return upsertRowPKs, nil
Exemple #2
// fetchExisting returns any existing rows in the table that conflict with the
// ones in tu.insertRows. The returned slice is the same length as tu.insertRows
// and a nil entry indicates no conflict.
func (tu *tableUpserter) fetchExisting(ctx context.Context) ([]parser.DTuple, error) {
	primaryKeys, err := tu.upsertRowPKs(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pkSpans := make(roachpb.Spans, 0, len(primaryKeys))
	rowIdxForPrimaryKey := make(map[string]int, len(primaryKeys))
	for i, primaryKey := range primaryKeys {
		if primaryKey != nil {
			pkSpans = append(pkSpans, roachpb.Span{Key: primaryKey, EndKey: primaryKey.PrefixEnd()})
			if _, ok := rowIdxForPrimaryKey[string(primaryKey)]; ok {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("UPSERT/ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time")
			rowIdxForPrimaryKey[string(primaryKey)] = i
	if len(pkSpans) == 0 {
		// Every key was empty, so there's nothing to fetch.
		return make([]parser.DTuple, len(primaryKeys)), nil

	// We don't limit batches here because the spans are unordered.
	if err := tu.fetcher.StartScan(tu.txn, pkSpans, false /* no batch limits */, 0); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rows := make([]parser.DTuple, len(primaryKeys))
	for {
		row, err := tu.fetcher.NextRowDecoded()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if row == nil {
			break // Done

		rowPrimaryKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
			tu.tableDesc, &tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, tu.fetchColIDtoRowIndex, row, tu.indexKeyPrefix)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// The rows returned by rowFetcher are invalidated after the call to
		// NextRow, so we have to copy them to save them.
		rowCopy := make(parser.DTuple, len(row))
		copy(rowCopy, row)
		rows[rowIdxForPrimaryKey[string(rowPrimaryKey)]] = rowCopy
	return rows, nil
Exemple #3
// TODO(dt): Batch checks of many rows.
func (f baseFKHelper) check(values parser.DTuple) (parser.DTuple, error) {
	var key roachpb.Key
	if values != nil {
		keyBytes, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
			f.searchTable, f.searchIdx, f.ids, values, f.searchPrefix)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		key = roachpb.Key(keyBytes)
	} else {
		key = roachpb.Key(f.searchPrefix)
	spans := roachpb.Spans{roachpb.Span{Key: key, EndKey: key.PrefixEnd()}}
	if err := f.rf.StartScan(f.txn, spans, true /* limit batches */, 1); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return f.rf.NextRowDecoded()
Exemple #4
// encodeIndexes encodes the primary and secondary index keys. The
// secondaryIndexEntries are only valid until the next call to encodeIndexes or
// encodeSecondaryIndexes.
func (rh *rowHelper) encodeIndexes(
	colIDtoRowIndex map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int, values []parser.Datum,
) (primaryIndexKey []byte, secondaryIndexEntries []sqlbase.IndexEntry, err error) {
	if rh.primaryIndexKeyPrefix == nil {
		rh.primaryIndexKeyPrefix = sqlbase.MakeIndexKeyPrefix(rh.tableDesc,
	primaryIndexKey, _, err = sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
		rh.tableDesc, &rh.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, colIDtoRowIndex, values, rh.primaryIndexKeyPrefix)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	secondaryIndexEntries, err = rh.encodeSecondaryIndexes(colIDtoRowIndex, values)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	return primaryIndexKey, secondaryIndexEntries, nil
Exemple #5
func (tu *tableUpserter) row(ctx context.Context, row parser.DTuple) (parser.DTuple, error) {
	if tu.fastPathBatch != nil {
		primaryKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
			tu.tableDesc, &tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, tu.ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex, row, tu.indexKeyPrefix)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if _, ok := tu.fastPathKeys[string(primaryKey)]; ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("UPSERT/ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time")
		tu.fastPathKeys[string(primaryKey)] = struct{}{}
		err = tu.ri.InsertRow(ctx, tu.fastPathBatch, row, true)
		return nil, err

	tu.insertRows = append(tu.insertRows, row)
	// TODO(dan): If len(tu.insertRows) > some threshold, call flush().
	return nil, nil
Exemple #6
func (n *indexJoinNode) Next() (bool, error) {
	// Loop looking up the next row. We either are going to pull a row from the
	// table or a batch of rows from the index. If we pull a batch of rows from
	// the index we perform another iteration of the loop looking for rows in the
	// table. This outer loop is necessary because a batch of rows from the index
	// might all be filtered when the resulting rows are read from the table.
	for tableLookup := (len(n.table.spans) > 0); true; tableLookup = true {
		// First, try to pull a row from the table.
		if tableLookup {
			next, err := n.table.Next()
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			if next {
				if n.explain == explainDebug {
					n.debugVals = n.table.DebugValues()
				return true, nil

		// The table is out of rows. Pull primary keys from the index.
		n.table.scanInitialized = false
		n.table.spans = n.table.spans[:0]

		for len(n.table.spans) < indexJoinBatchSize {
			if next, err := n.index.Next(); !next {
				// The index is out of rows or an error occurred.
				if err != nil {
					return false, err
				if len(n.table.spans) == 0 {
					// The index is out of rows.
					return false, nil

			if n.explain == explainDebug {
				n.debugVals = n.index.DebugValues()
				if n.debugVals.output != debugValueRow {
					return true, nil

			vals := n.index.Values()
			primaryIndexKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
				&n.table.desc, n.table.index, n.colIDtoRowIndex, vals, n.primaryKeyPrefix)
			if err != nil {
				return false, err
			key := roachpb.Key(primaryIndexKey)
			n.table.spans = append(n.table.spans, roachpb.Span{
				Key:    key,
				EndKey: key.PrefixEnd(),

			if n.explain == explainDebug {
				// In debug mode, return the index information as a "partial" row.
				n.debugVals.output = debugValuePartial
				return true, nil

		if log.V(3) {
			log.Infof(n.index.p.ctx(), "table scan: %s", sqlbase.PrettySpans(n.table.spans, 0))
	return false, nil
Exemple #7
// truncateAndBackfillColumnsChunk returns the next-key, done and an error.
// next-key and done are invalid if error != nil. next-key is invalid if done
// is true.
func (sc *SchemaChanger) truncateAndBackfillColumnsChunk(
	added []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor,
	dropped []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor,
	defaultExprs []parser.TypedExpr,
	sp roachpb.Span,
	updateValues parser.DTuple,
	nonNullViolationColumnName string,
	chunkSize int64,
	mutationIdx int,
	lastCheckpoint *time.Time,
) (roachpb.Key, bool, error) {
	done := false
	var nextKey roachpb.Key
	err := sc.db.Txn(context.TODO(), func(txn *client.Txn) error {
		if sc.testingKnobs.RunBeforeBackfillChunk != nil {
			if err := sc.testingKnobs.RunBeforeBackfillChunk(sp); err != nil {
				return err
		if sc.testingKnobs.RunAfterBackfillChunk != nil {
			defer sc.testingKnobs.RunAfterBackfillChunk()

		tableDesc, err := sqlbase.GetTableDescFromID(txn, sc.tableID)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// Short circuit the backfill if the table has been deleted.
		if done = tableDesc.Dropped(); done {
			return nil

		updateCols := append(added, dropped...)
		fkTables := tablesNeededForFKs(*tableDesc, CheckUpdates)
		for k := range fkTables {
			table, err := sqlbase.GetTableDescFromID(txn, k)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			fkTables[k] = tableLookup{table: table}
		// TODO(dan): Tighten up the bound on the requestedCols parameter to
		// makeRowUpdater.
		requestedCols := make([]sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor, 0, len(tableDesc.Columns)+len(added))
		requestedCols = append(requestedCols, tableDesc.Columns...)
		requestedCols = append(requestedCols, added...)
		ru, err := makeRowUpdater(
			txn, tableDesc, fkTables, updateCols, requestedCols, rowUpdaterOnlyColumns,
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// TODO(dan): This check is an unfortunate bleeding of the internals of
		// rowUpdater. Extract the sql row to k/v mapping logic out into something
		// usable here.
		if !ru.isColumnOnlyUpdate() {
			panic("only column data should be modified, but the rowUpdater is configured otherwise")

		// Run a scan across the table using the primary key. Running
		// the scan and applying the changes in many transactions is
		// fine because the schema change is in the correct state to
		// handle intermediate OLTP commands which delete and add
		// values during the scan.
		var rf sqlbase.RowFetcher
		colIDtoRowIndex := colIDtoRowIndexFromCols(tableDesc.Columns)
		valNeededForCol := make([]bool, len(tableDesc.Columns))
		for i := range valNeededForCol {
			_, valNeededForCol[i] = ru.fetchColIDtoRowIndex[tableDesc.Columns[i].ID]
		if err := rf.Init(
			tableDesc, colIDtoRowIndex, &tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, false, false,
			tableDesc.Columns, valNeededForCol,
		); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := rf.StartScan(
			txn, roachpb.Spans{sp}, true /* limit batches */, chunkSize,
		); err != nil {
			return err

		oldValues := make(parser.DTuple, len(ru.fetchCols))
		writeBatch := txn.NewBatch()
		rowLength := 0
		var lastRowSeen parser.DTuple
		i := int64(0)
		for ; i < chunkSize; i++ {
			row, err := rf.NextRow()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if row == nil {
			lastRowSeen = row
			if nonNullViolationColumnName != "" {
				return sqlbase.NewNonNullViolationError(nonNullViolationColumnName)

			copy(oldValues, row)
			// Update oldValues with NULL values where values weren't found;
			// only update when necessary.
			if rowLength != len(row) {
				rowLength = len(row)
				for j := rowLength; j < len(oldValues); j++ {
					oldValues[j] = parser.DNull
			if _, err := ru.updateRow(txn.Context, writeBatch, oldValues, updateValues); err != nil {
				return err
		if err := txn.Run(writeBatch); err != nil {
			return convertBackfillError(tableDesc, writeBatch)
		if done = i < chunkSize; done {
			return nil
		curIndexKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
			tableDesc, &tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, colIDtoRowIndex, lastRowSeen,
			sqlbase.MakeIndexKeyPrefix(tableDesc, tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ID))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		resume := roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key(curIndexKey).PrefixEnd(), EndKey: sp.EndKey}
		if err := sc.maybeWriteResumeSpan(txn, tableDesc, resume, mutationIdx, lastCheckpoint); err != nil {
			return err
		nextKey = resume.Key
		return nil
	return nextKey, done, err