Exemple #1
// restoreTable inserts the given DatabaseDescriptor. If the name conflicts with
// an existing table, the one being restored is rekeyed with a new ID and the
// old data is deleted.
func restoreTable(
	ctx context.Context,
	db client.DB,
	database sqlbase.DatabaseDescriptor,
	table *sqlbase.TableDescriptor,
	ranges []sqlbase.BackupRangeDescriptor,
) error {
	if log.V(1) {
		log.Infof(ctx, "Restoring Table %q", table.Name)

	var newTableID sqlbase.ID
	if err := db.Txn(ctx, func(txn *client.Txn) error {
		// Make sure there's a database with a name that matches the original.
		if _, err := getDescriptorID(txn, tableKey{name: database.Name}); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrapf(err, "a database named %q needs to exist to restore table %q",
				database.Name, table.Name)

		// Assign a new ID for the table. TODO(dan): For now, we're always
		// generating a new ID, but varints get longer as they get bigger and so
		// our keys will, too. We should someday figure out how to overwrite an
		// existing table and steal its ID.
		var err error
		newTableID, err = GenerateUniqueDescID(txn)
		return err
	}); err != nil {
		return err

	// Create the iteration keys before we give the table its new ID.
	tableStartKeyOld := roachpb.Key(sqlbase.MakeIndexKeyPrefix(table, table.PrimaryIndex.ID))
	tableEndKeyOld := tableStartKeyOld.PrefixEnd()

	// This loop makes restoring multiple tables O(N*M), where N is the number
	// of tables and M is the number of ranges. We could reduce this using an
	// interval tree if necessary.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	result := struct {
		firstErr error
		numErrs  int
	for _, rangeDesc := range ranges {
		if len(rangeDesc.Path) == 0 {
			// Empty path means empty range.

		intersectBegin, intersectEnd := IntersectHalfOpen(
			rangeDesc.StartKey, rangeDesc.EndKey, tableStartKeyOld, tableEndKeyOld)
		if intersectBegin != nil && intersectEnd != nil {
			// Write the data under the new ID.
			// TODO(dan): There's no SQL descriptors that point at this yet, so it
			// should be possible to remove it from the one txn this is all currently
			// run under. If we do that, make sure this data gets cleaned up on errors.
			go func(desc sqlbase.BackupRangeDescriptor) {
				for r := retry.StartWithCtx(ctx, base.DefaultRetryOptions()); r.Next(); {
					err := db.Txn(ctx, func(txn *client.Txn) error {
						return Ingest(ctx, txn, desc.Path, desc.CRC, intersectBegin, intersectEnd, newTableID)
					if _, ok := err.(*client.AutoCommitError); ok {
						log.Errorf(ctx, "auto commit error during ingest: %s", err)
						// TODO(dan): Ingest currently does not rely on the
						// range being empty, but the plan is that it will. When
						// that change happens, this will have to delete any
						// partially ingested data or something.

					if err != nil {
						log.Errorf(ctx, "%T %s", err, err)
						defer result.Unlock()
						if result.firstErr != nil {
							result.firstErr = err
	// All concurrent accesses have finished, we don't need the lock anymore.
	if result.firstErr != nil {
		// This leaves the data that did get imported in case the user wants to
		// retry.
		// TODO(dan): Build tooling to allow a user to restart a failed restore.
		return errors.Wrapf(result.firstErr, "ingest encountered %d errors", result.numErrs)

	table.ID = newTableID
	return db.Txn(ctx, func(txn *client.Txn) error {
		// Pass the descriptors by value to keep this idempotent.
		return restoreTableDesc(ctx, txn, database, *table)