// TestTxnCoordSenderTxnUpdatedOnError verifies that errors adjust the
// response transaction's timestamp and priority as appropriate.
func TestTxnCoordSenderTxnUpdatedOnError(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	t.Skip("TODO(tschottdorf): fix up and re-enable. It depends on each logical clock tick, so not fun.")
	manual := hlc.NewManualClock(0)
	clock := hlc.NewClock(manual.UnixNano)

	testCases := []struct {
		err       error
		expEpoch  int32
		expPri    int32
		expTS     proto.Timestamp
		expOrigTS proto.Timestamp
		nodeSeen  bool
		{nil, 0, 1, makeTS(0, 1), makeTS(0, 1), false},
			ExistingTimestamp: makeTS(10, 10)}, 1, 1, makeTS(10, 11),
			makeTS(10, 11), true},
		{&proto.TransactionAbortedError{Txn: proto.Transaction{
			Timestamp: makeTS(20, 10), Priority: 10}}, 0, 10, makeTS(20, 10),
			makeTS(0, 1), false},
		{&proto.TransactionPushError{PusheeTxn: proto.Transaction{
			Timestamp: makeTS(10, 10), Priority: int32(10)}}, 1, 9,
			makeTS(10, 11), makeTS(10, 11), false},
		{&proto.TransactionRetryError{Txn: proto.Transaction{
			Timestamp: makeTS(10, 10), Priority: int32(10)}}, 1, 10,
			makeTS(10, 10), makeTS(10, 10), false},

	var testPutReq = &proto.PutRequest{
		RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
			Key:          proto.Key("test-key"),
			UserPriority: gogoproto.Int32(-1),
			Txn: &proto.Transaction{
				Name: "test txn",
			Replica: proto.Replica{
				NodeID: 12345,

	for i, test := range testCases {
		stopper := stop.NewStopper()
		ts := NewTxnCoordSender(senderFn(func(_ context.Context, _ proto.BatchRequest) (*proto.BatchResponse, *proto.Error) {
			return nil, proto.NewError(test.err)
		}), clock, false, nil, stopper)
		var reply *proto.PutResponse
		if r, err := batchutil.SendWrapped(ts, gogoproto.Clone(testPutReq).(proto.Request)); err != nil {
		} else {
			reply = r.(*proto.PutResponse)

		if reflect.TypeOf(test.err) != reflect.TypeOf(reply.GoError()) {
			t.Fatalf("%d: expected %T; got %T: %v", i, test.err, reply.GoError(), reply.GoError())
		if reply.Txn.Epoch != test.expEpoch {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected epoch = %d; got %d",
				i, test.expEpoch, reply.Txn.Epoch)
		if reply.Txn.Priority != test.expPri {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected priority = %d; got %d",
				i, test.expPri, reply.Txn.Priority)
		if !reply.Txn.Timestamp.Equal(test.expTS) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected timestamp to be %s; got %s",
				i, test.expTS, reply.Txn.Timestamp)
		if !reply.Txn.OrigTimestamp.Equal(test.expOrigTS) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected orig timestamp to be %s + 1; got %s",
				i, test.expOrigTS, reply.Txn.OrigTimestamp)
		if nodes := reply.Txn.CertainNodes.Nodes; (len(nodes) != 0) != test.nodeSeen {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected nodeSeen=%t, but list of hosts is %v",
				i, test.nodeSeen, nodes)
Exemple #2
// verifyUncertainty writes values to a key in 5ns intervals and then launches
// a transaction at each value's timestamp reading that value with
// the maximumOffset given, verifying in the process that the correct values
// are read (usually after one transaction restart).
func verifyUncertainty(concurrency int, maxOffset time.Duration, t *testing.T) {
	db, _, clock, _, lSender, transport, err := createTestDB()
	if err != nil {
	defer transport.Close()

	txnOpts := &client.TransactionOptions{
		Name: "test",

	key := []byte("key-test")
	// wgStart waits for all transactions to line up, wgEnd has the main
	// function wait for them to finish.
	var wgStart, wgEnd sync.WaitGroup
	wgStart.Add(concurrency + 1)

	// Initial high offset to allow for future writes.
	clock.SetMaxOffset(999 * time.Nanosecond)
	for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
		value := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("value-%d", i))
		// Values will be written with 5ns spacing.
		futureTS := clock.Now().Add(5, 0)
		// Expected number of versions skipped.
		skipCount := int(maxOffset) / 5
		if i+skipCount >= concurrency {
			skipCount = concurrency - i - 1
		readValue := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("value-%d", i+skipCount))
		pr := proto.PutResponse{}
		db.Call(proto.Put, &proto.PutRequest{
			RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
				Key: key,
			Value: proto.Value{Bytes: value},
		}, &pr)
		if err := pr.GoError(); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d: got write error: %v", i, err)
		gr := proto.GetResponse{}
		db.Call(proto.Get, &proto.GetRequest{
			RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
				Key:       key,
				Timestamp: clock.Now(),
		}, &gr)
		if gr.GoError() != nil || gr.Value == nil || !bytes.Equal(gr.Value.Bytes, value) {
			t.Fatalf("%d: expected success reading value %+v: %v", i, gr.Value, gr.GoError())

		go func(i int) {
			defer wgEnd.Done()
			// Wait until the other goroutines are running.

			txnManual := hlc.NewManualClock(futureTS.WallTime)
			txnClock := hlc.NewClock(txnManual.UnixNano)
			// Make sure to incorporate the logical component if the wall time
			// hasn't changed (i=0). The logical component will change
			// internally in a way we can't track, but we want to be just
			// ahead.
			txnClock.Update(futureTS.Add(0, 999))
			// The written values are spaced out in intervals of 5ns, so
			// setting <5ns here should make do without any restarts while
			// higher values require roughly offset/5 restarts.

			sender := NewTxnCoordSender(lSender, txnClock, false)
			txnDB := client.NewKV(sender, nil)
			txnDB.User = storage.UserRoot

			if err := txnDB.RunTransaction(txnOpts, func(txn *client.KV) error {
				// Read within the transaction.
				gr := proto.GetResponse{}
				txn.Call(proto.Get, &proto.GetRequest{
					RequestHeader: proto.RequestHeader{
						Key:       key,
						Timestamp: futureTS,
				}, &gr)
				if err := gr.GoError(); err != nil {
					if _, ok := gr.GoError().(*proto.ReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalError); ok {
						return err
					return util.Errorf("unexpected read error of type %s: %v", reflect.TypeOf(err), err)
				if gr.Value == nil || gr.Value.Bytes == nil {
					return util.Errorf("no value read")
				if !bytes.Equal(gr.Value.Bytes, readValue) {
					return util.Errorf("%d: read wrong value %q at %v, wanted %q", i, gr.Value.Bytes, futureTS, readValue)
				return nil
			}); err != nil {
	// Kick the goroutines loose.
	// Wait for the goroutines to finish.