// TestTxnCoordSenderErrorWithIntent validates that if a transactional request
// returns an error but also indicates a Writing transaction, the coordinator
// tracks it just like a successful request.
func TestTxnCoordSenderErrorWithIntent(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()
	manual := hlc.NewManualClock(0)
	clock := hlc.NewClock(manual.UnixNano)

	testCases := []struct {
		errMsg string
		{*roachpb.NewError(roachpb.NewTransactionRetryError()), "retry txn"},
			TxnMeta: enginepb.TxnMeta{
				ID: uuid.NewV4(),
			}})), "failed to push"},
		{*roachpb.NewErrorf("testError"), "testError"},
	for i, test := range testCases {
		func() {
			senderFunc := func(_ context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
				txn := ba.Txn.Clone()
				txn.Writing = true
				pErr := &roachpb.Error{}
				*pErr = test.Error
				return nil, pErr
			ambient := log.AmbientContext{Tracer: tracing.NewTracer()}
			ts := NewTxnCoordSender(

			var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
			key := roachpb.Key("test")
			ba.Add(&roachpb.BeginTransactionRequest{Span: roachpb.Span{Key: key}})
			ba.Add(&roachpb.PutRequest{Span: roachpb.Span{Key: key}})
			ba.Txn = &roachpb.Transaction{Name: "test"}
			_, pErr := ts.Send(context.Background(), ba)
			if !testutils.IsPError(pErr, test.errMsg) {
				t.Errorf("%d: error did not match %s: %v", i, test.errMsg, pErr)

			defer teardownHeartbeats(ts)
			defer ts.Unlock()
			if len(ts.txns) != 1 {
				t.Errorf("%d: expected transaction to be tracked", i)
// TestStoreRangeMergeLastRange verifies that merging the last range
// fails.
func TestStoreRangeMergeLastRange(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	storeCfg := storage.TestStoreConfig(nil)
	storeCfg.TestingKnobs.DisableSplitQueue = true
	store, stopper := createTestStoreWithConfig(t, storeCfg)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	// Merge last range.
	args := adminMergeArgs(roachpb.KeyMin)
	if _, pErr := client.SendWrapped(context.Background(), rg1(store), &args); !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "cannot merge final range") {
		t.Fatalf("expected 'cannot merge final range' error; got %s", pErr)
// TestPushTransactionsWithNonPendingIntent verifies that maybePushTransactions
// returns an error when a non-pending intent is passed.
func TestPushTransactionsWithNonPendingIntent(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	tc := testContext{}
	defer tc.Stop()

	intents := []roachpb.Intent{{Span: roachpb.Span{Key: roachpb.Key("a")}, Status: roachpb.ABORTED}}
	if _, pErr := tc.store.intentResolver.maybePushTransactions(
		context.Background(), intents, roachpb.Header{}, roachpb.PUSH_TOUCH, true); !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "unexpected aborted/resolved intent") {
		t.Errorf("expected error on aborted/resolved intent, but got %s", pErr)
// TestRejectFutureCommand verifies that lease holders reject commands that
// would cause a large time jump.
func TestRejectFutureCommand(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	manual := hlc.NewManualClock(123)
	clock := hlc.NewClock(manual.UnixNano, 100*time.Millisecond)
	mtc := &multiTestContext{clock: clock}
	mtc.Start(t, 1)
	defer mtc.Stop()

	ts1 := clock.Now()

	key := roachpb.Key("a")
	incArgs := incrementArgs(key, 5)

	// Commands with a future timestamp that is within the MaxOffset
	// bound will be accepted and will cause the clock to advance.
	const numCmds = 3
	clockOffset := clock.MaxOffset() / numCmds
	for i := int64(1); i <= numCmds; i++ {
		ts := ts1.Add(i*clockOffset.Nanoseconds(), 0)
		if _, err := client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), rg1(mtc.stores[0]), roachpb.Header{Timestamp: ts}, &incArgs); err != nil {

	ts2 := clock.Now()
	if expAdvance, advance := ts2.GoTime().Sub(ts1.GoTime()), numCmds*clockOffset; advance != expAdvance {
		t.Fatalf("expected clock to advance %s; got %s", expAdvance, advance)

	// Once the accumulated offset reaches MaxOffset, commands will be rejected.
	_, pErr := client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), rg1(mtc.stores[0]), roachpb.Header{Timestamp: ts1.Add(clock.MaxOffset().Nanoseconds()+1, 0)}, &incArgs)
	if !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "rejecting command with timestamp in the future") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", pErr)

	// The clock did not advance and the final command was not executed.
	ts3 := clock.Now()
	if advance := ts3.GoTime().Sub(ts2.GoTime()); advance != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("expected clock not to advance, but it advanced by %s", advance)
	val, _, err := engine.MVCCGet(context.Background(), mtc.engines[0], key, ts3, true, nil)
	if err != nil {
	if a, e := mustGetInt(val), incArgs.Increment*numCmds; a != e {
		t.Errorf("expected %d, got %d", e, a)
Exemple #5
// TestStoreRangeMergeNonCollocated attempts to merge two ranges
// that are not on the same stores.
func TestStoreRangeMergeNonCollocated(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	mtc := startMultiTestContext(t, 4)
	defer mtc.Stop()

	store := mtc.stores[0]

	// Split into 3 ranges
	argsSplit := adminSplitArgs(roachpb.KeyMin, []byte("d"))
	if _, pErr := client.SendWrapped(context.Background(), rg1(store), &argsSplit); pErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't split range %s", pErr)
	argsSplit = adminSplitArgs(roachpb.KeyMin, []byte("b"))
	if _, pErr := client.SendWrapped(context.Background(), rg1(store), &argsSplit); pErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't split range %s", pErr)

	rangeA := store.LookupReplica([]byte("a"), nil)
	rangeADesc := rangeA.Desc()
	rangeB := store.LookupReplica([]byte("c"), nil)
	rangeBDesc := rangeB.Desc()
	rangeC := store.LookupReplica([]byte("e"), nil)
	rangeCDesc := rangeC.Desc()

	if bytes.Equal(rangeADesc.StartKey, rangeBDesc.StartKey) {
		log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "split ranges keys are equal %q!=%q", rangeADesc.StartKey, rangeBDesc.StartKey)
	if bytes.Equal(rangeBDesc.StartKey, rangeCDesc.StartKey) {
		log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "split ranges keys are equal %q!=%q", rangeBDesc.StartKey, rangeCDesc.StartKey)
	if bytes.Equal(rangeADesc.StartKey, rangeCDesc.StartKey) {
		log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "split ranges keys are equal %q!=%q", rangeADesc.StartKey, rangeCDesc.StartKey)

	// Replicate the ranges to different sets of stores. Ranges A and C
	// are collocated, but B is different.
	mtc.replicateRange(rangeA.RangeID, 1, 2)
	mtc.replicateRange(rangeB.RangeID, 1, 3)
	mtc.replicateRange(rangeC.RangeID, 1, 2)

	// Attempt to merge.
	rangeADesc = rangeA.Desc()
	argsMerge := adminMergeArgs(roachpb.Key(rangeADesc.StartKey))
	if _, pErr := rangeA.AdminMerge(context.Background(), argsMerge, rangeADesc); !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "ranges not collocated") {
		t.Fatalf("did not got expected error; got %s", pErr)
// Test that an error encountered by a read-only "NonKV" command is not
// swallowed, and doesn't otherwise cause a panic.
// We had a bug cause by the fact that errors for these commands aren't passed
// through the epilogue returned by replica.beginCommands() and were getting
// swallowed.
func TestErrorHandlingForNonKVCommand(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	cmdFilter := func(fArgs storagebase.FilterArgs) *roachpb.Error {
		if fArgs.Hdr.UserPriority == 42 {
			return roachpb.NewErrorf("injected error")
		return nil
	srv, _, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t,
			Knobs: base.TestingKnobs{
				Store: &storage.StoreTestingKnobs{
					TestingCommandFilter: cmdFilter,
	s := srv.(*server.TestServer)
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()

	// Send the lease request.
	key := roachpb.Key("a")
	leaseReq := roachpb.LeaseInfoRequest{
		Span: roachpb.Span{
			Key: key,
	_, pErr := client.SendWrappedWith(
		roachpb.Header{UserPriority: 42},
	if !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "injected error") {
		t.Fatalf("expected error %q, got: %s", "injected error", pErr)
// TestRequestToUninitializedRange tests the behavior when a request
// is sent to a node which should be a replica of the correct range
// but has not yet received its initial snapshot. This would
// previously panic due to a malformed error response from the server,
// as seen in https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/6027.
// Prior to the other changes in the commit that introduced it, this
// test would reliable trigger the panic from #6027. However, it
// relies on some hacky tricks to both trigger the panic and shut down
// cleanly. If this test needs a lot of maintenance in the future we
// should be willing to get rid of it.
func TestRequestToUninitializedRange(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	srv, _, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{
		StoreSpecs: []base.StoreSpec{
	defer srv.Stopper().Stop()
	s := srv.(*server.TestServer)

	// Choose a range ID that is much larger than any that would be
	// created by initial splits.
	const rangeID = roachpb.RangeID(1000)

	// Set up a range with replicas on two stores of the same node. This
	// ensures that the DistSender will consider both replicas healthy
	// and will try to talk to both (so we can get a non-retryable error
	// from the second store).
	replica1 := roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
		NodeID:    1,
		StoreID:   1,
		ReplicaID: 1,
	replica2 := roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
		NodeID:    1,
		StoreID:   2,
		ReplicaID: 2,

	// HACK: remove the second store from the node to generate a
	// non-retryable error when we try to talk to it.
	store2, err := s.Stores().GetStore(2)
	if err != nil {

	// Create the uninitialized range by sending an isolated raft
	// message to the first store.
	conn, err := s.RPCContext().GRPCDial(s.ServingAddr())
	if err != nil {
	raftClient := storage.NewMultiRaftClient(conn)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()
	stream, err := raftClient.RaftMessageBatch(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	msg := storage.RaftMessageRequestBatch{
		Requests: []storage.RaftMessageRequest{
				RangeID:     rangeID,
				ToReplica:   replica1,
				FromReplica: replica2,
				Message: raftpb.Message{
					Type: raftpb.MsgApp,
					To:   1,
	if err := stream.Send(&msg); err != nil {

	// Make sure the replica was created.
	store1, err := s.Stores().GetStore(1)
	if err != nil {
	util.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		if replica, err := store1.GetReplica(rangeID); err != nil {
			return errors.Errorf("failed to look up replica: %s", err)
		} else if replica.IsInitialized() {
			return errors.Errorf("expected replica to be uninitialized")
		return nil

	// Create our own DistSender so we can force some requests to the
	// bogus range. The DistSender needs to be in scope for its own
	// MockRangeDescriptorDB closure.
	var sender *kv.DistSender
	sender = kv.NewDistSender(kv.DistSenderConfig{
		Clock:      s.Clock(),
		RPCContext: s.RPCContext(),
		RangeDescriptorDB: kv.MockRangeDescriptorDB(
			func(key roachpb.RKey, useReverseScan bool,
			) ([]roachpb.RangeDescriptor, []roachpb.RangeDescriptor, *roachpb.Error) {
				if key.Equal(roachpb.RKeyMin) {
					// Pass through requests for the first range to the real sender.
					desc, err := sender.FirstRange()
					if err != nil {
						return nil, nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
					return []roachpb.RangeDescriptor{*desc}, nil, nil
				return []roachpb.RangeDescriptor{{
					RangeID:  rangeID,
					StartKey: roachpb.RKey(keys.Meta2Prefix),
					EndKey:   roachpb.RKeyMax,
					Replicas: []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{replica1, replica2},
				}}, nil, nil
	}, s.Gossip())
	// Only inconsistent reads triggered the panic in #6027.
	hdr := roachpb.Header{
		ReadConsistency: roachpb.INCONSISTENT,
	req := roachpb.NewGet(roachpb.Key("asdf"))
	// Repeat the test a few times: due to the randomization between the
	// two replicas, each attempt only had a 50% chance of triggering
	// the panic.
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		_, pErr := client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), sender, hdr, req)
		// Each attempt fails with "store 2 not found" because that is the
		// non-retryable error.
		if !testutils.IsPError(pErr, "store 2 not found") {