// TestKVClientPrepareAndFlush prepares a sequence of increment
// calls and then flushes them and verifies the results.
func TestKVClientPrepareAndFlush(t *testing.T) {
	s := StartTestServer(t)
	defer s.Stop()
	kvClient := createTestClient(s.HTTPAddr)
	kvClient.User = storage.UserRoot

	replies := []*proto.IncrementResponse{}
	keys := []proto.Key{}
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		key := proto.Key(fmt.Sprintf("key %02d", i))
		keys = append(keys, key)
		reply := &proto.IncrementResponse{}
		replies = append(replies, reply)
		kvClient.Prepare(proto.Increment, proto.IncrementArgs(key, int64(i)), reply)

	if err := kvClient.Flush(); err != nil {

	for i, reply := range replies {
		if reply.NewValue != int64(i) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected %d; got %d", i, i, reply.NewValue)

	// Now try 2 scans.
	scan1 := &proto.ScanResponse{}
	scan2 := &proto.ScanResponse{}
	kvClient.Prepare(proto.Scan, proto.ScanArgs(proto.Key("key 00"), proto.Key("key 05"), 0), scan1)
	kvClient.Prepare(proto.Scan, proto.ScanArgs(proto.Key("key 05"), proto.Key("key 10"), 0), scan2)

	if err := kvClient.Flush(); err != nil {

	if len(scan1.Rows) != 5 || len(scan2.Rows) != 5 {
		t.Errorf("expected scan results to include 5 and 5 rows; got %d and %d",
			len(scan1.Rows), len(scan2.Rows))
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		if key := scan1.Rows[i].Key; !key.Equal(keys[i]) {
			t.Errorf("expected scan1 key %d to be %q; got %q", i, keys[i], key)
		if val := scan1.Rows[i].Value.GetInteger(); val != int64(i) {
			t.Errorf("expected scan1 result %d to be %d; got %d", i, i, val)

		if key := scan2.Rows[i].Key; !key.Equal(keys[i+5]) {
			t.Errorf("expected scan2 key %d to be %q; got %q", i, keys[i+5], key)
		if val := scan2.Rows[i].Value.GetInteger(); val != int64(i+5) {
			t.Errorf("expected scan2 result %d to be %d; got %d", i, i+5, val)
// concurrentIncrements starts two Goroutines in parallel, both of which
// read the integers stored at the other's key and add it onto their own.
// It is checked that the outcome is serializable, i.e. exactly one of the
// two Goroutines (the later write) sees the previous write by the other.
func concurrentIncrements(kvClient *client.KV, t *testing.T) {
	// wgStart waits for all transactions to line up, wgEnd has the main
	// function wait for them to finish.
	var wgStart, wgEnd sync.WaitGroup
	wgStart.Add(2 + 1)

	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		go func(i int) {
			// Read the other key, write key i.
			readKey := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("value-%d", (i+1)%2))
			writeKey := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("value-%d", i))
			defer wgEnd.Done()
			// Wait until the other goroutines are running.

			txnOpts := &client.TransactionOptions{
				Name: fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", i),
			if err := kvClient.RunTransaction(txnOpts, func(txn *client.KV) error {
				// Retrieve the other key.
				gr := &proto.GetResponse{}
				if err := txn.Call(proto.Get, proto.GetArgs(readKey), gr); err != nil {
					return err

				otherValue := int64(0)
				if gr.Value != nil && gr.Value.Integer != nil {
					otherValue = *gr.Value.Integer

				pr := &proto.IncrementResponse{}
				pa := proto.IncrementArgs(writeKey, 1+otherValue)
				if err := txn.Call(proto.Increment, pa, pr); err != nil {
					return err

				return nil
			}); err != nil {

	// Kick the goroutines loose.
	// Wait for the goroutines to finish.
	// Verify that both keys contain something and, more importantly, that
	// one key actually contains the value of the first writer and not only
	// its own.
	total := int64(0)
	results := []int64(nil)
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		readKey := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("value-%d", i))
		gr := &proto.GetResponse{}
		if err := kvClient.Call(proto.Get, proto.GetArgs(readKey), gr); err != nil {
		if gr.Value == nil || gr.Value.Integer == nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected empty key: %v=%v", readKey, gr.Value)
		total += *gr.Value.Integer
		results = append(results, *gr.Value.Integer)

	// First writer should have 1, second one 2
	if total != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("got unserializable values %v", results)
